IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Finally my girl is sleeping.

Pink, my mum is 64 but not in good health and dad will be helping me out when I return to work. They are trying to help me save $$, shall see how it goes.

Gan, you can do it. You manage to fully bf you girl.

Talking about facial, I must go soon to relax.
my in laws are robust and healthy...but u know being in-laws, its difficult. There are certain things I do not agree with yet I cant speak out freely...
I tend to take NPL for a while to take care of my son...but in-laws feel its not necessary... but I dun care...it's my choice, my decision.

I just hope they wont need to take care of him long...coz I want to send him to school to socialize and interact too...
Pink, Yap, no matter we have to give them some face if we are rude to them our hub can do the same to our parents.
I will Send my girl to childcare at 18mth, like you said to socialize etc if not at home only watch tv. That what happen when my in-law and hub aunt was staying with us.

Gan, how you pump and carry you girl at the same time?
Blissful 1 hand like cradle hold and the other hand hold the pump. I dun massage my breast when I pump. Actually I m lazy I dun pump till my breast empty when I had good supply. Now supply dropped so much, pumped till empty only just nice for 1 feed. Have to supplement with fm for some feeds le.
Gan, Blissful,
i used to feed my girl and pump at the same time. i let her lie in my lap, her head on one arm and the same hand holding the milk bottle. the other hand hold the pump.

pink d,
another ex singapore girl ah...u and singapoh all pretty mummies
gan, my supply also drop these few days.. tink coz i m not well.. but still enuff for 2 feeds coz my younger boy intake also drop...

my 6hrly pumping also haywire coz feel more tired ...

just faith, i suddenly remember u were asking about the avent teat sizes..hehe..pai seh...
we just changed to the 3 mths size yesterday...

pink d, i m sure ur bb boy will be as beautiful as u are! ur mil has eye sight problems lah... i m so looking forward to meeting ur little one! hey.. hv a gift for him.. but din manage to pass to u ... hopefully when u pop, i can find time to go Mount A and visit....
Hi mummies w kkh... Need advice on the supplements...

When do we start the calcium, multivits & oil? Was told 2nd tri but it's fm wk 12, 13 or 14?

Am 13 wks now... Dunno is it 2nd tri already...

And was told to take one of the supplement 1 hr after the other 2... But forgot which one cos collected the sup morethan mth ago...
Pink D ex SQ girl, her mil eyesight really sala leh.

Pandawife and rest of mummies, did you buy any insurance policy for your babies to save for their education? Which co and policy u go to?
I just spoke to a prudential agent, he recommended Prusave or prulink. Not sure which should i sign up.

So sleepy, been up since 4am this morning. Send my parents to changi and bring my gal to T3 walk walk but she slept through the whole trip! ha ha
I hvt chg the teats leh.. Still using 1+ mth.. Cos my girls finish milk in abt 10mins.. That time when i change milk flow out on the sides.. So i dont knw whether i should change leh...

Btw i brought my girls to take 5in1, pneumoccol and rotavirus yday... Spent $900plus!!! In cash!! Cos hvt put $$ into cda acc yet.. No time ah...
Inject in the morning.. Evening both fever liao.. Sigh...
My big girl this morning temp at 38.3! Her head v warm..
Blissful: ya rships are very fragile so gotta tread very carefully...

Panda: Thanks for the gift in advance... and your compliments...aiyo think my MIL is the one making me so nervous about how my baby looks... but seriously, who cares... it's my child and whoever he resembles, i love him all the same!

happybb: i have started calcium. fish oil and obimin since preggy...think you shd ask your gynae for these as well as they are impt in the dev of your baby

Gan: Im still exploring btw AIA and Prudential...when is the best time to buy...6months onwards or? Coz premiums for infants are very cheap...wanna buy as early as possible :p
My elder girl's education policy is with AIA, pay for 15 yrs, lump sum payout in 18 yrs.
My younger girl's is with manulife, pay for 18yrs. Payout on 18th, 19th and 20th yr.
Pink d,
Err we pay per annum. The education one is abt $5k+ per annum, health is abt $100+
actually as long as u start anytime within the first yr the premiums will be the same cos the premiums increase yearly.
Happybb, I m on fish oil n multivits, no calcium though. Start on these supplements only when Yr ms subsides. I start in week 14/15. I took d multivits n fish oil tog with my support pills.

Syrah, suggest u hold on to your bu cos if Bb grow too big, v difficult to hold on to full term. Bt Yr twins really hv good weight at 25 weeks.

Jj, u still ard? U hv not pop yet right?
Pink d m Grumpus have also bot the health insurance for baby but not the education one. Still exploring. I heard manualife is the only one AA credited. Grumpus this is a endownment plan? Will check with manulife agent.

Pink d the edu one is more like force savings, at least assured there is some money for the baby on future when they go uni.

Mummies or mtbs Robinson is absorbing 7% gst on nursery stuff. Got 20% off NUK, pigeon, Avent etc. Can go shop shop. Just spend $300 plus there buying stuff for my gal. Buying baby stuff can be addictive! I bot a Avent food blender too... Ha ha so early dun think can start solids till 6 mths right??
Pink d abt Bb looks I think natural the ils want the baby look like their son. My fil just commented my gal is looking more n more like my hubby .=s when most said she looks more like me. But it doesn't matter lah, as long my gal happy n healthy dun care who she looks like
tkx, pink-d & rostrum...

pink-d, my gynae said no need any supp during 1st tri... only folic acid & duphaston... advised not to take milk powder for mtb also... as will cause weight gain...

rostrum, u r with dr sf loh rite? why not prescribed calcium?
Happybb, I'm with dr sf Loh.. Dunno lei.. He din prescribe me calcium pills till now.. I mention to him in my last Appt tt I m not tking any milk, only Yoplait yoghurt daily n he says tt is good enuff.

He told u not to tk any milk powder? I tink those low fat high cal milk Shd b good enuff cos milk powders is really v fattening n high in sugar content.
Yes the manulife one is an endowment plan marketed to be use for education. Tats y the payout is over 3 yrs. Logic is u dun need the entire lump sum in the 1st yr of uni. So the remainder funds can continue to earn bonuses over the next 2yrs.
Gan: Will def look into all these... last time in our times, our parents weren't that wise...at least for mine...so education was a huge $$ for them and for me... :/
do you believe in warmer? i saw an Avent warmer that can defrost and then warm up milk.. $126 at Kiddy Palace but heard mixed reviews that its not nec as warm water can do the job...dunno if shd buy or not...
My MIL always hinted that Im not as fair as hubby...and my hair is very fine whereas hubby has thick hair... so she would make her wish list that baby must be "fair like daddy, has thick hair and no jaundice coz my two kids all born with no jaundice one"...
she even suggested I should go and apply whitening prdts!

Anyway, whatever la... I am not jealous of my hubby, just very sick of her incessant self-praise...

Rostrum: I think i started my calcium and fish oil after 20th week, when i was transferred to Dr Paul...before that was Obimin and the support medicines CARE gave...
i did not drink milk powder...only Meiji low fat...
subsequently, i drank Similac milk for mommies coz I wanna my baby to gain weight and guess what? He grew from 2.7kg to 3.1kg in one week and i gained 1.5kg as well.. wow the power of milk powder! :p
I started Obimin, fish oil, and Calcium starting 13th wk. As Obimin contains high iron so not to take together with Calcium.

My gynae prescribed "Calcit" Calcium starting 13th wk. Can get from kk pharmacy no need prescription.
I have the avent warmer... Its not useful at all... When i bf.. I use it to warm up my bm.. It take super long time.. And somemore need to pour a certain vol of water into the warmer... I dip the bm bottle into a cup of hot water is much faster and easier...
I tried to post my answers yday but kept getting error message.

My doc said the same thing as yours. The main issue is nausea can worsen with the fish oil so he said as long as not nauseous can start it. So I started taking obimin & fish oil ard late 11 week since I wasn't drinking milk or eating fish then.

Recently I asked dr Loh for calcium prescription cos of the leg cramps n he prescribed me Caltrate.

Take the fish oil & calcium in the morning then 2hrs later take obimin according to the pharmacists.

I'm not taking any bu at all leh. No chicken soup or essence. Only bird's nest abt once a week/fortnight cos MIL will cook that. Also not drinking formula. Only magnolia low fat, high cal milk now. Could it be babies were absorbing from my reserves? I drank a lot of Ensure & chicken essence during prep for IVF hoping to gain weight but didn't leh. Perhaps all these went into storage somewhere in me :p
Pink d, i am using the pigeon warmer. i find it useful for me coz warm up the ebm and also can maintain at the temperature if say my gal fuss and doesn't drink. the warmer came as a bundle together with the steriliser, so i didn't buy it specially.

Baby, i am bringing my gal for 5 in 1 injection tomorrow. now abit worried she will develope fever after the injection. the 5in1, pneumoccol and rotavirus is in 1 injection or 3 different injection? How is your gals now? ok already?

Grumpus, ur agent good? can intro coz i dunno any manualife agent. if ok, can email me at [email protected]? Thanks!
Pink, I am also using avert warmer. It is useful for those days when I was warming up ebm. Now my gal on FM, it serve no purpose. Just remember to have ample hot water at home. You can use it to warm up milk too!!!
Pink d, glad tt your Bb gains weight!!! I m hving twins so gotta watch diet.. Babies too big or too small also worry.. I will decide whether to drink milk powder aft my next growth scan. So far dr Loh says is ok not to drink.

Wishbb, calcium tablets will cause constipation right? I v prone to constipation de...
Syrah, I started my self brew chix essence without any herbs fm my week 14 onwards. Ce with herbs n bird nest only started fm week 20 weeks onwards. I also scared babies too big... My detail scan shows babies are according to progress.. One twin is smaller by 30g.

Maybe Yr reserves is alot wor..ensure n Ce.. Wah!!!

My reserves not alot with ms for my first 15 weeks.. I still rmb I m v weak back then..
rostrum - iron cause constipation cos its heaty, so gotta drink lotsa water. I never drink any milk powder only nutrisoy less sugar soya milk. I only drink bottled chix essence cos bought too much during my cycle
I started drinking Ensure since beginning of June after my laparoscopy. Till Sept, abt 6 tins but I didn't gain much except the 2kg that I lost with the surgery. Weight just maintain the usual one. Maybe it's now all going to them!
wow, mummies... thx for all ur advice...

will start to take the fish oil & calcium first... then multivit 2 hrs later... mine is prenanatal though... seems like lots of mummies taking obimin...
Winnie, so far your girl's weight ok? U drink chix ess everyday?

Syrah, it's amazing u din gain much weight after drinking ensure.. So now your babies benefits!!! I only drink 2 weeks of ensure during my cycle n I gain weight, since then I stop le. I gain wgt easily.. Haha..

Happybb, I m not tking obimin too. But dr Loh prescribe me aspirin..
5 in 1 is one jab, pneumoccol is another jab. rotavirus is oral.
my agent is very good, been in the business for >15 yrs. not pushy and very reasonable.
will email u her number.
Thanks Gan and baby...

maybe I will hang on and not buy the warmer as yet...will use warm water...
Btw is it hot boiling water to warm up BM, or warm water? Sorry blur...

Rostrum: ya im very surprised by the weight gain too, hence I stopped my intake of similac...coz target reached already..heee
rostrum - my girl's weight so far so good. I only drink chix essence as & when I can remember hehehe, abt 3 bottles a week
Pink d, u so cute! Target achieve Liao n stop ah.. Excited? Counting dw to popping day!

Winnie, great!!! Enjoy Yr pregnancy!!!
I'm still here!! Dr Loh satisfied with their weights that I don't need to do growth scan on my nxt appt in 2wks time.
wahahah rostrum, ya lor my weight gain thru out is 12kg...better stop ah, lest I become too fat and cant shake off the excess pounds! :/
also, if BB too big i might hv difficulties too?

ya now doing some last min tying up of loose ends and then counting down to P-day!
Hi Grumpus

I am interested on your maid agency contact as well tho i am still in my early stages of pregnancy at 18 Weeks. Thought of engaging one prior to THE day (which is in early Aug) and giving the maid 2-3 months to settle into the training and routine.

Can u also email me the contact please? My email addy: [email protected]

Thanks much!

Grumpus answer for me liao...

My girls took the 5in1 on one thigh and prenumoccol on the other thigh.. Rotavirus fed oral by pd..

My girls fever is on off.. Took panadol then fever went away..

The prenumoccol injections the most exp.. $185 per dose.. Total need 4 doses... Rotavirus $99 per dose.. Total 2 doses..
I wonder polyclinic charge how much.. Abit regret nvr go polyclinic to take the injections...
