IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Almost fainted from hunger .... My baby has been fussing this morning. Cry for milk every 1 to 1.5 hrs. She is tired kept rubbing eyes but dun sleep. Wants to be carried once put on bed cry. Pee on my bed coZ diaper leaks. No time to eat or go toilet . Now is a time I really wish there is helper helping me out. 1 adult : 1 baby ratio doesn't work at times!

Just faith
The $1k u got is the govt baby bonus? How much in total will u get?
I dont rem i submit any green form le... Its different from the cda account right?

Think I will get $4k cash from baby bonus. But so far, only received $1k. Yes, different from CDA account. CDA account must be opened with OCBC/SCB only.


I agree with you. 1 adult : 1 baby ratio doesn't work! Sometimes, don't even have time to pee and poo, not to mention to sit down for lunch.
gan, just faith.. i confirm the 1 adult 1 bb ratio doesnt work. we hv 4 adults 3 babies and its a struggle! smtimes i wonder if its my bbs thts demanding....

from morning until now, i dont hv time to bath/pump. now my dad just went to ntuc buy groceries.. my mum n mil feeding 2 babies.. so i got to standby in case the 3rd one suddenly wakes up...
do u have a cot mobile or rocker. sometimes can keep baby occupied for few minutes, enuf for me to run toilet or grab a banana to eat to tahan.

my baby still wakes up every 2-3hr for nite feeds, how does mummies here get their babies to sleep longer huh?
Just faith
Oh i see... Hmm.. Do u know which authortity i can call up tp check? Cos i dont thk we submit any docs for this baby bonus..

The above baby bonus how much u get for yr 3 bbs? Triplets consider 1st, 2nd and 3rd bb right?

Yday night my girls last feed at 8pm.. Next feed at 130am... 5and a half hrs apart... I notice when they sleep less during the day.. They will sleep longer at night.. Maybe u can try to engage them during the day more...
i m exhausted! for the last 1 hr, my bbs take turns to cry for their milk even though their feeds were less than 2 hrs ago. smtimes feed until i very confused.......

baby, i cant remember how much leh.. we fill up all the forms in hospital n the payment went to my hb's account. u r right..its considered 1st, 2nd and 3rd bb.. n i believe they will pay in installments, not one lump sum de.
Pandawife same here.... I have been feeding every 1 or 1.5 hrs!! And is FM.... Tot shld not get hungry so fast?? I wish I can just forget the antibiotic n express bm for her since she is feeding so frequently. Baby asleep in my arm now.... Can't put her down else will cry. Hmmmmmm she is rarely like this...n I need to wash n sterilis the bottles!

Happyhippo I have a rocker but no use. This morning she cried when I put her there . I m feeling lousy that I have to let her cry n scream in her cot while I go make milk for her... Her face was all red.

Anyway mtbs anyone wants pre loved top n bottom homewear for baby? I have some which my gal outgrown n I can give away. Let me know
Aiyo.. I can hear yr exhaustion mann... Hmm.. With a maid on board still cant reduce yr work load ah...
3 bbs definitely is not easy.. Maybe after some time things will get better when u know each bb style and needs... Hang on there ya!

Btw u still have the web link on the purchase on the rubber mat? The one that has picnic mats... Cos that time im in hosp so i didnt buy.. Must buy now so can air the mat in time when my bbs learn to crawl.. Hehe
How come u are feeding 1hr a part? Is it the milk vol is not enough each feed? Cos 1hr apart is really too soon wor...
How much milk per feed u are giving yr girl?

I bout some rompers from mothercare.. Having 20% discount.. The quality from mothercare is really not bad...
Bout short sleeve and long sleeve
Try the sarong sling. My boy was like that. so in the end i got to sling him and do housework. my cousin sling her baby and play table tennis.
really a live saver. if not, i can't even go to the toilet without him crying his head off.
Call mcys regarding baby bonus. The form for cda account also include the cash bonus portion. Did u submit yr bank statement with the account number? Tats the acct the money will be deposited in.

Liz is right. My #1 was super fussy, I carry her in sling/carrier almost whole day. Can go toilet and also eat with her tied to me.
gals..i wanna commit suicide already... i just found tht my mil is a freaking liar!! she does things behind my back and refused to admit even though i caught her doing it! somemore ask me "which one of ur eye saw me doing it?" argh!!
grumpus, i just let it go.. no point talking to her anymore since she giv me this kind of reply.

i m really caught in between now. my parents plain refused to let my mil retire..coz they both spend all their time helping me .... my parents used to be very active in volunteer work and sports...now no time for either. my mum feels tht mil is purposely slacking n creating trouble so tht we will tell her to go back... haiz..

my maid just came to tell me she wanna talk to me in pte... guess what?? she told me the two ah mahs always talking in the morning very seriously n stern to each other.. issit they find her performance no gd..if so, must tell her so tht she can improve. :S
panda - yr parents also making things difficult for u ... if yr MIL giving u trouble should send her away why insist on keeping her. In the end its u who is suffering both mentally & physically.

Yr parents can't see u are slowly going crazy le ?
oh dear, yr parents also not understanding huh. errmmm, why not for now tell them when yr 2nd maid comes , u'll handle the bbs yrself with the maids. they can go home also.
then slowly slowly start enlisting their help here and there again. i'm sure they won't say no to u once things hv cooled down over some time.

my mum also once in awhile will say things like y i dun ask my mil to help since she's not working. but i tell her directly it's cos i prefer her to help me cos she's my own mother mah. at the end of the day, she will still help me :p
Pandwife, breath in breath out. My parents also like that when aunt make trouble, my parents didn't help but add more problem. You need to relax. I know not easy but we have to relax
my mum is waiting for mil to say she wanna go back.. coz mil has been complaining to everybody abt me n my parents... if we ask her to go back, she will go bad mouth to the whole world tht i chase her out of her son's house. mil is not leaving coz she is waiting for us to ask her to go...so she can openly leave her responsibilities. :S

Slim because of stress =p


I really pity u lei. Already so overwhelmed with 3 babies, the old folks are behaving like babies. Why must compare who is doing more or less. Sigh.. Hope u get a good 2n maid to help u then can send them all home.
blissful, i agree w singapoh.. stress = slim! hahaha.. auto slimming svc..

singapoh, i hope can get good help too.. i realised the current one is v gd w housework..but too young n lacking exp with handling bbs.. dunno if its i m paranoid or wht..i dun dare let her handle bb yet. i only let her play with them when they r in the cot or rocker..
Poor panda... The nickname fits u perfectly mann!
Really hope second name can help u so that u dont need to rely on the two mothers... Else long run u will go crazy!
If not send yr bbs to infant centre when they are older..

U can try by letting yr maid feed the bb... Carry the bb to yr maid with her sitting... Then pass her the milk bottle.. Guide her along with u beside her... This way she can learn and u wont scare she will drop the bb cos she is sitting down and u are beside her.. This is how i train my maid...
Then slowly let her carry the bb standing up.. Of cos with u standing beside her.. When she is confident enough u can slowly let her carry the bb while the bb is lying down... She will be a very good help when yr hands are full...

I agree with Baby. First u must learn to relax a bit. Let her handle yr babies.

Both my maids are young and single. The older one is really good with my twins. She can soothe them when they cry
My new one looks pretty comfortable with babies too.

Btw how old is yr maid?
Hi ladies,

It's been a long time since I came in. How's everyone coping with their little ones?

Panda, just read abt Ur case. Sigh! Poor u! Hopefully things will get better when Ur 2nd maid comes. U take care k. ;)

Gan, seems like u also super busy with your girl. I saw u saying antibiotics, u fell sick?
Tickles how r u n Bb gal? U back to work already? I m suspected uti though kkh also said if not recover go tts coz cld be kidney stones as my left side is hurting
Mothercare promo items are out. Strollers are the main discount items but limited to certain number of pple per day i.e. 5pcs per day

Interested to go check out but I doubt I'm in the condition to 'fight' with others to be the 1st 5pple in the queue
Panda: a great pity we could not meet up but anyhow i hope things will get better.
How about asking HB to "gently and subtly" retire ur MIL? Ask him to say sthg like getting her "to go bk home and rest after tiring out for two months...since maid is here she shd rest" kinda thing... then she would not feel chased out?
Give her an appreciation ang bao for her effort and say will call her to consult her if need be (make her feel she has values and still respected?)

I think with her going, things will be at peace more...
Pls dun brood over this ok... do take care of ur health and mental well being!
Dear mummies,

I'm thinking of getting an experienced maid experienced with kids too. Can you advise me as to the total cost i'll have to pay upfront? Thank you!
Singapoh ya mine works sg for 6 years Malaysia 2years. Wanted to go Hk initially but difficult do back sg.

I interview 1 ex tw... Said can speak mandarin I hear until blur asked mag she speaks Malay or what

Thks! That means I'll have to set aside approx 10k for hosp, maid, & misc loh...headache.

May I ask u for ur maid agency's contacts? Thanks again.

Got it! This! Pray I'll get e maid in b4 I hit 7/8 mths. At least got time 2 train her n familiarize her wif e envt

there are 2 branches right...apparently there is one at katong... i assume Madeline is from Hougang?

BB Jo: gd idea... im gonna pop soon and Im still contemplating coz its a huge decision to make... so probably after confinement nanny leaves, I will see how I can cope alone at home with the baby...

BTW mommies,
what are the general scope of Confinement nannies?
Do they cook for hubby and wash clothes or just take care of baby solely?
