IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group


are you comfortable with TCM now? I know some ladies are not. But I am a strong follower of TCM. When I had my m/c last year, I had TCM to expel those dirty blood from body which lasted for about a week. And continued with TCM to bu my body for further 2 to 3 weeks.

TCM will also help to reduce your swollen feet. The one I go regularly is at Thomson Road. But must make appointment before going down. I prefer the medicine to be brewed, and not those powder form.

For massage, you can only do massage 3 weeks after c-sect.


Frankly, I rather my girl play rugby inside. At least I know she is "safe" there. Very worrisome when you only feel crampy and no movements from baby leh....
Just Faith,

Maybe because mine is 3..so the water polo feeling became rugby... ur precious hv more space in there mah... so u dun feel movements as obvious.....

must not worry too much..coz ur body will be tensed n tht will cause more contractions...

listen to some nice soothing music and chill... princess will be fine
Panda, I think it still hasn't hit me that I'm going to see my babies soon. It's all happening too fast!

Just faith, thanks for the explanation. Actually yesterday the sonographer said she cannot check weight cos 1 week can't see much difference so she said she will only do blood flow scan. Then she said blood flow seems to be slightly better than last week. But dr loh said the growth not much. I'm confused la. Now just waiting for dr to come and discuss with us. I'm wondering if there's a chance to wait a while more since ctg is good so far. Or whether they will just base it on growth. If based on growth, then I thought no need ctg. Sigh, I have too many questions and my mind is wondering. Ha ha.
Fruitree..one week can see significant growth leh... My babies r being measured weekly now n based on the growth rate..dr will assess when is gd time to deliver. He kept dragging my pop date coz he says they r growing well..so no hurry to bring them out yet. U k ask dr Loh again if k measure the babies. Afterall..sonographer is not the gynae..
Panda, true. That's what I thought also. Aiyah all the sonographers here just follow protocol. Infact Dr aloh asked me if the sonographer gave the weight, then I told him what she said then he said yah they won't check weight for 1 week.

I will ask him later when he comes, about checking the weight again.

I personally think the weight given by sonographer is not zhun leh... cos she measured baby' abdominal circumference and estimate baby's weight from there.

Would be babies be considered pre-mature if he deliver now? exactly how many weeks are u?
my elder girl was in the same situation as yr boy where her growth slowed to almost a complete stop.
dr monitors blood flow because that will show how much 'resistance' there is in the flow of nutrients to the bb. there comes a pt where the resistance gets so high that the blood flow becomes reverse and that is extremely dangerous to the bb and need to deliver immediately.

ctg is done to monitor bb heartbeat very closely. any sign of distress and bb heartbeat will drop, that also indicates the need to deliver immediately.

so at this pt it's just a balancing act, monitoring blood flow and heartbeat closely and trying to drag as long as possible before dr has to make the call that need to deliver based on blood flow and/or ctg result.

for my case my girl stopped growing since abt 32wks. i did weekly ctg and blood flow scan. all was good so we keep dragging until 37wks when she is full term then dr said just get her out.
she was born at 37wks, organs fully matured but weight only 1.86kg.
just faithm i really tot ur delivery so fast!! I am worried abt delivery now coz i a still working...can't imagine if i have contractions while in office or waterbag burst while working. Did dr loh said what causes the contraction? Is it BH? So far i dun feel anything ...so really dunno what to anticipate. I have started the coconut drink last weekend. Will be drinking once a week bah.

Fruitree, maybe ask dr loh scan u ans he can let u know the wt of ur bbs. I think 1 week can see a diff...coz bbs putting on wt quite fast now as they r putting on fats.
My whole legs also v swollen after the op... Even my whole arms and face is swollen...
I wear the special socks 24/7... Then the swollen went down.. U can try it.. The socks is usually wore by people who always need to stay in bed to prevent blood clots and water retention... U can get it frm pharmacy... Its like a white socking...wear till the thigh area...

Looks like u gals wont be following the no bathe rule... Its actually quite silly to really not bathe... Esp we need to keep ourslv clean for the bb... Cos we need to bf them or carry them... Thats y i also use warm tap water to clean my bottom... And wipe myself twice a day...
I will be bathing tml... Washing my hair too... Thou hvt exactly 2weeks yet... But i think should be sufficient liao ba...
Cos mine is a emergency c sect... Im not prepared for it.. So i didnt prepare anytin beforehand.. But luckily that morning i got bathe...

Wah long time no hear! How heavy is yr boy now?

Oxidized is giving her babies porridge today. Hehe.. Spiffy's boys are huge! We meet up once in awhile and chat everyday online.
U need to bring the bank book or bank statement of the account that u want the baby bonus to be credited to. This is for verification of the account number.
It's not the same as the CDA account that u open with ocbc for yr bb.
To all mummies who are popping soon, Good Luck!

Think this Christmas will be a joy for so many of us, feel happy that so many princes and princesses are in time to celebrate Christmas.

Singapoh-- Yeah, don't think about losing weight first. Now must eat more to get babies to grow n grow. Will buy the toothpaste that you recommend.

Just Faith-- When did u start drinking coconut water weekly?

Gan-- I also hope to work as long as I can so that I can take the full 4 months maternity leave after giving birth. But I doubt I can tahan working as long as you till week 38. You jia you!
Just faith, yes I agree. Sonographer not accurate. I'm now exactly 33 weeks 3 days. The last check up at wk 32 showed boy's weight as 1.3kg plus.

Grumpus, now I understand. Yeap, I think they are doing ctg to keep track on heart beat. I still haven't seen doc leh. But the nurse has been our messenger. We checked on some good dates and looks like today and sat is good. So we checked with him, he said sat should be ok provided no emergencies today and tomorrow.

How long was your baby in the NICU grumpus? Was she considered premature? Looks like at least 1 of mine would be less than 2 kg. Last week's check up showed that girls were 1.6 - 1.7. One is slightly bigger. I'm hoping they would both reach 2 kg at least.

Just now ctg, damn long! Got to seperate and do cos all kicking each other and moving.
Fruitree..sat is gd date..we were initially considering tht day. Sat will oso bring the babies nearer to 34weeks. My dr says it's v safe to pop at 34wks for triplets.

Ctg for triplets v challenging. R u lying on ur sides or back? Tht time nurse make me lie on my back while they try to find the babies...it was extremely uncomfortable.

Is yr initial AY? I added u Liao. My twins are 6.8 kg and 8.7 kg @ 6.5 months old. My boy is bigger.

Are u still bf?
the condition my girl had was IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction). because we managed to hold on until 37 wks, she is not considered premature. in terms of mental/physical development she is on track like any normal full term baby. if i had to deliver early then it would have been more complicated cos she would be IUGR plus premature.
but anyway because of her weight she had to stay in NICU until she reach 2kg, which took her 5 days.
U used steriliser?
Do u keep the bootles in the steriliser after u've done sterilising? Or can take out the bottles and leave them aside for a while after sterilising before using them for feeding?
Babyhopeful..we were told during antenatal class..bottle k last 24hrs outside after sterilizing. Assemble n cover w the cap aft u sterilized.

Y'day was my 4th coconut. I started drinking from 34weeks onwards. It was also the same week that my tummy lowered.


You stay in novena, so near to whampoa market - where coconut water is easily available.


At week 32, sonographer estimated my baby's weight to be 1.7kg, 3 weeks later, she weighed 2.5kg... so i kinda figured out that the estimated weight given by sonographer is not zhun. I dun think my girl grew 800gms in 3 weeks loh...

It's good that you have targeted this saturday to deliver your babies.. u know why? cos i have appt with him tomorrow afternn, i scared your delivery will delay my appt time leh. hehe. imagine dr loh come back and say, "oh sorry, i have to deliver triplets earlier."
grumpus, dr loh also wrote on my HL IUGR when my gal's growth slow down in oct...he asked me to rest so that bb can grow.

Clercler i tot once u work in a company for more than 6 mths u can have 4 mths materity leave? Can't compare urself to me coz u r having twins, so different. Mine is singleton, so even though i felt tired at times but it is manageable still.
it's good u took the HL. that time my dr offered to give me HL, i still tell him no need cos i can work from home. still buay zai si :p
i think it's still different when u're really resting, stress free vs being at home but still working.
Singapoh-- I managed to get an appointment with the dentist tomorrow. I will consult him. Thanks.

grumpus-- One of my twins also diagnosed as having growth restrictions. My case is more complicated cos I am having twins. Doctor is seeing me every 2 week to monitor the growth. I have been talking to the babies n telling them to absorb and grow. Actually, it can get quite stressful at times as I am only 26 weeks and still a long way to go. But the mummies here are v encouraging. I have been tryin to eat all the recommended food that will help to promote growth. Hope it helps although doctor said that growth restriction is not related to diet.
What is CDA account?
So i just bring any bank book right? Posb bank book to credit baby bonus can?
For twins... Is it $3k for each bb?

I used to take out the sterilized ones and keep in a Tupperware. Now I just leave everything inside coz Low usage. I direct latch my boy.
yup growth restriction is not related to diet. but of cos eating more doesn't hurt cos if only say 10% of wat u eat goes to yr bb vs other bb get 50% of wat their mothers eat, then u just have to eat a lot more to ensure that that 10% he gets is equivalent to the 50% that other bbs get.
baby bonus consists of 2 parts
1) Cash bonus
$4k for each baby. to claim this, just bring any bank book down for the bank account number. posb also can.

2) CDA (Children Development Account)
This is the special savings account that u open for yr twins at any OCBC or Standard Chartered Bank. for every $1 u put into the account, govt will contribute $1 also up to a cap of $6k. u can put money in anytime until they're 6yrs old and govt will match the amt. This money cannot be taken out but can be used to pay school fees, medical fees etc...
grumpus, that time the 2 weeks HL i still went back to work for 3 days....so gei kiang.

Clercler it doesn't hurt to eat more for bbs, u can try ice cream, avocado shake etc..... I ate these last couple weeks and my bb put on quite abit weight.
Oh i see... I didnt know all these...
So tml i go hosp to do birth cert and baby bonus... I just need to bring either myself or my hb posb bank book will do right?
So its $4k for each bb? I will have $8k?

The CDA need to open with bb birth cert? We just need to put in $6k into the acc then govt will automatically credit another $6k into the acc?

Btw... How do we get the first born incentive card?
baby the $4000 cash is given in 4 installments....every 6 mths if i am not wrong.

Yes once u deposit $6k, govt will do a dollar to dollar matching.

grumpus is there any diff opening the cda acct in standard chartered or ocbc? which bank u go to?
Sorry girls, had visitors earlier so couldn't reply.

Panda, I had to lie on my back. Super uncomfortable. Some more cannot breathe. I din know can lie on the sides. But I think that will be painful too cos my ribs start aching already.

Grumpus, what are the signs for IUGR? Dr din mention this. But I think I better ask him. Luckily your girl managed to grow. For me, I guess I can't wait. Dr just said my boy got better chance of growing outside the womb, just a matter of putting on weight.

Just faith, don't worry will tell my babies to hold till sat for you;)
not sure abt the difference between ocbc and stan chart. i didn't open a cda so far cos my #1 is not eligible for cda. for bb born before 17 aug 08, only 2nd child onwards eligible for cda. after aug 08, all child get cda. my girl was born jan 08 so missed out.

dun worry, sometimes is better to take bb out and feed them outside. they can put on weight faster. my girl put on abt 100g only in 5wks (from 32wks to 37wks). but once she was out she put on 300g in 5 days.
IUGR is essentially the term to describe bb who are not growing in the womb. sometimes it is accompanied by other symptoms like high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia. that's why u need very close monitoring.
u can get the baby bonus pack from counter 5 at glen e. u can either submit the forms to counter 5 or mail in. but if mail in, i think we need to go to the bank and get them to certify the green form.
its probably easier to get it done at counter 5, so just make sure u bring along the right docus. maybe u can call glen e up and reconfirm what u need to bring down, so u don't waste the trip.
u done your twins' birth cert already? can be done at couter 5 too, within 14 days of delivery.
how much milk should we be feeding our baby for the 1st and 2nd week? i can't seem to get the volume correct. my boy is always crying for more and i'm afraid of overfeeding him.
is yr bb on ebm or fm?
here are some guidelines on feeding. but ultimately it's the bb cues that are more important. some are big drinkers and some are small drinkers.
my girl was a small drinker and could never hit wat was recommended on these sites, if i fed her that much, she would throw up and that's how i know i overfed and would reduce the amt the next time.

Hey baby, what did u finally name yr princesses?

Panda - got appt tomorrow? I'm going for scan again tomorrow on 4th floor but in the morning. Hope all is well.

Everyday is one more day earned and one more day closer to Dr Cheng's return from leave
now I mark in my calendar everyday ie 34w, 34w 1d, etc then when the alarm rings at midnight, it gives me a little pleasure
working wife, when is ur dr coming back?

yeah..tmr i hv appt.. morning too.. at 915am.. clinic at level 3.

update us after ur scan tmr
So when have you decided panda? Going to drag somemore or taking out soon? Now you must be 36 weeks right? Have you checked any dates yet?
Fruitree, dont tink can drag much longer... latest dr hv to let me pop is next Sat coz i will be 37wks.

But I dont tink i can tahan until then.. as I typed, my tummy is itching to bits! argh... i feel myself falling apart emotionally and physically drained from the lack of sleep for the past few nights...

next Mon and Wed are gd dates...but hb says he prefers Tue which is 21.12.2010... so most likely will check with Dr if its possible to have the babies delivered then...would love to be able to carry the babies to full term at 37 weeks... but I tink I hv done by best already...

it would be nice if I can pop on 21.12.10. It's my dad's birthday. I already missed my mum's birthday. So nx target is 21.12 or 23.12. The latter is our 12 years anniversary.

I also dunno if I can tahan until then since I m getting early irregular contractions now.

Just Faith,

We wanted to to pop on 24.12.10, coz its our wedding anniversary too! haha..but i cannot wait already...

hmm.... but u r not dilated yet...shld b able to tahan..then again, if u wanna pop naturally, difficult to pick dates ?
