IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hazel..u r reporting live from kkh?

Just faith..wow..ur precious eager to see the world..v gd timing..exactly at 37weeks.....
Nancy-- Thanks for asking your confinement lady. I managed to get one. Friend of hubby colleague's mother. Hope she is ok.

Singapoh-- Envy you for losing weight so fast. For me, tummy still small for 6 months but it has been growing faster these few weeks. These days, durians are not in season. So difficult to get good ones. I have been trying to drink chocolate milk and black chicken soup, even if I don't feel like drinking. Keep telling babies to absorb abosrb. Hope they will listen

Ladies, find that my gums are getting more sensitive these days. If I brush slightly harder, it will bleed. Thinking of seeing dentist but it is so difficult to get an appointment. Any good toothpaste to recommend?
pandawife, i went to buy the confinement herbs yesterday at hock hua, and the lady also asked me buy ginseng....i didn't buy yet coz expensive, want to wait for hubby go buy. =p Are u going to take ginseng during confinement? What is it good for actually?
Gan..I will minimize Chinese herbs. I feel tht well balance nutritious diet more impt. No ginseng for me.. Mil wanted to buy those confinement tonic herbs..I told her no need. Also plan to avoid alcohol whether cooked or uncooked since I wanna bf.
gan, i bought ginseng, ba qi n du zhong together with wolfberries n put in martell. one bottle is enough. can drink during confinement. good for removin wind, strengthen body n back after delivery.
rose, i shld be delivering anytime, since will be 37 weeks next mon, kekeke too late to make the bu jiu. But hock hua did mention du zhong is good for back.
Will u be breastfeeding? If yes, u can only drink after bf?
Btw who doing confinement for u?
gan, dun worri, u stil can drink herbal soup put with du zhong. i got a confinement lady recommended by my sis in law. ya, breastfeeding, but must wait 2-3 hrs interval.
Cos my twins went straight to nicu after delivery and i was in icu for two days... Bbs was on feeding tube.. So i cant latch them on... They are bottled fed in hosp... Somemore i went home first before the twins so i pump out milk to let my hb bottle feed them in hosp...

Ya mann... The binder make my tummy icthy mann... But with binder on.. The wound dont feel much pain...
Can drink plain water during confinement? I tot cannot? I didnt drink plain water till now leh... Feels thirsty.. Cos the red date longan tea like cant quench thirst...

Yup i will update u when i see dr f this fri...
10ml for initial stage is normal... Dont stress else will make it
harder to produce milk...

My bleeding is not alot... Only change pad every few hrs...
Just now saw a blood clot in my pad... Dont know is it bf makes lochia flow become more becos of uterus contracting due to bf... Cos before bf.. My flow is not many...
i took all the confinement herbs and wine during my last confinement. cos i pump exclusively so i just make sure i pump already then eat.

it could be yr uterus contracting that cause the flow to increase. i remember after i started my post natal massage, everytime after massage i will get slightly heavier flow.

Aiya dun think of losing weight now la. Should fatten up yr bb. If u dun like milk, take soybean. I also had spinach twice a week.

I m using sensodyne coz other Minty toothpaste will worse my eczema around my mouth.

I didn't drink plain water for my previous confinement but for twins I drank coz I need plenty of fluid to produce milk and red dates longan taste yucky if drink too much. My appetite was super good during confinement. I was hungry all the time
Im just worried that something is not right abt my discharge.. Scare got left over placenta inside my uterus... Or am i thinking too much... Hmm...

I actually feel like drinking warm plain water to quech my thirst... But scare its not good for me... So i start to drink those bottled low fat milk... I drink it warm... At least sometin different from the longan tang sheng drink...
When did u all started bk yr normal diet aft confinement?
When did u all drink cold beverages? Eat crab etc?

With bf.. We cant eat half boil egg right?
hmmmm u should have a follow up with yr dr soon to check on yr c-sect wound right? why dun u just check with him on yr bleeding as well....at least u get peace of mind.

Malays drink plain water during confinement if I m not wrong.

Actually it's better to continue yr diet during bf like u r still preggy. I bf my son for abt 22 months so I didn't eat a lot of stuffs for more than 2 years.
My appt with dr is on this fri... Will ask him abt my lochia...
Now i abit scare on the removal of stitches.. Dont know pain or not... Hee..

I ask my cl.. She say can drink warm plain water... but i also didnt take.. I kept drinking red/black dates, longan, tang sheng tea... And also milo, hocklicks... Milk... I wonder like that good for our bladder not if never drink plain water...

U eat normal food? I tot alot of vege we cant eat? Can only eat kai lan, long bean, broccoli, french bean, peas... Others all cannot eat... Duck lamb seafood also cannot eat...

U see dr paul this fri right? U will be 36w this sat?
I believe u are the next to pop... Have a pre delivery celebration during wkend! Eat what u cant have during confinement... Like fast food... Or char kuey tiao.. Carrot cake etc... Ice cold drinks.. Cold desserts!! It will be quite awhile before u can touch these food...

Tell u what im having for confinement food... Vege will be what i mention above... Kidney n pork stir fry with ginger and rice wine.. Steam fish with ginger... Rice wine chicken.. Meehoon soup with black fungus and dom... Pork trotters vingear... Today i had fried chicken wing... At least sometin different...

Come to think of it... I ate lots of black fungus... Dont know is it becos of this i had more discharge cos black fungus is famous for expelling dirty blood... Hmm...

My auntie actually tell me to take a tcm herb to expel blood clots.. Say drink one bowl.. Afterwhich will have lots of blood clots... I ask cl abt it.. She say nowadays seldom people take liao... So i didnt take.. So i eat more black fungus...
baby did u shower? Or u just wipe urself? I bot 10 packs of the bathing herb from hock hwa dunno will use, or ended up using the little dreamers confinement shower gel.

Just faith, how are u doing??
Baby..yeah ..this fri see dr to discuss when to pop next week. Will pick the earliest possible date..this wkend 36wk. Dr did say wanna try bring me to 37wk but I cant tahan already.

Just now I ask hb to buy a feast from mos burger..but I can't eat much already. Eat abit feel wanna puke.

I not a big fan of confinement foods. Only like the vinegar ginger trotters. Hate sesame oil smell n taste...n I dun eat pork liver or kidney. Hehehe..i m fussy eater..mil knows wht I dun eat... So mayb end up eating mix of normal foods.

Haven't heard from just faith...shld b really popped...she jump queue...Hee..

Fruitree might oso pop next week like me leh..alot dec babies here..
If u can tahan the pain of the c sect wound itself, removing stitches is nothing. Dr will just cut the knot at one end and pull the other end. Very fast few seconds only.
pandawife, i think i am getting abit nervous abt popping....i wld be working till next friday and start my leave when i m 38 weeks. Can't imagine how i will react if i have contraction in office. And dr loh going on leave this sun. Hopefully like he said i won't pop so soon and he wld see me again when he is back fr leave.

Ur hospital bag all packed?
No i didnt shower since op till now.. But will start to bathe this fri cos gng to see dr...
I also have the herbs pack.. My mum help to boil the herbs.. Then i use the herbs water to wipe myself.. But i did use warm water to wash my bottom and vaginal with the confinement shower gel every day.. Hair i did not wash.. I just tie up my hair... Its been 11 days i didnt bathe and wash hair.. So when i bathe this fri.. Its abt 2 weeks.. So i think its ok to bathe liao.. But i will bathe with herbs water with the confinement shower gel and shampoo...

Fruitfree so fast can pop?
I also nvr eat kidney before... Hate the tot of it.. But i force myself to eat... Cos its suppose to be good for our back... So i just force eat... Actually not v yucky..
Sesame oil will be used to cook every single dish.. U wont be able to taste the sesame oil after cooking... So its ok one..
Try to eat more confinement food.. Its good for our body.. Esp for us that went thru c sect op... Body needs to recover...

Hmm... Ya i believe the removal will be quite quick... But just abit scare scare... I heard the wound will take long time to heal completely... Even if the exterior wound is healed.. The inside layers ones take longer time..: some even say it will take abt 1 yr to heal completely... Thats y need to rest one yr before can get pregnant again...
Gan, dr loh is probably right..since u dun hv any contractions nor cramps yet.
So baby is still happy in there... dun worry too much... relax n chill!

my hospital bag packed since i was 28wks..hehehe... so all ready to pop. hb even did all the admission paper work n paid deposit at TMC the last time i had false alarm. so it should b quite hassle free when i really pop...

baby, last update from fruitree, dr loh wants her to pop at latest wk34..depending on today's checkup results... it could b this week or next week.

aiyoh.. sesame oil got smell.... even after cooking.. i never take sesame oil foods one..haha.. i m not very strong believer of confinement foods.. the ang mohs also go thru c sect ...but dun do confinement nor take special diets... alot of confinement practices/foods are handmedown knowledge.....

i m having tummy itch n thirst attack again :S
This promoter in KKH pharmacy told me that Cetaphil can be used to dry clean our body. Just apply all over yr body and wipe off with a damp cloth. Can give this a try if u dun wanna bathe.
singapoh, this cannot bathe thingy came from the olden days in china.. during winter, very cold, they dun hv heater ... so cannot bath lor..keke.. but it became handmedown practice now... thts y i doubt the validity of some of the confinement beliefs.

my mum says must shower everyday..if not i will stink..haha....

Here hot like hell! Must bathe everyday especially if u bf. I bathed twice a day after 1 week of confinement. June was really hot.
So u wont be taking confinement food?
And u will bathe everyday ah? I tot u will follow closely.. Cos u mention u will use boiled water to bathe and wash hands..
I didnt lor.. I just use the running warm water to wash hands and wash my down there...
Actually i dont wana bathe some part its becos of the c sect wound.. Cos i scare if bathe everyday.. The wound will get in some water thou it has a waterproof plaster covering it..
Thats y i choose to bathe on fri itself where i will be seeing dr to remove the plaster....
Actually if u wana bathe.. Im sure its fine.. As long as u bathe in warm water and wipe dry yr body before stepping out of the bathrm... Maybe hair just wash every few days lor...

U also bathe during confinement? Seems like alot of people nvr follow the no shower rule now hor...
Luckily my hair is not the oily type... Else sure cant tahan not washing for nearly 2 weeks... I clip up my fringe and tie my hair up.. So its still ok..

But after eating the confinement food.. Whole body v warm and hot.. Will sweat alot... And i dont care.. I use fan to blow myself when im having my meals... Else really no appetite..
I also dont understand how come cant blow fan when aircon is ok...
Baby..I thot abt it n some things just don't make sense. Like what Singapoh said...it's too warm in Sg not to bathe.
I will do wat I need to do to keep myself clean n comfortable.
I think my meals will only b partial confinement dishes. I hv gf who oso can't stand confinement foods...end up no appetite n ate badly during the period which I think is worse.

Gosh.... I m trying v v hard nt to scratch my tummy!
The waterproof plaster works v well.. shld not have water getting in. i used it when i did my laprascopy previously... 3 of it on my tummy.. i bath everyday after the op.
my dr told me the no bathing thing comes from last time in china when they have no clean running water. use well or river water which is not clean. that's why it's better not to bath or must only use boiled water. so who knows where that stupid practice comes from.
my last confinement i follow the no bathing rule. when bath use boiled water with herbs.

this time i told my mum straight that i'm going to bath. she just give me this buay tahan look....hahahaha

but i am going to take confinement food and all the tonic soups cos i do believe in tcm..hehehe
grumpus when u bathe with herbs last time do u still apply soup or just purely the herb water to clean?

I will bathe daily....coz think will be very sticky if i dun shower after hearing singapoh and baby talking abt the heat we felt and sweat. If not i think i will have rashes. =p

pandawife, i packed only the bb home return clothes, a set of my home return clothes, disposable undies, pads. Dunno what else i need. Kekekeke
i still use my regular soap and shampoo. only never use water from the tap. use the boiled water with herbs.

if just use the herb water won't feel clean one...
Hi ladies,
Could I ask a question on sterilising bottles?
Do u keep the bootles in the steriliser after u've done sterilising? Or can we take out the bottles and leave them aside for a while after sterilising before using them for feeding?
bring a sweater just in case the ward is cold. If u wanna do bb birth registration n the bb bonus acc at hospital, bring marriage cert n bank book/ statement
Its been awhile since I delivered bb Ryan prematured at 29weeks (in May). He's now so chubby that no one can tell he was borned only 1.45kg.
As a healthcare professional, I never believe in the old confinement practices, and given that I need to visit Ryan in the NICU right after birth, I had to be really clean. I bathe at least once a day and wash my hands whenever I need to get into the NICU (all using warm tap water without herbs or anything), but I do eat some confinement food for its high nutrients to build up my health and to help with breastmilk production.

I wonder how's oxidised and Spiffy's twins doing...
hi ladies
anyone here experiencing hand/wrist pain after delivery?
both my hands/wrist area has been very painful since delivery, its been one whole week and the pain is still there.
any idea how to get rid of the pain?

i also kena swollen feet-very bad, don't know how to get rid of it. ask my doc, he just said its normal and elevate it
i had very bad hand and wrist pain after my last delivery. dr said is carpal tunnel syndrome. i bought those wrist brace from pharmacy to help immobolise my wrists and it does help.
the pain didn't go away until quite a few wks later though.
Hi ladies, I was admitted yesterday. Dr Loh said my boy not growing and also blood flow not so good so better to take out earlier. He said must monitor in hospital and then decide whether pop today or tomorrow.

Did ctg last night and heartbeat was good, no contractions too. Doing ctg again now, but still haven't seen dr loh. Wonder why I'm doing ctg and how come no need to do blood flow scan again. Anyone knows?

Wow, that's fast leh! How are you feeling? Prepared to meet your precious babies?

Hmm...it seems like KKH's practice to do ctg and blood flow scan leh.. i only did ctg when i had cramps and went to labourward..

as for blood flow scan, my dr only did it during detailed scan at 20weeks... after tht, the subsequent checkups, he only monitor babies' growth.

Sounds like you have water retention. Did you engage any massage lady to do post-natal massage? Will help.


Ah chey!! Baby SMS me and said she has not have enough fun! Don't want to come out and see Daddy and Mummy yet!! hehe. I admitted at about 1pm+, how could I deliver at 5pm leh??? hehe.


I know you start to worry cos our EDD is so close. Somemore both of us carrying singleton. And you probably also wonder if will have contractions from week 37.. hehe.

Actually, the contractions started since last friday, then every night, about the same timing, my tummy will have this crampy feeling. From 24hrs, it became 12hrs, then 6hrs, and yesterday, every 2hrs I could feel "contractions". And to make it worst, I start to lost track about baby's movements. It was worrisome as I dunno if these on & off contractions will affect baby.

When strapped on CTG y'day, bb's hb was around 150 to 170bpm. Very good. When I am not having contractions, it was in the region of 9% to 11%. But when contractions starts, it will climb from 25% +/- to highest peak, as of y'day 57%.

Dr Loh checked, and cervix has not dilate. He also says contractions is not regular enough. Sent me home and see him again tomorrow. According to him, if cervix already dilate, waterbag burst or "show".. he will definitely induce me. But not when I have neither of these.

Till now, I still feel the contractions. Dunno why, I can feel the contractions in such early stage. The contractions that I felt for the past few days, was like having menstrual cramps. But unlike those days when I have ms cramps, I could hug a pillow and sleep in a comfortable position. But this time I cannot... keep worrying about the little one inside. On top of that, I feel like wanting to go toilet and poo 24/7.

I will cut down walking. Now lying on bed most of the times.

BTW, I start to drink coconut water once a week. Think you should have it too since you are aiming for natural delivery.


I thought I could be as zen as you, go for mac before delivery... I did!! But it turns out to be false alarm... hehe.


Thanks for asking. Little one wants to play water polo inside hehe.

Usually CTG and blood flow scans are not done concurrently. For CTG, you can only check for contractions and monitor baby's heartbeat. For blood flow, it can only be done in ADC where sonographer will scan for you.

I also noticed Dr Loh checked on baby's blood flow regularly, if result is no good, he will opt to have baby deliver earlier. What's your babies weight now?
grumpus, justfaith,

oh i thot carpal tunnel syndrome & water retention only happens before delivery. u mean after delivery also?
was considering getting massage lady earlier but now that i did c-sect, think cant do massage already.
the only time i can elevate my feet is only at nite when i sleep, cos most of the day time, i'm looking after baby.
looking at my swollen feet, its really quite scary looking, plus last nite felt abit pain with the swell

Just Faith..

hehehe.. i thot u hv the smooth delivery red packet...so pop also super fast n smooth

urs playing water polo..hee.. my ones are playing rugby.. violent ..hahaha.... n so happy inside somemore...
