IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

pandawife, i have difficulty go back to sleep immediately whenever i woke up to pee....can take 1/2 hr to 1 hr before getting to sleep again since 3rd trimester. No more glow but a pair of tired eyes. =) glad i am on leave today coz i am feeling very tired this morning....whole body felt like i have done a 10km marathon.

21.12 is easy to remember, so will be a few days more u see ur 3 baobeis. =)

if fruitree deliver tomorrow, u r next!

Just faith u want to deliver 23.12? But dr loh on leave leh.....so prof tee delivers for u?

i try to breastfeed firsr,ususally not enuf, baby will cry, so hv to give fm. i also try efm but supple is very low, only ard 20ml.
so every feeding section is different, hv to guesstimate the amt of fm to give.

hi ladies
do u give ur babies any 'social time' ie try to play with them and not let them sleep and eat only? currently my baby is just sleep and eat only. i'm wondering if need to play with him during daytime so that he is awake abit more and hopefully can sleep better and longer at nite.
it takes awhile before they really start drinking in fixed amts. it really is guessing most of the time. usually start with abt 30ml then if eyes still big big after that then give another 30ml. then if bb can take it then the next time try giving 40 or 50ml and slowly work up from there. sometimes after 30ml they'll sleep but can't sleep long so then again u try to give more at the next feed so they'll sleep longer.

unfortunately bbs dun come with instruction manuals and they dun run like clockwork either. they're little humans with their own moods, appetites etc. even for us adults sometimes we eat more sometimes less. sometimes we sleep more sometimes less. bbs are the same.

for newborn bb usually is just eat and sleep. it's quite normal that their body clock is still upside down, it takes awhile for them to adjust between night and day. it's quite difficult to keep newborns awake. if they're sleepy they'll just sleep, hungry they'll wake. they're not really at the stage where u can play and distract them and keep them awake.

try to help differentiate between night/day. eg daytime sleep should be in a brighter place, with more ambient noise around. night time sleep should be dark and quiet.

dun worry, just keep at it. u're doing fine
Nb bb suppose to just eat and sleep... Its better for bb to sleep more... They will grow better with more sleep.. So there is no need to engage them for playing... Wait till they are older...

With 20ml of bm is good enough... Cos its just intial stage for u... I also only pump 20ml initially... Then it slowly climb up to 30ml... 40ml.. To now 60ml... Its enough to feed a singleton but for my twins is not enough... So i have to supplement with fm... Usually for night feeds where the cl make fm for them... But i continue to pump during night time so they can drink during the day... I think im trying my best liao... Cannot be so hard on myself...

Im seeing dr f this 2pm... Update u later ya...
Panda - so Dr gave u the go ahead for which date?

Dr Cheng coming back to work on 22 Dec right after he touchdown but I kesian him sure jetlag, so my target is 23 Dec. I will be 35 wks then. Really hope can tahan till then. But I dunno what he will say, whether just deliver or just get off meds and wait.

Today scan girl 1.95kg and boy 2.4kg. Everything still ok. I'm praying everyday everything is fine, that they will be patient for at least one more week
still on 4-8u drips.
Working wife, you are doing well and your bbs have good weight. Keep up the positive spirit and jia you!

I am hopping for end dec bb too when my doc is back from leave.
I m back. Booked epi c sect on 21 dec noon time. Dr Paul says one of my boy is so low tht I might go into labour anytime...so tue is good. Any later babies Mayb can't wait too. Today just check heartbeat..too crowded n messy to do decent measurement...bb limbs all over the place. Hee...
Working wife, you hv been doing great! Hang in there. I hope to see your babies photos in fb soon!

Pandawife, glad to hear that you hv booked 21.12. Next time can celebrate babies birthday and wedding anniversary together. Dun really makes a diff. Most importantly, babies are well. Can't help feeling that padawife finally raised the white flag.

Though my last check up, I hvnt dilate. I dunno abt now. Cos I got contractions once every 1hr to 1.25hrs. Will be seeing doc loh later. See what he says.

Gan, dun think I can wait for dr loh. Baby seemed to be giving me alot of contractions for the past one week. Seriously dun think I can tahan until 28th leh.

You also dun work too hard. Take time off from work n get ready for the big day. Oh btw my baby cot came this morning. Lucky no smell. I think just in time for my delivery. Hehehe

any update from fruitree yet?
Just Faith
So u also getting false alarm too. I had mine too
on-off spotting for 2 days but no contractions, so Dr say its an early 'show', just continue waiting for more symptoms. But I have a feeling it won't be so soon as baby still not engaged yet.

You will know when baby needs your attention for play. Now just let them sleep when they want, cos its really a nightmare when you get a baby that don't sleep. Plus nb can't really see clearly, take some time to get clarity.

U hoping for Dec bb, r u going to induce ?

Feel excited for u, few more days and u will see your 3 bbs....

Is this news published in spore ?

US bans drop-side cots after deaths

You are doing well w triplets. Juz enjoy yourself first before you get busy with your babies..

Working wife,

See what Dr Cheng says when he is back. Do whatever is best for you.
grumpus -- I am at my current job for many years. However, as I have exhausted my 30 days anual MC n another 30 days plus of extended leave, I am having problems gettin the maternity leave. I only went back to work in 16 Nov, so HR said that if I stopped before 16 Feb, it will be considered that I work less than 90 days so have problems getting the 4 months maternity leave.

Gan --I am getting my hubby to buy ice cream for me
Have stopped eating my facourite Ben n Jerry since pregnancy. Thanks.

Panda-- Good Luck! Hope you can meet the 21 Dec target. I think if don't see your posting these few days would mean that your babies have their own preferred dates

working wife-- Yeah, your twin's weight are good. Take care too.
Thanks gals!

just faith..yeah.. really surrender liao! haha.. been sleeping only 2 hrs every night for the past 3 days.. its really getting to me.

working wife, your babies are growing very well. by the time dr is back, they will be very gd weights all ready to meet the world! tht means u could be popping just couple of days after me. hee...

skies, how have you been? It looks like ur babies are well looked after
it's good that u've decided to pop on 21dec. U must be excited to look foward to ur 3 darlings. Next time can celebrate their birthdays, 'dong zhi', x'mas and ur wedding anniversary together for that golden week...lol...
As long as they are healthy, whichever date doesn't matter.
Jia You!!
Pandawife I m excited for u! Another 4 days u can see ur 3 babes!

Just faith u r at TPS now? Bb engaged? My next appt is we'd with prof tee. Update us!

Bubbly no lah won't induce unless dr advise so. But hopping to have my gal end dec coz dec is a happy mth and I can count down with her to 2011.=)

Clercler just load up on meat milk, soya milk, Bb will put up weight fast. Ice cream too but take that in moderation coz of sugar. My gal only catch up when I m 31 weeks. Before that she was below average and dr Loh mentioned her growth rate slows down. Jia you!
CDA acct
Was at ion so checked w standard chartered there, the interest is 1% . if OCBC same will go OCBC bah coz more branches and got Sunday banking. Will check if pass by
errr i thought the 90 days is based on when u started working for the company from day 1 and not when u went back to work after all yr MC/leave.
sounds like yr HR is trying to pull a fast one lei.
pls check directly with MOM if u're not sure.
Is it true that unused warm up bm needs to discard? Cannot reheat second time ?
I also heard some mums gave bm at room tempt ? Is it okay ? Thanks
yes, warmed up bm must be used within an hr, otherwise it will hv to be discarded.
it's ok to give bm at room temp if yr bb is comfortable with it. but u know chinese always believe in drinking warm fluids.

in western countries, they even give the bb bm straight from the fridge. when they're older of cos.
Gan, doc loh sent me home again. Not going to induce me. He asked me if I m in a hurry to give birth. I said no. But contraction is so often but irregular. Cervix still not dilated. I dunno when I will report at delivery suite again. Now I m doing ctg nx to the treatment rm. My nx appt is 27th to see dr tee. Baby is 2.9kg now
i also assume is work 90 calendar days from first day of work.
i also use up my 14days leave entitlement n 10days extended leave.n from aug MCs till now i gt ard 17days mc, im using further extended medical leave, n is still pending for approval in jan 11. if they dun approve, will consider as no-pay leave. after seein ur msg, i also scare mine not entitle. i jus email to MOM, hope they can reply me asap. or ur extended medical leave is it continuous MC, coz y u say u go bk office on 16nov?
Just faith so late u r at TPS doing ctg, but dr Loh left ? Coz usually nurse will show him the ctg results. Maybe the contraction is bh? Ur Bb engaged?
Thanks girls for the encouragement!


Since u intending to shower, are u using normal gel n shampoo together wih the tcm herbs water?

Mummies - singapoh, skies, Nancy,

Did u shower during confinement? What did u use?
working wife, i tink i will use the herbs water...followed by normal gel n shampoo. scared of herb smell..kekek.. mil wun know wht i use to wash myself in the bathroom :p
Another ques, did anyone drink DOM during bf? My aunty bought me a bottle but I told my mom I don't want to drink all these alcohol while bf. At most can use the Chinese wine for cooking but not too much too, let it evaporate.

How about u guys?
working wife,

i asked dr paul today about taking alcohol foods during confinement.

he says small amts of DOM uncooked is ok. cooked alcohol foods no problem.

the concern he raised about taking uncooked alcohol is that for c sect, it might cause unnecessary bleeding.
Ooh ok, thx panda! So what is considered small amount leh? Small glass every once in 2-3 days? Are u planning to take?

Seems like better not risk it with c sect, dun wanna cause unnecessary bleeding n more complications.

I also plan to do the same - use normal gel n shampoo (maybe Johnson baby shampoo n gel) n the tcm herbs water.
U planning to do c sect too? Epi or ga?
Dun plan to take alcohol..nt a fan of Dom...my mum soaked herbs in 3 bottles somemore..
Probably only take food cooked in rice wine ..
working wife,

I was under watchful eyes during my confinement. For first 10- 12days, I only wiped my body w the herbs water every 3 days. As for shower, it was only until after 12 days but only once every 3 days. But I will secretly shower in the morning w the shower foam I bought online when my MIL is not around. Hair washing, I used normal shampoo.

DOM: I did not drink any alcohol during my confinement. Even if got, it is just a little bit chinese wine used in cooking. My gynea told me I can eat anything except alcohol when I went to remove stitches.
Wow finally u have a date!! Its only 4 days more... So excited for u mann! Rem to eat whatever u want for these 4 days ya...

I tell u.. Im so sick of the confinement food... Esp those with dom or rice wine... The smell of it makes me wana puke mann... Every meal is abt the same... One vege... Pork slice cook with ginger and rice wine... Steam or fried ngor he... Fish soup... Vingear pig trotters...

Hows thing gng for u? Bm got increase?
I went to see dr f today... Removed one long stitch... Not painful... So dont worry... After removing dr f will clean the wound with alcohol then spray a cold thing on the wound... Thats all... He gave me a cream to apply to make the scar heal better...
He say another one more week.. I can do massage.. But must be careful of the wound area...
When u seeing him?
Baby...yes! Haha..finally can do real count down! Hee... 
I ask dr abt removing stitches... Luckily he says no need.. Will melt n heal w the wound type..

U going to do the massage soon? I plan to do it at the 4th week before babies full mth party.
Oh so yrs no need to remove stitches...
Mine also glued type when i look at my wound... But today my dr remove one black string..

Btw u will want to latch yr 3 bbs for bf? I wonder how u gng to do it...
For the massage... I think i will wait another 2 more weeks.. One mth aft op... To play safe... Hee...
Baby..i will try to latch all three n see how.. If need..do partial bm n partial fm. Dr says I k try latch them as soon aft c sect since I m doing epi.
I tried to latch them on twice... I find its not v easy... Maybe cos my bbs are too used to bottle feed... So i still find pumping easier...
But waking up at night to pump is not easy too... V tiring..:
i'm seeing dr f last wk dec.
hope it wont be painful for me too, coz sometimes hard to say. did u dare to look at ur scar? was it ok?
my area just above the plaster is starting to feel sore, worst when i touch it. did u feel the same?
will u need to go back to see dr f again? or is this the last time?

yes my BM got increase abit. but my baby feeding schedule is very haywire.. a bit worried if doing the right thing.
how's urs coming along?

No leh. Dr Loh has 3 deliveries this afternn. When I arrived, the waiting area is unexceptionally quiet, think most doctors go on leave or what.. then the nurse told me Dr Loh has just left for delivery... then he came back and resumed seeing patients. Then went delivery again. In all, same afternn, he has 3 deliveries.. Aiyo. By the time I see him, was almost 7pm. My appt was supposed to be 350pm. Then Dr Loh sent me to do CTG again. He saw my first 20mins report, then asked for another 30mins. Confirmed got contractions. But not regular enough.

I asked him if it is common for some to experience early contractions, but nothing happens for a week. He say why not? He says baby getting ready to come out. Then he joked, maybe christmas or maybe wants him to deliver for me when he is back.

I believe if I continue walking for the next few days, I definitely will pop early. Now I kinda trying to keep her as long as inside as possible. Let nature takes its course. As long as I can feel baby movement, I will be more zen.

When I shared with my mum just now, mum says maybe baby wants christmas present from me leh... then I laugh n laugh. I really dunno what a NB baby will ask from me leh.

When I came home just now, I talked to baby again. If she tong until christmas, I will ask daddy to buy her a mobile toy where I can hang on her baby cot. I really hope she will stay inside for the sake of the toy lah....
Just faith maybe ur Bb wants to wait for dr loh but if Christmas would be the best gift! Today u wait do long must be tiring ! I waited 2 hrs last Friday, already very tired.

I bot a toy for my gal too, to fix on the infant carseat to entertain her when we r in the car.

When dr loh check cervix is it painful? I read in other threads some mtbs said painful during checks.

Ya, super tired and hungry!!!! After that, I went whampoa market for hokkien mee and bbq chicken wing.

No leh.. not painful at all. Think Dr Loh is too experienced. He was "gentle". Must importantly, is to relax, dun squeeze your buttocks.

I imagine that I will see Dr Tee on 27th. Then I admit myself on 27th night. Dr Loh will deliver for me the following day... hehe. He's back on 28th right? LOL.....
wow! u oso cant slp? mine oso started lately. bb kicking me too, dun noe if i wake her or she makes me cant slp.
oso some stray thots been in my mind, tryin to stay relaxed and worry free so tat i can continue my dreamland...

tomorrow doing some mild spring cleaning...bb coming, hav to keep stuff clean clean. or at least try to...but old ppl just so used to their old habits...sigh. think pregnant woman think too much.
wow, panda! u too.
3 playing inside more difficult to fall asleep, mine only doing waves n kicks with my tummy. think yours can play kickboxing together. ;)

Rose..it's normal leh..we oso spring clean the house..n I kept nagging to my hb about my mil hygiene habits. V scared she mess up my kitchen during confinement.
As the date gets nearer will start to worry about more stuff! But must still try n relax....
