IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

tickles, no lah, not planning mine yet, will do that during confinement.

Now cracking my head to remove my wedding band. =P
You are taking the 16 weeks ML at 1 go? I am planning to do that plus 2 weeks of my own vacation leave.
wahaha.. Tot u so fast planning le..

I'm taking 16 weeks. Can use soap to remove? During my 1st preg, I put on so much weight that I also got the same prob..

ok, will try out the tea and see how first..
Wow.. 80ml is alot!!
I only manage to get 20ml at first... Now max only have 45ml.... Even i pump every 3hrs... The milk doesnt seems to increase le... Sometimes i even pump 30ml only...

Hows yr bf-ing? U latch bb on or use pump?

How r u now? Must be feeling v heavy right... Cant wait to see yr triplets mann!
U are really amazing... Can stretch till full term with 3 inside u...
yes dr f said my stitches needs to be removed in 2-3 wks time. did he manage to see u before u discharged?
I'm trying to BF but my milk supple is too low, so have to supplement with Formula milk. tried to pump but its quite painful and the amt pumped out is very little.
how abt u?

During my 1st tri, I ate everything, including nasi lemak... when i enter 2nd tri, my appetite changed. ate more healthy food. during my 3rd tri, i m back to my 1st tri appetite but smaller portion.

I try to eat everything, and anything. I believe happy mummy = happy baby.. hehe.

Eat lah.. but aga-aga can liao.
baby..I m feeling v heavy..getting more frustrated too. Spending more time in bed. Sit sofa oso uncomfortable. If walk..hv to walk really really slowly.....
Dun tink will reach 37wks..k get to 36wks I v happy already. My body cannot carry the weight much longer..
Faith > Orh... I will try to control not to over eat... but i am extreme hungry at night i cant sleep i will wake up and find food...

For now I still donate my food to the toilet I am in my 12 weeks le still feeling nausea...
Yup he did come see me before he discharge me... He look at my dressing and say its dry and clean... But he didnt tell me need to remove stitches... I also nvr ask...
Dr kumar also come to see me.. He told me he usually will clean the wound again before discharge but he will leave it to dr foong to decide... Hmm... So i believe dr f dont practise checking the wound before patient leave...

I wonder will it be painful when the stitches is remove...

I also supplement my twins with fm... But as long as i hv bm.. I will continue to feed them... Some bm is better than no bm
So u dont give up... How much ml did u pump out?
Did u latch yr bb on?
Ya.. 36weeks is good enough...dont have to torture yrself to carry till 37weeks... My dr told me before 36w is good.. Not necessary hv to wait till 37w... Somemore yr bbs have good weight... So its safe to deliver at 36w...u will feel so relieved when thE bbs are out..
A scheduled c sect is better than a emergency c sect... U
know what i mean?

I just weigh myself... Now abt 55.5kg... Have to lose abt 7kg to my pre natal weight...
baby, yeah..i will tahan until fri's appt... want to discuss w dr if i can go for c sect next mon or tue... tht will be about 36wks 3-4days...

just now hb ask me if wanna call dr tmr and bring forward the appt to deliver this week... seriously an endurance test.....

tonight my tummy extremely itchy again.. n i feel so thirsty tht i m drinking ice cranberry juice now. :S
1st tri I had major Nasi lemak craving, was eating almost every other day. Dr did mention abt high cholesterol n fats but didn't say must cut down or anything. Eventually tat phase went away.
I agree with just faith, dun control diet too much. Happy mummy = happy baby.
Control too much next time bb very picky abt food.
Morning gers - wanna ask i'm currently 21wks & I'm feeling thumps & fluttering from the twins already but not frequently

Should I start the kick counter ? does it apply for twins ? Currently I think the twins are boy on the right, girl on the left .. the boy is much more active then the girl to the point I'm worried that the girl is being so non-active

last night i didn't dare sleep too much to my left in fear that I will 'crush' the girl so i tried sleeping at a 45 degree angle

Twin mummies pls advise me
hi mummies to be,
little dreamers having their xmas sales now.
just bought my confinement body wash and shampoo from them...chk out their website.
Even if u pop today... Its safe.. And bbs will just need nursery... So u can discuss with dr abt bringing it forward since u aldy feels so uncomfy...

I tell u... Drink ice cold drinks all u want now... Cos u wont be able to drink during confinement... I crave so much cold drink now... Cos its super hot mann... The heaty food i eat... Cannot blow fan... Drink those hot soup... And those hot longan red date tea... Warm herbal water wipe... Walau.. Super duper hot lor!

Anyone know.. When can we start to get bk our normal diet? To eat outside food.. Drink cold drinks.... After confinement? Or must wait till few mths later??

Yday nite after i pump milk... My uterus kept contracting like every few mins... Super crampy.... Cant slp... Then morning wake up... Whole pad is soaked with blood lor..: wonder is it normal....
understand ur concerns abt babies' kicks n positions to sleep. For twins, it's difficult n not accurate to count daily kicks even till the last stages of pregnancy. Even I know that positions of my twins, they still move about and turned into some ackward position at different weeks

Dun worry abt ur sleeping positions. U will not hurt or crush them. They are surrounded by fluids n they will adjust themselves to make themselves comfy. At my last stage where my tummy is so huge, there is so much pain lying on the back so only way is the lie sideways. U can feel them move as I move from left to right , right to left thruout the whole night

i wanna make it thru this wkend... coz i told hb he has to go buy some nice foods for me to eat before i pop! hahaha... and i am eating daily servings of ice cream and lotsa cold water :p my mum make me hot red date tea..i put in the fridge until cold then i drink..after pop cannot do tht liao...

hmm..if u r concern about the heavy bleeding, why not giv ur dr a call to check?
i went back to normal diet immediately after 28 days confinement. cold drinks and all. but of cos i still try to eat more healthily, more fish, no alcohol, cut down on caffeine etc.
other than that, no restrictions at all.
Grumpus & just faith,
I agree happy mummy = happy baby. I still eat my fast food n fried stuff now. In fact I'm usually not hungry which is complete opposite of Diana!
Yes.. Better go eat and drink all u can now before u pop... After which there are so many restrictions... U will want to eat those that u cant touch... V miserable... Esp those ice cold drinks... U can nvr imagine how hot u will be during confinement... Those heaty food and warm drinks and wipes... Can go nuts mann...

Oh u went bk normal diet straight aft 28days ah... My mum say must do till 40days... Cold drinks must wait till abt 2-3mths... Gosh... Really dont know how to tahan...
U went thru natural or c sect? Maybe c sect big op.. So must do longer...
mine was c sect. my mum also said confinement should do until 40 days. wat i did was compromise lor. after 28 days, i went back to regular diet, cold drinks and shower everyday.
but i still drink one flask of red date tea a day and drink tonic soup at night.
are ur girls back home already ? Maybe caused my boys latched on first days days so got better flow. One boy prefer to drink from bottle caused it's faster. I have been doing using formular milk to supplement since day one. I try to pump every 3 hrs but night time too tired to wake up
how much wt did u lose right after delivery ? I lost ten kg

happyhippo/ singapoh
thanks for the info

For twins I lost my pre preggy weight very fast compared to my single pregnancy. Now I m 3 kg lighter than my pre preggy weight.


How many more kg to lose?
hello! I BFP on 16/10 but only join this thread now hahaha

last week got a super big heart attack & I told precious I cannot afford to lost him/her!

don't worry abt crushing babies. Just sleep on sides, in yr most comfortable position. In my last few weeks of last tri, I also sleep 45% cos I cannot find good position to sleep anymore.


I m now in kk labour ward. The cramps which I complained the last few days, get so intense. From 24hrs, then 12hrs, 6hrs... Now I get it every 2hrs. So bad that I can't feel baby movements. Now being strapped on again, baby's heartbeat is good. Avg 150bpm. Highest peak for contractions was around 28% today. Doctor has not assess me though. Still waiting.
I think i will try to do 40days... Else my mum will nag at me.
Btw.. How long does yr lochia flow finish? I read frm the web that after 10days post op.. Lochia should not be red.. But i still have red blood discharge now leh... Its aldy 11 days post op liao....

Yup my girls are bk home lo... Cos they are premature bbs.. They cant latch on... So they are bottled fed... Thats y i continue to bottle feed them after i pump..
I lost abt 10kg also... Still have abt 6-7kg more to lose...

Aircon 26 degree like no aircon liddat leh... I put 24 fan 2...
Cos i notice when i pumping... I feel body v warm...
Just faith,

How many weeks are u now?

As for mouthwash, just make sure u dun swallow it. I think got alcohol free mouthwash. Oral B if I m not wrong
Ok.. I shall reduce to 25... Room temp.. Hehe...
If i can tahan somemore... Will reduce to 26...
Initially i still put to 22 degree lor... Opps...

Somemore i wear the binder 24/7... In the middle of the night.. I will wake up with sweat even in aircon room... Imagine my heat level....
just faith,

keep us updated! good luck!


oh dear, hope all is fine now. talk to your precious n stay positive! rest more, dun worri too much.
u must be so glad to have ur gals back
I thought as long as babies are above 2 kg they can latch on ? Pd says when can they latch on ? U also lost 10kg.. Guess the babies wt, placenta n fluids makes up for that

my confinement lady is taking a break after me for cny. After which she has 2 more back to back early march to may. Sorry ...

l got another 8kg to lose. Guess its water retention and fats. I remember u said u drank one litre of milk a day. Confinement time u also drank? U heat up is it ? My mum dun allow cold drinks this period
i latch my baby plus pump BM, very little, only abt 10ml. started taking fenugreek, hopefully will see some results.
dr f checked my wound dressing to ensure there is no bleeding, if no bleeding means its OK. he didnt change the dressing, altho i complained that the plaster was itchy. he said the plaster is waterproof, can take shower.

today my stomach area has nagging pain.. not sure if coz of breastfeeding.

let me know ur appt with him, whether u need to remove ur stitches.

Aiyo can imagine wearing binder the whole day. I wore for 6 hours per day, 7 days also buay tahan liao. So itchy too!


During confinement, I didn't drink so much milk. I drank a lot of plain water. Warm milk
hmmm i remember my heavy lochia lasted abt 1wk plus, after that is not heavy but i keep staining/spotting until abt 6-8 wks.
i asked my dr abt it and he said maybe it's some herbs that i'm taking that promote cleansing of the womb, flushing of dirty blood etc. so that's why keep spotting. he asked me to stop all herbs, which i did and then all bleeding stopped also.
so dunno whether it's true or not.

mine till now still have a bit.. so i guess should be normal. maybe your body is expelling all the blood out..

just faith,
jia you!
