IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Haha..they doing warm up now..just started stretching exercise.

Me thinking of spinelli strawberry cheese tart n their fruit freeze drinks!

my parents in law stay with me for few years already. my kitchen already covered with a layer of grease, coz my mil not the type who wil clean the kitchen aft cooking. wanted to get one time spring cleanin service since CL coming n bb shower wil hav guests etc, but ended up she made weird comments like we spending unnecessary money. sianz.
oh...dun start talkin on food. where to get supper esp ur spinelli at this hour. think of roti prata maybe stil got chance to find... hahaha. or u plannin for tml breakfast...eat watever u want now, few more days u cant drink cold stuff liao.
Wow...u need regular helper leh... My hb did spring cleaning w the part time helper. Kitchen w grease sounds like my mil. She told me tht day she cover her cooking area w cardboard so will not get dirty..but my kitchen setup she can't do tht. I nearly fainted...
wil try to slp now, think i wakin my husband liao... lol. dun want him to know i complain about his mum in d forum. haha.
Earliest I k get to spinelli is Tmr afternoon when hb knock off from work...now k only dream.....
I hv sweet cravings...haha... Now wondering if I shld get out of bed to eat...there r some breads in the kitchen.... N cranberry juice in the fridge...
i used to be the regular helper, cleanin the stove n tiles when i wash the dishes. but since pregnant i no longer doing that often esp the wall tiles. i just keep both eyes shut n mouth shut on d grease...but now a bit difficult, coz i tink CL will surely make some comments when she enters the kitchen. one kitchen cannot hold 2 women mah. hahaha. i really am thinkin too much.
Rose maybe get a part time helper so that u have someone help u do regular cleaning even after Bb arrive coz with Bb u maybe too busy to do cleaning after ur inlaw next time. Take it easy when u spring clean this weekend dun overtire urself

Pandawife ur bbs active from 3am to 9am.. Wow!! Mine sleeping now....During confinement have to close 1 eye.... I scared my confinement lady mess up my kitchen . Hehehe after all she is a stranger ... Really dunno what to expect.
Pandawife, is your maid here already?

Rose, get a part time helper lah. Just tell yr mil it's yr relatives ' helper. Then u pay her under table. See can bluff your way through or not.

Gan, aiyo today only 18th. I will try to tong until 29th. Actually dr loh mentioned he is flying back on 26th. Think he is taking more leaves to recharge myself. :p
I understand that the uterus will contracts after birth. Wa, can be quite painful some times. More painful than now c sect wound ... Feels like very very bad mentrual cramps. Is it supposed to be like that ? Or caused of twins my uterus was bigger so more painful ? Pls advise thanks

working wife

I was quite " metal teeth" when comes to bathing n washing hair before I gave birth. But after I see my babies and everyone in the family so busy taking care of bbs my wellbeing.. I just follow instructions but did improvise a bit.

No shower just wipe myself with warm water everyday. No hair washing too for first 12 days but use dry shampoo. Mum says cannot touch raw tap water but most of the time forgot.
Trying to lie down most of the time but hear bb cry I wanna go carry them .. Can't miss their first few weeks of growing too right ? Was thinking by the time confinement ends, they would be one month old ! I Dunna miss their first few weeks too. But I will lie down n rest once they are zzzing too.

I dun take caused dr's nurse told me for c sect better avoid drinking. Will cause more bleeding so I avoid. My confinement food does contain wine n all that and that's okay.
Skies, thanks for the advice. Can see yr bb girls growing bigger thru yr FB photos
so how do u feel abt motherhood now? Remember b4 delivery u were rather apprehensive, and worried abt how u will cope. I think thats normal feeling for all mtbs. How do u feel now?

Panda , yeah I wont drink the alcohol direct also. Don't even like it in the first place!

For now thinking is epi. But depends on doc cuz I hv been on drips for long, dunno if he will say better to do GA so not so stressful to the heart. But I hope can do epi. Once in a lifetime (for now lah unless God bless us w third kid

So good u got a date to look forward to! For me I'm just counting down to Dr's return, not sure also if that is the date. At the same time, I do feel more tightening and contractions these two days but drip has to remain at 4-10u, doc don't allow to go higher. He said as time goes by sure will feel more cus tummy getting heavier n bbs are bigger inside. So for me, the date is really up in the air. Just now targeting Dr's return that's all. My bbs finally gonna be 2010 or 2011 bbs also don't know

Hey can post yr bb photos here since no FB? Wanna see leh yr princesses
wow that's fast!!! from no signs at all to waterbag burst and cervix open liao!!

good luck!! u'll get to see yr little girl soon
Girls I m so not prepared.... I tot I was leaking urine last nite at 3 am coz not alot..... We didn't even bring the hospital bag and camera!! Now hb rushing home to take the things.... Hehehe must be the most unprepared mtb coz tot not so fast. No contraction yet
Gan, ur baby got character leh..keke.. she decided her own date!

i woke up from nap n jump out of bed when i saw ur post..hee....

now just chill n wait to meet ur precious one...

i m also preparing tht anything can happen from now until before tue.... told my hb to put the hospital bag in his car later...
Yeah... Nurse said 18 dec, anything with 8 sure got a lot of induction

Gan, don't worry, all will be fine. U r 37 weeks now rite? I heard nurse say that water bag burst means should be today at most tomorrow.
working wife, i waited for the DATE until my neck also grew longer already...heheh....

it will be ur turn soon.. i m pretty sure once ur dr is back, he will discuss with u, esp since you have been on drip for so long and babies are of good weights
working wife, i m keeping my fingers crossed tht on the 21st, there are still single room available... the thought of hb not being to stay the 3 nighs with me and babies is very scary....
Oh gan, remember to ask for epidural early enuf if u want. I've seen enuf cases here where mom trying to be hero by the time ask for epi too late ady. Or some moan in pain for few hours then finally give in to epi. Then those who take epi early enuf can lie there chit chat w hubby n read magazine. u need to reserve yr energy to push!

Jia you!
Panda, can't do admission earlier? Maybe can check if can do now so that if ur wait list, by that time should get? Here always got issue of not enuf rooms one.
Gan, I got a shock!!! still rubbing my eyes. Your gal really know how to choose date. Want to catch hold of Dr Loh before he go on leave. hehehehehe.

Your water bag burst, Dr Loh sure induce you liao.

Is fruitree in the next labour ward? Do keep us posted.

Pandawife, are you getting more excited? when it comes to labour, anything can happen. LOL
working wife, we already paid the deposit for admission for single room the last time i went labourward false alarm.... coz the nurse very gan chiong, quickly ask my hb go n pay..hahahah....

after tht we din refund since hv to go back there again....

yesterday i checked.. the clinic nurse already informed admission of my single room request and c sect date. but the allocation is done on actual day admission... thts how the system works... so cannot be help. i also heard about the lack of single rooms... hopefully they will be kind enuff to let me have one coz there are 3 babies....hehe..
Wow... So excited for u!!
U gonna be a mummy soon!!

Working wife
Im computer idiot... Dont know how to load photo here...
Let me ask my hb... Hee...
Just Faith.. hehe.. i told my babies all the jie jies n gor gors cannot wait to see the world... they must be good n wait for the date daddy has picked..hahahaha.... since they hv been such great babies so far...:p

yeah lor.. w labour, anything can happen... we are so happily discussing good dates..but our precious ones also have a date of their own!

i told my hb just now..tht gan waterbag burst... he got worried..coz yesterday dr paul said one of my boys very very low n might go into labour anytime....

hee.... so i also must standby in case little boy decided that he wanna come out before tue..
baby, ask ur hb set up FB account for u lah..then can add us... when we pop, can share babies photos
and can also see ur gals photos updates ....
Haha... Even if my hb set up fb acc for me.. I also wont go maintain... Useless also... Hehe..
I will try to load my darlings photo here... They are so cute!
hi ladies...

back from doc visit...

BB very active move here and there up and down turn back and front haha... do legs exercise also... haha so cute...

I did not do OSCAR but doc do and unofficial check and Dr say BB is consider low risk...

OSCAR cost $400... unofficial check $30 check + $30 ultrasound = $60... still can know the result hehe... save $...
Yes.. The uterus contraction is v painful for me also... Its worst than the wound pain... It feels like v bad period cramps.. And it can come in every few seconds esp after bf..
Afterwhich i will find my lochia will be heavier after the contraction...
I also didnt wash my hair for the first 12 days... I didnt even use the dry shampoo althou i have it with me.. Cos i tie up my hair.. And my hair is not the oily type so i still can tahan... So didnt need the dry shampoo... I also wipe myself with warm herbal water... But i use warm tap water to wash my bottoms with confinement shower gel... Lemongrass.... The smell v refreshing and warm...
I just bathed and washed my hair for the first time after delivery... I think i will bathe every few days now... Cant wait for my bb full month party mann!

Will u be doing full month? Giving full month cake?
Im thinking to order frm sweetest moments...
Just faith maynot be dr loh delivering cld be dr Marianne.

Pandawife ha ha ya Bb wants to choose her birthday. =)

Girls just had my happydural no contraction yet. 2 cm dilated when dr Loh checked me this morning. Still like a dream that I will be seeing my baby soon
Working wife I am 36 weeks 5 days today ... Monday 37 weeks. That's why didn't expect so fast moreover last Friday dr loh said he doesn't expect me to deliver soon as Bb not engaged. I even cancel my leave next week!
Excited for u
ya.. Dun forget ask for epidural early. Take more pics when she is out. Very soon, u can go back to ur own home u haven't seen for so long.

ya man, the uterus contraction pain
no joke. It hurts at times too even
when I poo. But once I see my bbs, forgot the pain already. I can't wait for day 12 so can shower with herbs n wash hair. Can't wait to see ur little girls ... Oh must be sooo adorable n sweet

btw how is ur new maid ? did Ur milk supply improve? I also find pumping in the night very tough... So I pump 3 hrs during the day n night time sometimes too tired I just sleep thru. Sigh.... Now still partial fm caused my 60 to 100ml bm per pump not enough for my boys
Ya mann... The contraction pain really no joke... The pain is there even when i go pee... I even need to clench my fist when the contraction happens... Initially i tot its my wound causing the pain... Then after that realise the pain comes from inside the uterus... Cos i go pee after i pump milk... Tats y my tummy so pain when i go pee...

But now its ok liao after 2 weeks... So u endure a little while longer ok... Soon it will be over...

My bf still not too good leh... Mostly can only pump out abt 60ml... If i drag longer to pump can pump out abt 80ml... Also not enough for my twins... So for night feeds.. Cl give them fm... Then during the day time if got bm then feed them bm...
U aldy v good lo.. Got 100ml... Somemore its only initial phase for u.. Aldy got 100ml... V good!

I always wake up every 3hrs at night time.. V tiring... But always got to tell myself its for my darlings... Then i will wake up hehe... Else if i dont wake up... The amt of bm is worst mann...

Hows yr princes doing so far now? Whats their weight when they discharge?

Btw my cl say cannot eat liver.. Esp for those who went thru c sect and bf... I nvr hear this before... But i nvr eat cos she nvr cook for me...
Forgot to answer yr qn abt my maid...
So far ao good... I quite like her... She is quite hardworking.. We tell her to wake up at 7am and sleep at 9pm... But she wake up at 530am every morning to start cleaning the kitchen... And sometimes she do hsewk till v late at nite... And she wont give black face.. Always smiling... But she is abt slow... But im ok with it...
And somemore she is v clean... I always see her wash her hands with dettol before she handle my bottles...
U got engage a maid and cl?

wow, last night sleepless tis morning in labour ward. gosh, thats fast. jiayou! end of pregnancy journey very soon and coming motherhood adventure!

Jiayou! Jiayou! Jiayou! today is a very nice date!
yes when peeing also feel the pain. I hold on to the side of the toilet like about to give birth haha.. Didn't expect pain till such extend. Hopefully will improve like u said.

U so hardworking wake up at night too. Maybe I should try again tonight see can wake up or not. My boys also take fm at night. Currently I have cl, mum come day time n hb on leave to help. If not can faintzz .... When both cry at the same time n need to feed, like fighting a mini war haha ....

They lost abt 10 per cent of their weight. Then in one week gain back that 10 per cent. They saw pd on day 7 for jaundice so wt was measured. 2.7kg n 2.4kg

My maid not here yet maybe Monday. Hope she come soon so my mum can rest more. Ur maid sounds good. Like u, slow is okay but must be clean. U r lucky to have such a good maid. Quite auto

U planning for first month celebration already ? We can't decide. If invite everyone, then will have to be big celebration. at some restaurant or ballroom. If small only few family
members, then can do at home. What's ur plan ? Btw where u intend to bring them for vaccinations ?
I took DOM in my last confinement, but not immediately, only when 2 wks into it. This time after delivery will do the same. Only a small cup, its alright, up to individual.

Congrats ! U got your wish to have a Dec baby ! Just thinking those with false alarm are not popping, but yours so quiet but suddenly going to pop !

Didn't know womb contraction is painful. Didn't feel that in my last pregancy. Maybe try to keep your tummy warm.
Gan, how come it's dr Marianne and not dr John tee? Hmm.... 2cm at 11am+. Guess you should pop by 9pm. Hehehehe. Do remember to set up yr fb acc n load tons of yr baby girl pics.
Hahaha... I tell u... I also leh.. I clench on the cupboard beside the toilet bowl like a crazy woman... Really so painful..
So drama mann... Haha...
But the worst last abt a few days... Afterwhich it will get better... Endure!!

My bbs also lost 10% of their weight... Scan time is 2.3kg.. But after that become around 2kg only...

I also deciding where to bring my bbs for injections leh... I heard my friend say she goes to pte pd for injections package.. Cost $1500 ah... Polyclinic only charge $600...

Ya im gng to hold baby shower.. I will hold it at my new house but its in the function room...

U aldy back home? When u gng to see dr? Yr wound still pain? Hows yr lochia flow?

you stay in sengkang right? I heard the PD at rivervale mall is very popular leh. The one facing the road. You think that PD is a good choice?
Oops.. I am just reading the archives.. for a min I thought justfaith pooped…I was reading with half eyes open and then jumped and read WOW gan in labour ward now… see ur precious soon… … so many popping.. iam so excited…
pandawife… u must be really excited…u will soon see ur 3 precious

its long way to go for me.. but still feel so excited seeing so many popping here…

To all mummies who are popping soon, Good Luck!

So many precious babies are coming to celebrate Christmas.

Singapoh,bubbybear, Justfaith,clercler
Atlast I went to dentist.. wisdom tooth very bad shape , he said he will do temporary adjustment and did cleaning.. he asked me to be careful during this 6.5 mths….

Clercler – did u visit the dentist.. they said gums generally becomes very weak..

Just faith
U have fantastic memory! Yup i stay in sengkang but i nvr been to rivervale mall leh.. So i dont know there is a pd there...

Having injections with pte pd can use CDA $... But polyclinic cannot right?

Have u pop? So anxious for u mann!
Nvr expect u are the next to deliver... U really jump q haha...
Quickly update us ya!
