IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

How are u ? Must be excited
Dr cheng mentioned this sunday he is doing a c sect for a twin mum at 37 weeks guess it's you Hee....

I was told at childbirth class need not bring anything for babies at TMC. They will provide u the baby clothes to bring baby home but if u prefer they wear ur own clothes u can bring some.

I started to have joint pain at the right wrist this week too. But the pain lasts for the whole day and seems to be getting worse now. I find it painful to do simple things like holding a cup, turning door knob, wearing clothes etc. I'm afraid that it will worsen after my delivery, then I'll have difficulties carrying my babies. I plan to ask my doc whether there's any remedy when I see him next week.

How did the pain go off eventually? By wearing wrist guard? My mum had such problem immediately after I was delivered. She went for an injection of pain killer at the joint.
I asked my ex helper to empty her luggage, take out all her belongings and pack the luggage piece by piece in front of me. I also checked her handbags, wallets etc to make sure that she didn't pack our things.
Yours going to leave soon? Better get her to pack just before you send her off.

Did u sprain yr wrist? I had pain on my thumb area after using that muscle too much to carry my first baby. This time I dun hv any joint pain.
bing, u can check w dr if its carpal tunnel syndrome... at first i thought its becoz i always slept on my sides..thts y wake up with aching fingers...

last night i got hb to help massage the wrist before bedtime.. n at night when i wake up for toilet breaks..i will shake my wrist too... this morning it wasnt so painful....
Twin, I asked my 1st maid to open her luggages, and I went thru everything in front of her..including her notes, jus in case she wrote down our addresses or personal details. I saw our names and address in her notebook and I tore it away....

Panda, it jus went away on its own....I aso dunno how or why..

nervous more than excited. Sometimes I feel so weird coz it seems that I don't have contractions. Only feel abit tightening then gone. Think my girls v comfy inside. Haha.

Re: aching in finger joints
I also exp aching in d finger joints in 3rd tri n now my feet are v swollen. Sometimes I will ask my hb to rub my feet coz I
don't dare to exert too much strength. Once I swing my wrist, my hb told me not to, think not v good in long run.
That's good to hear u dun have contractions. Dr cheng said yesterday one twin mum had to operate at week 34 cause as she was having contractions past few days. Ur girls are very "guai" to stay there till 37 weeeks. Hopefully my boys are good too
Have a smooth delivery this Sunday !!!!
Just Faith, I feel moody... I m still staining non-stop n had fresh bleeding yesterday night though it is 2 wks post d&c. Just saw dr loh, he said can be healing no good.. He scanned n said my cycle is not bk to normal yet. Like the first m/c, he gave me medicine to take for 2 wks to force menses to come n reset cycle. After that I need to do SHG again to ensure no scarring... 3rd time m doing SHG.. Very very sianz..

Was wondering how come you didn't reply my earlier post... good to see you here again. Sorry to hear about your flesh bleeding again. By right, you shouldn't experience any flesh bleeding now. What about past two weeks? Was the flow heavy?

During my m/c last year, my flow abit unusual, and lesser than expected. I immediately went to see TCM. He presribed me some chinese herbs and my heavy flow lasted about 5 days then went to normal and no more.

Did you see any TCM to tiao your body? I think those western medicine to force menses to come is no good..... it dun help you to heal internally.

Hazel dear, please don't give up TTC.. You are a brave mummy. Everyone here knows it. Jia you!!

think he told me d same thing. And there is another mummy who is carrying twins and they r 3kg ea at week 36!

Try not to think too much ya. Take things naturely. I juz hope my itchness will stop after delivery. =p
Hang in there. If your period returns to normal, actually, not neccessary to do HSG, only do when it is abnormal. But your Dr may feel differently. Just take it one step at a time, let nature take its course, sometimes, the unexpected will happen when u let loose.
Just faith, I had bleeding for a few days post d&c. After that taper to red staining. Then become black or dark chocolate staining... This continues even till now.. Need to wear a pad still.. N cramps now & then.. Except fleshing bleeding yesterday night.. Dr loh said black staining means healing not very good.

I Nv see Any tcm. I didn't do any mini confinement this round too as my mum said no need...

The medicine dr loh prescribed is the hormones support pills, duphaston that we took during first trimester. He said the medicine will result in new linings to grow over the existing one which is not healing well.. After I finished the medicine, the lining will all shred n menses will come...

Before Dr loh scanned me, he said cld be due to something still left behind in the womb.. I almost fret out when he told me tt.. After scanning, he said looks clean but need to do SHG after menses come to confirm is clean n no scarring...

I hv done a few surgeries, including wisdom tooth surgery. My external wounds Nv heal well n for these external ones, healing can see, so mc or hl is always extended for these external surgeries coz swelling n pain persist n stitches cannot be removed..

I m very sianz of all these.. Most women d&c already, every thing will go bk to normal on their own.. But why not me? After each d&c, I need to take extra medicine n do extra scans which others dun hv to.. Sigh..
Buddybear, scarring menses will still come normally.. Only SHG will confirm. Scarring will increase m/c risk. So, dr loh is trying to smooth out my path for me to make sure all is fine.. Coz from day 1 I told him I m prone to scarring n I dun heal very well...
He wants me to do SHG instead of HSG Coz he said former got more beneficial effects n it will flush out any tiny blockage in my tubes also if any.. As if I hv any since I just did SHG in June after my April m/c...
Hi Hazel
I've been a silent reader of this forum. I also had prolong bleeding after my ectopic surgery, I spotted for almost 2 months, it was heavy in the beginning with clots but then the brown spotting continues for 2 months, sometimes heavy and sometimes light. I was prescribed some hormone pills to try to regulate my cyle, but it did not work. then finally i went to see TCM doctor and she diagnosed my body as being weak and cold after having the miscarriage, then i was given some herbs for a week. after that i bled quite a lot like menses for few days, then suddenly the bleeding stopped. after that, my period is back to normal. my experiece is quite similar to Just faith.
Irene, thanks for sharing. So prolonged spotting after d&c is common.. The hormones pills worked for me last m/c. When I took, it stopped. After finishing the medicine, one week later menses came n cycle was back to normal per dr loh's scan revealled.

I just took the first tablet after dinner just now.. Amazing not much staining now.. Will see how it goes.. Thanks again.
nancy, my bp was 130/79 at kkh yesterday .told dr loh i didn't take the bp med...he said the home pressure is not accurate but up to me if i want to take. Dr loh was not happy with bb's weight yesterday...she was abit on the small side...868g yesterday at 26w4d..dr loh was hopping for her to be at least 1kg before checking on bb. Was given 2 weeks MC to rest and see dr loh again 2 weeks later...including a growth scan 2 weeks later to check bb growth. Seems like every visit i have something to worry.

Not sure how i can tell my boss abt this long mc again....mon will go back office first to settle some work and also bring some stuff home to work from home coz suppose to do up a poster for a paper i put up to be displayed on 20 oct for a conference.

How r u doing? Ur hubby outta town already? U at mum's place?
Gan, isnt 26 weeks abit too early for baby to be 1kg? i read in most threads... babies seems to reach 1kg around 28weeks leh.....

Angela told me average growth for bb is 100-150gm per week... coz my mum kept saying how come my babies still so small...and they are like going to be due in Dec which is quite soon..

dont worry too much about work... ur boss will understand..or hv to understand.. little princess is more impt.. u hv to rest well....

i will be going for my 1st kkh checkup next Monday... hopefully the waiting time isnt too bad...
Pandawife which clinic would you be going for check up? When i was clinic D, waiting time for Dr Loh would be at least 2 hrs.
Yesterday my appt was at private suite but also waited 1 hr plus coz dr loh has to go for an emergency C.

I am not sure what is the correct weight coz dun dare to google too much else i freaked out again like earlier abt the borderline waterlevel, high BP, short nasal bone etc. Trying to be more zen, else i think i am also stressing up my poor bb.

Will try do more bedrest next week. hopefully she will be more than 1 kg when i see dr loh 2 weeks later.
btw i went block 82 whampoa bb shop Just Faith recommended, the clothes really cheap..i bot 3 sets of bb homewear (top and bottom) at $10.

try not to worry too much bout bbs' weight. For me, don think my bbs also have 1kg by week26 esp yours is triplets.

Ppp always tell me try to sleep or rest more, bb will grow bigger. Try not to worry yourself too much ya.
Gan, i will be going to Clinic C.. coz referral from polyclinic..cannot pick doctor..

seems like i hv to be prepared for at least 2 hrs wait there...

yeah... dun google ..just rest n relax... baby will grow well... next visit sure exceed 1kg already

be like me lah..everyday just eat, sleep and surf net for baby things..hahaha...enjoy enjoy :p

wow...thts very good price ! i tink i hv enuff bb clothes already...keke... mum got alot of handmedowns..plus those tht i bought... after washing then i realised alamaks... alot leh...so better stop buying mini clothes for now..hehe..
skies mine is singleton...kekekeke..pandawife is triplets. =)

pandawife ya, must learnt to be a tai tai. At ikea now buying the cot sheet for bb, quite cheap 2 for $12. After walking 20 mins resting at restaurant. =p i got no idea how much clothing i bot coz everytime i buy i asked hubby bring back our home and i forgotten what i buy. But got a feeling more than enuff coz my sis said she packed 2 boxes of clothing she bot for bb from states. will received the boxes sometime in nov.
I also think it's 28 weeks for babies at 1kg. Dun worry too much abt weight and work now
ur have come so far and ur little princess more impt . eat more , can order the yummy chicken wings at ikea . Enjoy !!!

My hubby travel schedule not confirm so now home. wanna go out but think of the stairs to climb while coming home xian already
just finished my lunch! feels so good now... need alot of energy to grow 3 babies siah.....

gan, me also like tht.. everytime buy already.. just put in the bb room... until when washing, then realised..oppps.. so many.... hahaha...

wow...ikea on wkend must be crowded!.. i forgot to buy drawer organisers the last time i went... maybe will ask hb to n pick it up... n shun bian buy me the wings! hehehehe.....

paiseh. But try not to worry too much ya. Too much stress not good for mummy & bb. Try take things easy & she will grow well.
nancy.. yeah.. if i remember correctly, 28wks is the 1kg mark.. 32 weeks will be very close to 2kg..coz thts when dr paul says i can stop going kkh as babies will be of good weight!

its kind of very amazing, the during this period, babies grow so much n so fast!

Now try not to think too much bout tmr. Juz hope d bbs r safe n sound. I try not to take nap today so at nite can sleep but fell asleep juz now. Yup have to fast fr 5am tmr. But thinking of asking to drink water when reach hospital if not v thirsty.
26 weeks with 800plus grams i tot is normal?
Btw, ikea cot sheet only $12 for 2 sets? Is it one colour without prints one? Only have pink and blue right?

Frm 28 weeks to 32 weeks.. Can grow 1 kg in 4 weeks ah?
All will be smooth smooth tomorrow
One more day....

Have u thought of names for ur babies? I am responsible for the ang mo name while my hubby for the chinese name and we still thinking

Still thinking if i need to get 2 cots instead of one cot one playpen. What do u think? I heard some babies dun wanna sleep in cots. Is it true?
skies have a smooth delivery! Rest well and tomorrow can hold ur 2 princesses! Ur bbs bday very good....really perfect 10!
baby, by 32 weeks should b close to 2kg..if not 2kg...during last tri, babies will grow very fast...thts also when they put on fats... very amazing right?

angela told me last 2 mths, she will see my tummy grow very fast de... but now i already tink its fast...the team there see me once a week...n can tell a difference in my tummy size!

nancy, me n hb came up with a set of names already... i did most of the brain work..LOL.. read the chinese dictionary at home! then hb come back do filtering...:p but my mum wanna find master to look at the names when babies are out....

we wanna train all babies to sleep in cots..so they get used from young... i hv no idea where else they can sleep if they dun like the cot leh! hahaaha... at most let them fuss n cry abit.. but they hv to stay in their room, in their cots ...sounds very mean hor...
I have the same thinking as u... I want bbs to sleep on their cot in their own room frm the start... I dont want to be soft heart to let them sleep in our room.. Once they used to it.. Its nearly impossible for them to sleep on their own room...
I want to train them frm the start to be independent.. I have so many friends where they child sleep with them.. Once they want to let them sleep on their room.. They nvr succeed.. Then in the end affect the couple night life.. U know whAt i mean right.. Hee...

I hope to train my bbs using ang mo style.. Let them be independent.. And let them eat on their own when they can despite making a mess out of it.. Cos i notice asia mummies also spoon feed their child till v old cos they scare they make a mess.. I dont like.. I always see ang mo let their bbs eat on their own.. But of cos v dirty and messy lah.. But this way bbs can learn early...
Wow read chinese dictionary Hee....ya heard some pple look for master for chinese names after they know the date and time the babies are born

No la not mean. Unless u got a super big master can put 3 cots in ur room. I also not sure if the twins can sleep in their room. My master only got space for small mattress on the floor but still very tight.
Btw panda i told my mum abt the bu qi drink u mentioned.. She say hui shan not bu qi one leh... Then she went hock hua to ask.. The ple also say not hui shan.. Its bei qi..
Can use red dates, tang shen and bei qi to boil...
Then they say ginseng and bao sheng also bu qi one.. Cos i have the ginseng and bao sheng powder... But i only take one teaspoon of ginseng mix with water to drink once a week... I think i will try to drink more often.. Maybe drink every 4 days or wat..
baby, i might let bb sleep with us if we hv one baby...but 3 of them, how to? so no choice..hv to start training from young.. otherwise we might all end up sleeping on mattresses on the floor together...:S

with 3, must hv alot of discipline, and yes, hv to train them to be independent... i plan to send all 3 to childcare when they are 2 yrs old... coz if stay at home with grandparents too long also difficult for them to learn to be independent.....
Ya ang mo let their babies sleep in their own from early days. Feel a bit "xing tong" my mum will say. Especially for mums without maids, they need the sleep at night so they can care for the babies during the day. Were u the one that bought the baby monitor for this purpose?
baby..yeah..huai shan is not bu qi.. its the dang shen... huai shan is for baby skin..hehe..red dates is bu xue for us..n also bb will hv rosy complexion...

i cant take ginseng coz on aspirin...

nancy, yeah..i literally read the dictionary to look for words..heheheheeh... then play puzzle with them! LOL...
nancy, i will be buying baby monitor... yes... its for this purpose..so tht we can keep an eye on them w/o them knowing ! if not they will want us in the room once they get used to it...
Ur ger ger still taken care by ur MIL? U think I should get 2 cots? or buy one first?

My plan is also send to childcare at 18 months or 2 yrs so I can go back to work
Dun know send 2 or more kids got discount or not? Hee....
singapoh, yeah lor.. i m also training myself to b fair to all babies ...

kept telling hb cannot always buy things for ger ger.... we also hv to train them to share their things next time.... unless he is prepared to buy 3 sets of all toys...which i tink will faint!
Ya i bout the avent monitor.. Cos i know frm the start i will let bbs sleep in their room... So with monitor will be easier...

Take asprin how come cant take ginseng?
I heard alot ple say take ginseng while pregnant v good.. Bbs will have strong immune system.. Even the tcm i went to will sugg ginseng when we ask what to take during pregnancy...
Im trying to take more bird nest for bbs complexion...
Once or twice a week my mum will brew bird nest for me.. Then everyday or every 2 days i will take bottled ones.. My sil bout hock hua bottle bird nest for me with bao sheng...

nancy, first few mths u can put 2 babies in the same cot mah... so u can buy 1 first... 2nd one can buy later...

i oso bought 2 first... 3rd one will buy later when babies need their own cots......

then again, our intent to buy 2 first was also becoz we wanna put one in bb room, and one in my room during confinement. ideally easier for me to feed them when they are in my room...but hb says just in case they fuss too much i cannnot rest, put all in bb room n let my mil bottlefeed them at night...

so u might wanna consider this...
