IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

baby, my bump is bigger every week.. i m tracking with photos evidence.... hehehe.... myi can feel my tummy being stretched very badly every few days..:X belly button not yet pop leh... but totally flatten..keke...

we not in 3rd tri yet leh...... but u r right, i am peeing more often... take a 2 hrs nap...wake up 4 times to pee :S

bing, how did ur TCM treat u? my pain is bearable... n better with the nightly massages and wrist exercises...

i m also drinking more water and reducing sodium intake to avoid water retention... although so far i dun see any obvious swelling on the body...apart from tummy growing..hee....


the twins have arrived on oct 10th 2010 @ 1324 & 1325, weighing 2.7 & 2.8kg respectively.

Currently still feeling abit drowsy fr GA and wound abit pain so can't carry my bbs. Hopefully tmr will feel better.
skies, congrats congrats!! ur girls are of good weights! very proud of u

rest well and take care!
Hi ladies,
I'd like some advice esp those from KK. I did an early BT on D14 as I was staining. HCG was 400. KK initially refused to give additional support till I badgered the nurse to ask Dr Loh to review my case. My prog level on D8 test was only ard 48. Finally they gave me a prog jab & duphaston for oral support. Now it's totally hands off approach from KK. My next appt is 6week scan on 26th oct. Today I will finish the last of the utrogestan prog inserts. Do u think it's necessary to seek a pte Gynae to monitor the HCG & prog level? My spotting stopped 3 days aft the jab given that day. If I approach KK will they do the BT for me? Tmw is my actual BT date (D19).

Appreciate some advice. Thanks in advance.
Syrah, my spotting started on my BT date and I emailed dr loh regarding the spotting. So he requested KKIVF through email to prescribed me duphaston 3 times a day instead of the usual 2 times a day. But as my spotting didn't stop and later i had bleeding, i was given proluton jab once a week by Dr Loh till i am about week 10. (I was hospitalised for the first bleeding and subsequently had another bleeding incident)
I did ask for another BT 3 days after my BT at kk 24 hrs clinic although the dr on duty said not necessary but as i insisted, the doc did the BT for me.
If u are concerned, you can go to a private gynae to monitor ur HCG and prog level until u had ur 6 weeks scan for the heartbeat. By the way duphaston is progesterone support given by kkh for girls who BFP.

Do take care
Congrats!! Yr twins have very good weight!!
U must be so excited now... Rest well ya!!

Really ah.. U can see yr bump growing just by seeing ah..
I use measuring tape to monitor leh.. Haha..
Im feeling v hot lately... Dont know its the weather or is it me... Even in aircon room i also feel warm..
We are entering 3rd tri soon... In abt one week plus.. Time is drawing nearer.. Abit anxious...
Thanks for the advice. The jab I had was an oil based jab. Can't recall the name though. My duphaston is 2x a day now for a month. As it's such an early BT can't help wondering if HCG increasing well or not. Cos now no bleeding I was thinking 24hrs won't entertain me. Hmm... I'll go search for a pte gynae then to do the BT. Thanks again!
Yr hcg of 400 on d14 is quite high.. That shows yr pregnancy is strong despite the spotting.. Dont worry so much ya esp when yr bleeding has already stopped...
Usually for pte gynea.. If u do bt early in the morning.. By noon time should know the results...
Think I'm paranoid. Cos had ectopic before prev. Both my tubes removed already. But I'm still worried if ectopic can occur somewhere else. Is it possible??
Congrats Skies!

U need to stimulate yr breasts for the supply to kick in. Latch on/pump every 3 hours around the clock. Colostrum is very good for babies. Jiayou!
Baby..I feel more than see actually..coz tummy v stretched n feels more difficult to walk...

I m oso starting to feel nervous...Smtimes I get weird thoughts tht the babies will just drop out leh! I need counseling liao..tmr going to go talk to Angela....
Since both yr tubes are removed... I dont think ectopic can occur... U dont think too much.. Alot gals here experience spotting and bleeding early pregnancy.. After getting support and as pregnancy progresses.. The bleeding stopped.. And alot dont even have yr hcg level.. So now u rest well and eat well.. Probably u can bed rest as much as possible till yr first scan... Once heartbeat is detected.. U will feel more assured..

Me too leh.. I also v scare bbs will drop out... Esp when bump getting bigger.. I think we getting abit paranoid liao...
Now when i stand up while sitting down.. I will have difficulty in standing up without feeling the weight and pressure of the bump...
Today my mum bought me the tang sheng and bai qi to boil myself.. Will add red dates... How long must i boil?
Congrats! Your twins are of gd weight! Happy for you!

The physician did Tuina on me. She said she'll usually use acupuncture to treat such problem, but one of the acupoints is not suitable for preggie ladies. So she did Tuina for me instead.
Will KKH provide a vest and swaddle for your baby when you are discharged? If they do, then I'll probably won't pack baby clothes in my hospital bag. I know some hospitals like TMC do provide and the mummies need not bring any clothes for the babies if they don't intend to change.
baby, i also tink i paranoid.. maybe worse coz not working, everyday at home..tink too much..hahaha...

yeah, as tummy gets bigger, the fear of pre term gets more real....:S

have to get up slowly when sitting down.... i already slow motion for a while.. its worse when i hv to get in and out of car! hahaha.. my hb or mum will always help me in n out of car when we go out...

the drink, u bring to boil, after tht turn to low heat and let it cook for 1 hr.... then u r done.

later going kkh to see the babies..hehe...kind of looking forward to it...feels like very long time din check on them....

Bing, ohh... she use herbal oil to tunia? my aches seems to be better with the occasional wrist exercise whenever i get up for toilet breaks... tink the blood circulation helps.....
Skies - congratulations!! So happy for you
Good to know bbs weights are good.

You can go to Parentcraft at TMC and ask them to teach you how to breastfeed... the nurses there can help you whilst you're still in hospital.


Here is the link for pillow http://www.amazon.com/EZ-2-Nurse-Nursing-Breastfeeding-Pillow-Waterproof/dp/B003ET02NE/ref=pd_sbs_ba_1

Yesterday, went to Tangs and finally bought the Shears cot. Decided on the husk mattress since it does feel firmer. Anyway, we will change the mattress after the first year to latex when bbs backs are firmer.

Anyone else going for Drs talk tomorrow? I will be going... guess might as well since its the last session, and quite near my house.
By the way, for the doctor's talk tomorrow, topics are childbirth (different options and management) and also gynaecology/pregnancy matters. I guess just take it as an appointment with your gynae and ask them questions abt symptoms etc
Working wife
Thanks for the link! Have u place the order?
I bought the confinement shower gel and shampoo frm the new mummy confinement thread.. But hor i lost the link leh...
But i may also use tcm herbal bath together with these.. I will see how.. If the herbal bath really not comfortable then i may just use normal warm water...

Anyone here has the link can share?
Baby - just bought the pillow. It cost abt USD66 (SGD95). this doesn't include yet vpost shipping cost.

what's the name of the shampoo & shower gel? I saw something on that in the Jan 2011 MTB thread, but not sure if its the same.
working wife, the jan 2011 mtb one looks better than the one from the forum thread....i m tinking if wanna join them to buy as well....
Congratulations !!! U made it
babies girls are of very good weights. Ask for help with bf there when u are ready. The lactaction mee see will come and help
Hi Panda.

I've been good and quite busy at work la. Just started working from home again last week, but still need to visit office once or twice a week for meetings. But I must say, it feels much better being at home. Not as tired as before.

My belly is growing and I can't stand the itch these days. I cannot tahan until i scatched! I know it's bad, but just couldn't control it. Then my sis told me to use a towel to rub instead.

Appetite hasn't really increased that much. I'm now back to my normal diet before pregnancy. Just 3 meals a day and sometimes have a biscuits during coffee break. I feel bad. Hope my babies are getting more from me.

Also, I can now see the babies kicks and knocks on my tummy! It's amazing. Sometimes can see my stomach moving too. Very excited.

So how have you been Panda. Have you reached 3rd tri already? And how much weight have you put on? I have only put on about 8-10kg so far. Wondering if it is healthy range. Doc says yes, but I'm still skeptical.
Oh so we have to change the babies to our own clothes from the hospital clothes before discharge? I thought kkh will usually give u a small tin of FM as sample?

Are you referring to this link for the confinement shampoo and conditioner? Have you heard of the Wella dry shampoo for confinement?

glad to hear that all is well
u hv to keep applying moisturiser to ease the itch.... thts wht my doc told me... n he said "do not scratch" hahahah......

its quite gd tht u can take 3 normal meals...i hv to break my meals coz i can never finish a normal serving.... half way thru will feel super bloated....

hee..yes.. i call thoe kicks n knocks tsunami waves! n the waves will get more n more obvious.. smtimes it even shocks my hb tht got such big movements on my tummy...LOL.....then he will tell the babies must be more gentle...keke...

i m 26+ weeks...going 27 this week....hmm..last check at week 24, i put on total of about 12kg...by this week..maybe easily total 15-16?? quite scary to be putting on so much weight leh!

How's ur last check? babies' weight all good?

Last check up was at week 22. Doc said average weight of babies were 500gm each then. Wonder how much they have grown so far. Next check up in next week at week 25.

It's good weight that you are putting on. All for the babies. We can surely lose the weight later. 27 weeks? Reaching 3rd tri already. I find that time is really flying now! Just a few more months left for babies to come out!

BTW, you still drive ah?
fruitree..500gm at wk 22 is good weight...

my ger ger at wk 24 only 566gm..hee.. the two boys were about 700gm..

i stop driving since preggie leh... 1st tri i was told by Angela cannot drive.. by 2nd tri, tummy pop out..hb dun let me drive ...

less then 3 mths to arrival of the little ones!
i m quite worried they will get too cramp in there in the last mth... now i know they still hv space to play in there..hehe....
Panda, my doc never tell me the individual weight of each baby, just said all are within healthy range and average 500gm. Next week, i will know individual weight.

Oh cannot drive ah? Din know. But yah la, surely more relaxed if chauffeured around. Hee...

Yah, me too worried about them being cramped inside. I'm getting worried about last tri already. Wondering what to expect and how big I'm going to be and how immobile I'm going to get.

Past 2 weeks, sometimes I feel like my stomach is very heavy or like some major movement going on inside, especially if I've been out or walked alot. I wonder if it is a sign of pre-term labour.
Hi ladies,
I'm back from my trip..
Very tired cos unpack stuff till 1am last night. BUt the trip was very relaxing...

Congrats... Milk supply will come in de.. Just latch and pump.. every 2 hours..

I finally bought the dry shampoo le. Bought it at Robinsons..

I thinking of buying cot during baby expo.

Went whampoa on Sunday, it opens till 9pm. The newborn clothes are so cheap. The "flying horse brand, make in Singapore" front tie top selling betw 3.90 - 2.90 at other places, is only selling at 1.90 at that shop. They also have printed tops with front tie string at 1.90. Bought quite a lot of stuff there...the service also very good. It is much cheaper than AMK hub and not forgetting the nearby whampoa hawker centre...nice food too.
Rose - U got the exact add of the whampoa bb shop ?

Can ask u gers did u get more outbreak during preg ?? My face is getting worse n worse to the point that pple are starting to ask why my face so jialat.
JJ, I think it's normal. Some people get breakouts.

Recently I also kenna out of nowhere. Suddenly got so many pimples. Think it must be due to hormones.

My friend also had alot of pimples when she was pregnant. But her face really cleared up after she gave birth. So we should be fine.

Whampoa drive, Blk 82 #01-949.
There is a carpark in front of blk 81, very convenient.

I bought rubber mat, tops, mittens, booties, hooded towel etc...over 50bucks. Uncle gave me a free milk powder container.
Thanks Rose ... Not gathering all the buying locations so i don't disturb u guys ... by the time I'm ready to buy most of u would have already gave birth will be busy busy ...

Fruitree - Ya i also suspect its due to preg hormones but really quite jialat ... dry flacky but oily skin ... sigh ... my mum said must be a boy (or at least 1 of them is)... don't know how true

I am expecting girl, so far my complexion no change.

I heard of the saying too. When is ur next scan for gender?

My nxt scan is 21 Oct but I should be week 12 by then still too early to see also ... its the DS detailed scan ...

(psst... gers I don't know if I'm silly, but I always have this horrible thot that at my nxt scan I go too i won't see any babies... even thot still got MS, everything is fine... but I still have this horrible feeling while waiting for the scan date)

I can't tahan liao ... I drank some tea just now ... I've been abstaining from tea since start (before started even!!) of the ivf cycle... decided to drink 1/2 cup weekly (mon)
