IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Panda - I find that the exercise helps a little. By afternoon, the pain is not really noticeable anymore (until I take afternoon nap and wake up, then the pain is back again!).
working wife.. my pains also hardly noticeable by afternoon leh..keke.. coz i move around after i wake up... u r right..after sleeping, its worse....

next monday i m going to ask angela if there are any other ways to get relief.....
Hi ladies,

Anyone bought baby stroller? What brand u getting?
Am thinking of capella S705...or combi urban walker.
Anyone buying that too?
rose...i bought the capella s705..
rose, i only bought 1..haha.. we are considering if wanna get another twin maclaren...

my hb likes the s0705..coz its spacious and sturdy... coupled with the reversible handle..personally, i tink its on the heavy side.. but he says i will not b bringing the babies out w/o car.. no need to worry abt the weight..... price is also reasonable considering the specs.. i paid $297 nett for it at baby studio...
Rose, u can check out the expo bb fair.. hehe.. i hv never been to any expo bb fairs before...

looks like not fated to go until babies are out...hee...
Panda/working wife
Aiyo u gals have aching fingers ah... Must be terrible..
Whats the sydrome? So chim... Got med to relieve it?
I feel quite breathless leh... Even my hubby says he can hear my breathing...
Baby..u go read the link I sent to working wife earlier... U can try the red dates dang sheng drink .. Shld help w the breathlessness...

I feel v big n heavy... Plan to start going to my mum plc next week..starting to feel tired n zap of energy every morning.....
I still considering if should buy a maclaren twin stroller or buy two single
heard that babystore is the distributor for maclaren. Different series diff price ...

Today went gynae check up
started the jab to boost babies lungs... Painful man. Tomorrow need to go again. The jab needs two consective days. I only remember to ask if urine test okay and forgot to ask babies weight at week 28. Anyway dr says they are good

Seems that from today till Monday, many c sect on schedule. Gynae and hospital busy busy ..
Nancy...u r how many weeks now huh? My fren w twin boys who r three yrs old now still using her maclaren twin triumph...she highly recommend the brand if want to buy twin strollers. Of coz the newer twin techno models now r even better... She ask me to check price w this store call cheong choon ...
How come so early need to boast bb lungs liao?
U only 28 weeks now... I heard panda says the injection only take 24 hrs to take effect...
heard of this store before I will check it out
thanks. Though I not getting one now but better do homework while I still can. After that send my hubby to go buy
my hubby seems clueless at all these only keen with baby/kids toys... Sigh. All things I decide

it's a practice for twin mums at my gynae's. Start jab and med to relax uterus at week 28. See gynae once every two week now. Week 30 detailed scan then see if jab needs to continue. Skies did this protocol as well. Dr says so far this works well to keep babies in till 37 weeks and need no nicu. So I follow instructions lor. Ur gynae in glen e mentioned anything abt the jabs ?
Panda, workin wife, e exercise will help retrieve e pain. It may get worse when u r later into ur pregnancy. It will slowly go away after delivery.
I am looking for a playpen with the changing bassinet . The playpen looks bright and cherry w the giraffe
Price very reasonable. Is it two levels ? We need to buy our own mattress if let baby sleep in the playpen ? Thanks

cheong choon does delivery..and u can check price over the phone... my gf din even had to go down to the store
she says whenever she buy big bb items, she will just call and ask them to deliver..very convenient... price wise, they seems to be as competitive or smtimes better than baby fairs.

stb, u had carpal tunnel too?

baby, diff doc diff practice bah.. dr paul is super pro natural kind.. he will not prescribe med unless very necessary.. i spoke to angela last week, n she told me to ask dr paul for the mature bb lungs jab! hahaah.....
Hi hi .. think my MS timing is chaning .. now I start feeling horrid from 3pm onwards .. then 11pm at night still ok not like before will have to lie down ... hope this means MS is disappearing soon...

finally told my mum & dad & bro I'm having twins .. their eyes & mouth so big .... hahaha I'm the 1st in our famlies to have twins
My gynea did not mention anytin abt injections to relax uterus or to mature bb lungs le... Will ask him on my next visit..
I think my dr is like panda dr.. Will not give med if i dont need it at that moment... But if have med to relax uterus i will feel more assured...

Working wife/gan
I went to tangs yday to change my husk mattress to latex..
They do not have the latex sample display.. But i change it anyway cos i worried the husk material will have insects in it.. Hee.. Delivery will be next fri...

Btw where u gals buy the bumper and bedsheet? I saw kiddy palace have.. But not cheap...
baby, cot bedding set in general not cheap leh... u can wait for aussino sales..heard a few frens mentioned tht can get good deals for cot bedding set there....

otherwise will be departmental store sales...

i bought one set during the isetan sales..usual price $99, got 50% off...tink its bon bebe brand..the material is soft n nice...

what u cooking for lunch today?
Which Tangs u ger went for the sales ?? vivo one no bb dept ...
Is it the orchard road one ?
I saw Aussino having bb cot promo too with Shears Cot ..
Ikea is selling the bumper and the fitted bedsheet. The size of the bedsheet fits the shears cot we bought. I got a few bedsheets from there. You can go to their website to take a look.
I went ikea to see before... But their bumper v thin..
And their bedsheets only one one color type... Those with nice prints are quilt cover not bedsheet right?

Today not cooking lunch cos today is chu yi... I on vegetarian diet.. Mum will buy vegetarian meehoon for me...
What u having for lunch today?
baby...same here! i vegetarian every 1st n 15th..hehe..

my parents are full time vegetarians.. my dad will send me my lunch as usual..hehe..

i had lotus bao and soya bean milk for bf just now... after tht ate 2 bananas...now feeling abit hungry... n zapped of energy again....
i din take half boil egg..but my mum did make me fried egg with the yolk still runny ...had it a few times..

now i m totally off eggs..hahaha... the taste erks me...
Undercooked eggs hv bacteria. Better Siam.

Mine is fitted sheets from Aussino. T shirt material and cheap. Can fit my long mothercare mattress coz it's elastic. $20 for 2 pieces during sales if I remember correctly. I heard that the stock is limited.
So qiao... Both of us vegetarian on 1st and 15th!
Wow u ate bun and two bananas still hungry ah... Haha..
Runny egg yolk also got bacteria one wor... We can eat meh? I always cooked my sunny side up with my yolk fully cooked thru one...
yeah.. runny yolk also not gd... but my mum cook liao and its home cooked..so i eat..after tht i told her i dun like eggs anymore..ahhaaha.. dun make me any form of eggs...

the bao very small one... i m munching on walnuts now.. lunch will only be here at 1230.....

where does ur mum stay? she deliberately go help u buy the veg bee hoon?
baby i bot the latex mattress at tangs yesterday coz got 12% rebate. Bot 1 set of bed sheet plus bumper from aussino couple weeks back during their 45% sale. Whole set of 7 pieces cost $40 plus. Hard to find bedsheet that fit the shears cot leh, all bigger in size.

JJ tangs orchard 4th floor has baby department. Their pigeon, avent etc got 20% off when i go yesterday
My mum stay at yishun... She went bugis temple pray first before cuming my hse.. I just finished my meehoon... What u have for lunch?

Good buy for u.. Yday got 12% rebate... I thk that time when i buy using tangs card have 7% rebate if im not wrong..
U buy the latex mattress without seeing the sample right? Cos they dont have the sample.. Actually i find 3 inch abit too thin.. I prefer 4 inch...
baby, my mum cooked the 8 treasure porriage.. i ate 2 bowls..hahaha... like hungry ghost..LOL...

tonight will ask my hb buy veg bee hoon for dinner.....

now i craving for ice cream...hee.. very warm weather today....
Wahh.. What is 8 treasure porridge.. Sounds very bu like that hehe...
I ate one pkt of vege meehoon... Half bowl of tau suan.. Still not v full hehe... Tonite duno eat what...

Bf will have good appetite ah? Im hoping bf will help me shed weight leh.. Hee
I think hospital do provide bottles... I dont think u need to bring.. To be sure u can call hosp to check.. Else if really dont have u can ask yr hubby to bring over...
Panda, I'm not too sure whether it is called carpal tunnel, but I started to have pain/ache at the fingers joint and wrist when I was into tri 3, which got worse towards the later part. Even after I delivered, the pain didn't go away immediately...instead, worsen again coz of the way I carry my BB. Thus, please be mindful of how u handle ur triplets. I think perhaps you want to standby wrist guard....8)

baby, its porriage made from assortment of beans.. not bu lah...LOL...

angela told my mum good for me to take beans food lor..so she making me this porriage..n beans desserts and soups .... yesterday was black bean soup....

stb, thanks for the tip..yeah..i was tinking of getting wrist guard too.....
