IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

nancy, we wanna buy the video monitor... in sg the summer infant one is selling at $400+... plan to buy from US...probably can get for $200+.

baby, i check with dr paul...he says asprin thins the blood... and ginseng also has blood thinning properties... in the event if there is bleeding, aspirin + ginseng will cause massive bleeding leh..so he says he doesnt want to take the risk.... if not on aspirin, then ok to take some ginseng..

i also taking bird nest daily faithfully...hopefully babies come out with nice complexion... mil brew once a week..n i take a small bowl every morning ...

nancy, i tink dun hv bulk discount when we send more kids to childcare! hahahaaha.. now the good childcare centres are like hotcakes! heard from my fren hv to register way in advance...

cant remember which one she went.. she was told parents register with them when pregnant...n will be put on the waiting list!!! :X
hello ladies, long day shopping today! Went to BB Kingdom, got the bathtub and bathing stuff and also car seat @ $75 each. Then went to Ikea for lunch and look see... Bought some odds n ends for bbs.

Panda, Baby - I also agree w u. I hv alot of friends who train their kids to sleep in separate room frm young, and i can see the benefits. V important to maintain harmonious couple life hehehe.. Baby - also agree w the ang moh style of eating. Only ang moh thing i cannot tahan is they let their kids run around n play on the floor in shopping malls... Don't care dirty one. That one v hard leh

Skies - i wish u all the best and may everything go smoothly! Soon, bb girls will be in yr arms!!
working wife, i hv seen ang moh kids not wearing shoes running about in the malls.... i agree this part i cannot tahan leh!

looks like u hv a good time shopping! must be tired right?

me planning to go have mos burger dinner at amk hub before class later...craving for ice milk tea...:X
Re: bb sleeping

I plan to have both of them sleeping together since they don't know how to turn. Maybe when they are older (as in months) will get a matteress for them to sleep but prob will still b in d same room.

My hb actually suggested them to sleep w me n he sleep on d floor. But I refused. Coz I don't want them to have d habit of sleeping w adults, might b hard to change in future. Of coz will b hard if breast feeding as have to get out of bed everytime. Plus I tend to turn n toss at night, scared might crash them or they won't sleep well.
Working wife
Wow shopping spree today !! The car seat u got is for infant and can act as baby carrier that kind?

Seems that most agree to have babies sleep in their own room. When should i start? Like after the confinement ? or after 3 months?

Try not to sleep in the same bed with infants. It's not safe
I didn't sprain my wrist. It started with numbness in the right thumb. The numbness is gone now but comes the joint pain. I think it's pregnancy related. I'll check with Dr Loh when I see him next Tue.

I also find that the bumper at Ikea is quite thin. In the end, I bought the bumper from my friend cos she has extra. The plain colour cot bedsheet at Ikea is not too bad. It comes in many different colours and it's selling at $12 for 2 if I'm not wrong. Those bedsheet with prints comes with the quilt cover which is quite redundant. I'll wait for Aussino sale to get more bedsheet.

All the best for your delivery tmr! Do update us on your delivery.

Don't worry about your baby's weight. The weight is actually acceptable for 26weeks. Babies will start to gain weight very fast in 3rd tri. Just make sure that you have frequent small meals and have enough rst will do.

mrs wong share tht even when lying down to bf bb in bed, must also be extra careful..just in case we are too tired n fall asleep.....

nancy, i will start after confinement if possible... coz babies very smart de... esp with all the multi vit n DHA that we take ...
bing, i agree the quilt cover for bedding sets quite redundant... i hv 3 sets..so 3 quilt cover :S sure white elephant.... unless later i can find some other use for them......
Working wife/panda
Today lesson is on bf?

Btw gals.. U have pigmentation? I notice my neck have some tiny black spots...
And my under arms also dark dark leh... Ugly mann...
I was quite tempted to get those bedding sets with quilt cover at first cos the designs look quite nice. But I didn't get eventually cos I know the quilt cover will be white elephant..
If your mom or MIL can sew, maybe can ask them to convert into another bedsheet for the cot or playpen? Or convert into pillowcase/ bolster case?
Amk hub have mos burger meh?
I love their teriyaki burger and nuggets... Their peach tea as well!

Oh only one size... Have many colors? Cos that time i only see pink and blue...
If dun get the bedding set then do they sell bumper seperately? Can use the quilt cover as blanket when they grow older?

Btw have Dr loh told u when is the c sect date?After skies, u are next to pop is it?
Baby..yup ..today is bf class..
I hv pigmentation in tiny spots sprinkled over my lower arms n hands... Front of elbow slightly darkened too...

Amk hub hv mos...I like their fatty fries n fish burger ...ice milk tea my fav drink there too ..
Bing..yes! The sets always look v nice..two of mine came w the cots.. I bought one set..

Hmm..gd idea to try n convert the quilt to a more useful item.. Will ask my mum next week...
baby the bedsheet comes in pink, white, green and blue. 1 packet $12 with 2 bedsheet. I think ok la...i bot the bon bebe bedsheet with some prints costs $20 after 20% discount. Actually my thinking is baby so young can't tell whether bedsheet nice or not as long as the material is comfie ok de. =p when she is bigger will buy a new bed and nice sheets for her coz that's when she is fussy!

Bing thanks will make sure i rest more and eat healthy for bb to grow well.

Working wife, at baby kingdom?now but didn't see the 79 car seat leh. is it like the maxi cosi type?

U went whampoa liao, 3 tops and bottoms at 10bucks is cheap. I just went AMK Ave 8 Blk 722. They selling 4 tops (tie string as well as buttons type) at $9.90. Think will go whampoa soon. Btw, baby need to wear bottoms? Thot they wear diapers can liao? I didnt get bottoms...

U know if the whampoa shop Sunday got open?

U talking about bedsheet for baby mattress in the baby cot? Ikea got sell? So its loose sheet type?
Aussino also selling cot bed sheet?
Gan..the 79 is the infant car seat cum carrier...yeah..like those maxi infant seats...can only use for about a year.
rose the whampoa shop is those hdb shop so i think will open on sunday too? I am not too sure coz didn't ask. U can ask the uncle for nb size clothings, he will show u, the clothes are inside the shop. Got tie string or button tops. I bot shorts for my bb though tmc instructor says wear pampers can already but tot look for complete when she wears top and bottom.

Yes the cot sheets from ikea like Bing said can fit shears cot. Loose sheets. 2 in 1 packet. The other 2 sets i bot at aussino and tangs are actually bigger in size.
rose the clothes i bot is 1 set comes in top and bottom, cost $3.90, buy 3 at $10.

Pandawife thanks but my hubby has zoomed in to maxi cosi.....will be buying that.
Working wife
U ordered the twins bf pillow liao? I lost the link u gave me.. Can give me the link again? Thanks!
Most likely i will get it.. Will make bf easier... Else dont know how to bf them together...

Don worry on the baby weight. Just continue to eat. Bb will sure grow. I think ur bb weight is ok. Toward the last tri ur bb will grow very fast. Don't let this affect ur mood.

Bing n Nancy,

Yup most likely will csect on the 1 nov if dr loh is ok with the date n timing. Will discuss with him on the 13/10 appt.


Have a smooth delivery tomorrow. Rest well and jia you.
Fashion spree,
1 Nov is a gd date. 01.11.10. I wish to schedule my c-section on this date but I think I won't be able to last until then. Alot of people are choosing to deliver on 10.10.10 and 20.10.20 but the dates are too early for us.
When should we start taking coconut to clean the baby? I think we can start taking now at 34weeks+ right? Will it induce delivery cos both of us need to have preterm delivery?

I also want to drink coconut especially now weather so hot. But my mum don allow me she say is too liang for me as my body is not very good before pregnant. Now still fall sick quite easily. Maybe I should just drink 1 or 2 nearer to the date without her knowledge. The date 1/11/10 don't know is it full. Will know by this coming wed.

I dreamt twice that I will deliver in mid oct so scary. Hopefully it not true. Hope that she can stay till 36 or 37 week at least full term .
Rose, i only started shopping for bb stuff sometime in mid sept...before that mainly just buying clothes and the steriliser set during taka fair. This afternoon we went baby hypermart to buy the bathtub and look around and ended up buying the infant car seat and the stroller too! Only major item not bought is the breast pump.
I saw the $79 ikea cot today, looks kinda flimsy. The rest of the cots I didn't really pay much attention, so not sure how's the quality But I think ikea cot dun have wheels so if you want to move the cot cld be difficult later. Did you get the list of things to buy for bb from taka, OG or Isetan? I personally find the list useful coz initially really clueless what should I buy.

Fashion Spree, i will try take more protein stuff and hopefully my bb will grow heavier. I didn't put on any weight for the last 2 weeks, in fact lost 300g if compared to the weight i took during my appt on 22 sept, luckily bb still managed to put on 200g for the last 2 weeks. Did you manage to change to an earlier appt for next week appt? I signed up the FAST programme yesterday too.

bb_jo21, you can start of buying a pregnancy guide book to read, the "what to expect" book is quite good. if u have Iphone, you can download the Apps for "what to expect". If u are thinking of bb stuff, can buy later when u r in second trimester.

I was telling you that I wanna change the appt to earlier but I forgot to call so stick to the old date. Recently my memory is getting from bad to worst. Keep forgetting . Hopefully will improve after delivery.

Drink more milk too. Think it will help. I drank milk everyday without fail.

I also left breast pump haven't buy. That one wait for my $100 voucher after I deliver I will use it on the medelA swing. Now kkh pharmacy selling $399. After $100 only $299. Good that u have sign up the fast scheme. Really good no need to wait for payment.

So did u buy the bathtub with stand? I bought my peg preggo stroller from there. Wat brand u bought for ur stroller.
fashion spree, my memory is terrible too...my hubby also thinks i am getting more forgetful. I told him all my brain cells go to bb now. =p

i also intend to buy the medela swing...do u intend to breastfeed after maternity leave? During the antenatal class, the instructor actually recommends medela PIS. When i told her i buying swing, she said this model not so good. but i told her i intend to breastfeed only during my ML, she said ok for short term usage. She also recommend the avent dual pump, the one pandawife and the rest of the gals bot. I also intend to use the $100 vouchure for the pump.
Didn't buy the bathtub stand coz hubby thinks take up space. He intends to put bathtub on our bed with a waterproof mat underneath to bathe our bb. =S not sure how he can manage......but coz he wld be the one bathing our bb..i will let him try, if he finds difficult later, i guess he will buy the stand or find solutions,
fashion spree we bot the quinny stroller and the maxi cosi infant car seat to go with the stroller for the first 9 to 12 mths
Tat stroller v cool and nice! I love it.. But cos i hv twins so not economic to buy that... If i have only one bb i will def buy that one!

Now its still v early stage for u... Most impt thing now is to rest more... U have any morning sickness? Now too early to shop for bb tins... U can now sleep more and eat more...
Another one week will be yr first scan right? U conceived via ivf? Possiblity of multiples? Whats yr hcg level?
Gan, wow, expensive investment ur hb made..hee... but ok lah.. if u plan for number 2.. can be put to gd use again!

Mrs Wong actually encourage to only buy the breast pump after delivery leh... she says go n try out the pump..coz not all brands or models will suit each individual... so for those who hv not bought their pumps, can take this into consideration.

baby, i agree, for multiples, not economical.. further more its quite short term use...
I intend to buy medela freestye breast pump via the overseas spree the cost will be less then 500 total compared to local price of 900...

babylicious - just rest more now & read up on preg book or website info nothing much we can buy until towards 2nd tri to 3rd tri.. though I've booked some of my Frens bb stuff liao
Ya mrs wong say tmc have numerous brand to try on.. But i still prefer to buy first.. At least more prepared.. Cos when bbs are out... Sure no time to do other tins liao...

Ya lor the maxi car seat with the quiny stroller v nice but can only use for a v short period.. I think by the time bb is one year old plus cant use liao... Thats y i nvr buy.. But if only one bb can buy.. Hee..

The bf class show the painful breast v scary hor.. Makes me feel frightened to bf.. Haha...
baby.. mrs wong has a point too..coz we buy earlier, cannot really "try" the pump..hehe...

the class yesterday information overload for me.. i was trying to catch as much as i can... my brain very selective one..all those gross or painful sights..will auto delete! LOL... i only remember the useful info tht i need to know.. :p
baby and pandawife, hahaha my hubby is someone who goes for nice design but sometimes not practical lah. =) the infant car seat can only use up to bb 9 mths to 12mths...we need to buy another car seat when bb is around that age. And once the infant car seat can't use, will use the quinny stroller.
baby..i totally cannot sustain my energy this whole week... need to nap in the morning and afternoon! gosh..i hope i dun feel like this the rest of the pregnancy......
Heard 3rd tri is v similar to 1st tri.. Will get tired easily.. Will need to pee v often... I thk cos u have 3 so more tiring for u..
Hows yr bump? Got get bigger this past one week?
I didnt notice my bump gets bigger le... Hmm...
Did yr belly button came out? My belly button totally cant see the hole liao.. Haha..

After taking seafood for dinner yesterday, I woke up with a very bad pain at the right wrist. The pain was quite unbearable and I went to see my TCM physician eventually. She said it's 腕管综合证, which is due to water retention during pregnancy causing pressure on the central nerve in the wrist. I did some reading and found that it's actually carpal tunnel syndrome. After the treatment, the pain is 70% gone and I feel much better now. How's your wrist now? I hope it's better.
