IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Ya i also suspect i have heartburn... V uncomfy..
Hee.. Yup i can still cook simple meals for myself.. Cos my hubby went overseas so i stock out meat and vege at home to cook simple meals for myself..
Just now i cook using minced pork, mushroom, tomato and some bottled spag sauce to mix with my spag noodle..
V simple only...

Next few days i will stir fry vege with meat and maybe fry an egg to eat with rice or porridge... Easily settled..
Dnr time my in laws will bring home cooked food to me.. So i only need to prepare one meal for myself..

I think now we got to stay home if possible.. Walk or stand too much really cannot tahan.. Yday went ntuc.. So tiring.. Belly feels so heavy.. Pressing on my bladder.. Back aching so much...
baby, i was chatting with another triplet mummy from CARE yesterday...she was also telling me she started to hv heartburn.... like wht u describe..burning sensation at the throat..very uncomfortable....

i can't really cook..hehe.. the only thing i can make is scramble egg and maggie mee..hahah.. plus now too heavy to be standing at the hot stove... my mum will make my lunches and my dad will send it over.... dinner hb will buy back..if he works late, i will order macs or pastamania...

hehe.. both of us complain so much..haha.. really admire those who can work thru out their pregnancy leh..

now i only go grocery shopping once a week..after mrs wong's class at amk hub.. will go w hb to the ntuc there.. if need to buy anything else, will ask my mum or hb to help get....

i started washing the babies stuff.... using washing machine.. initially plan to handwash...but cannot make it..haha...so throw all into the machine... abit early..but wanna do it by 28weeks..if not later too near to delivery date..hb will b very stressed out with all the washing....
Ya really admire those who are working... But i guess those who are carrying mulitples like use will feel the strain much earlier..

I still do simple chores like putting laundry into washing machine, hanging laundry... Cooking simple meals.. Washing dishes... Other than these.. I dont think i can do...

Today im 26 weeks liao... Another abt 10 more weeks to go..
I hvt set up the bbs room yet... Cot not yet deliver.. Chest drawer and changing table hvt set up yet... Bbs clothes hvt wash yet... Hmm... Once all is setup i will start washing... So got storage to store the clothes...

I will have to go tangs tml to go change my husk mattress to latex... Cant wait for hubby to come bk... Else it will pass the 7 days period...
baby, when are ur cots coming?

i wash the bb stuff, and pack in vacuum bags first.. coz still airing the furniture in bb room..... air for about 1 week already... still got the wood smell when i walk into the room.....

i only doing partial of the laundry at home.. still hv quite alot of handmedown stuff at my mum's place.. she so busy going around to collect from her frens baby stuff... i hv 2 bath tubs at home.. she told me her fren pass her another two! i hope my babies like to bathe alot...coz so many tubs...they can bathe at the same time.. hahaha....

there are a couple of triplets mummy at CARE who worked until they pop leh! one of them same term as us...now still flying around for work.. very very amazing...
The cots are cuming next wkend... I also intend to air the furniture... So will setup all furniture by next wkend when hubby is bk...

Wow triplets mummy can work till they pop.. How amazing!
Or is it only us that have problem in walking and standing for too long? Maybe cos we rest too much liao haha... Thats y i try not to lie down most of the time.. If can, i will try to do simple chores.. Else lie down too much of inactive too much.. Will have problem once we wana walk abit longer.. Take it as an exercise to perform simple chores...

I hvt buy maternity pads, dry shampoo yet... Hvt buy bb room lights yet... Bumper and bedsheet also hvt buy... Hvt decide whether to buy bf pillow... Hmm...

Working wife
Have u order the twins bf pillow from amazon?
I just recieve the email from vpost on the bp...
I notice lately i have sweet tooth leh... Always wanted to eat desserts and ice cream... And also cold drinks.. Cant tahan hot drinks... U always feel so hot.. In aircon room also feel hot... I just had haigedaz belgian choc ice cream... Yummy mann! My hubby scold me say i dont know how to control.. Always see me drink cold drinks and desserts... But he dont know im always feeling so warm every min lor...

Tonite what yr hubby buying for u for dnr later? My mil cooking chicken marcoroni soup for me... I feel hungry easily but cant eat too much at one time.. Else will feel my tummy gonna burst...
baby - hmmm .. chicken marcoroni soup ... i love .... don't knw why i'm asking my mum to cook me all the classic fav's that I eat when i was young..

last last week i had her cook chicken marcoroni soup for me, today i ask for chicken soup with mee sua ...

that day she slow cooked cantonese porriage over charcoal with chicken shreds & fish inside .. so yummy ..
baby, i oso hv small items tht i hv not bought..

bb thermometer, pails for bb laundry, bb room night lamp, wall fan.... diaper bag also dun hv yet....

hey..me too leh.. first part of pregnancy, i crave for salty foods..now i start to crave for sweet stuff too! last wkend, i ask my hb to buy me ice kachang!! hahahaha... then i gulp down the whole container like never eaten before :p

i can understand the hot hot hot feeling.. i switch on air con at 23 degree, plus a fan blasting at me.. i can oso sweat....

i read tht at 26weeks...babies will taste what we eat ..... n they absorb better when we have sweet tasting foods! haha... i try to eat healthy desserts..i.e frozen yogurts..

tonight shld b zi char fried bee hoon and honey baked wings for dinner.....

i craving for quiznos sandwiches leh....but not convenient for hb to go n buy.... so reserve tht for wkend ..keke....
baby, i just ask my mum what is the bu qi drink tht she has been feeding me.. coz tht day angela says must b this drink tht i dun feel breathless... u can make n drink....

red dates, huai shan and dang shen.. boil all together.. n drink ... i take it 2-3 times a week..
Thats yr craving!!

Haha we have same craving for sweet food!
I particularly like cold sweet dessets like ching teng.. Ice jelly..
So yummy mann...

What sandwich is that? Nvr hear before... I like subway sandwich.. Esp the bacon chicken with honey mustard sauce.. But quite exp.. 6 inch already cost $6.50...
The bu qi drink sounds v bu wor...
The hui shan is those fresh type right? Hmm... Abit difficult for me to boil for myself... But if only boil red dates and dang shen then will be easier...
baby, u can buy dried huai shan too... all can get from hock hua...

my mum makes with fresh dang shen n huai shan ... which are more difficult to both buy and handle...

huai shan is very good for baby complexion..
my gf told me this drink, normally taken during 3rd tri..coz to bu qi... but for us ...since we hv multiples, we hv to take earlier...

i take 2 cups a day... 3-4 times a week...

or if u wanna use fresh huai shan, can ask ur mum to help u boil?
Oh got dried hui shan.. I didnt know..
Difficult for my mum to boil for me cos she stay quite far frm me.. So if boil i will have to do it myself..
Yr family really take very good care of u mann... Cooks and boil tonic for u... And do confinement for u too... Yr in laws and parents do confinement for u? Meaning four of them will stay over?? Must be so 热闹 mann...

The sandwich look so yummy mann! They got do delivery? Only square 2 selling??
baby, yes..hv dried huai shan..its white slices...can get from most TCM shops..

me only daughter and also first one to get preggie..keke..so alot of excitment in the family...

yup... my mil n parents will be staying with me during confinement... fil is working.... he will only drop by for dinners...keke..anyway..he never look after babies before..so will not be of much help....

quiznos dun hv delivery...hehe..ask ur hb go buy for u ... u can google n check out their locations.. i only know square 2 and west coast plaza..hee....
Baby- haven't bought the nursing pillow yet, gonna do it next couple of days.

Panda, Baby - I'm also like you! Before pregnant, don't really fancy desserts, then last couple of months, always need to have dessert. Been stuffing myself with all these sweet food!

Well... I guess it was good while it lasted, now no more sweet stuff for me. NO DESSERT at all, doctor's orders. Saw the dietician today, he adviced how to eat right. Hope that will help control the GD.
Oh and the thing that I hate most, I need to do now four times a day alternate days. Pricking finger! Dunno why... I find that harder to do vs the IVF jabs. I guess cuz the IVF jab go in slowly and hubby can do for me... but this pricking finger is like a gun, one press then it shoots in, and since I have to do throughout the day.. gotta do it myself
working wife...i hv always had sweet tooth before pregnant leh..hahaha... fave desserts are ice cream n cheesecake! but once preggie, dun like sweet foods.. prefer salty foods.. until 2-3 weeks ago... the sweet tooth came back!

last sat, before mrs wong's class, i was sitting at the yogurt stall at amk hub eating frozen yogurt.hahahaahha....

few more mths left, tahan until babies are pop..then u can hav ur desserts
now most impt is babies are healthy......
Working wife
I prick my finger before to test blood sugar... Not really painful lah.. Its like ant bite.. Dont think abt it.. Think abt yr bbs then u wont feel the pain liao...

So u decided to get the twins bf pillow?

If u always feel warm maybe heaty... Can drink some cool drinks like barley with melon sugar... Or drink soup like melon soup.. Old cucumber soup... Cos u drinking red dates water everyday.. Quite heaty..
I just cooked barley water... I drink and eat the barley also..
Baby...Angela told my mum nt to feed me cooling foods now..wait until aft week 32. The red dates r seedless... Not so heaty I think... The iron n multi vits probably more heaty..
Is it... Cant eat cooling tins now ah... Hmm...
My mum says can else body will be too warm and heaty..
She says barley not very cooling one.. All my aunties eat barley fuzhou with ginko nuts during pregnancy.. Says its v nourishing and v good to baby skin...

I'm scheduled for c-sect this Sunday which is a super hot date. We did not choose this date but gynea suggested since he will have two ops on d same day. But will b under ga instead of epi coz d nurse told me there will b alot of ops n will b better to go for ga in case anything goes wrong for hb & they won't have time to take care of hb. I was v disappointed & i started crying on my way to gynea's. Coz I wanted to witness d bbs' birth but now I can't. And my hb doesn't seem to care if he witness their birth anot. He told me since they suggest like this, they sure have their concern so why not juz listen to them.

Anyway have come to terms that I have to go for ga. Any mummy went throu c-sect w ga? Anything that I have to take note of?
baby, i tink take in moderation its ok de lah... just don't overdose... my mum oso made me barley drink a few times before talking to angela...haha.. coz i kept telling her i feel very hot all the time.

i tink angela more careful with me coz 3 babies....

skies, dun be sad... look forward to meeting your little princesses soon! i hv gf who went thru GA for C sect...and she shared with me tht if she hav her number 2, she will pick GA again!

but if u really want epi, why not discuss with ur gynae again?
skies, very soon can meet ur precious bbs le, ,must be excited, dun feel sad. Most impt is to deliver them safely and smoothly.
If the reason of GA is becoz of nurses worrying abt ur hubby but ur hb is ok with going thru the op, why not like Panda said discuss with ur gynae and tell him ur hb has a lionheart, so no need to worry abt him in the op?
Hey Skies,

Don't feel sad. Most importantly is yr precious babies are delivered safely. U will have plenty of time with them. Hugs~
Dont be sad... If u really want epi.. Maybe u can share with yr gynea again...
How come the nurse will worry abt yr hb? Scare he cant tahan the process and blood? Probably u can ask yr hb not to see.. Ask him to sit beside u so his view is blocked..
Or u discuss with yr hb.. Ask him whether he can withstand the process not...

Either way, im sure u will forget all abt it when u hold yr bbs in yr arms...
so excited for u!

I have a good sleep yday... Just woke up not long only...
I adjust my aircon to 22 degree and fan 2... And i can still sleep without the blanket... Imagine how warm i feel.. Haha
Hi skies
Is it possible to do the c sect on 9 oct instead ? Did u let dr know u would like to do epi ? Dun be upset ... U have come this far and will be meeting ur babies soon
baby, i slept alright last night...but this morning woke up, back aching alot..

i tink coz i slept on my left alot... my left hand also aching, including my fingers...

i went to back to nap at 8am..n woke up at 10am....coz hungry....
Don't be upset because you need GA. You have already come so far and as long as both mother and babies are fine, the delivery process is not really important.
If you really want to have epidural instead, is it possible to discuss with your gynae and arrange for the c-section on another date? 9 or 11 Oct?

don't worry bout me. I guess I m juz worrying too much. I mfraid that I wont wake up after d op. Am I being silly?
u are with dr cheng right if i remember correctly? from what i gather from the mummies with him, his usual practice is c-section for twins and GA for C-section. unless i think you insisted for other options.

me too also GA. i think it is just the doctor preference rather than whether it is suitable for the patient. maybe he just does not like the patient to see him carrying out the opt. unless it is emergency c-section then is epidural. both have their prons and cons.

whatever it is, just stay happy and look forward to the arrvial of your babies

I mentioened to him that I wanted epi and he said it's fine. After that when they are helping me to book the theatre, they told me I dont have d final say. The final say is on the anesthetist. But nonetheless I have accepted the truth that I have to go for GA. But I still have my fears of GA somehow.
Skies - very excited for you! Try not to worry too much about the GA. Isn't GA the same as when we did egg retrieval process? Be confident in your doctor and in yourself... soon you will be holding your bbs in your arms. All the best and God bless!!
Panda,Singapoh - I bought one of those pen type for pricking finger. Its not so bad cuz can adjust the strength of the shot, so I adjust to the lowest, then its ok
hehe... even learnt to do on myself now.

Ya. ER is under GA.
Coz I had ops before and was found "allergic" to the GA. Vomitted non-stop after waking up from GA, so when I did my ER, told the anesthetist and he injected something to prevent me from vomitting.
Haha me too leh.. I slept on my right side.. Woke up with a aching shoulder and arm...
I totally cant sleep on my back.. Will be super aching..
I will feel more comfy sleeping on my left side.. Probably cos one bb is on the right side.. But sleep too long on one position quite aching...
baby, i just called Dr Paul...to check with him about my aching fingers...he says i hv carpal tunnel syndrome....diao... not because of sleeping on the sides.... n its worse after i wake up coz at night, there is no circulation when i m sleeping.....

hv to do simple massage at the wrist, arm and also cut down on salty foods.....

Anyone know if KKH will give 3D scan?
My frenz asked me why no 3D scan for my baby...he said private hospital have one.

Panda - I also have aching joints on my fingers especially after waking up. Since 1-2 weeks ago. Dr also said could be swelling, which is worse when waking up cuz no circulation. I do the exercise that Mrs Wong teach. since then, I also cannot wear my wedding ring anymore.
