IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

fashin spree thanks. Yes i went to camden for a detailed scan when i a, 14 weeks plus and the short nasal bone was detected then as a soft marker. But i want to wait for detailed scan at 20 weeks to confirm if necessary. Dr loh initially at my 15 weeks consultation asked me do amnio but later said my placenta is in front higher risk, also agree that i wait till detailed scan,
just now sonographer confirmed my placenta is not in front. Dr yeo said usually bb's nasal bone quite prominent but mine not so, i.e. Why the risk increased so much though heart and others r perfect. if based on dr yeo's advice reduce by 20 times, my ratio is 1:16
I am not scared of pain but worry if will hurt bb during the process. Dr yeo said no....but i think highly dr john tee doing for me...coz the last time dr loh mentioned dr tee to do.


I got 1 new extra box each of Natal care Plus & Obimin Plus from KKH to give away. Anyone keen ?

And also 1 box of pigeon breast pad to give away. (Do note that i already open the box but i hv not used any pad yet)

Do PM me if keen. (Self collect at my place in Clementi)
Thanks Tickles for the link ...
I used the ivf pregnancy due date calculator & its stated that I'm 5W 0D as of today...
Singleton Due Date is 28 Apr 2011, Twins Due Date is 6 Apr 2011...

Its different from what the kkh nurse calculate .. see how from 1st scan bah ...
So u will be doing the amino test? When?
After the detailed scan, is the risk higher or lower?
I think the test should be quite safe now... its only perform by experienced dr in amino tests...
Wahaha! Thats why I say it slightly diff as compared to what the doc will give u.. Maybe ard 1 week diff. Thats for my case la..
Cos I rem the the link says my EDD is 11 Dec but Dr Tan told me its 17 Dec... The link is slightly faster..
i see... so Dr loh recommend u to go for the amino test? I feel its advisable to go for the test.. esp when yr risk is higher after the detailed scan... if the test result show normal.. at least u will feel more assured and relieved... can feel more at ease and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy... i believe its quite safe now for the amino test.. the risk is actually quite low...

That time when i did my oscar, the sonographer says usually for ds bb.. the nasal bone is not even there... so yours is short nasal bone... at least the bone is visible...

Did dr loh say when to go for the test?
Clercler, bed rest... minimise standing or walking if u can.... if possible, eat ur meals in bed too..... its best to stay horizontal as much as u can.

agree with tickles.. get an urgent appt w Dr Paul...see if he can giv u additional support.. from what i know, those ladies w bleeding issues at CARE are usually given daily progesterone jabs..until it subsides..then change to once or twice weekly proluton jabs until pregnancy is stable.

Thanks for the advice. DH called Dr Paul and managed to get a slot tomorrow morning. My bleeding has reduced. Only when I sneeze, go toilet then more bleeding.

Hoep everything ok. Thanks once again

Wow... 2 boys and 1 gal.... i am really really envious. You can close shop liao. I still have to struggle for a few times after I deliver my little one.

Hmm... 6kgs within a month is kinda alot leh. What is your BMI? the recommended rate of weight gain is 0.36 to 0.45kg / week if your BMI is between 18.5 to 24.9. hehe..

So far, I only put on less than 1kg from week 6 until now (abt week 21+). But my baby gal weight is 407gms as of my last scan. So, Dr Loh is not very concerned that I am not putting enough weight.. hehe.

Gan, what?? you waited 2hrs at TPS?? the waiting time is terrible. frankly, i usually get to see him in less than 20mins at TPS. My last detailed scan i also spent abt 2hrs there, and thats why i end up missing my appt with Dr Loh. Do you want to get second opinion from other gynae??? I am so disappointed that Dr Loh is not attending to you personally at TPS.
Clercler, what time is your appt with Dr Paul? Though I am not seeing him now, but i was seeing Dr Eunice Chua (also from the same clinic.). The waiting area is really very crampy. Please ask for a stool or whatever and have a proper place to rest while waiting for your turn to see him.
Just faith..

No need envy.. haha.. i "suffer" 3 times into 1 leh.. now already cannot shop n enjoy normal activities like the rest of u... coz getting heavy.......

i dunno whts my BMI leh..haha.. dr paul says 2kg per mth for singleton.. mine is 3 babies.. so its alright ...ask me to eat normally and i will be fine.. the strange thing is i dun feel the weight i put on at all... dunno where it all went.....

how do u manage to drink the powdered milk n dun put on weight? haha.. amazing leh.. i only take low fat milk... n already gain so much.. i cant imagine if i take the powdered ones..

i feel my appetite shrinking already... now eat very little makes me full...n i dun feel hungry so often during the day... but i still try to take healthy tea breaks so tht babies can get nutrient.....
Just Faith,

the nurses at TLC very nice leh. the last time i went on wkend.. it was v crowded... one of them brought out extra stools to make sure tht all the ladies have a seat.
Singapoh, at least your MIL is helping you to take care of your boy now. I dare not leave my bbs under my MIL's care after I return to work. She simply bo chap bb cries and keep on using the computer, how to trust her to take care then?! Somemore she's telling others that bbs made the whole family very busy and it's very tiring for her. What a 'nice' granny! You had confinement for 3 weeks only? I also have problem with my CL, chased the first one away cos she does not do night feeding. Came a replacement but she like to gossip and complain to MIL about my maid, turning the whole hse into a mess. Now I can't wait for my confinement to end to chase her off!

Stb, I will try when I have the courage and also when hb is around to help. Are you at home during weekends? I want to return you something. Actually I did not use leh, cos hb managed to get it from the KKH pharmacy on the next day after my c-sect.
But it's really useful as my hb showed yours to the pharmacy and he bought the same one.


Your mum is really thoughtful to engage a relative to help you take care. I am not sure if I can take care on my own with maid's help when my CL leave.

Glad to hear that everything went well for the U/S scan. Now you can rest and relax to wait for your bbs to come out at full term.
I only get to do the pre-admission on my 33 weeks or so. Initially we opt for B1 too as we are afraid that the bbs will come out preterm and the hospitalisation fee will be rocket high. But after Dr Loh confirmed that I will be having C-sect and that was already week 36+, I upgraded the ward to A1 just one day before I admitted. I just received the bill for my delivery package, it was $7500 and almost 50% are from medisave. We paid about $3K cash out from it. But this is excluding the babies nursery charges hor...as it will be sent separately to you. When my 2 babies need to stay in SCN, the KKH came to me and asked if we want to do a downgrade of babies nursery to B1 which is almost half of A1 charges. It's not that difficult to downgrade, just that you need to provide all the materials for them.
Gan: I just did mine last Tuesday, the report stated Nasal Bone Length 4mm and BPD/Nashal Bone Ration : 8(N). Sorry I don't know what is the range but since I saw u Panda so just gave u some idea. I hope your bb girl is fine. I was told mine 85% also is a girl.

Did prof at Camden advise u to do amino too when u seek his opinion. Me too seek 2nd opinion from Camden n he ask me to do.

Actually when do amino u can see the needle poking in on the screen n u can see exactly how ur bb react . It will not hurt the bb as both prof yeo or John tee is experience doc for amino test. I too have fear too when I did that due to chances of miscarriage .as long as after the test for 2 to 3 day u guai guai stay home and bed rest think shld be ok. Cos after my test I didn't not go out at all just bed rest n talk to my bb.

Discussed with ur hubby and follow ur heart. More importantly is trust wat u believed in. Like bing she decided not to do but bb turn out ok. I decided to do cos both doc say high risk n better to do.

Amino won't hurt bb if done properly . Don worry.

maybe my MS was really terrible in 1st tri. Vomitting everyday. But during that time, I din lose weight either. Now 2nd tri, no vomitting but appetite so-so. No craving for special food. But lesser macdonald. Lol. Ya, I take powdered milk and I m craving for it everyday. Hehehe

DH and I find TLC clinic very crampy. and the counter n waiting area is so closed to each other. N the staff are very chatty n noisy. I think jasmine is most professional there. Must say dr Paul is really charming. He was my hubby gynae and my hubby was so comfortable with him.
Fashion spree / baby will be doing on Monday. Surprisingly dr. Loh wasn't so insistent abt amnio like last time. he just laughed when he read what dr yeo wrote in my file and asked what's my decision. I also asked him check my water level again. Initially he looked at my detailed scan report and said normal but I ask him scan fir my assurance. After he scan he said in his opinion still borderline, asked me rest more, so another week of mc.....Actually Camden prof also say wait for detailed scan then decide if want to do. After listening to prof yeo and my character I know I will think abt this for the next 4 mths that's why decided to do. If there is no change to my 1:339 ratio I wldn't have done tis test

Live the passing ratio is 9mm. Mine was 9.66 during Camden scan. Did my detailed scan at kkh.
Glad u managed to get an appt with Dr Tseng tml. For now, just lie down on the bed. Bed rest, only get out to go toilet. Drink warm water to make urself more comfy. Btw, do u have cramps? If have, must be careful k. Cos when i bleed, i have cramps and mild contractions too. For me, I'm the gan cheong type, cos very scared of the bleeding. I feel safer with all the daily progesterone jabs.. Even for utrogeston, I was asked to increase dosage to 3x a day and 2 tablets every time.. I took ot for very long and then slowly decrease when i was better. Only recently that I totally stop taking it. The very first few days when i stop taking, I was worried that I'll bleed again too. I guess all the fear was accumulated in my 1st tri and it stayed with me till now..
just faith...the waiting area is ok leh..hehe..considered spacious.. the one at care is a couple of times smaller! only 5 sofa seats!! n its right in front of the counter...

hee..i oso find dr paul v charming..hahaha.. he is very pro patient one.. when i told him the iron tablets from CARE makes me nausea n constipated..he told me he will giv me alternative thts easier on the intestines.. yesterday i oso ask him if i can sleep on my back smtimes..coz sideways too long my back will ache... he told me dun bother abt what the books say ... listen to my body.. it will know which position is best n most comfortable...
so u decided to go for it le huh? Jiayou! Sorry, abit dun understand. If passing is 9mm and urs is already 9.66mm, means low risk right? Then why need to do? Already over the pass mark liao right?
Just faith today waited only 40 min guess afternoon appt better, last 2 visit was 6 pm appt.

Tickles how long did it take for water level to go back normal for u?
Oh really, listen to the body arh... I have been slping better on my back too leh. feel more comfy lor. But i scared, so always force myself to slp on my sides. Ended up taking so long to fall slp lor.. hehe~ Now i can slp on my back liao..
For me hor, when I'm at macau, the gynae already told me that its low cos it bleed out tgt with the blood. Then when i came back, Dr Tan did mention abt it. But she stopped talking abt it after i think 5 weeks. Cos I rem she gave me 3 weeks of HL. After that 3 weeks I went back to see her and she mentioned again. Then my next appt was 2 weeks later and when I see her, she never say le.. So I think is 5 weeks.. She ask me to drink lotsa water. Then my fren googled and also tell me to take lotsa fluid. Can replenish de..
tickles, yes yes.. he says our body knows best... most impt is comfortable... hehe.. i rotate beside sides n back... back too long i will feel unwell too... hehe.. so he is right..
Tickles the Oscar test we do the doc doesn't check nasal bone length only detect whether there is nasal bone. The ratio we have from Oscar if I understand prof yeo correctly only consider the blood test and nt measurement. I went for a detailed scan at Camden at 14 weeks plus. Camden based on the nasal bone to BPD ratio and other markers such as heart , fingers etc to det the risk ratio fir ds. So different way of assessing.
The reason I do coz prof yeo said with a shorter nasal bone my risk is increased to 20 times....

My gal is at MIL's coz she is lighter and zzz through. Now my son also zzz thru. 8 to 9 straight hours after my training. He does fuss a bit in between but we just ignore him. Hehe.

Actually yr MIL is helping u to train yr twins but a bit too early. I also let them cry during the training. I didn't train my big son. He kept waking up at night for comfort sucking and need to pat to zzz. This went on for almost 2 years!!! Can go mad. Now I have 2 babies I can't imagine going through that again. :p

Yr 2nd CL sounds like my 1st one. Loves to gossip and made my house upside down. Her initial is SL in her 60s. Got a big mole near her mouth. Tak boleh tahan her.

I didn't want another CL to intrude Liao so I stopped my confinement after 3 weeks. Didn't feel like one in the first place.

I think with Dr Loh experience, he is confident enough to assure u that it's ok. He just touch my belly without scanning and said my uterus has shrunk bk to original size :p

Abt 2 weeks ago he did do a scan and uterus size was shrinking bk to normal.

I do not have any cramps. I will ask Dr Tseng about the jab. KK said they do not encourage having it within a week time. I am taking the "D..' pills, can't remember the actual name, 3 times a day, 2 tablets now. You take the pills till how many weeks?
Singapoh yes I think dr loh is experience, ie why though sonographer says my water level normal I still want dr loh to check. Will listen to him and guai guai rest coz he asked me rest more for water level to go back. He is seeing me 10 days later, he also told me lower risk now to do amnio as I m 21 weeks. I think he forgot to charge me consultation today.... Just check bill he only charge me the $ for utro....
Clercler the pills we take until end of 1st trimester but if u change to TLC ie with dr paul, he may change ur hormone support to utrostogen coz when i had spotting at my 5th week, I went tlc dr Eunice suggested I switch to utrostogen.
I suspect the jab kk gives u is. Proluton as I took that once a week to my week 10 and dr told me once a week enuff. But I know places like care can give up to twice a week

Thanks for the information. I will definitely ask for more support like extra jab as long as they can help to stablise the pregnancy.

The jab that I took was progesterone 50ml.
Clercler progesterone jab ok to take daily leh, last time kk gives progesterone jab for ivf. proluton is a stronger jab

progesterone is fast acting, but does not last long in the body.

proluton is slower acting but can last longer in our body.

both has the same an tai effect, by relaxing our uterus...
Gan, so did Dr Loh give you any other medicines besides obimin and natal care? i was given additional 2 months utrogeston for my "cramps".

He din charge me for U/S. Only conultation and meidcines. My last visit was 11/8. Think he must be guilty for collecting money from us all the time..hehe.
fashion spree want to PM u but u don't accept pm.
Like to check with u, after amnio, kk allows u to rest for sometime for observation or u are asked to go home immediately after the test? When u r home, u had total bedrest? Thks
U can try to pm me again . Shld be able to.

After amino, they let me sit down infront of the adc waiting area for abt 30 min to sit n rest. They never let me lie down to rest after amino. So my hubby just sit down with me there like at if we are waiting for our turn to go in for scan. This is something I don't like n quite comfortable , they shld let us lie down to rest.

When home, I did most of my time bed rest. For the 2 day mc I did not go out of house at all.
Gan, John Tee is very nice. If he is doing amino for u, ask him if he can let u lie a while more after the procedure. He is my gynae b4 I saw Dr Loh.
