IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

yum yum, u were on wheelchair from week 20 onwards, all the way until u were due?

my feet dun look swollen...hmm...i thot its normal to hv slightly enlarge feet sizes during pregnancy..heheh... coz of all the weight ..
i take a break after every 1 hr of walking when shopping.. trying to complete all the buying as soon... so tht can rest aleady...

u r using cloth nappies too... is it overwhelming to wash and fold for 3 babies?

wow!! can grow taller?? i dun mind that..hahahaah..
baby, u din buy breastpads from amk store? they sell piegon breastpads at gd price, $12.90. cheapest i hv seen at departmental stores are $13.90.

u can probably make a trip to OG and buy ur own essentials... i forgot to buy more disposable undies when i was there yesterday...

if u need bigger sized non wired bra, u can also buy the sorella one there.. they hv the same promo, $22.90 each, buy 2 get 1 free.

i asked the sales auntie about nursing bra, she ask me to go back end oct so that can get more accurate sizes then...
Bing, u must be very petite.. hee.. i din even try the PJ since all free size... and anything tht fits well now probably cannot accomodate my tummy at later stage...

OG doesnt have the draw string one... i thot 1 piece will be more comfortable since i will be delivery via c sect.
pandawife, good for you loh. i quite kiasu then n wanted to carry bbs to as large as possible.
wanted to give you the dr barbara lukes book on diet for multiples n missed your earlier postings. if you want pm me. can only log on when expressing in early morning.

singapoh, she neither bf or fed. i got to know it when after she lived in with us. dh taken care by nanny,maids. mil start singing and talking to bbs when i m feeding them. told dh to tell her not to, she dun listen. it is becos she has nothing else to do.
she said she helped to pack the kids' wardrobe. ended up everything messed up.

when my youngest girl cried becos of wind n irritated. she got my maid to spot check on me. when my youngest girl is not due for next feed, she told my maid to warm up bm. i told her it is not time yet n she insisted n try to find consensus with maid, until maid said "maam fed at xx time. not yet leh".
and this is for the grand daughter that looks like her son. for the one that looks like me, she dun really care or play with her. even my hubby finds her favouring one grandchild.

yaloh, i m ultra pissed off with her n esp when she is giving me instructions what to do when she has not taken care of bbs before. on top of tt, i still have to take care of what she like to eat n make sure maid cooks food to her liking. she was like that even during my confinement.

what shd i do abt the favouritism part?
yum yum, i sent u an PM, but no reply..nevermind, i re send again.

is ur mil staying with u for good? sounds like a challenging problem.. has ur hb tried talking to her? after reading off so much of sharing on forum, i m oso worried about mil doing confinement and staying the nights w me... told my hb no matter what happens, he has to support me.. cannot just keep quiet..esp if his mum does "weird" or "funny" things....

yesterday we went shopping together, she told my hb she wanna bring a "red" flower plant to my house.. n when we need to bring babies out next time, pluck some of the flower n put on babies to ward off "dirty" things... i nearly flipped!!! :S
yum yum, do u find the bedresting and wheelchair at 20weeks helpful ? i am tinking of checking w my clinic today if i can go swimming leh!! hahahaha... coz i put on alot weight and everyday just sitting at home, like so unhealthy...:p
Panda, u may only want to buy minimum pieces of nursing bra first.....then wait till you deliver, can get more...

I made a mistake to get quite a few pieces before delivery. And to my horror, the strapless bras are a bit too big for me as I am back to my pre-pregnancy size...now, I only wear the strapless bra if I'm wearing tight fitting tops...scared that it will drop while walking..hehehe....quite wasteful lor coz each piece cost me $50+...8(
stb, nursing bra also hv strapless one? wow...very expensive leh!

ok..maybe i will buy 2-3 pcs nearer to the date..cheap cheap ones for home wear...n when the weight has settled down, then go shop for more....

thanks for the tip!
baby, when u go OG orchard, u can go to the mothercare at centrepoint to buy the support belt. i got the large size in white color yesterday. ask the salesgal help u measure and try the different sizes before buying..
Ur MIL so cute... I guess she is just worried as its the 7th month.. My mum also keep reminding me not to go swimming and go home early too.. But if u uncomfortable with the red flower thingy, maybe u can ask hub to tell her better not as u never kn if babies will be allegic to the flower pollen..
tickles, my mil talking about when the babies r out leh.. now not

i oso told hb babies can be allergic to flower pollen, he says its probably leaves..where got plant can have flowers thru the year in sg! hahaahahah...blah... i just kept quiet lor.. but i guess it will b tough later on.... :p

yesterday we bought alot of bb essentials..she commented oso, last time when she had her 4 kids, there was no shopping malls.. no need to buy so many things oso...:S....then all of us kept our silence in the car.
panda, at least ur mil only mention abt red flower.....my gf's mil asked her put a pair of scissors below her bb's pillow to ward off evil spirit. *faint* i think dangerous ar
Gan, scissors under pillow?!?!? faint.. i told mil no pillows, bolsters n all for baby... so i din buy any.. except for the beansprout pillow for putting over the tummy.

my mil's "patterns" not fully out yet..haha..i m still waiting.. now i wondering if i shld make hb sign agreement w me..hahahaha... next time if mil go overboard, i will bring babies all go n stay at my parents place. :p
panda dun worry so much now la, i am sure ur hubby will support u. That's why i get a confinement lady.....anyway my mil is still in denial i am having bb girl not a boy...hahaha...she still insist i a having a boy...
Morning gers - Woke up to pee last night & couldn't get back into deep sleep ... until my alarm rang .. now feel sleepy ...

Do u gers experience when u hold yr pee to the max & when release it there is pain in the stomach area ... like my bladder was over stretched then compressed again ...

then this morning woke up & had running nose ... whole nose felt stuffy since 2 days again ... like nasal feeling ...
Ur Mil is so funny
Insist u having a boy haha....Sigh maybe because we dun live with Mils so we dun know their "Patterns" YET. Ask them to help also worry later got different point views. Stil,our MUM is the best !!!!
haha! maybe u tell him, it take just 1 flower for the allegy to occur..

Gan, wa.. scissors, dangerous wor.. maybe just put the scissors pic can liao.. keke~ Yours is MIL, my case is my girl keep telling me its a didi.. When I tell her mei mei.... She will correct me by saying.. No! Its di di not mei mei.. *Faint*

ya.. I experience that b4.. hold too long liao then painful when releasing. Then the pee will come out super slowly right?

Btw, ladies, I gt my medela swing at Robinsons last sat.. It was on promo. Paid $389 for it and it includes the pump, city bag, cooler bag, 4 bottles, a forehead and ear thermometer and a snack ball. Spend $300 and u can get a $50 voucher too. I used the voucher to get some new bottles and teat and only top up $0.40 for them. So happy~ Best thing is on top of that robinsons card holders get extra 5% rebate too..

For 1st time mothers, u'll also can find avent steriliser bundle that comes with food and bottle warmers, milk bottles etc too.. I feel its quite worth it. The other stuff are regular priced items are on 20% discount too. But not sure when the promo ending. But the bundle deals are quite good buys...

I saw medela mini electric plus bundles selling at $202plus.. Gt many things inside the bag too but didnt see what is inside thou..
I used new baby... For me hor, I was too tired at that time to eat.. so I dun find the food nice and appealing. Cos really no appetite leh.. BUt food wise, everyday will have diff food and soup.. Just that I find the taste similar lor. Eg: diff veg but same taste. I guess cooking is the same but they use diff ingredients.. I have leftovers everyday cos I really cant eat. Thats why my hub told me this time round, must make sure we get a CL so I gt time to rest and do a proper confinement, hopefully with better food, my milk ss will be good too.. Are u thinking of catering too?
Ya lor tickles - quite xing ku to slowly wait for all the pee to come out when I'm 1/2 asleep on the toilet bowl

I also will be getting medela pump cos even though ex I think its the best in the mkt ... u guys intend to store yr bm in the packages or bottles ... packages should be better right utilize the freezer space better ...

I can't buy anything till at least end of 2nd tri .. which is the period where got no GSS/ special discounts ... boo hoo ...
When will u be inyour 2nd tri? which month? I think robinson and Isetan have regular pte sale de.. So dun worry. Only that diff times, offer items will be diff.. I think OG also having 20% storewide now..
Maybe u may wish to get something for yourself? OG sale is ending in end sep.. so still gt lotsa time..

For me, i will use the bottles first.. didnt get any storage bags.. If my ss really good then I get hub to go buy the storeage bags.. For now use bottles to store first..
End of 2nd tri should be around Dec 2010 .. then only xmas things will be on sale ... aniwei i better not think so far yet .... my short term goal is to get thru the 1st scan for heartbeat on 7 sep ...

ya my bottoms are starting to leave me in the lurch .. i was still thinking how to wear sweatpants to work .. hmmm ...

My fren's BM is so much that she kept in storage bag in the freezer when i opened her freezer really shocked me sia ... look like blood donation type with many many rows of packed BM .. so funny
Dun worry.. Def can hear the hb on 7 sep de...
Maybe gt 2 leh?? Keke~

Maybe try wearing dresses I also started off with wearing dresses.. Now I always wear tights.. but I buy a bigger size.. cottn on gt cheap and comfy ones..

I hope i can have so much ss this time too. My supply last time was terrible.. Sad~
yup getting confinement catering this time, no CL. got a CL for #1 which was over cny also and cost a bomb. also MIL was also staying with us, end up the house super crowded and so many conflicts. this time i'm gonna handle everything myself, just need proper food cos mil can't cook confinement food.

in the beginning bm supply won't be so good to hv any leftover to freeze, only after the 1st 1-2 mths then may hv extra. last time my freezer also entirely taken up by frozen bm :p
Panda, yes, can get strapless nursing bra, but they are usually expensive, more than $50. You can find them in the Maternity clothing shops at Suntec...the same level as Toys r us....
icic... erm.. maybe u try to go forum and look at the reviews on the food ba.. cos for me, its not nice, dunno is it cos i gt no appetite or really not nice lor.. keke~ but portion wise, its quite ok.. And they are quite accomodating when I told them no alcohol diet and less ginger when my girl gt jaundice.. Delivery wise, they are also very punctual. Only that I find the red dates tea not hot enug. U def need to cook urself.
I enquired with Dr Zou & she stated not twins la ... a previous ger before having twins & the BT numbers much higher then me ....

Tickles, remember I was enquiring on the macua gynea contact .. think i won't be travelling at all during this preg la ... better be safe then worry at later stage ... thanks for yr efforts ...
Wahaha~ ya.. Dr Zou and the macau gynae did tell me that once go thru IVF and preggie, not advisable to go travelling unless u are ard 20w and very stable le. So be good and stay in singapore ba.. Must rem its not easy for us to get preggie so gotta protect the baby at all cost. Dun repeat my silly mistake... Only when u are really stable then think abt travelling k..
Wahaha~ then maybe just go for the next cheapest.. else if really not nice then u gt no appetite to eat also.. Gt others too right like natal essentials or mom's cooking or something like that... Wahaha~ cant rem le.. I see the motherhood mag always gt ads on this at the back of the mag..
no leh... i didnt buy the disposable breast pads at amk... will get it the next time i go there... how many box should i buy?

the medela swing u bought, its dual electric pump?
is it a very good deal? cos i havent go check out the breast pump yet... im thinking to get one before i deliver... the robinson sale ended liao right?
yah yah, i'm planning to order the trial meals from all the caterers and see which one i like...hehe...let my mum try also since she is the most picky abt my confinement food.
Swing is a single pump. There's no promo for dual pump. Its still at $988 per set for medela.. Robinson sale dunno eneded or not leh. Not too sure.. When I went on sat. It was very crowded.

Anyone know if it has ended? If not, I think I'll go again on fri. Cos sat was quite rush so I didnt really take a good look.

Trial meals is those 1 day type is it? Or 1 week?
i see... so when we buy the swing set.. is there a sales assistant to explain how to use it? cos im really clueless abt breast pump....
btw, u bought at $389, so whats the original price?
i didnt check out the price during the taka fair... so dont know whats the pricing...
i just called centrepoint, the baby sale is till 5th sept... so i believe the medela pump is still on sale till 5th sept.
which level can i get the pump?
Its at level 6... There is no asst on sat when I was there. Cos I use the mini electric b4, so i agar know what I wanted liao. so no need explanation. The original price of the pump itself is $336.20. Doesnt include the city bag and cooler bag which is ard $71. The entire pack that I bought, usual price is $500plus e. Now only $389. You can visit the medela website and see the various functions of the pumps. I saw the mini electric bundle deal at $202plus and gt lotsa freebies too.. But didnt really see what was inside as I've done my own research and wanted to get the medela swing.
u used the mini electric before... its not good thats why u buy the swing? i did go see the website.. but still clueless hahaha....
actually the city bag and the cooler bag is more applicable when mummy needs to work and pump in office right?
Hi All,

If anyone want to get Freestyle, can get from Taka cos they have promo till 5th sept as well and the promotion price is only $799.00!
Hi baby,

Dun mean to interrupt. Mini E is most for occasionally pumping, which Swing is more for regularly as its come with the technology of 2-phase expression, it will stimulate the let down of the milk. Mini e oso more noiser.
My mini electric is pass down by my gf de. And its a little faulty le. Its noisy too. So I tot I wanted to invest in a pump and try to pump more this time round.. Didnt get the dual pump cos very ex and dunno if my ss will be good. Told hub that will try the single one. If ss really good then buy the dual pump and I sell away my single one.. The cooler bag I feel is required cos even when u go out, u need to pump ma.. Unless u want to pump and throw away. Then dun need the cooler bag lor. If u go out for too long and dun pump, will have engorgement.
i used the medela swing for my #1, dun worry, sure can build up supply one

the cooler bag also can use to bring out ebm if u're planning to feed ebm to yr bb outside. my cooler bag was very well used even though i'm a sahm and i only pump at home.
Gan, haha.. i try not to tink so much..but everytime after meeting my mil, i freak out a little bit more ... :p

ur mil also funny..haha.. u shld hv brought her along for the scan! i brought mil for the detailed scan.. doc showed her the babies' pte parts.. and told her i shld b feeling bloated alot since baby is very high up already.. ask her dont force me to eat..opps..:p

stb... ohhh.. yeah.. u r right, very costly.. i m trying to make do w my sorella ones as long as i can.. before changing to nursing bras.. bought bra extensions too..hopefully can last until i pop...

baby, i bought 1 box of the 60pcs one.. i also not sure how many i will use... haha.. since i m there, just buy the biggest box..

the pumps are very confusing.. just now was discussing with my mum..she says buy avent.. since i hv all the bottles, storage cups etc already... so most likely will go for that...

tickles, i went OG Albert just now, and attempted to buy maternity swim wear. there is this brand call funfit.. they hv..only $29.90. but sad thing is its 1 piece.. n L size fits my tummy nicely now.. next mth cannot wear liao..so end up never buy.. no swimming for me....
Btw, any of u delivering or have delivered at Mt E huh? Do they have hospital tour? Cos my doc only delivers at Mt E now le.. So now I'm thinking what are the charges like..

i was talking to angela just now leh.. she happen to share w me about one of dr ann tan's triplets patient.. n commented that Mt E is the most expensive pte hospitals to deliver in sg.
okok.. I hope I'll be able to successfully bf this round. Last round I was simply too tired..

icic.. $29.90 is cheap leh.. still gt 20% at OG right? erm.. dun tempt me leh... keke~

alamak.. I just ask Dr Tan if she can deliver in MT A leh. She told me she stopped gg there le. Now only Mt E.. Faintz~ Moreover, my SIL delivered there too. Then I see the ward like quite old lor.. Sian~ But Dr Tan say that they just renovated the wards only so its not that old liao.. I'm aiming for a 1 bedder so that no one will disturb me leh..
