IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

baby, today Dr Paul told me i can go register w kkh soon. hv to get referral from polyclinic first. go there tell them multiple pregnancy and need referral letter to kkh. then go kkh w the letter... we will by default be sent to specialist clinic coz multiples pregnancy is considered high risk. hv to go kkh for the monthly scans the next few mths to keep our records active... just in case......

Working wife thanks! Oh I have verbally booked bing' cl in June le. Kekeke but haven't pay her deposit, will meet her when she is in sg. She is fr msia

panda so u will be seeing dr loh too?

Gals buy the sept mother & baby will get a discount card for mothercare 30% off baby and kid's fashion
gan... i dunno who i will see in kkh.. coz suppose to go in as subsidised patient..cannot choose doctor.. but dr paul says for high risk pregnancies, will be snr doc doing the delivery in case of emergencies.

keeping my fingers crossed..no need to deliver there. dr paul says so far, none of his triplets hv to be delivered at kkh.
Grumpus, hee hee.. Sometimes better be safe than sorry and we can find out reason later.. Keke. And over here in forum, we have Auntie Singapoh.. Kakaka.

Tickles, agree w u in having mum doing confinement. Got pros & cons. It pains my heart to see a 70 yr old lady working so hard for me, so can't bear to and difficult to ask her to do somethings when she didn't offer to do too. But e care is genuine offered is genuine. Really wanted to get CL earlier but my mum insisted to do for me and if I reject, she will feel hurt too.

Panda, congrats in knowing your 3rd baby's gender finally.
Tickles, saw u asking about disposable undies. I bght too many coz really forgetful that I already bght. Anyway, :p the long & short of it, u can go get from Watson's e white "extra comfort" 65% viscose & 35% polyester one. V comfy and I think less than $5 a packet.
JJ, most multiples, twins/triplets w pte drs are advised to register w kkh. in the event of emergencies or pre mature delivery, it will be done at kkh.. coz the pte NICU cost is very high.
JJ, multiples r likely to deliver early n higher risk of delivering unexpectedly. The only hospital in spore tt has gynae 24 hrs is KKH.

Even for singleton, emergery during non-office hrs, mtbs also have to fo KKH 24hrs for immediate treatment or attention. Eg, bleeding, water bag leaks, etc.

If KKH does not hv patient's records, it may not be able to assess accurately and treats e problem, the KKH doc will then hv to call he patient's pet gynae but the latter wun hv the records with him as he is off work too.

That is what happens to my colleague the other time, wheh she was carryig a singleton,
nancy, yes..will go register w kkh..doc says do it as an "insurance". i heard the NICU in TMC costs $1k per bb per day...

i oso hope dr paul can deliver the babies... he told me he will give me medication from 24 weeks onwards ...to prevent pre mature contractions.. hopefully everything goes smoothly w no complications...
if i were to switch gynea (within kkh) so that I am not under Dr Loh (he needs to concentrate on other ladies) which gynea in kkh is recommended ??
hazel, yeah..he is very nice..when he first told me to register w kkh, i ask him if he can go there n deliver me in case of emergency! hahaah.. he says then i will be charged pte rates..pointless... n assured me tht the specialist doctors there are equally good.
Panda, is ur gynae trained in KKH? He will be if he is a local grad.. Most of the pte drs are from KKH... Like head of fertility in RH, dr Tham in tmc, etc
Congrats on yr 2 princes and one princess!! Best combi!!

I shall ask my gynea abt registering with kkh.. Must get referral ltr frm polyclinic ah.. Just go any dr in polyclinic and just tell them we are having multiples and give us an appt in kkh??

Looks like my bbs have the heaviest weight here for 20weeks.. Is it i eat too much? Haha..
I have already gained abt 7kgs in weight so far..
Panda, 6kg in a mth?! Maybe cos u lost weight in first tri.. U are just gaining bk yr original weight mass...

If u not comfortable in the dr in kkh.. U wana see a pte gynea concurrently? Since u are having a singleton.. Maybe can consider delivering in pte hosp... Then u can have the attention u need... Waiting time also shorter with some pte drs... Thou some pte drs also have long waiting time.. Esp those at tmc..
Baby, congrats on having 2 princesses!

Well i am not sure about changing a gynae now coz already in my 5th month and all my records are with kkh. Yes, waiting time at TMC can be long, I used to see Dr Eunice Chua at TLC, also can wait up to 1 hr or more.
Guess I was upset that i didn't get to see my own gynae as i was really concerned about the low water level. In fact i have been crying alot since sat after reading those info abt low water level thru internet until my hubby got worried that i am getting depression. Felt more assured after yesterday detailed scan that bb is growing well.
Tomorrow's appt will check with Dr Loh if the water level is ok though senior sonographer said normal but i think i will be more assured hearing from him as he made it sound very serious when he told me he didn't like what he sees when he saw me on sat.
working wife, i was being kiasu =P but haven't pay her deposit yet....so keeping my fingers crossed she can do confinement for me.
I had a CL from agency and she is from the hell. Me and dh couldn't tahan her and asked for replacement. 2nd one came and left after a week or so coz her dad was dying. I didn't have a proper confinement and it was only 3 weeks. I didn't want another CL.

I m so glad that I m closing shop for good. Hee..
I have heard horror stories of CL from my friends .. so i still thinking ... still long way for me to think abt CL though ...

my fren complaint that she saw her CL throw away her pumped breast milk meant for bb instead of feeding it all to the bb
Thanks gal..

I know how stressful its to hear such comments frm yr dr.. But since the sonographer says it normal.. Then im sure its fine.. Cos if its really serious.. The sonographer surely will be able to detect.. Maybe after resting these few days, the water has went up to normal range.. Dont be so sad ok.. Yr princess will feel yr emotions..

Will u consider eating ginseng? Cos i heard frm tcm that ginseng will make bb stronger.. I have been taking a teaspoon every 5 days or so.. Not sure is it bcos of this my bb is heavier than expected... I bought from hock hwa.. They help me to grind into
powder form.. After delivery also can take to bu our body..

Did yr dr tells u what is the ideal weight gain in total for yr case? Normal singleton is 12 kg right? Duno for twins is what leh..
Mothercare always have sale? I see their bb clothes.. Those in a packet with 5 pcs of overalls or tops.. Always v exp..
OG got sell bb products? Which OG? The sale until when?
Can get what kind of bb products there?
Baby, thanks will check out ginseng...the only so called "bu" i take is birdnest once a week since 15 weeks preggy.

Singapoh, OG got sale? will check out. ya i think mothercare stuff when sale quite worth coz quality quite good. i bot 3 sleepwear for my bb yesterday at kkh...50% off, $39 for 3 and very cute they have integrated mittens for the sleepwear. By the way, i buy 0 to 3 mths will it be too big for the bb during her 1st month? or i should buy some New Born size? Thks
Which mothercare outlet has the widest range of things?
Which one the largest? Intend to go get some clothes.. Hvt buy a single clothes yet.. Now knowing both bb genders can start to buy liao...

The baby cots u bought... Delivered to yr hse liao?
Already installed? The cot bumper u also bought at baby kingdom?
Baby there is a flagship store at habourfront centre, I have not been there but since flagship shld have more things bah. Kekeke buying girls stuff is dangerous coz will lose control.... All too cute! Ask ur hubby watch ur wallet!=p
It's always the best if we can have our own parents to help us with infant care cos we can't just leave the babies to maids. I had heard of many horrid stories of maids ill treating the babies when no adult is around. My mum is worried that I can't cope with handling 2 babies at a time after my confinement and she's asking a relative to help me.

I just went for U/S scan at ADC today to monitor the enlarged lateral ventricle. We are so glad to find out that the ventricle has shrunk to the normal size. Luckily we made the decision not to do the amnio test 2months ago. Both babies weigh 1.15kg at 28 weeks now. Dr Loh is quite pleased with the weights. My girl who is at the bottom has also turned around while the boy is still in breech position. Dr Loh said that there's a chance of going for natural delivery but may have the risk of having emergency C-section for the 2nd baby.

Nobody has approached me on the admission matter yet. I am planning to opt for B1 first, then if can carry babies to full term of 36/37 weeks, I'll change to A1. Otherwise if I opt for A1 now, I'm afraid that it'll be very difficult to downgrade later, just in case that the twins are born early.
You didn't get to see Dr Loh again this time? This is the 2nd time already right? I always take leave to see Dr Loh at clinic D and had never encounter such problem.
I think KKH won't measure the baby's weight so early. I asked the sonographers before and they said it's insignificant to measure the weight so early. They only started to measure the weights of my babies today at 28 weeks.
Aunty Eng has just come to Sg for another confinement this week. I just called her last weekend to make sure that she's free in Oct in case I deliver early.

Working wife,
It's too late! My CL has been booked by Gan for the cny period. I think if you have twins and need to do confinement during cny, you really have to spend a bomb. I'm not surprised if your friend's CL asked for 3300.

How many undies do you think I need to prepare?

Congrats on having 2 princes and 1 princess! It's a gd combi!
my cl asking for $3k for my twins.. Its not cny period..
Somemore ask if i have maid cos she say not easy to take care of twins if no maid.. Got maid to help out in hsewk.. She can fully focus on two bbs..
Pandawife, congrate on the 2 princes n 1 princess ;)

bbhp, des, keep on continue pumping ok. Drink more water, Milo, horlick, and soup soup soup.
Even till now I can feel the difference when I drink less liquid.
And massage your breasts too..

Leanne also hiccup very often from birth. Pd said we didn't burp her properly. No need to give water.
Thank you ladies for e encouragement.
I m right now pumping... Hopefully it gets more quickly. For past 2 nights, I almost dropped baby while feeding coz suddenly felt so sleepy... It suddenly comes without warning... Lucky got dh... Hopefully got more ebm....heee...
Many thanks ladies! I m happy mummy now...keke.. coz last few weeks almost eaten by the curiousity to find out the gender of 3rd bb..hahaha...

yumyum, i m 20weeks now. how have u been? and ur 3 cuties? havent seen u pop by in a while.. must hv been very busy!

hazel, dunno if dr paul was from kkh, hehe..i ask him during the next appt.

baby, we can get referral from any polyclinic. w the letter, make the appt w kkh.. hmmm..i dun tink they will make appt for us..hehe... service cant be so good....:p

dr paul doesnt seem concern abt my weight gain.. he ask me to eat normally..no need to worry... i suspect its all the sugared drinks, pasta and fries tht i ate while recovering from MS leh..coz those were the only foods i could stomach then... anyway, will be watching my carbo intake n switch to wholemeal ones...

my cots will be delievered on 4 sept.. plan to get them to assemby so tht can start to air the "smelly" wood... each cot comes w complete bedding set tht has a cot bumper.. and i bought another extra bedding set from isetan.. so total i hv 3.. which shld b enuff for a start since the babies are sleeping together.

Singapoh, i oso shocked tht i gain so much weight and i m only 20weeks!! hv 4 more mths to go..so need to watch wht i eat...
Bing, not sure if u r the right person to ask, but since u mentioned about room selection at kkh. does ur choice of room affect the babies' rates or its only purely ur own room rates?
Hi ladies... been so long since i posted... How is everyone doing ?

I am at my 24th week now, having difficulties in sleeping positions, waking up to pee is stil the same every 2-3 hourly and worst at night sudden cramps at the pelvic region....

In KKH, there is a clearance corner near the entrance. I remember buying a packet of 7 rompers. $7 each only. I only buy when there's sales. I love their material. Very comfy.

Not sure how long is OG sale. Now they are issuing their membership card (once a year) Just spend $75 to get it.

U can get a variety of baby stuffs there.

Motherhood @ Habourfront should be the biggest here. They hv a wide variety of strollers there.

U can get a size bigger than newborn. Yesterday I bought 6 short sleeves PJ tops for my twins @ OG. We use ceiling and standing fans.

I bought nb PJ from HDB shop. $2.50 a piece. My twins can still wear them now. My son weighs 7 kg now and dot 5.5 kg last week.
Yeah it's not easy for 1 CL to take care of 2 babies. They take turn to cry/fuss and affect each other :s

If u hv triplets, better to hv 2 CLs.

Never zzz while carrying a bb. U might forget that u r holding him when u get up. I caught my ex maid doing thar. Told her so many times still so stubborn. So glad that she's gone!

Are u eating for 4? Keke..


Swimming helped me with pelvic bone pain. If u dun like to get wet, try stationary bike. Make sure to balance yr body yeah.
Singapoh, not that I want to zzzz... I was carrying him... He didn't suckle continuously and suddenly I found my head goggy and lucky my dh was there to carry him over... I K.O. after that!
Bing good to hear that both bbs r growing well. =) aunty Eng is in sg? I called her early aug she did mention she is here end aug but I tot she coming here for shopping not confinement. Will call her next week and maybe meet her after her confinement assignment.

Singapoh like to check with u for nb bb better to buy rompers or bodysuit with buttons in front? I seen alot of cute 1 piece for bb but usually bottons at shoulder, is it difficult to wear coz bb looks so soft in their 1st mth
OG sale until end of sept. can get usual bb stuff lor, bottles, wet wipes, breast pads etc.

usually nb better to wear button front or tie front cos their neck very soft. for daily home clothes my girl wear those type for many mths. but for going out clothes by one mth old i already did let her wear some tat pull over the head one.

hahahaha.. singapoh, my appetite has not be great leh.. dun really eat alot.. n can never finish normal portions food. but eat unhealthy lah...coz fast food and sweet drinks... all the fattening sinful stuff.. :p luckily never fail the urine test yesterday..was quite worried ..haha..

dr ask me to change my juices to berries based ones..those have got better sugars than the others.. and i bought no sugar green tea...hv been taking sugared ones previously. hopefully the weight gain the next mth will be more normal..
