IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Why so quiet huh? All mummies snapping up at Robinson sales ah? Leave some for me n baby.

Attended kk 2nd antenatal class this afternn. Alot of goodies leh. Hehe.


Read yesterday newspaper... there is nursery fair at Robinsons.. spent $300, get $50 voucher. hehe... today, i brought back alot of samples from KK.. my MIL first reaction was, wow! u start buying ah? dun look very pleased. i damn moody. think she forgot her daughter in law already 5 months preggy.... where got early?!?!
Just Faith/baby, u going to the nursery fair?

I planning to go there and also OG to wrap up the rest of the essential items today... after that left furniture shopping for bb room....

i start to find difficulty in turning myself in bed at night.. and tummy hv not gone full size yet... :S

We planned to go robinsons after class y'day. But I felt so tired after class y'day. Giddy (due to the crowd) and muscle pulling at lower abdomen again. I seemed to have these two symptoms whenever I shop. I need the place to be cool and fully conditioned.

Going for morning show 1030am later. After that, then see how again... No harm look see, look see. But unlikely to buy again.

I couldnt sleep until 4am this morning. Guess it is due to the tea that I took during the class (free beverages were given). I abstain for coffee and tea for so long, y'day first time i take tea, very shiok. Had one and half cup at one go. End up, insomnia at night.
Pandawife, which OG are u going later?? i think most of the baby stuff are available in OG Albert only;.... n remember to apply for member card hor.
Just Faith, it was crowded at robinsons yesterday? we are planning to reach there before noon time..so can shop and hav lunch..

yeah..u can window shop first..compare the different brands n features.. most of the time i shop is grab n go... coz limited walking n standing time...

oh dear... the tea kept u awake... i took 2 cups of green tea yesterday afternoon.. din affect my sleep at night.. very shiok oso..hahaha.. we are all deprived...

i was tinking of popping by OG orchard coz just next to robinsons.. need to get more disposable undies and also nursing sleepwear...
Just faith/panda
Didnt plan to go robinson le... Always feel robinson is full of people.. Abit sian..
I bought most big items.. Now left the essentials and bb clothes..

Panda, u say nursing sleepwear.. U mean pj? I also intend to get.. Where can we get it? Those with button in front right?
Bing I met aunty Eng yesterday N paid her the deposit. She said she can help me buy the Chinese herbs for bathing and also those papaya from msia coz I told her I intend to breastfeed exclusively as much as possible. She said the next confinement in sg is for u. =)
surprisingly she mentioned use cloth nappy for my gal during the day leh so I went to ntuc to buy the pigeon cloth nappies after meeting her.
Oh she said for cny eve she like to go back jb for reunion dinner and come back after the dinner. Told her I am ok
Dear sistas,

Did not log in yesterday as I was so tired after going out to see doctor. Saw Dr Paul yesterday. He said that the bleeding should not threaten the pregnancy. he could not find any other reasons and took some sample for test as he suspected some infection.

Feel a bit relieve after hearing that.Glad to have see him. Test results will only be out few days later. Hope everything is later. I am still bleeding :-(

Panda, DH n I think that Dr Paul looks like opposition MP, Chiam See Tong, haha. Feel comfortable talking to him. At least he assures me that the bleeing does not threaten pregnancy and took tests to find the casues. Thanks for recommendation.

Also would like to thank other sistas here who have offered your valuable advices.
Arh... Ladies, I'd like to vent my frustrations here! Really upset e all e aunties.. One ask me if ivf, e other commented about my lack of bm and why must supplement w fm, and yet another best, ask me to video tape my Mum's cooking of vinegar! Damn upset and do I need to be accountable to them for all these!? Now!, even barge into my room just after a few knocks? I haven't even got e chance to answer the knocks!

Dun worry. U can even Email to me. Hee.. My mum and MIL dun even knock. Come in and see my room so dark. Very obvious that I m still zzz. They can talk loudly and ask me things.
dun worry abt venting ur frustrations here . Just had lunch with my in laws. My mil told me confinement cannot shower. I dropped my jaw first then told her here singapore so hot must keep clean. Told her got herbs to boil for shower so i will shower. Then guess what? She told me one relative confinement dun listen also shower now health no good "faint"
Singapoh, thanks.. I'm crying uncontrollably now... Not sure if it has anything to do w post partum but these women seriously dun know where to draw e boundaries. I was telling my hubby that instead of resting my tired body right now, I'll have to do up e recipe right now coz she keep pressurizing my mum who of course would "relay" her message to me.
baby, i went robinsons n OG Orchard.. nothing much at Robinsons..i only bought some small pigeon items at 20% off. the mattress protector, i bought another brand.. also 100% cotton n waterproof....$20+ too...

OG has more things to buy.. n better discounts. yeah.. nursing PJs.. i bought from OG ...$23.90 before 20% discount... i going to start wearing them coz already bust all my PJ bottoms :p
had to also buy bra extensions.. i feel like i m busting everywhere leh!! even shoes also feels tighter :S

OG gives additional 10-20% off for already discounted fisherprice items leh.. we bought 2 of their infant to toddler rockers.. the offer price we hv seen at most fairs/sales is $149.90.. they give additional 10% off.

u r most welcome. glad that u r feeling better.. remember to bed rest.. minimise movement ok?

i also find dr paul very assuring.. n very patient to answer and explain my questions.. everytime i see him, i hv a list of 15-20 qns..hahah.. n i will run thru my list one by one..LOL.. a few times before i finish my qn, he start to answer coz he knew wht i was going to ask :p

chaim see tong?!? hahaha.. never connect to him leh..but now u mention.. abit similar...but chaim has skinner face..

Gan, wah..ur CL sounds good leh.. do u hv any idea if she is on assignment now huh?? my cousin looking for urgent CL coz he fired his 2 days ago...
dun let those aunties remarks affect u too much. U must be very tired. We are Not responsible for how others behave. Take care of yourself and the newborn most important now

U can stop them from commenting one. Just excuse yrself, tell them u need to bf. Stay in yr room and dun go out.

Eventhough twins was my 2nd delivery, I also felt overwhelming. Cried many times too. U feel free to post here ok. We support u 200%.. jiayou..
Des, ignore those insensitive aunts. maybe lock your room so that even they want to come in, they can't? Dun worry about venting here.

Panda, the CL is currently doing confinement for another family leh till end sept. Pigeon stuff got sale in robinson? how abt og?

Nancy i also dunno what is the name of the herbs for bathing. =P i just mentioned can she help me prepare those herbs for bath coz i want to bathe...can't imagine i dun bathe for 1 month and breastfeed my bb.=S
Gan, thanks...then no chance of asking her ... difficult to get good CL at such last minute...

hmm.. i cant remember if OG has...coz i din look at that section..hehe..but i bought alot more things from OG... majority items hv 20% off.. purchase $75, can get their membership card...

robinsons has 20% off pigeon regular priced items...

i heard metro also having 20% now for most of their bb items..

if u r using cloth nappy, can go mothercare and buy hooks for holding the cloth nappy together..its called naapi nippas. 1 pack has 3 pcs. better than using safety pins...
Pandawife thanks will check out the hooks for cloth nappy. actually i am already to use pampers but as CL suggested cloth nappy to use for day, we will try out.
Will go check out the items next weekend. ...sale next weekend shld be on right?
opps.. i tink today is last day .... OG one is their 48th anniversary sale.. robinsons is nursery fair...oso ends today...

speaking of pampers, i havent buy.. need to standby some.. in case washing cloth nappies becomes tooo much to handle...

u need to also buy nappy liners if u r using cloth nappies..
pandawife, opps guess must wait for next sale then coz hubby tired after helping me shift stuff to my parent's place as i am shifting there tomorrow...so that i will stop climbing stairs till i give birth. =P

Pampers i think u can buy later, nearer to birth since can be bought easily
true..can just buy from nearby supermarket..

ur hb oso stay w u at ur parents place until u deliver??

me planning to go my parents place during day time when i m in 3rd tri.. now i only go there once or twice a week ..most of the time they will deliver my lunch....

nancy, u can buy their 3 or 4 for 9.90 bb clothes for home wear.. i din really buy other things there.. dun find the pricing very good ..n selection not as gd as the departmental stores..

oohh..OG sales is until sept? haha.. i blur huh... see the date never see month! haha.. pai seh.. ohhh..tht means i can go there again...LOL..:p i m addicted to buying bb clothes.....
there is this fisherprice rainforest playgym thts very good priced at OG.. they are selling at
$99.90. most places i hv seen sells it at $139.90 on sale. original was $179.90...in case any of u ladies interested, can buy from there.
nancy, thks! can go buy next weekend.

Pandawife, we will stay there till my parents return from their trip in HK which is mid sept, then hubby will stay at our own home and stay at parent's place during weekend coz easier for him to commute to work from our home.

I am also addicted to biying bb clothes....my sis told me she bought 2 boxes of clothings for my gal already from states but i am still buying here...can't resist
Those looking for bean sprout pillows can check out pupsik, got sale on their travel size bean sprout pillows...free delivery till end aug.
I just got mine delivered, the material not bad and quite pretty
Gan, yeah lor, very addictive...haha.. everytime i go out, i bring back some bb clothes.. i hv plenty of handmedowns...bil also bought quite alot from US... i try to buy in bigger sizes now.. no more 0-6 mths.. i buy the 6-12 mths..

i find beansprout pillows overpriced outside leh.... maybe coz i need 3 of them..haha.. i order 100% cotton designer fabric off forum, and ask my mil to make the pillows...told her make better coz next time i can tell babies grandma made these..:p hee....
The nursing pj u buy is what brand? Which section? The lingerie section? Its the dress form or those 2 pc type?

Just now went amk shop to buy the bb clothes.. Spent over $90! I bought 12 sets of clothes.. Tie type and button type.. And also booties sets.. And a pkt of wash cloth..
baby, at the lingerie section.. there are a few brands there...u can see which kind u like.. they hv both 2 pc and dress form... with buttons in front...

i bought dress type from this brand Karmy. 100% cotton. the sales lady says fabric from US and manufactured in HK.

sounds like u had fun at the amk shop...hee..

for wash cloth n towels, i bought from the robinsons warehouse sale.. n another batch today from OG... shld hv enuff already.
Aunty Eng didn't offer to help me get the herbs or papaya from m'sia leh..I asked her about the herbs for bathing and she said she'll help me to get in S'pore. She said can boil ginger water for bathing. Same effect too.
She didn't ask me to get cloth nappy for day time too. I guess the washing part for twins is too tiring. Anyway, I'll try to use cloth nappy as much as possible for day time and switch to disposable diapers at night. But if we can't cope with the washing of cloth diapers, then we'll just use disposable diapers.
I heard that some CLs will encourage the mummy to feed the babies FM at night so that the mummy can have proper rest at night. I think it'll also make the job of the CL easier as babies won't wake up as often as those on BM. I have not talked to Aunty Eng about the breastfeeding part. Not sure whether I should discuss with her first. I'm also not sure whether I can have enough BM in the first place

Just turn a deaf ear to all the comments made by your aunties and don't let it upset you. Sometimes they just don't understand what we are going through and they think that they are experienced and their ways of doing things are the best. Don't worry about venting your frustrations here. We are willing to listen to you. Speaking to ours is better than bottling up yourself.

I also bought a few sets of Karmy pyjamas from Robinsons. They are very comfy and the price is reasonable too
I've started to wear them cos I can't fit into my usual pyjamas anymore.
Bing Aunty Eng did mentioned about feeding FM to my bb at night so that she can sleep longer...
I didn't say anything then coz like u not sure if i have enough BM though I hope i have alot to feed my bb. Maybe u can ask her help u buy the herbs for showering? coz she said cheaper in msia, so i said ok.
Bing, i only bought 1 piece today leh..hehe.. coz disoriented in OG.. went after lunch and alot of aunties in there..very noisy....

i m tinking of going back again to buy few more ... did u buy the zip up one huh?? i was wondering about it..coz looks convenient to bf in it.. just unzip....but dunno if comfortable to sleep in....
baby, there is another brand Beauty.. i bought their spag dress PJ .. before discount is like $15.... this one not nursing type...but more cooling to wear now... n big enuff to accomodate until i m due....

can give me the block number at amk again? will drop by feeling bored.

i also bought some NB clothes at whampoa y'day. Those tie in front @ $1.50 and the long bottoms @ $1.90. Also bought a pkt of china brand cloth diapers. think it is $13.90.

went ikea after morning show today. wanted to get those colourful children hangers but ikea was so packed. at the food section, someone spilled ice tea on my blouse and pants from my behind. i felt so sticky.. went straight home after that. Din go OG or robinsons
After buying 12 sets of home wear.. I scare i buy too much liao.. Haha.. I buy white, yellow and pink...
I hvt start buying those nicer clothes for gng out.. Maybe buy frm mothercare..

The OG u went is which outlet? Which outlet has the most variety?
DES, hug hug...

I went thru e same situation as u during my confinement period... My mil wld keep come into my rm when I bf even when my door is closed though not locked. I was aso having problems in latching Alvis n my bm wasn't sufficient for him too. Everything wasn't going right for me during tt mth n I cried a lot n v easily.

Apart fr getting support fr my hb n sis, I came to e forum to gain support fr a lot of mummies here. I always felt better after tt coz then I realized tt I wasn't e only one gog thru this, a lot of mummies, ESP 1st time mummies.

Be strong for urself n for ur bb. we'll b here for u....
Just faith, the shop is at Blk 722. alamaks..how come tht person so clumsy...gosh..spoil ur day definitely....

baby, i went to the orchard outlet coz its just beside robinsons. not sure about the albert one... but plenty of things to see at orchard.

u can get nice going out clothes at OG too.. they hv tops and matching bottoms selling at 2 for $6.90/8.90.. i find mothercare's pricing steep unless they are on sale.. although the material very nice.. but babies will outgrow the clothes very fast.

u can also check out carter's rompers on the forum.. their material are also soft n comfortable.. i have a few sets..and cheaper than mothercare.
My friend who engaged Aunty Eng slept throughout the night cos her bb was on FM at night. She was quite happy that she could have proper sleep w/o waking up at night. For me, I'll try my best to feed my babies BM at night, if not supplement with one or two feedings of FM. I'll rather sacrifice my sleep for bb's health. Maybe I'll talk to Aunty Eng and get her to buy the herbs for me in m'sia closer to my delivery date.

I got the button in front dresses and 2-piece with draw string pants. Got myself 4 sets and thought of going back to get one or two more sets. I didn't get the zip up one cos it's too big for me. I think the designs of those with buttons in front look better. You can get at Robinsons centrepoint during sale. If you have Robinsons card is even better. Each set will cost less than 20 after discount. ;)
Gan, bear in mind tt bm may only kick in after 1-2 weeks. Thus, in my opinion, it may b better to btl feed at night so tt u can aso rest properly too. Resting at night will b v disturbed too coz u need to diligently pump every 3hrs to get ur supply coming. But at least u get to rest more as compared to latch on coz nb takes v long to suck ESP when they tend to slp while feeding. U can latch on during daytime.
Bf is a lot of hardwork in the first few weeks. When yr supply is enough, bf is easy. I took over 2 months to build my supply just like my first baby. It's possible to bf twins.
Just faith
Seems like whampoa price is cheaper than amk.. Amk selling 4 tops or bottoms for $9.90.. Abt $5 per set..

I shall go checkout OG orc... Cos i hvt buy those nicer clothes for bbs yet.. Only bout those home wear..
Btw, i bout bb bath tub frm ikea.. $15.. Its smaller than those selling outside.. So i feel its easier to manage.. And also a changing table frm ikea.. Can put tins below the table also..

I hvt start buying my own essentials.. Like breast pad, maternity pad, undies, nursing bra and pjs.. Even support belt i also hvt buy yet.. Gosh.. Seems like the list goes on forever.. So many tins hvt prepare yet..

ladies, i have some confinement shower packet herbs to give away. my mum bought from medical hall for me.

my skin is very sensitive after birth n broke out into hives after using them once. in the end, i got to shower...hee hee. just took dom for the wind part. post partum sweating makes it hard for me not to shower.

pandawife, thanks for the nappi holder tip. going to get some tomorrow. for swollen feet, you got to rest them a bit. it is good to rest while shopping too. i was bedresting n on wheelchair by week 20 so my feet remained the same but i have grown half an inch taller

singapoh, tt someone is my mil not sil. not convenient to say over fb. too many relatives. i dun msn too cos no time. going to get iphone soon. hopefully can be less of an island loner then.
