IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Singapoh, is it ok for us to be swimming? did u swim thru out ur pregnancy?

my next silly qn..hahaha.. where to get maternity swim wear... :p

Pandawife think green tea got quite abit caffaine leh, dun drink so much.... But saying that I took a few sips of cold coke last 2 days.=p
on 1 week mc.... Staying home most of time besides going kkh. Boss gonna kill me for taking so much off!=p
Gan, really? green tea also has caffaine? faint...both dr paul n angela told me ok to drink... then i better dun drink everyday.....

more rest is gd, dont worry about ur boss...hehe.. baby more important.
I see that u call ur CL to confirm again arh? Meaning, after I cfm my CL, I still gotta regularly call her to cfm that she is still ard and available is it? I paid her a deposit of $400 le.. But she was recommended by my fren who had her for her #1 and #2. So far no complains abt her when my fren recommend her to her relatives and other frens. So do I still need to call her every now and then to check?

We can go swimming arh? I just went to have a dip in the pool only. No swimming. Just make myself wet while my girl plays nearby only... ya.. where to get swim wear? But now buy swim wear like abit wasteful leh. Cos only ard 4m left, then I wont swim every week type too..

Ya.. think u shld cut down on sweet drinks le.. Think maybe u have been drinking that too much.. keke~ I told hub abt ur perfect combi and he told me, so good.. Mei mei def very well loved de.. Cos only girl..

Wa.. OG having sale.. okok.. Think will go and get some bottles and teats.. wonder when mums and babes will have medela sale. Was told by my fren that they at times will have medela 20% sale.. Me so blur lor, saw that their online purchase having 20% off now, then never see properly that medela items not entitled, then keep calculating and calculating, only after 30mins then realised I did so much for nothing, cos medela items not entitled to the sale. *Bangwall* Wasted a good 30mins..
icic.. 10 weeks.. Then must really take care.. Since u already changing to private doc. Think they would most likely give u jabs to support.. Just make sure u dun walk too much, carry heavy stuff and rest more. Eat well too k.. Dun take liang stuff and cold drinks. That time when I had spotting, I felt cramps everytime I take cold drinks then after that I will bleed more badly.. So try not to take k.. Best is plain water.. warm or room temp..
tickles...ur hb so right lor! hahaha.. last night my hb told me ger ger stole his heart already... so funny! then i was tinking, next time mei mei sure will bully the two kor kors..LOL...

if can swim, i tink i shld go swimming.. keep fit coz i everyday sit at home.... hopefully with some exercise, hv healthier weight gain
pandawife...tot i read somewhere that has caffaine leh but maybe not very high bah that's why drs say can drink...actually as long not too much caffaine ok de.

Tickles during my consultation with dr loh on sat, he said my water level not sufficient, ask me rest at home. been the most worrying time ...worst than how i felt during my spotting / bleeding in early preg
Gan, yes yes..i went to google abt it.. so will drink it moderately... cannot be my plain water replacement...hahah.. luckily u mentioned..if not i overdose liao...thanks thanks
Morning ladies,

Anyone coloured their hair during pregnancy? I have a lot of white hair, wondering is it safe to do colouring now? I always colour my hair every 3 months cos really got a lot of white hair leh...please advise. thanks.
prayhard, i also hv greying problem! n it seems to hv gotten worse after pregnant.. but i tahan lor... bo bian.. some pple says its ok to color, some says not ok. i dun wanna take the risk.... most of the time i just bun up my hair.. not so obvious...
Better not.. My hair stylist told me a straight NO when I ask him. He say I can only trim my hair now. Colour, perm or rebond can only wait till after I deliver. so do endure ba...

Aiyo.. Seems like people with bleeding prob like us gt prob with the amniotic fluid level too. I too had this prob earlier. Was told to take warm bath (not hot) and drink lotsa water. I think it helps. Cos my doc no longer tell me that I have this prob le.. U try...
You don't really have to call your CL now and then to check whether she's available. If you have paid her the deposit and confirmed with her your EDD, she would have set aside the date for you. Moreover, yours in thru your friend's referral so it should be safe.
For my case, I was just being kiasu. I told my CL that I should be delivering in mid Oct. I called my CL again to check with her when will she finish her last assignment before taking up mine. It's just to make sure that in case I pop earlier than expected, she'll be available and I don't have to panic without CL.
You can check with your gynae whether you can go swimming. Unless you have placenta previa or bleeding/ spotting, swimming should be quite safe. I bought a 2-piece bikini from JL Expo sale for $20+ only. Those maternity swim wear don't look gd and are not cheap. Moreover, you can only wear for a few months .

I heard from the ladies here that the NICU/ SCN charges at KKH will follow our room rates. So I think for multiples, it's better to select a lower grade first in case the babies are born early and have to stay in NICU for a while. Where are you going to deliver? I thought you are with CARE?

Don't worry too much about your water level if the sonographer said that it's normal. Sometimes Dr Loh can be very direct and just speaks his mind w/o considering the patients' feeling. For my boy's enlarged ventricle, he also said it's not good and made us very worried. However, everything is fine now after close monitoring.
You must stay positive so that your baby can grow healthily! Take a good rest at home these few days
Bing, i m with CARE and suppose to deliver at TMC. but dr says to go register w kkh as just in case measure coz pte cost for NICU is v high. in the event of emergency or premature birth.. he will want me to go kkh to deliver.

ok..then i shld opt for lower grade.. thanks thanks
icic.. okok.. Then I dun have to worry so much first. Cos the CL did ask me when is my EDD and hub told her its 17 Dec. Then she ask is this my 1st preg and we told her its the 2nd and my #1 came 2 weeks earlier. So she did say if thats the case, #2 might be out early too, so she will get ready early for me too. I think maybe for my case, early dec will need her liao. She just told me as soon as I deliver, can call her le and she will make her way to singapore..
oh, maybe i need to ask if I can go swimming then.. Cos i have bleeding/spotting probs, thou stopped for ard 2m le.. 2 pcs bikini arh.. I have a few sets at home leh.. BUt then hor, my stretchmarks on my thighs from the last preg quite unsightly leh... Keke~ abit paiseh to wear... maybe I can wear the top and bottom, i wear a short tights to cover.. keke~ save $$ no need to buy...

Men understands the feeling most... My girl is really daddy's girl de.. She will always say I love papa and refuse to say I love Mama.. She will want my hub to do certain things with her. So at times, I do feel abit upset and jealous.. Then this 2nd baby also ah ger, so he proudly tell me, hahaha~ Its daddy's girl again! *BISH*
is it normal to have creamy discharge like abit pale yellow? it's not brown discharge just like pale yellow to mid coloured yellow
Morning ladies
Wow so many posts so early in the morning
hee...my gynae says swimming is a very good exercise for pregnant mum. The water takes away the presuure on our knees and back. But swim slowly and watch out for young kids that have no sense of direction. Be careful of the wet shower areas too

I was just wondering if "touch wood" the babies need special care and cant come back with mum after deliver. How the CL? Come and cook only for mum or wait till babies come back then call CL to come? Hopefully, babies and mum come back together and start confinement
when my girl had to stay in hospital for a wk, i still asked my CL to come and start confinement for me and i concentrated on building my milk supply by pumping every 3 hrs and delivering ebm to the hospital.
and at least my food is also properly taken care of.
if u r are worried abt not getting enough rest after the twins are back u can consider asking the CL to extend her stay (provided she's available lah). if they are available most r willing to stay up to 40 days.
I was also wondering that just in case if "touch wood" the babies can't come back with the mum, should we ask the CL to come and start confinement.
Grumpus is right. I think we should get the CL to come and start confinement instead of waiting for the babies to come home. At least the CL can cook proper confinement food for us and make sure that we have a proper rest so that we can recover faster. Also, just in case that the babies need to stay in NICU/ SCN, it can be quite tiring for the mummy to travel to and fro from hospital everyday. With a CL around, at least we can just concentrate on pumping bm and building up milk supply and not worry about doing other household chores, cooking etc. Unless you have a maid or mother/ MIL to help you. Then you properly won't need a CL urgently.

Don't worry about your stretchmarks on your thigh. Pregnancy is the time we can proudly show off our figure..haha..Anyway the focus will be our our tummy and not on other parts of the body. When I went swimming for the past few months, alot of people were staring at my tummy. I wasn't quite used to it initially but luckily there were not many people at the private pool. My mum forbids me to go swimming now cos she's afraid that the ground is too slippery and I may fall down.
I'm struggling to keep myself awake in meeting... even though I slept thru all night I woke up feeling super tired...
my eyes keep closing & head keep nodding to sleep in the meeting...

It's up to u. If I use romper, I put on for my bb from bottom. The romper collar is big. This way I dun hand too hold their neck.
pandawife, got appetite is good sign. bbs need you to eat. must eat healthy stuff. you will lose the weight in no time after delivery. aim for good size bbs. I got a book to pass on for diet for multiples mum to be. you want?

I m super busy with my bbs but have good maids to support. dh doing night feeds for 1 Bb so I can express at night. new mum here very emo and inefficient.

ladies, I have newborn bb clothes, prego clothes to pass on, 1 brestfriend pillow (clothcover washed, never used) to let go. needed space at home. pls pm me if you want any.

my 2nd cl quite good with bbs. $2800. for triplets, she can too.

singapoh, you are my idol. how did you manage to get out of home?
Swimming is the best for preggers. Do check with doc first before starting any form of exercise. No exercise in 1st tri.

My first pregnancy, I did 10 laps x Olympic size pool in 25 mins LEISURELY, twice a week. Froggy style. I swam till I was 9 months preggy. If yr cervix is open, u hv to stop to avoid infection.

This twins pregnancy, I didn't swim as much coz was bz with my big son. He was at home everyday. Sometimes I will just walk in the pool which is good enough.
fashion spree when u do amnio how many days off did u take to rest? I just seen prof george yeo ...becoz of the short nasal bone seen at my 20 weeks scan despite good nt measurement and all organs ok, he said my risk to have ds is increased by 20 times, so advice me to do amnio. It's a tough decision.....won't ask dr loh later as i know he pro amnio. How is the whole process like? Thks
Oh my.. 10 laps??? I swim 4 laps already panting liao. and thats when I was preparing for IVF lor...

u still can do amnio test now meh? I tot now is abit too late to do le?

Its like that de.. 1st tri is also very tired and slpy... keke~ Even now I'm in 2nd tri also feel the same lor.. Its like that.. But its a happy prob...
Take a short nap during lunch?

It's up to u when u want the CL should come. If u hv yr mum or MIL to cook for u and touch wood that both bbs still in hospital then only ask her to come when bbs are home.

My son came home with me, agent asked if I want a regular nanny first and then change to twin nanny when my other twin is home.
Then u better listen to your mum and don't go swimming now ;) Also check with your gynae whether you can swim first. Try to get someone to accompany you to go swimming also. Just to be safe.

Fashion spree,
Are u on mc and resting at home now? Better rest more and don't walk too much. I think maybe our delivery dates maybe quite close eventually. I'm not packing my hospital bag yet. I think there's still another 2 months to go if everything turns out fine. But I'll get ready all the necessary things for the hospital bag so that can just dump everything into the bag just before delivery. Have u bought all the essential things?

U can get maternity swimwear from any maternity shop. 1st pregnancy I wore my old and loose regular swimwear.

For this twin pregnancy, I bought 1 piece swimwear from OIO maternity store. Salesgirl said can last for multiples all the way. I only used lightly. Gonna sell it in the forum soon. L size.
tickles can do.... Dr loh has been asking me to do but i have been holding back to wait till detailed scan. Guess normally pple do when they r 16 weeks
PandaWife, Tickles, Singapoh,

Ok..I shall not take the risk then...baby/babies are far more important than having greying hair...

Thanks, ladies, for your advise

I also dun know how many weeks I am now leh..think should be 4 weeks plus...I feel tired too cos I can't sleep well. I sleep around 10+pm every nite but will wake up around 4 to 5am to pee then can't sleep liao...anyone has similar experience?
Dear sistas,

I am v worried now. Last nite 2 am plus, I suddenly experience lots of bleeding. The blood just flow out continuously. This is worse than last sat when I have some bleeding.

My DH rushed me to KK 24 hr. Luckily babies ok. Doctor said I can stay in hospital but it is only to monitor, there is nothing much that they can do. The advantage is DH no need to send me to hospital so frequently. DH n I decided to go home cos it is more convenient esp when my MIL is still in Tan Tock Seng.

I am still bleeding a lot. I am scare though doctor said bleeding may last a few days. Also worried as my nausea is not as serious as before, one sign of miscarriage.

Seeing Dr Paul Tseng for 1st consultation on coming Monday. Hope he is able to help me.

Please pray for me, sistas.

I went out with my mum, 1 baby and my maid. My twin gal is at my MIL's. I used a carrier and brought a stroller. Put him down while I had my lunch.

I went out with twins and my ex maid before.
clercler bed rest when u have bleeding.i hope someone is preparing ur meals these few days. Did they give u a jab? I had a couple of bleeding incident in my week 5 to 8. I stayed in kkh for 2 nites for the 1st incident. Though they dun do much but u wld be really laying on bed, so it helps. Dun walk too much besides going toilet. And be positive. I was initially very scared and cry when i had bleeding but later i start talking to bb and ask her be strong.

Take care
Thanks Singapoh n BB Rabbit,

I have the injection support on Tues. Yeah, will lay down. I have been searching the net for casues of bleeding. The more I read, the scarier I get :-( Think better stop reading and just pray hard.

Will rest well. Thank you.

Can I take those fish porridge/ bee hoon selling in hawker ctr? I know we can't take some types of fishes but I am not sure are those selling in hawker belong to one of those?

Can advise? Thanks thanks...

That time I do amino the process is very fast. Prof geroge yeo very experience doc. Don worry the pain is bearable. They will do a scan on the bb first before they insert the needle. When the needle is insert it not pain at all and prof yeo did it I think abt 10 to 15 min quite fast . Only when they pull out the needle u feel like abit ant bite which is bearable.
After the amino I feel abit crampy on my tummy but go off within an hr.

Before I do my amino I heard alot of pple telling me it pain. But trust me it not as scarly as wat pple say. It like taking blood test kind of feeling.

That time prof yeo give me only 2day mc to rest at home after my amino.


Dr loh give me 28 day mc to bed rest at home till 22 sept . when I see him for my next review then he will see if I'm fit for work or not. Luckily ,I have get majority of my bb stuffs if not now like now can't walk much.
If u see my msg. I suggest u faster call up DR Tseng's clinic and tell them to squeeze u into an appt asap. No joke to be bleeding so badly leh. When I bleed badly the last time, the doc at macau immediately give me prolutron and 2 doses of HCG within the 11am - 6pm that I lie in her clinic. The next day when I return to HK, I immediately went to see my other gynae and they also immediately gave me progesterone jab and I had to jab myself everyday. Due to the bleeding, my amniotic fluid also decrease. U better tell the nurses at Dr Tseng there abt it. and request them to help u...
If can go by today. If really no slot, just pop by CARE at Paragon for a jab and let them do a scan for u.. Dun wait till tml or Mon le..

I read abt some causes of bleeding too. Mine is caused by recurring blood clots in the womb.. I had a total of 3 appearing one after another. Blood will just gush out and non-stop de. Gotta wear pad and have to change every 1 hour type.. So that time when i bleed, i cried, cos the macau doc ask me to repare to lose my baby. Cos I simply bleed too much le. I was made to lie down afer my jabs and every 2 hours, she jab me again. The feeling is scary, u dunno what will happen next.

Not trying to scare u cos I also dunno how bad your bleed is. My bleed is those kind that when I stand up, gushes of blood will just flow out just and just splash on the floor. Need a mop to clean it off type. If urs is also as bad, i suggest u faster go to a doc k...
