IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hihi Nancy,

How's things? Yes bf helps to lose weight fast.
I give 1 or 2 fm. Sometimes 1 of them is on bm whole day.

Not easy to bf twins but still possible to do so. A lot of handwork and sacrifice but it's all worth it.

Congrats on having a princess
So happy for u!!i have yet to know my baby gender.

Nctgrae and bbhp,
wishing u a smooth delivery

Congrates on ur BPF.Yes u r preggy !! I had the feverish feel too , feel cold tot i was gona get a fever soon.Din cross my mind that i was preggy.

Congrates on ur BPF
Hi ladies,

Anyone have any home remedies for migraines?
I have been having bad headache on left and right temples since this week...have to lie on bed for hours. But sometimes it just dun go away.

Pls help if you have any natural ways to curb...
I take isotonic drinks when i have headaches.

My 1st trimester i was freezing all the time. Have to carry cardigan everywhere. But do watch out for the sore throat cos you might have caught a bug.

I only switched to private gynae after 1st trimester. If you are comfortable with your current gynae, just stay with him. The reason i switched is because i can get in touch directly with private gynae compared to hospital system which they have to contact him for us and they may not always be available at the clinic.
Thanks pleasance & bakaholic.

I think I don't have enough sleep and didn't drink enough water. I keep waking up in the middle of the night to pee...

Just now I was so careless, fell down on my butt, luckily not a major fall... hb was terrified.
Kitty- Congrat. I was also under SF Loh, currently abt 9wk. Should Switching to pte gynae as I feel that SF Loh focus is more on IVF. For my 1st visit after BFP, i waited 5 hrs to see him, yet i nv get to see him. Personally i am those who need more attn, esp that i got spotting on and off and cramp. Going to try SF Loh again at TPS next week, gg to say a v big thank you to him. Meanwhile, i m on injections support twice a week and scan to make sure bb is growing well
Wow I thought by week 36, there won't be much room for the twins to turn anymore. It's amazing that girl can still turn around! I admire your ability to work until week 33 with your Pelvic pain and swollen feet. I wonder how long more I can tahan cos I'm getting very clumsy with my swollen feet and big tummy.
All the best this fri and do update us on your delivery ;)

Are you expecting multiples or singleton? I asked the ladies here this qn when I BFP a few months ago and they advised me to stay with Dr Loh since I'm expecting twins. Dr Loh is experienced in multiple delivery. Multiples tend to be born prematurely and may need to stay in NICU. KKH has the best neonatal care compared to other hospitals. Some complicated neonatal cases maybe referred to KKH. Also, the NICU in KKH is less expensive than pte hospital which may easily cost > $1000 a day.
If you are expecting singleton, it should be the same as normal pregnancy after first trimester. You can consider switching to other gynae. But since Dr Loh did ivf for you, he knows your condition the best and will have all your medical records. Just in case there's any complication in future, he's the best person to give you advice. Hope this helps.
Feeling much better. At least can drink and eat
Staying home most of the time cant go out for long. I heard can put the twins in a single cot for the first few months, is it true? Breast feeding is not easy but i will try. Must buy formula as back up just in case
Do u get at least few hrs of sleep at night?

olive oil? What type? I think itchy due to the skin stretching. Will check out the maternity belt thanks
Thanks pleasance.

Bing, yap even Dr Loh also surprised that the girl can still turn at 36 weeks scan. I stay in Woodlands and work in the city, take MRT to work everyday and go to my parents place(at AMK) for dinner after that. Even with a big tummy, I still have to cross an overhead bridge before reaching my parents place. Frankly speaking, it's really tough during the last few weeks at work. If I can do it, you should not have any problem.

good that u r feeling better now.

I dun get a good zzz nowadays. Broken zzz is very tiring. Yes both can share the cot for first few months coz usually they are shorter than singleton.

My twins r zzz in different cot and room now. Not only due to space constraint but I m also training them to soothe themselves to zzz so that they won't depend on me at night.

They are 10 weeks now. About 5.9 and 4.9 kgs. 59 and 57 cm long. My son is big :p
You gal can still turn at 36wk. Mine like always in the upright position, he likes to stick his head out so i feel a bump on tummy all the time.
Ya, Singapoh, i'm aso wondering wat do u mean by letting them soothe themselves to sleep. Right now, my nipples and patting are the only items to soothe Alvis to sleep...sob sob...sore nipples and tired hands....

like what stb said, she has to pat or bf her baby to zzz. My twins are like that too and they are making us very tired. I am training them to zzz without any assistance. A lot of crying involved that is why I separate them.

Today is Day 3 of training. Last feed was at 11 pm. My son zzz till 4 and dot 5 am+. Before this one of them wakes up and disturb the other. We hv better zzz now.

Hopefully they zzz longer soon.
So u let them cry a little and then they will sleep when tired. Ur son can sleep till 4-5am not too bad.

I wonder if i can handle twins on my own if i dun get a maid. I think better to get one but stranger at home not used to it. Sigh...dun know how.

Thanks. will check it out
Singapoh, aren't they a bit too young to train now? A lot of frens are telling me to start when they are 4th mth onwards leh, otherwise, they may "consume" a lot of wind when crying...

not crying a little. It's a lot of crying!


1 bb already seong. I got 2 babies and all of us r very deprived of zzz. My gf shared this method with me. She got it from a book.

She trained her 2nd bb when she was 5 weeks old. She is a SAHM with a bb and toddler without help. After this training, she can leave bb in the cot and do her things in peace. Her bb will play herself and soothe herself to zzz.
Jenn: if got smell and itchy maybe due to infection, u can ask the Dr to do a swap test for u if u want.

Rose: I heard after Taka there will be another BB fair at Expo.

Kitty : Congrats!
Panda: This is someone posted, not sure how true.
she mentioned in Oct and it's called New Mom. Maybe you can call to verify with Expo management.

Skies: Maybe you can try to check it out yourself. Copy from some link:
Traditional post-natal massage ( please consult your doctor prior to engaging in traditional massages)

Mums and Babes Tel: 62527898 and 68359919. Located at Plaza Singapura and United Square. $400 for a 7 day package.
Birth and Beyond
Body-mind Workshop Tel: 67342852
The Shiatsu School 280 River Valley Road Tel: 68361231 Provides postnatal Japanese Therapy
aisah tel : 63872263
Mdm Noor, 9002 9608 (Hp) or 9572 7905 (Pg) Email to [email protected]
Rustic Nirvana's contact - 6227 9193
nisah @ 67897448. www.goldwellness.com. Charges ard $400 for 10 sessions
Aisah 63872263$50 each section and she come to place for 10 days
Kak Su
With binding $50/session
6442 8525/90224904
$35 @ Woodlands area $37 outside Woodlands area
9450 6374
$60 per session
Sharifah Tel : 9108 5439
Mdm Zaiton
9701 8240
Mdm Zu:
97470607 ($270 for 7 sessions)
I just came back from the week 25 blood flow scan. My 2 babies are in breech position and Dr Loh commented that most likely I'll have to go for C- section. His assistant was telling my husband that it's very tough to carry twins and I may have to sit on wheelchair for the last few weeks before delivery. I'm surprised that u can still work and walk so much over the past few weeks.;)

The next bb fair at expo will be held in nov.
hi ladies,

I would like to check with those who had done IUI before in govt hospital.

This cycle will be doing IUI. I taken clomid from cd2-6. I usually ovulate at cd20-21. At cd15 which is yesterday, my left ovary have a 10mm follicle and right ovary have a 9mm follicle. This fri (cd18) going for a scan again. Hopefully my follicles can reach at least 18mm. But if my follicles r ready for IUI, I will need to inject hcg this fri. Read that IUI is done 36 hrs after the hcg shot. That means my IUI must do Sat midnite in order not to miss my ovulation. Normally for this type of situation, when the IUI can be done? Public hospital dun do on Sun and Mon is public holiday. By then my Ovulation is over already. Does tat means this mth i need to forgo the IUI?
hi gals,
can check with u do u all have any contact to get part time cleaner to clean house weekly or fortnightly? I need to find one coz I really cant do housework anymore, my backache is killing me..
Thanks live.
I don't feel any itch but a bit smelly. Have called the nurse, she said the same, she asked me to monitor, if tomorrow still have, since I'm going for injection on Fri, will then check with gynae on that day too.

I wonder why she told your hubby that. After I booked for induced labour at 37 weeks, I walked so much. Every day I cheong. Took MRT to malls. I popped few days early.

Prior to that I moved house when I was 34 weeks. Unpacked over 40 boxes myself. No order for bedrest. :p

Dun worry, it still early. Your bbs will change positions later on...hehe. Who knows both bbs will head down then you can opt for natural delivery. Dr Loh keep saying I am very good to carry until 37 weeks full term for twins. I'll be going for pre-admission briefing and blood test tomorrow...after which, i'm all prepared liao. :D

just to share. i do not have a maid and i handle the twins myself. same thing cos im not used to having a stranger in my house. and also i dont trust maid and to me they are not helping me to solve my problem but creating another set of problem for me.

i would say it is tough and always not enough sleep but that is the early stage only. once they sleep through will be better. anyway whether have maid or not when bbs wake up middle of night, we also have to wake up. cant possibily leave them in the care of the maid right. but of cos i agree, in terms of houseworks, maid may contribute a bit.

for singapoh, sorry if im wrong, you have an elder one on top of the twins right? how to manage 3? infact im thinking to have #3 but worry about coping.

I did my down syndrome scan and doc told me I got high risk...ratio of 1:65 chance of down syndrome baby. They scanned the nose bridge, normal but the baby neck skin is thicker which is above average calculation. I did blood test too but results will only be out in 2 days time.

I am quite confused now, what should I do? Any recommendations? Or should I seek 2nd opinion in scan? Where do you advise I can go? Pls help!!!

I have an active 3 year old. He's attending full day CC until this Dec. He's going to PAP kindy next year. Hopefully by then, my twins are in routine.

I am 32 yrs old, did my oscar scan at KKH. Panic...coz if confirm eventually, its either early termination or carry on.

But I have to wait for blood test result first before deciding on further CVS or amnino test.

nm, ur oscar scan is where? How old are you?
What is the neck measurement?
Different hosp has different cut off pt.. I did mine at tmc.. I was told their cut off pt is 2.5... Anytin below 2.5 is considered normal..
I was also told ds bb usually do not have nasal bone.. So since yr check on nasal bone is normal.. Most likely everytin is ok..
If u wana go for second opinion.. U can consider tmc or cameden..
Hi baby,

The neck measurement is 2.8mm, yes, same, the cut off pt is also 2.5mm, if not wrong.

Thanks, think I will wait for the blood test result before i really start panicking.
Rose- Dun worry. Yr bb will be fine.

Any MTM bgt those heartbeat detecter to listen to the heartbeat of your little one after wk 12? My hubby is thinking of getting one
hi, long time no see!
How are you and your twins now? I still remember it was you who did the EDD table for us and then I took over after some time after you have given birth.

You are trying for bb no 3 now? All the best!
You are capable man, can handle twins all by yourself esp when you were 1st time mum! Pei fu pei fu!
First time mum with twins really can handle without help?
Im thinking to get a maid before bbs arrive but dont like the idea of having a 3rd party at home.. So im wondering whether its possible to handle twins without any help..
How abt hsewk? Can take care of bbs plus do hsewk?
I also wonder why Dr Loh's assistant, Sandra made such a comment. I look at bbhp and you, both are still so active and cheong all the way in the last few weeks before delivery. But I guess it really depends on individual. My friend's sis who had twin pregnancy was really suffering towards the end of tri 2. Dr Loh asked her to start HL at week 26 and rest at home until delivery. I guess Sandra must have seen alot of cases.
I hope I can hold my delivery until 37 weeks like you and bbhp ;)

It seems quite difficult for both babies to turn head down. Anyway, just let nature takes it's course. I don't really mind going for a scheduled c-section like u. At least I can be mentally prepared and don't have to wait for labour to come anytime. I was telling my hubby that it's gd that u can carry until 37 weeks. Dr Loh just commented that his main concern for me now is preterm labour.
U going for 4-bedded or single ward?
Thanks for the advice. Ya i was also thinking even doesnt matter which baby that wakes up in the middle of the night, as mum we still will wake up. Cant leave any of them with the maid. Even if we have a maid she will just do housework but if they give me problems , got a bigger head then.

How big are u twins now? Thinking of #3 already? wow !!!

I also worry abt the housework part. Many baby clothes to wash i heard and all the bottle washing etc. Wonder can put baby clothes into washing machine?
Bing, thanks for the info.

nancy, bb clothes can use washing machine, just separate from the adults load.... it would be a nightmare to handwash everything.....
hi bliss,
yes, it has been a long time. time really flies. me and my twins are getting along well. still considering to have bb #3 in the yr of rabbit. cos still have frozen embies. thinking to go for one last try since i only have 5 left, dont think all will survive thawing. and i think to destroy them is cruel and to store them on long term is costly and endless. anyway still considering. lastest to catch the rabbit train should be somewhere in feb i suppose.
how abt u and your bb? trying for another one?

my twins are 18 months now. planning to go FET end of the yr. i calculated if i am really to fall pregnant again, by the time i given birth , the twins will be abt 30 mths. think e gap will be just nice. it is tough to handle twins but still achievable. of cos hubby must be supportive and help as much as possible. my hubby is the family man type who love kids so much that he is more than willing to help. and also he wwould help out with the housework too. btw, i also wash bb clothes using washing machine. but separate them from ours.
Do u gals gums bleed when brushing teeth?
Mine always bleed everytime i brush..
Is this normal? I did hear pregnant woman gums bleed but im thinking is it i lack of some vits or minerals...

Hopefully one of yr babies turn. Mine was 1 breech.

On the labour day, Dr Loh checked and told me that I might hv C sec so they pushed me to Operating theater to deliver. I also risk having 1 natural and the other C sec.

Lucky for me, my son came out first follow by my gal in breech position. I was told that we were in the OT for about 45 minutes.
hi yck,
nice to hear from you.
Me and bb boy are doing fine. I also have been a sahm since bb is born last May. He is 15 mths old now.
Oh I still have 9 frozen embies left but hb n I r not planning to go for fet, so will discard them this yr (as I do not like the idea of donating them too). I had conceived naturally by 'accident' when my 1st boy was 4 months plus last yr, I have just given birth to my 2nd bb a month ago, she is 1 month old now. So I have decided to close factory and just have 1 boy and 1 girl. They are only almost 14 months apart, hopefully i can handle both of them well alone. My boy is very active and running around all the time now, however I am glad that he is quite an obedient boy when alone with me though still needs lots of care and attention. But he is a naughty boy when his daddy is present. Hahaha!
Hope your fet will succeed this time and soon hear good news from you!
baby i had bleeding gums too when i brush. Not sure why though.

I am also down with slight flu now. Can't wait for the long weekend so that i can take a break from work
hi rose: mine is at a specialist clinic in bishan. Apparently he is quite well-versed in this area of scanning.

I am hoping and praying that all is well cos i am 35 yrs old.....keep talking to my bb that all will be fine ..heheh

gan: have u tried changing the brand of the toothpaste to sth more gum protection?

what do we do if we get the flu bug cos cant take flu meds rite?
