IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Huh? See the kiddos? U mean scans huh?? okok.. u add me. Ic.. resting at home arh... Must be very tired..

Erm.. I think the Edd and number of weeks at times will change. Cos the docs go by the size of the baby ba.. A few days ok de la.. keke.. If for eg he say is 16 weeks right. Then u tell yourself every maybe eg Mon is a new week lor. easier like that.

I have booked class on sunday 2-4pm opp TMC starts 5/9. Mrs wong class start 12/9 sunday 3-5pm at AMK hub. Call 62514090. Mums at least 20 weeks then can attend
I dun intend to attend the class this round cos #2 le ma.. But the class can be quite interesting and informative for first time mothers. If u scared, maybe book early and start the lesson early. Will teach u how to breathe during delivery too. Thou, by the time in delivery ward, I already totally forgotten how to do the right way liao..
nancy, thanks for the details! i m waiting for the lady at parentcraft to call me back.. i tink i will opt for AMK hub..nearer for me.. hb usually drop me at the hub, n go park at the HDB multi storey parking...coz its near impossbible to park at AMK hub itself...

tickles, yeah.. there is a scan pic of the three of them together..hehehe.. i just added u....
at home smtimes very bored.. n i dun really nap much... most of my time spent surfing web for bb things.. i buy alot of things online for them... hahaha.. everyweek the singpost guy will be making delivery to my house..:p
Nancy and panda I booked le TMC will cancel kkh coz I think when I am like 30 weeks my tummy too big to do any exercise they teach.
Sat class start on 4 sept but more ex than kkh. Kk is $150 tmc is 267.5 coz I am not tmc patient.
NAncy same as u took the class oppo tmc.... Can walk there after lunch ke ke ke
Tickles dunno how useful are the classes but it is like a must do for me ha ha ha since I watched show those mum to be attend these classes
Wahaha! okok.. I go home then see. Cant view in office now... Wa.. u seem to be buying alot of things hor... What u usually buy? Baby stuff or maternity stuff? What website u surf? PM me on fb leh. Then I can also surf when I'm free..
Thou I dun intend to get lotsa things also. Just a few sets of new clothes. A new wardrobe, breast pump and a new car seat. Oh, and 1 set of new milk bottles too.. The rest all recycle.. Baby clothes I'll dig out my girl's clothes and wash after I get a new wardrobe. Maybe do that in Oct ba... Think I'll just get a big one then my elder one can share share too. Else her current cupboard is exploding liao..
oh keep calling them cause i read from the dec MTB forum her weekend class is almost fully booked. Wow, ur hubby so considerate.

So we probably have the same instructor. Hee....My gynae says start early sept is good as tummy may get too big too uncomfortable to attend the class.

My breasts are getting bigger to fit the existing bras. Should i buy nursing bras or normal bras but bigger in size? "confused"
ya.. 1st time moms better to attaend, will teach u all the basic stuff like feeding, changing, bathing, bf-ing etc.. Also gt teach hubby to help u massage your back etc. Then also the breathing techniques during delivery (which I dun think I follow cos very tired after all the pushing, wahaha!)

But its fun la.. I had mine at Mt A. Dunno is it the similar for Mrs Wong's classes thou..
Someone told me b4 to get bigger size bras can le. Nursing bras buy nearer to your EDD. Cos your breast will keep expanding. If after delivery, gt more milk, think will also be bigger too.. So get nearer to EDD can le..
Nancy I think nursing bra buy nearer to birth? Coz the breasts may still grow?

Panda the nurses were busy so I said i can wait. So they put me on hold. I scared wait for them to call bAck they wld forget . I kiasu ! = p
tickles... i buy all the bb things..hahaha...things like rompers, bibs, blankets, even fabric for making the bean sprout husk pillows..hahaha.. all order online...

i hv no choice leh.. i hv to hv enuff supplies for 3 babies.. and first time mummy.. i dun hv things to recycle at home.. managed to get handmedown from frens.. but mostly only suitable for home wear.... coz most of them close shop after 2 babies.. n the things already recycled once...

hv not bought any maternity stuff.. except bigger sizes undies..hahaah.. no need bigger bra yet too....hee.....

nancy, u can buy bigger size normal bra.. check out sorella seamless wireless one.. one for $22.90, buy 2 get 1 free.. my gf highly recommend..she wore it as her nursing bra too...comfortable n not too costly.
Gan, aiyoh..i shld hv said i will wait..hahahahahaah.. anyway.. i explain to the nurse, i hv to get into sept class...coz after oct i will be too big to go for classes...she told me she will call me back.
Haha! Yalor.. Cos yours its forst time ma.. so ok to invest a bit. Just a note, there is one thing best to buy new ones, baby car seats.. I read an article somewhere saying it dangerous for kiddos to use 2nd hand car seats. esp if u dunno if the car seat already pass on how many babies le.. The article say at most if your child is the 2nd to use still ok. But best to check that all parts are still intact as on the manual booklet. Else will be dangerous..

The sorella wireless one id good huh? Okok.. I must go see see too. My bra also getting tight le..
thanks for the prompt advise. Will just get a few bigger bras. Nursing bras can wait. Thanks !!

Lots of things to buy for first time mum. Who is helping u take care of the babies? Dun know why i start worry i may not be able to cope with 2 after the CL leaves. Maybe too free at home think nonsense...
tickles, i m getting new cots, playpens, car seats n strollers. these are items i cannot compromise.

only clothes, a rocker and food warmer is hand me down so far....

yeah.. my gf highly recommend the sorella one.. she says if need wireless, impression has a tube bra tht is cheap n good too....
nancy, my parents n mil coming to help babysit. i will not b getting CL leh.. all of them object to having CL.. my mil will be doing my confinement...she will stay the nights and cook my confinement food.. day time my parents will be here....
okok.. I shall go bra shopping when my preggie gf comes back to sin in end aug.. Will go see see these 2 bras.. been wanting to get tube bras too. cos now as the chest area gets bigger, my dresses seems very low cut le.

Oh, this morn, when i brush my teeth, my dunno is teeth or gums started bleeding. The amt of blood gushing out is really quite a lot. Gave me a shock to suddenly see my entire mouth soak in toothpaste and blood.. Best thing is I dunno which is the part bleeding lor..
Ya, i also read car seats better buy new. Ur girl can share clothes and room next time so good Hee..... Cant wait for gender to confirm during scan next week. My hubby asked me days ago " If we got 2 boys, u wanna try for #3?" I said 2 boys can faint liao can gaurantee #3 is girl ?
Tickles milk bottles what brand is good? If I recover from my flu tomorrow, want to go Taka baby fair buy some stuff for my girl. So far only bot her 1 set of pj I saw on sale at mothercare
nancy, is there someone helping u after confinement?? just curious, how much are u paying the CL to look after 2 babies?

hmm.. u dun worry too much.. i everyday tell my babies, they must b guai... and good babies.. so later mummy easier to babysit them
tickles, i oso had gum bleeding last night when brushing... i never hv this problem...

i read online tht during pregnancy oso need to go for dentist check... last time my dentist oso tell me must go see him even pregnant to do routine check.. but i m not very comfortable leh...
I took tmc childbirth class but conducted by another midwife. I took the 10am slot on sun to avoid the parking crowd.
It's not bad but ultimately it's not the same with a real baby.
I started after detailed scan cos it can get very tiring if it drags on the mid 3rd trimester. I finished mine when 3rd trimester starts.
I think my girls will still be slping in the same room as me.. But I'll clear the next door room then try to shift my elder one there when she's ready. Cos she's kinda timid. And I also bu fang xin she slp alone. So we will all slp in the same room for the time being... I'm already training my girl to slp in her new children's bed mattress le.. The bed cant fix yet cos I scared later knocking and all will affect. But my girl seems ok to slp on her new mattress. Hopefully she wont feel that mei mei coming to snatch her baby cot away..

Your hubby so funny leh.. Keke~

I use avent bottles. I find them good.. Then I let my girl bring pigeon bottles to sch. Pigeon is more handy cos slimmer. Avent is very fat.. But Avent is said to reduce colic lor.. So far, I only tried these 2 brands. Oh, then Pigeon ones gt picture de.. Nice..

My next dental visit is due in sept. 1st time I bleed like that. Got a shock, even in my last pregnancy also never occur too.
Tickles I also have gum bleeding problem.

Panda I m going afternoon coz morning want to go office to complete a report. Today on mc coz of running nose. Got the bug from my hubby!
The thing is we booked my sister previous CL lady. Supposed to give her deposit and discuss price soon. And yet to her it's twins cause we have plan to announce to everyone only next week at week 20. She charged my sister $1800 for 28 days last june. For twins, i dun mind paying her more.

Ya, i think i worry too much. We dun like the idea of maid in the house. Also afraid they may give me more trouble than helping me. I know of gfs with helpful and good maids but what's the chances? Sigh..I think the tough part is the first yr. After that things should get better
Hee..but ur girl still can fit into her baby cot? More fang xin all sleep together but only if daddy doesnt complain. My gf hubby will throw the pillow at his 2 yr old when she wakes up at night and cry. Btw what is a 4 in 1 cot? Do i need one?

Good to visit a dentist but dun forget to tell him u are pregnant
Gan, i cannot wait..i call the nurse back! hahahaa.. she says she was about to call me..:p
all mrs wong sunday classes are fully booked! and sat oso closing soon.. i managed to squeeze myself into the 11 sept sat 7-9pm class..... not fantastic time slot..but wkdays abit rushing for my hb...

ur hb got take vit C? i make mine pop vit C everyday... afternoon will be crowded at the fair..wkend crowd... i m going early so tht can avoid the crowd..n i plan to go robinsons after taka...

nancy..u kept ur secret very well leh! $1800 for 1 bb is market rate...my cousin's wife doing confinement this mth, her CL oso at the same rate. we tried to sound her out if she keen to help us...but she says 3 babies, she wants us to provide a maid.. which we do not plan to hire now since i m not working....
Ya.. She can still fit into her cot. But just wanted to get her ready for mei mei's usage.. 4 in 1 cot can comvert to toddler's bed de.. Good to have 1... My girl has always been slping with us, so we're used to it le. Moreover, she already slping throughout so no issues on that too.
Bakaholic- my hcg reading is 921. Is this high enough to be sure that it's nt a chemical pregnancy?

Tickles- thanks. Really hoping to see the sac on the next scan.
Ya, so secretive
No la it's because my first tri was really tough. With the hospital stays and severe MS, both side folks were already very worried. So we thought after things more stable and babies are well we just throw the "bomb" since no one in the family knew we did IVF. Twins will be someting new
Thanks for the link. For the price it's reasonable. What is bedding set? Are u getting 3 cots? I heard can put 2 babies in one cot for first few months. Think i get one first. Oh got wheels too..
nancy, u can go to their store to take a look first...the promo when i was there, price is $299 with a 7 pieces bedding set, inclusive of pillow, bolster, cot bumper, comforter, bedsheet etc... and i paid $20 more to change the mattress to a better quality one tht has holes.. more cooling n better ventilation.

i bought 2 cots...plan to put 3 babies in one cot for first 3 mths if possible.. not sure how big they will be at birth...so we buy 2..just in case..haha.. eventually will need to buy a 3rd cot...
Hopeful mummy ur hcg very high, dun worry!! Maybe u have twins. Mine was 389 and bb is well. Dun worry too much ! Enjoy ur pregnAncy.

Panda he didn't lor must remind him. Last nite I call him bad daddy for spreading the bug to me.

Nancy my cl is charging me $2000 hmmm u reminded me better call her and also pay her deposit
milk bottles are very subjective. depends on yr bb, their sucking and their preference. the more common brands are pigeon, NUK and Avent.
before i delivered the last time, i bought the pigeon steriliser/warmer/bottle set from Taka bb fair.
i used pigeon bottles for the 1st 3 mths. Then my girl started getting a lot of wind and the pigeon teats were not suitable for her anymore. smaller size hole flow too slow but up one size flow too fast for her. So i switched to NUK which has slower flow and cos of the teat shape supposed to get less wind. She used NUK until abt one yr then NUK too slow for her liao cos she big girl already so i switched to Avent which has very fast flow.

i have friends whose newborn bb hate Avent cos the flow too fast but i also have friends whose newborn bb die die must drink Avent and no other cos they like the fast flow.

so bottomline, every bb is different and u won't know until they're born. u can buy one brand first to stand by and see what happens when yr bb is born
Grumpus thanks! My gfs Also using nuk bottles. Will check out tomolo if I go shop. Breast pumps I think I buy nearer to birth ok right coz of warranty
yup end of the yr will still hv those yr end sale, 20% off etc etc then just pick up breast pump then. Can go kaypoh at bb fair first lah :p

How come only 10 kg weight gain for triplets? What's your BMI? I gained 12 for twins and dietician said I undergained lei.

The scan shows yr triplets 16 weeks coz their sizes that time are size of 16 weeks and the Edd on the scan adjust accordingly. But yr EDD given by doc will remain unchanged.
singapoh, u must be taller...i not very tall.. nurse told me based on my frame n size... i should be 10-15 max... i dunno whts my BMI leh..heheh... hmm.. doc gave me 10 Jan EDD...but he says i can pop anytime in Dec..coz of triplets..so stil not accurate...

now i confused when asked i m how many weeks..

hmm.. i was tinking put 3 in one cot..but with the cot bumper, i dunno if it will be too crowded for them.....

i wonder if its safe not to use the bumper until they are older n sleeping in their own cots.
