IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group


Hazel is right. I did not choose Dr George Yeo for my 12th week scan. When the sonographer suspected something wrong with one of my bb's heart, she asked me to come back in the afternoon for the Senior Sonographer to confirm. We did not expect to be the Head of ADC, Dr George Yeo. Luckily Dr Yeo said everything is normal and that he's satisfied with the result. Still we cannot help but worry, so we asked Dr Loh for opinion. Dr Loh reassured us that we should trust the doctor and not the sonographer as Dr Yeo is a very senior and experienced doctor. This set our mind at rest.
The avent steriliser u bout the digital or electric one? I also planning to buy avent brand..
I hvt start to buy anytin yet.. Duno where to start.. Maybe we start buying when taka fair comes..
Will u buy breast pump?
Thanks Panda.
I'm quite keen to take the chinese med, I got endo, low ovarian reserve, and block tubes, so it's not easy for me to get pregnant... I'm a bit KS... but hb scared it will be harmful to take both med at the same time... I'm still thinking...
baby, mine is the digital one. yeah...when i first went to bb kingdom, also dunno where to start. haha.. lost... but now into the momentum liao. there are many things to prepare.. and i realised tht i need to stock up more on some of the items tht i bought.

yup..planning to get the pump either from taka or robinsons..need to check out their prices next wkend... later going isetan to take a look too....

Jenn, u need to keep an open mind about taking tcm, and also find a reliable tcm doctor. i went to the one at Jurong East coz I saw her before bfp and was also told my clinic that its good to take her medicine.
sunflower congrats! =)

pandawife, the amk shop is good buy! Is it a very obvious shop? I.e. If i walk to polyclinic i can spot the shop?
Gan, its at block 722..just in front of polyclinic.... i walked from AMK Hub to the shop... after tht had problems walking back to the car...hahaha...

the shop sells quite many bb things, but i only bought the 4 for $9.90 clothes.. the other items, i dun tink very cheap... their receiving blanket was like $19.90 each.. 1 bought carter ones online at only $8.50 each...of similar material. their rompers also not cheap... can get better deals elsewhere and better selection.
thanks panda! Will go check out and get some stuff for bb.

Baby i got a maternity and baby checklist and isetan baby handbook for new parents at the payment counter at 4th floor isetan scotts near the baby room. I was totally blur there no sure where to start and left empty handed yesterday. u can ask the staff for these 2 list for reference on what to buy

yesterday I just bought clothes for my gal from Mothercare, KKH. After 50% plus additional 10% for DBS card holder, it's very cheap. 1 shirt is about $6 or less. The material is so comfy and cooling.

Salesgirl told me that Today is the last day of promotion.
Panda, Gan, the pigeon disposable breastpad is v v cheap at the AMK shop! $12.90 only! If I remember correctly, outside selling $18.90, so even with 20% discount, it's still more expensive.

I was there last evening to get more boxes....

Singapoh, u visiting sun? Her son really huge leh...
singapoh...thanks..later i try to go mothercare..keke.. went to the store near by house...bt not much selection there... need to hunt for a comfortable support belt for myself too....

soon to be... i hv been buying all the bb things leh..hehehe.. totally forgot i need to get a set of breastfeeding stuff too.. apart from the pump.... looks like need to go amk again..keke...

Don't have to rush to shop now coz Mothercare and DBS always have this kind of promotion. If u have friends to get from UK, it's even cheaper.

But u can get spare fitted sheets from Aussino now. They are very comfy and it's t shirt material. Very cheap too. Stocks are limited too. Maybe can ask if u can pre order.
bishan also hv one of those shops selling bb clothes. the range is not that wide but good enough for nb home wear clothes.
u know where the posb and the other ntuc is? the shop is juz perpendicular to the posb.
sometimes that area will hv masar malam also, then will also hv some of these clothes.
can look out.
singapoh so there should be another mothercare sale later this year?

Soon to be, thanks on the info on breastpads!

Grumpus, yes I know where is the posb and other ntuc will go check out too. have u started shopping for your number 2?
haha...nothing to shop. #2 will be using all hand me downs :p
will only be investing in another breast pump which hb will be helping me get from UK cos it's so much cheaper.
closer to delivery then just need to wash all the sheets, clothes, nappies and sunning the mattress etc.
I like mothercare bb clothes too...though maybe a bit more expensive during non-sales times, but their material really comfy....n they usually hv sales too..hehehehe
Dear all,

I just tested BFP 2 weeks ago. These 2 days feeling very nausea. Just recovered from sore throat and still have slight flu.

Any thing to take to stop the nausea?

I have been taking suan mei but trying to stop as they contain chemicals.
Take fruits like guava, kiwi if you do not have heartburn. And try not to let your stomach go empty. Have little snacks in-btw.
Sunflower, congrats! So happy for you to persevere till now despite earlier than expected contractions (& dilation?).
Singapoh, do u know if hers natural or caesarean? She really did well w such a big baby! Her baby is almost 3.9kg leh.

I was telling my family I need to start my handover of work early for fear I'll pop early!! Oops.. Getting nervous now... 
Clercler, btw, Suan mei don't work for me and make it worse as u suck more air. Like what bakaholic said, don't let yourself go hungry, take many small meals/snacks in between. Plain crackers with hot Milo work well for me.

Sunflower delivered naturally with epi. She dilated 2.5 to 3 cm when she was admitted to kkh. She was induced and fully dilated in less than 3 hours.
Wow.. Sunflower's amazing!

Jenn, think Ensure can get from pharmacies eg. Guardian? I didn't take it though. For calcium, I took fresh milk / soya bean milk fortified w calcium. Got them from NTUC. :p I took e simple stuff. Also Took home made chicken soup / essence and bird nest. Think basically that's it. If u consider home cooked dinner when possible too? Oh, and doc's prescribed supplements.
Des, Thanks. Later will go NTUC to get biscuits and Milo. I am addicted to suan mei :) Having taking many. Trying to stop now.

Jenn, I got Ensure from Cold Storage.
Thanks ladies...

Des, do you cook the bird nest yourself? I heard those in bottles one not very good, will cause more mucus...

Can we take seafood like prawns & crabs?
Sunflower, congrate....
big baby ...

singapoh, she got FB? Will u all be visiting her? Can let me know via email or SMS? Thankie...

Des, next will be you?
Zaza, when ah?
Who next?
Singapoh, thanks.. i managed to gt the support belt from mothercare. reasonably priced n comfortable.... the sales lady also very helpful.... but din buy any clothes...hb says too many liao..hahah...

Gan, isetan has cheaper bottoms for babies leh.. amk shop sells 4 for $9.90... i bought nicer ones at isetan.. 2 for $3.90 only....
soon to be, the pigeon disposable pads selling at 13.90 at isetan...but the amk shop still cheaper..hehe..

gan, if u wanna get pigeon bb wipes, isetan is cheap.. their single box on sale.. only $5.90...i paid $7.90 at bb kingdom... n u can buy their 6 packs refill offer at $19.50...
both pigeon breast pads & wet wipes are sold cheaper @ amk bb shop
i always buy my supply there. the bb clothes also cheap
ladies, need advice again. I was having spoting on thursday, seen a gynae, nothijng wrong. But still having spotting on n off now. I remember reading that sme ladies did swap test during spotting, then gynae will recommend med. Where can i do tt test? Really worry was spotting come n goes. But it onli on the tissue when i clean myself. THKS
BB RAbit if u have on off spotting, on safe side go see gynae again. I did the swap test when i see my TMC gynae regarding the spotting I had when I was abt 5 weeks. She suggested the test as she thinks the spotting cld be due to infection. I had group B infection, can't remember the name but when I told dr loh , he didn't think necessary to take the antibiotic which TMC prescribed. I guess my spotting not really due to the infection coz subsequently I had a couple of bleeding incident during my 5 to 7 weeks pregnancy. No clear reason of the cause though
panda and gan.. U gals have aldy started to buy.. I hvt start yet le... Abit anxious now after knowing u gals aldy bought so many stuffs..

Yr support belt is which brand? I also intending to buy one.. Which mothercare outlet u buy it from?
U bought yr bb bottoms at isetan fair?
Gan- THKS! The gynae did a vaginal inspection, could not detect the reason. As it was light, only when i clean myself, he order bed rest for, with injections and additional support. But despite tt, spotting coninue on n off. My next visit is onli on my wk 11, 2.5 wks to go. Maybe i will call and arrange for an earlier apt.
Do u think it could relate to drinking orange juice or eating a small spoon of bird nest? Me having cough on and off and had fever -39deg on friday nite.
BB rabbit,
Are you on any hormonal support? Can request from doc and also ask for HL rest. Take care ok?

Why do you need to take ensure? It's quite fattening. I only take a glass of fresh milk every day from 2nd trimester. 1st trimester I couldn't take dairy cos of nausea. My gynae said balanced diet and 1 glass of milk is good enough. Ohterwise if put on too much weight, not good for both mummy and bb. 3rd trimester maybe can drink 2-3 glasses of milk for calcium intake.
Bb do rest more, bedrest really helped me when I had spotin. Minimise walking. I had proluton jab once a week and my duphaston was increased to 4 tabs a day. Dun tAke cold drinks in first tri. I refrain from that till I m abt 12 weeks then I discover cold orange jui e made me feel good. =p take care

baby I have not started buying..... Only shopping to see what to buy this weekend. Waiting for taka fair
Thanks bakaholic... I guess the normal fresh milk will be good enough?

clercler, congrats to you too! will you be taking the an tai med?
Vi, dun know leh... I may be next. Anxious now coz worried bb come early and I'm not ready! Haha. Now really waddling instead of walking. More backaches and can't wait for my ML to start. At same time, witch in office still wants to haunt me.. Very soon, I won't see her for 4 mths! Yippee!

Jenn, i took hock hua's bottled bird nest. Ya, I recalled there were some discussions on bottled vs home boiled bird nest in this forum. Can't really rmbr e content of discussions but I dun recall anything serious to prevent me from taking it. Besides, bottled is more convenient (I lazy to boil lah! ).

Erm... There are always different views on seafood. Old wives tales vs no proven clinical tests &, logical theories etc. Initially I ate some prawns & ate minimal crabs. Then, my SIL shared of her experience where she didn't restrain herself for 2nd kid & suspected that may be e cause of ezemia in her child. I Tried not to eat after that, since I also dun crave for it.
Jenn, u meant if calcium is enough from milk? But think most of us just did that leh. I think Vi4n took calcium supplements though.
