IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Nm, hv faith. Someone just told me she failed her amniocentesis test which is 99% accurate. Her bb was born normal

hazel: thanks for the morale booster...
it means alot...

can i dare say these tests are not really accurate?

U can see a GP, tell them u are preggy. If not sure call or email yr gynae to ask if the med given are safe in

I just came back from KKH for a pre-admission counselling and blood test. Tomorrow is my scheduled c-sect day and I am having slight runny nose.
Meanwhile I have to drink lots of water and hopefully I will be well by tomorrow morning. I just upgraded from B1 to A1 this morning. After much consideration, we have decided to upgrade.
Nm, I wun say these tests r not accurate. I rather say they cannot give give u 100% accuracy. 99% accurate also mean there is a chance of 1% tt bb is fine.
Hi, anyone skip the FTS n FBC test? My hb n I were jus wondering whether is it really necess. In fact when I explaind to him bt e amnimo test, he is totally against it.
nm yes like singapoh said we can see gp....my running nose is getting worst yet can't take leave these 2 days coz got meetings arrange.
Hi nm,

I am so relieved now, KK had called me saying that my blood test result came back good. I am in low risk, 1:459. Heng...no need for amnino test.

I almost couldnt sleep last night, glad that its a false alarm.
Nm, its first tri screening n full blood count. I think Im confused here, not sure whether its the same as DS scan. Forget what e doc told me bt she mentiond sumthin like I can opt out the DS scan.
baby, i went for scan today. hehe.. still cannot see leh... baby showed us side view this time round... very shy! hahaha...

the other two, one sucking thumb, another one scratching head...

i m scheduled for detailed scan on 26 Aug..

u check out taka bb fair already? my gf went yesterday n bought some items..
hi ladies, i just had my 1st cycle of ivf and just had the HCG test on tues. it's positive and i'm pregnant.

would like to check if is it possible that even though the HCG showed that i'm pregnant but it turns out to be a chemical pregnancy?
Take gd care of yourself and have a gd rest tonight. You can finally hold your babies in your hand tomorrow! Must be quite excited now. Update us the gd news ok ;)

I remember your delivery well. It seems quite dramatic to have so many people in the operating theater helping u to deliver.
I'm not too worried. Sometimes having both babies in breech or heads down positions makes the decision much easier. I just don't wish to start with natural delivery and end up having to go for c-section.
Getting more sleep by placing your babies In separate rooms now?
Hi bliss,
I'm not a sahm. I went back to work after 4 mths maternity leave. During day time my mum will take care of them. Pick them up after work. Wow.. Your 2 bbs age gap is just nice.
Hi ladies,

I believe some of you with KKH maybe know that the Obimin is now changed and they giving without the DHA ones. Anyone know where I can get the DHA Obimin elsewhere ?
Dun worry so much. If your hcg level is high enough, it shouldn't be chemical pregnancy. Just wait for the scan on wk 5/6 to see the sac and then wk 7-8 for the heartbeat.
The pregnancy journey is long and it can be a roller coaster ride so dun worry too much now and enjoy the moment.

For the take baby fair, some of the items are quite cheap. i bought the tiny love musical mobile, munchkin organizer, and some small items like cotton balls, combi cutlery set. Their avent bottles are cheap too. Only thing is the huggies diaper which I find no price diff from supermarkets. There is also a medela, pigeon booth and strollers, cots.
As for clothings, more suitable for gals as the boys selection is rather boring.
Aiyo.. Suck thumb and scratch head.. So cute!!! The other baby really shy leh.. ut then hor, ask u huh? When doc scan, how did u know that the shy one is the one that still have not reveal the gender baby since inside got 3? They will def change position de right? Paiseh if it seems that I'm asking stupid qn, cos curious plus never have mutiple pregnancies b4..

My baby have not been scanned sucking thumb yet. But everytime when scanning, she will go on kicking and kicking. So doc comment that I have a very active baby in me.. Keke!
Great great.. U scare yourself la.. My doc told me b4 that other than the scan on the neck thickness. The results has to be combine with ur BT results to determine de.. Good to hear that now everything is fine..
tickles..hee..the babies can only move within the sac...which is fixed to the placentas thts attached to uterus....so the bb on the left will always b on the left...

my left side is boy boy..v active...n angela says his legs v long....i always feel him moving...

right side is ger ger...and lower center is my shy darling..which looks abit cramp for him/her in there now....
Ladies- Anyone taking DYDROgesterone 10mg tablet? I got some to spare, given by KKH. But now seeing pte gynae, taking another type of med. Pls PM me. THKS
Icic.. So u mean u gt 3 placentas in u? Am I right? No wonder cant see the middle one la.. Sandwich in between so very cramp...
Are u girls talking abt musical mobile? I think hor, kiddy palace or John little sells like Fisher Price musical mobile not as ex if I didnt rem wrongly. Its ard $70plus to $90plus.. Then gt lights type also.. Very nice de. Then at night if never on the lights, can also light up the musical obile and the lights will go spinning on the ceiling type..
tickles.yup..there r 3 placentas....u r right..the center one abit sandwiched...i was abit worried...angela says its alright...the babies will take care of themselves in there....

i hv been trying to eat well... dr paul says no need to worry i nt eating enuff to feed 3 of them....just make sure eat enuff for myself..hahah...n surprisely....i m only expected to gain average 10kg...n nt more than 15kg...i hv already put on 2kg...8 more left for the remaining 5 mths....

i m eyeing the fisherprice rainforest mobile..but havent check out price yet...dun mind look at other brands if there r gd selection....

spinning lights on ceiling will distract bb from going back to sleep anot...hehe...like v distracting..hee....later they so fanscinated..dun wanna sleep after feed i will cry....
Wont de.. Mine also got lights. The lights not very strong de. Will spin on the ceiling, they will look, play see, look, play, see and listen to the soothing music till Zzzzz de.. Very easy and fast. At most 5mins can le..

My last visit I also put on like 0.3kg only.. Keke. Then baby almost 500g le. With it slightly above ave.. Total only put on 3.6kg.. I also aiming at 10kg at most. NOt gg to repeat my 22kg weight increase like my last pregnancy. Luckily this time round, the weight gain doesnt go to me but the baby.. Happy. I see the Dec MTB thread most of the babies ard 300-440g for 20wks.. So I guess mine is slightly bigger..
This i'm not sure leh. Cos I see everyone asking abt weight so I ask too lor. My girl is abt 16cm long and weight is estimated ard almost 500g le.. Maybe u can ask Dr Tseng next time. Your appts are now 3 or 4 weeks apart?
tickles...dr paul says he only need to see me once a mth!!! like so long a time....my next scan is the 20week detailed scan on 26 aug....

luckily got angela...can see babies anytime....
oic. All the best for your bb no 3 plan!

My 2 bbs age gap is too close leh, which i find it a bit tiring to look after both well at the same time.
By the way, do you still keep in touch with the rest from this thread during our batch? I still keep in touch with Maykel, Cale, tintedsky, josphine, babymaking, Sam, 76, hopfully and pleasance. They are all doing well and their bbs are all growing healthily too!

Also got to make some friends here in the later batches, it is wonderful to have some online mummy friends for a sahm like me, so bored at home man! Hee!

Do you have a fb account? Address? Can I add you in?
Panda: Haha! Almost la.. I rem u're 3 weeks behind me only. me now 21 weeks. So u're 18 weeks... Very fast de... btw, have u spoken to pinkd lately? Seems like she very long never come in to chat le leh.. Wonders how she is..
Girls hAve u signed up for antenatal class? I just called kkh and the next available class in mid sept by time ends 4 dec!! Wonder if my tummy wld be too big to attend class
tickles, i m 17 weeks today..actually hor, very confused leh...

last scan with dr paul, i was 15weeks 3 days.. he measure the babies n tell me 16 weeks.. so i oso blur... but if count the actual days..havent reach 16 weeks yet.

pinkd is fine..chatted w her on FB... she is resting at home... ohh.. i forgot to add u in my FB album to see the kiddos.. i add u later...
Yr 3rd bb really shy haha..
My detailed scan is on 25th.. One day before u..

I hvt go taka fair yet.. What is musical mobile?
Gan, i m checking out TMC's classes...the kkh one stretches for 3 mths??

the TMC one is 6 weeks...once a week.. n to be booked at 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Panda I blur didn't know kkh shld start when abt 16 weeks, there's a 3 weeks break bet the part 1 and 2 class. I want sat class so that hubby can join coz weekday starts 630pm.
Tmc got a class by this lady wong heard very popular
ohh.. TMC wkday class is from 7pm. they have both sat n sun classes too... i suppose by end aug, i shld b able to fit myself into one of them..keke...

so many things to prepare n do.. i oso blur blur now... everyday i tink of new things i need to ask dr paul.. i write them in a notebook...n the list gets longer n longer....:p
U can book a slot for the childbirth class before week 20. My gynae told me to book the last time i saw him at week 16. Weekend classes are popular esp the one at AMK hub so book early. Need to pay 2 weeks before the class starts. If u got the first newborn card, got discount
Panda hmmm ya just saw the tmc class maybe I will check the class schedule since tmc is near my home, easier to go
I never think of question to ask de loh leh so lazy. Only ask my bb to grow well and big everyday
Ya i also heard that this Mrs wong class is very popular but only held at AMK hub. The parking is crazy there during weekends so i opt for the one held opp TMC can park at the public carpark behind the singapore pools.
nancy... u booked already? really ah...so i should call n book first.. yeah..i m getting the FBI card..just filled the application form.

Gan, i sit at home everyday, haha.. i hv alot of qns...hahahahha..
