IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Bbhp is having c-section this coming wk.. So, she shld be next in line.. So fast august already.. Bbhp & me had ER on the same day.. We r supposed to hv the same edd... Sigh...

If u develop lactose intolerance in 2nd tri like me then yes will need to take calcium tabs because bb needs more calcium in 2nd n 3rd tri. If u don't take enough calcium then your teeth n bones will suffer next time.
So if can drink more fresh milk, if can't then takecalcium tabs. Anyway talk to your gynae n he/she will tell u what needed.

Oh Ju, the Amk shop wet wipes is cheaper than 6*82 @$19.50? and the pigeon breast pad is 60+12@$12.90?
if yes, I will go there on Tuesday to top up. KOI? Or MCD bfast? He.. He.. U can pass the desitin too. Cont on fb or SMS me yah...
baby, me kiasu lah..haha.. coz hb very worried i will get to big to go shopping... now i m already walking very slowly leh... yesterday when i was at mothercare, the sales lady measure me, then says tummy still not very big...ask me where is the discomfort... i told her my back is aching alot when i walk liao..

the belt is mothercare brand... seems very popular coz left limited sizes n colors... i wanted white..bt left only black for medium... when u r buying, get the sales lady to help u measure n try the size.... i bought at the outlet at cozway point...but all outlets should carry since its their in house brand.

yeah..i bought some bb bottoms from isetan..not at the fair...its inside the bb section in isetan. comes in many different colors..more exciting than the standard 3 colors at amk shop ..hee...
Jenn I eat quite a fair bit of prawns as these only source of protein I can take when eating out. I can't eat meat coz no appetite when I see meat and I dun like the taste of meat since preggy. More a vege and fruit person now.
Vi, yes, the AMK shop is cheaper for pigeon breastpad and bb wipe. Almost forgot abt the bb wipe since I still have them......bb clothes, I think the px is abt the same leh....and quality so so leh, but good enuff to wear at home lar...

Hazel, look forward.....
Gan, u heard that old folks always say that if u r preggy w gal, u likely to eat more veg and fruits, but if boy, eat more meat....sounds v true for us har? I only liked and ate a lot of meat when I was preggy w my son....hehehe
bb rabit,
If u have spotting problems, best to request for prolutron jabs and increase in medication support no matter how little the spotting is. Is your spotting fresh red or just dark brown?

I also had spotting and then bleeding cos I had recurring clots in the womb. I was on bed rest for 3 weeks and was told no walking, no carrying of heavy stuff etc. No liang food and cold drinks.

I was told by my TCM doc that if gt bleeding/ spotting probs, can try to cook 1 dish to eat. Its Glutinous rice cooked with lotus roots. U can try it.

Most impt is try to stay in bed and dun walk too much..

Panda, Gan,
Wa.. u 2 really seems to be buying a lot of things le hor.. I just bought 1 maternity top at mothercare over the weekend. Its on discount at 30%.. So happy with my purchase.

Both of us same same.. I also only intend to get a breast pump, maybe a few sets of new clothes for #2 and a baby car seat. The rest I will use back my girl's old clothes..
By the way, u buying a new breast pump huh? Which brand are u buying? I more or less decided on medela le.. Just that still considering whether its single or dual pump.

Wa, u lost 12kg in 18 days. Oh my.. Thats very fast.. I also hope this time round, I can successfully bm my #2..
i'm getting the medela freestyle! cos next yr my #1 will start kindy and was thinking i can pump in the car while waiting for her to finish school :p
hb helping me get from uk, 199 pounds only!! plus can get back abt 30 pounds from vat refund.
somemore no need adaptor...kekeke
Tickles- I am already on jab 2 times per week with 6 pill daily.Abit fresh/brownish colour. As per my gynae, mine is likely due to a polp there (fresh growing near the cervix). Need to bed rest as well for next 3 weeks for now.

How do i cook the lotus root? Can i take it with soup? THANK YOU!
Having major headaches now, maid tell me she want to go home suddenly. My hubby guess that she know abt my pregnancy and do not want look after baby. Her main job is looking after my granny now
Oh so u hvt start to buy yet.. Ok ok at least im not alone haha..
Panda making feel anxious la.. She aldy bout strollers, cots.. Now buying bb clothes and essentials liao.. Hehe..

I shall go chk out the mothercare support belt.. I intend to get beige color.. In case i wear white it wont show...
Have u find out yr 3rd bb gender? I thk i will buy bb clothes after my detailed scan.. So i will know what color clothes to buy..
Taka fair start on 4th aug?
baby, dun hv beige color at the store i went.. only black or white...n my size only blank left..n i m desperate...so just buy..

no leh..hehe.. this thur i will try n ask angela if she can scan for me..hahahaha... u more anxious than me to find out the 3rd bb gender..keke.....

i bought the clothes in assorted colors... pink, yellow, blue, green... mix mix....

yup..taka fair start 4th aug..i tink i will go early sat morning...
Thats very cheap leh.. No need adapter? That good leh.. The BP that I'm looking at, the US set needs an adapter lor.. Somemore its abt $475. Your hb in UK now? Or he is gg there? But that set, does it comes with the bag and the coller bag etc? Or is it just the pump? Sorry huh.. Ask so many qns.. U make me so gian lor. But then gotta see who gg and help me buy it only. Btw, is the set bulky huh? Cos if bulky, paiseh to ask people to buy for me also..
soon to be, yes the old folks saying applies to me this time. =) but i do worry that my lack of protein, my bb will not put on weight. Been telling my gfs i think my bb looks skinny during scans but all of them said at this stage bb has not put on fats yet.

Girls how often do u take bird nest? If i take once a week now, is it excessive? I am boiling myself. Yesterday i used slow cooker to boil coz lazy to double boil.

Feeling very uncomfie in office now.....tummy is stretching and tight feel....
Gan, i take the birdnest 1-2 tea spoon every morning... u hv to boil it very concentrated..then can eat for a few days...keep in the fridge....

every morning empty stomach eat it...

i tink i m worse leh.... i m still eating mini portions...n very selected foods...
very challenging to settle my meals now.
panda i used 1 piece to get 1 bowl, yes took it in the morning empty stomach.

Am at kk 24 hrs now...dun think i can sit in office whole day....tummy uncomfie like overeat....normally at this time of day i shld be hungry
bb rabit,
Actually I dunno how to cook leh. From what she say like very easy. Boil together and make it like porridge like that can liao.. I never make for myself b4 leh.. But I do make lotus roots soup for myself la..

When is your maid's contract ending? Anyway, maybe just get a new maid then retain lor. If a maid say wanna go back le, usually will give very sloppy work de..
Gan- Take care.

Tickles- I called Dr Zou, she taught me how to cook liao.

My maid contract only expiring in 17 mths time, not yet even repay her loan. Me gg to send her back in Dec, 'cos only after Raya then got new maids to choose. cannot send her back now cos i rely on her to look after my bed-riden granny.
Her work is super sloppy now, even tt now i m on bed rest, at home, she is watching tv instead of cooking for me
bb rabit,
okok.. Thats good.. Better to call her and ask her how exactly to cook. Cos she told me months back and till now I never tried yet. Only boil the soup to drink only..

Wa.. Your maid only come a while only leh. Already sloppy work liao. Should try to talk to her on her work performance. Else maybe can call your agency and ask them to talk to her.

Now that u are at home, u instruct her what to cook for u during lunch lor. That time during my 2ww and also my HL, I will tell my maid what to cook for me and what time I wanna eat. Then my hubby will also boil soup for me, so lunch is usually simpler, just maybe 1 veg dish with soup or steam fish with soup. If no soup, then she will cook 2 dish for me, else will cook noodles etc. For u, u must tell her de, else they are very used to not cooking for u.. Now that u are home, u tell her everyday u wanna eat at maybe 1pm and ask her to cook. order your dishes.
Tickles- My mum and aunty have been teaching her, but she super no heart to learn. Even her cleaning skill is only passable. Luckily thing tt she can cope with my granny every well, main reason why i keep her. When i m at work, she is alone at home,she is the queen which explain her laziness, as per the agent.
Simple maggi mee, she also can mess up, only good at frying stuff, no steaming or stir frying. Applying jam on bread also failed. She keep forgeting to wash her hand before touching food, which really pissed us off. During my 2ww, hubby took leave to stay home with me, cook and all. She onli clean up.
The agent just spoke to her, now she said she wann go back 'cos missed BF! We told her, no matter what, u can onli go back later, unless u want to pay us back. Onli can hope for a better new maid, esp tt my mum will move over wif me, can monitor the maid.
bb rabit,
wa.. your this maid really sounds terrible.. where is she from indo huh? If so, must be a city girl la.. My last one also from city de.. Work wise sloppy, but she know when to do what. Cooking will cook but passable only. Not say very good also.
Hi Nctgrace, jia you for your c-sect tomorrow. I'll be after you, this coming Friday.
Your baby position not right thus Dr Loh advise u to do c-sect? How many weeks are you now?
Pandawife and BB rabit i am fine, took afternoon off to rest at my mum's place. Think it was indegestion of the bee hoon i had for breakfast. coz the tummy was very uncomfie when i sit, can't really describe the feeling, felt better when i lie down.
Very disapointted after waiting for more than 1 hour at kk 24 hrs, only a medical officer attended to me and there is no scan machine in the consultation room so i didn't get to see my girl. only good thing is i heard her strong heartbeat through the doppler, so felt better.
Drop by mothercare at kkh and bot a set of sleepwear for her...kekeke coz on sale.

All the best Nctgrace and bbhp. It seems just a short while ago i read abt Nctgrace bad ms and you are popping tomorrow.
Tickles- Experienced maid from Indo, working in Msia before. I got her 'cos she got experience with elderly care.

To all ladies popping this week, good luck!
grumpus, is a single pump sufficient? I am reading mother & baby and saw avent has twin and single pump. Which brand is good?
Nctgrace, bbhp,
All the best and have a smooth delivery!

Your bb didn't turn around and Dr Loh decided to perform C-section on you? How many weeks now?
My feet started to swell badly and can't walk properly since last fri. I wonder how long more I can work. Wanted to rest at home maybe from 32 weeks onwards but it seems that I may have to start HL earlier
Have a gd rest and take care!
The sale at mothercare is still on? Salegirl told me that it's supposed to end on 1 aug. I think they are clearing old designs cos I saw that they have alot new design clothes last weekend. I bought a few sets of sleepwear for the bb last time. I find that the quality is good and I like the designs too.
Bing, i think like u said they are clearing old stocks, only a few pieces on 50% off, but i tot the design was quite nice, so bot a set 0 to 3mths. there are also some on 30% but i didn't check it out. the dbs promo ended yesterday though.
UK voltage and plug exactly the same as ours so no need adaptor. the set i'm buying comes with tote bag, cooler bag, etc. i juz saw the box today at mums and babes, think is quite ok size to ask ppl to help bring back. hb is going to UK next wk and will be helping me collect my pump. i order online from boots and ship to the nearest store to his hotel then he just pick up for me. but anyway he goes to UK abt average once a mth.

most common brands for breast pumps are medela, avent and ameda. double pump is supposed to be better cos can save time on pumping and usually wat happens is if u pump one side only the other side will drip milk also so a bit wasted. but of cos single pumps are cheaper.
anyway, i managed to breastfeed my girl for one yr just using a single pump.
Has anyone used the Moms in Mind baby pouch before? Is it good? I'm thinking of getting one now since it's so cheap now. What's the difference between a baby pouch and a baby sling? Seems like it works the same way as a baby sling right?

Any other brands of good baby sling to recommend?
the pouch is fixed size, with the pouch pre sewn so when bb is bigger may not be able to fit anymore. also not as interchangeable with hb if u're both very different size cos the length is fixed.
the sling is actually one long pc of cloth, u secure by looping the end through the sling rings. so it is much more adjustible and will probably last longer as yr child grows bigger.

other than that the functions are the same
Nctgrae and bbhp, take care! It's great to finally hold your babies in your arms.

How many wks are you? My feet started swelling on and off since late 2nd trimester. And now at 3rd trimester, it doesn't go away as easily.
If your doc can give HL, just rest at home.
My gynae is old school type so he belives it's normal to have swelling. My hands are swollen and they hurt if i dun move them regularly. In fact, they grew like 1 size bigger now.
Thanks for your Info. Probably I'll get a pouch and another sling since we are expecting twins and my hubby can use at the same time.

I'm 25 weeks now. I didn't expect my feet to start swelling suddenly and the swelling seems to be getting worst, especially at night. Tried raising my feet up and drinking more water but it doesn't help. I think my gynae is quite lenient in giving HL to those with multiples but I still need to work a few more weeks before I handover my work.
What do you do to alleviate your swelling? Luckily I've bought most of the baby stuff.
Somehow, i realized the swelling is caused by bad blood circulation. so i have to sit and walk from time to time and it helps. Sometimes, i just take a day off to just rest at home.

I had to buy bp monitor to check as i was at risk for pre-eclampsia due to bilateral uterine notch. Fortunately, i took aspirin for 2mths and my last doppler scan, the notch disappeared.
Wow, lots of shopping already. I havent even started "worried" Hee.......Guess will wait for the detailed scan at week 20 in mid aug after dr confirm gender i start to buy some

Glad to hear ur MS is leaving u for good. What is the purpose of the maternity belt?
My tummy/breast area feels so itchy some times dun know what to apply. Any advise?Thanks

Wow u lost so much weight guess it's the BF. So u mix some formula for the babies as well. it's not easy to BF twins. Will they still latch if they start the bottle ? Take care
Ladies, any ideas what to buy for taka baby fair?
I am wk 12...dun noe if its too early to start buying some stuff...what can be bought now and is not seen as too early... =_='''
nancy...i m using olive oil..itchy cld b becoz skin is dry?

the belt is to support the tummy weight..will relieve backaches n the occurance of stretchmark.
Hazel, dun think too much and look forward to your FET. God will grant your wish soon.

Thanks Bing, despondent and bakaholic! I'll update after I deliver this Friday.

Bing, my girl was head down at week 35 and boy was transverse. Although I can try natural delivery but Dr Loh do not recommend that as my boy might have complication later. Never did we expect, during my week 36 scan, my girl turned again...this time she's in breech position and boy still transverse, therefore it's a confirmed c-sect case liao. I am exactly 37 weeks by this Friday.
My pelvic pain and swollen feet start appearing in early 3rd trimester. It was so bad that I have to walk like a cripple to work and getting up from bed is also a painful task. Doc gave me hospitalisation leave from 34 weeks onwards.
I am not sure izzi the folic acid that I'm taking twice a day, I'm feeling cold, feverish and sore throat. I also feel like my AF is coming like that, even though got a BFP last week... still in doubt whether I'm actually pregnant??
Dear sisters, I have just done IVF by Dr SF Loh and have BFP.

Should I stay with KKH (Dr Loh) or should I change to other gynae? And also whether there is any package that we can sign?

Hi ladies

I m eyeing on combi stroller miracle turn, but then I realized that there are 2 different models, one is TJT-450, the other one is MT 450, u all got any idea what is the difference huh?
