IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

hi ladies!

long time no talk! actually i do come by often to read this post, keep myself updated of how all of you are doing.

wishing you a very nice day today... cheers

hey! everyone.would like to know is it normal to have whitish discharge during pregnancy?? It's not itchy nothing.. Juz sometimes like when we ovulate. Is it normal?? Also, Anyone got good massage lady to recommand??

Bliss: How r u??How's motherhood??
One more question. What do u ladies eat to keep urself full?? Im hungry all the time.. Dun know wat to eat alreadi!!
hi serene,
do take care, hope your cough will recover soon.

hi tintedsky,
how are you and baby doing?

hi ltjabi,
me too, always get hungry. I split smaller meals, for example eat partial lunch at 11am, then again at 1pm.
jus eat small healthy meals. preggies can eat up to 6 meals a day!!!
i got mdm ida... lemme noe if u wan her contact. u can ask develyn how i look now
I am the opposite. i wish i could eat more but i am always full after a meal that it can last me...but i wana eat more tea snacks to gain weight but always feel full....Still i force myself to have after noon tea at work by drinking anmum milk and biscuit...otherwise, i can just survive on 3 meals
76: How many months pregnant r u now??I think my metabolism by natural is high then plus pregnant now like super high.. hahah!!!

juju: i dun mind. How long did she massage u for?? n how much does she charge? i stay tiong bahru..Did she give u the malay nerbs to eat??

is it normal to feel juz slight poking pains at tummy area??
mdm ida massage abt 1hr for my post natal, $50 per session. no herbs to eat. u can sms her @ 9424 9829 to find out more. either she or her sis will do, they use same method
Hi itjabi,

Same here. I've lotsa of discharge too... sometimes thick mucus like the ovulating type of mucus... asked my gynae he said it is normal...

For me, I've no appetite to eat anything at all.... however if i dun eat, I feel nauseous and feel like puking... so every time has such feeling i know it is time to eat something...

Just had my scan ytd, bb is 2.56cm @ 8+5 weeks.
juju: thanks for number. How long b4 did u book apt with her? dun know if she will be full in dec. Will sms her.thanks ya.

Serene: same here. guess it's normal then. Ya if dun eat feel like puking soo have to quickly put something in mouth
good to know bb is doing well

is there anything we r not allowed to do during pregnancy?? like the way we sit..
Hi bliss,

Wow... your complaints very long.
Yea... know how u feel cos we want the best for our child. ^_^

I also hate when ppl commenting abt BM. My MIL like to comment that my BM is too little that bb not enough (i know that she worried abt bb not enough milk), sighhh... but i also struggling to improve my BM. ^_^

Bliss, lets jia youu together... hahaha :D
hi all
finally, my big project is over and i can find time to log on
btw, i would like to know where can i buy all bb stuff in one store? my sis told me John Little, but the one along Orchard road has very limited items leh. Also, since most new mummy use breast pump, which brand is good huh? should i get the manual of the electrical one? thanks

bliss - ur complains on ur CL is certainly valid. but i guess most of them are like that cos that's the way they live/behave in their hometown. am glad that ur nightmare has past... u sounded stressed, take it easy ya
I am now in my week 26. Have gained about 7kg so far...but family says too little for twins. Stressed man... Now must eat and eat.My gynae says it is normal to have discharge as long as no itch, smell or blood.I heard that its best not to sit cross legged. Initially i felt more comfortable crossing leg. Now, whenever i cross leg, can feel bb moving near tummy... so, scared will restrict movement, so dare not cross liao
hi bee,
medela electric is good. If you want manual pump, then can consider avent brand. Do you need to bring the pump to office in future?
hi bee,

For me, I prefer Medela.
I bought Medela Swing (electrical, lazy to pump using manual cos my fren said it is tiring to pump manual).

For me that time i bought bb stuff during Takasimaya Baby Fair and that time got additional 10% using DBS card. But some items like breast pump, i prefer buy at US cos it is cheaper buy there.
Lina - thanks, hmm... i have not decided if i want to extend my maternity (no pa leave) to take care of baby for another half a year. my good friend has a manual one which she no longer needs it. so, i wonder if that is good enough or should i still get a electrical one... trying to spend minimum cos i realised there are a lot of things to buy actually
Hi all,
Am on MC today, finally got time to log in to this thread. Good to see all the familiar names here.

Hi ltjabi,
You're like me, feeling hungry all the time. I was told to eat complex carbohydrates like wholemeal bread and glutinous rice which is more difficult to digest so that you dun feel hungry. Good to eat meat like fish & chicken which contains proteins rather than just plain carbohydrates like biscuits. Hope it helps.

Hi Bee,
If you're serious about breastfeeding, it is good to invest in a good electrical pump. I used Ameda Dual pump for my 1st kid, recommended by my sister who breastfed for almost 2 yrs and also bought an Avent Manual pump for outside use. I bought most of my baby items at Robinsons during 20% sale. Usually, National day in Aug most dept stores will have storewide 20%.
Cactus: ya. I eat biscuit all but every fast get hungry ..haha!!!

76: I love to sit cross legged too. Must stop then. Sometimes i dun know if im doing anything wrong 2 harm bb.

At least u guys can buy ahead. My mum has stopped me from buying any bb stuff until bb is born Sigh!!! Will be a rush factor for us
i sat cross-legged on & off thru'out pregnancy & is ok, as long as dun cross-leg all the time, cos blood dun flow so well...

ur mum pantang huh? wow! how to buy everything after bb is born??? some things buy during sale is a lot cheaper leh
hi bee,
since your friend pass you the manual one, can try out first. Some baby can latch on very well, no need to pump at all. It will be good to watch baby grow up and form the close bonding. So if no pay leave extension is an option, do consider.

hi ltjabi,
if really no choice but to buy after baby born, then you could get your hubby to join membership, eg. kiddy palace. still can get some discount and all the baby items are well equipped at same place. Prepare hubby with a list of the specific items and code number so that he can pass to the staff to buy together during your hospital stay or confinement. Right now you can start looking at the items that you need, check out price and product code to make the list. As for daily necessity such as milk powder, diaper, wipes, etc, he could make a trip to supermarket or even the pharmacy/shops at hospital.
76: yeah she pantang..So she say alreadi i also dun dare to oppose her juz in case u know..

Lina: ya i have decided to look out for thing 1st n list down where to buy wat.. Things that we need during the 1st month i will ask him to buy then after confinement buy the rest..
me and hubby were just wondering the other day if only there are some "standard packages" for new born baby out there for new mummy/daddy tobuy off the shelf, then it would save us the trouble of thinking what we need to buy... it would be nicer if they have standard packages for new born, then maybe 3 months old, 6 months old and 1 year old.... haha
kiddy palace, amk bb shop & taka bb dept do hv a list on wat to buy. but no idea whether they split into stages or not
bb kingdom & bb hypermart @ kaki bukit r comprehensive but a bit ex.
kiddy palace is more value for money. we bot infant-to-toddler stroller for $70 there. kiddy palace @ causeway point & toa payoh central r quite big, not sure abt other outlets
hi ltjabi and bee,
agree with juju, kiddy palace will be better place. And the things are organized properly and you can shop in comfort. the hypermart and baby kingdom will be quite cramp space to shop so only go there if you have a product code and need to compare the pricing there.
Juju: thanks for info.. Was thinking of starting swimming soon..

Hey btw anyone has combi strollers?? Thinking of getting combi urban walker. Any takes on that??Also, when can i start taking birds nest??
Talking abt bird nest, i havent even started at week 26 and fuming with anger. my MIL boils for my SIL during her pregnancy last time. for me, stillhavent done it. Not that i demand it but so unfair treatment..i also dun dare to take bottled kind coz of chemical..some ladies take it early, some say 2nd trimester then can take, i supposed its up to individial ba. Before you are due for scans, you eat a bit first. Then if scan ok, eat more gulps of bird nest lor..this what i normally do to test if i am suitable to eat any food...hahah, psychological ba.

Has anyone started reading books or vcD to kids? Doc has started giving me HL next week 26 to rest till delivery coz he says my tummy v stretched and shiny and may go pre term labour... so i tot of doing something useful during these days... any recommendations or where to buy?
hi Fellaine

It is up to you. As I was already seeing a gynae b4 i embarked on IVF, so after BFP at about week 8 , I went back to my gynae. why week 8 and not earlier, cos the IVF doc wants to make sure that ny bb is stable first...
76: Ya im also abit afraid to take.. Mum in law bought brands bird nest with rock sugar.. Sud be okie i guess.. Will try little bit..
hi fellaine,
i switch to normal gynae after BFP as ivf doctor (Dr Loh) queue is very long. And mine is singleton so any gynae will be alright.

hi ltjabi,
how about consider maclaren strollers, good quality and easy to operate.
Hi Lina & Bee

Thanks for your advice. I was given medication to support the pregnancy for the first month. WIll the normal gynae continue to give medication on that?
Lina: ya thinking of either that or combi.. Juz that maclaren sooo ex.. dun know if worth spending soo much.. What if baby dun sit..
If your normal gynae is from the same hospital/centre, usually your medical report from IVF centre will be sent to the gynae for ref. You can also check with the IVF centre on the arrangement. But, if your normal gynae is from another hospital/centre, I would think you will need to ask your IVF doc to write down the medication you need so that you can pass it to your gynae.
Got a paiseh question to ask here. I intend to bf my bbs...but i read about buying manual/electric breastpump, nipple cream, breast shells, breast pads..etc...may i know what each of them is for and at what stage to use? i only know the names of these items, but dunno the process of using them... dunwan to buy and dunno function.please enlighten me!

hi ltjabi,
actually no rush for the stroller, can wait till baby a few months old then you decide what brand to get. That time can let baby try on the different strollers before deciding.

hi 76,
breastpump will be useful when you need to return to work. Get a good quality one if you need to pump at workplace. But you may like to get nipple cream and disposable breast pads first as there will be some milk leakage and dryness of nipple when baby latch on.
