IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Lina: that is what im thinking also, but hubby juz too excited to get stroller. As for the breast pump u were mentioning, can we use it when bb is born like that week??

bee & other MTBs,
u can also view http://www.kidzloft.com/ to print a discount voucher extended ONLY to preggie mummies. need to show proof of ur edd.

there's usually no bb fairs at this time of the year. but can always go to these places to look-see & compare prices :
-amk bb shop @ blk 722 (opp amk polyclinic) - got shopping list
-kiddy palace - may have shopping list
-taka bb dept - got shopping list
-bb hypermart (shun li ind. park @ kaki bukit)
-bb kingdom (shun li ind. park @ kaki bukit)
-giant supermarkets (bb dept - cheap bb clothes)
-blk 82 whampoa #01-949
-cheng choon store (blk 34 upper cross street #03-132, tel: 6532 3855) - lady boss Winnie noes wat to tell u to prepare, heard she's a very nice lady
-shop selling cheap bb clothes if u buy bulk (opp si ma lu guan yin temple) no records of the shop name/unit #. but it's towards ur left (wif ur back facing the temple), kind of a 2nd row shop position.
hi ltjabi,
starting you try to latch on first. If unable to do so, then can get the pump. As your hubby will start buying after you deliver so you can indicate the price and brand for him to buy.

hi bee,
heard there is a taka fair in aug.

hi juju,
thanks for your detail info. Oh yes, giant supermarket has nice selection of bb clothings.
I've been to Kidsloft. They are having offers on Strollers and car seats. If you have AA card, there's further discounts. Hubbi and I are shopping for car seats and it seems those sold there are reasonable and meet our needs. Can check it out.
Lina :eek:kie thanks.. U ladies were mentioning Medela swing is good rite. Probably will get that
How's ur pregnancy btw?? coming six mths now??
hi ltjabi,
i only got the medela mini dual pump. That was quite alright, used for several months. Now is 18 weeks, more stable now. Thanks
thanks... have bought most of the essential things except big itmes like the cot, stroller and car seat... oh great, i shall wait for the taka fair in Aug. btw, i read during confinement, we can use herb/ginger to bath. where can i buy this? tks
ginger can buy anywhere. my fren said need to sun it to make it really dry.
herb for bathing can buy @ medical hall - da feng ai, da feng cao - 2 types. cheaper to buy from malaysia
Hey ladies. any idea where i can get good baby cots??Dun need it to change to bed.. mother care selling for $279. Dun know if worth it?
who's doing ur confinement?
my mil did mine & boiled the herbs before giving me, wif the water boiling hot. of cos, i mixed wif cold water on the sly so dat i dun scald my own skin

think it's personal preference. i got a playpen instead of bb cot. haven't used it yet cos bb sleeps wif us
hi bee,
i bought the herbal shower pack from moms in this forum. Just post in the want to buy thread. They sell it cheaper than the medical hall and can send via post. Do check with them the expiry date before buying.

hi ltjabi,
baby cot will cost around the price of mother care one. Do remember to buy cot protector so that baby legs will not get stuck on the side of the cot.
haven't use cos bb sleep wif us.
if u only wan cot, look out for fairprice extra sales. sometimes they sell cheap cots, playpens, etc
Hi all MTB,
Currently I am pregnant with twins and I am at week 17+ . I tend to feel that skin around my tummy can rather tight especially after meal and at night . This has been continued for the last few weeks. Not sure if this is due to the stretching? I still tend to vomit quite a bit from time to time. Please advise. I will only be seeing dr end of the month. Thank you.
juju, mil will be doing confinement but there are some issues/details which we hv yet to settle
oh, must boil the herbs ah! hmm... is there something that's more convenient to use, like in bottle form?

depending on where u want ur bb to sleep. for my friend, like juju, their bb sleeps with them so they got a playpen instead. if u plan to let bb sleep by herself, it is more worthwhile to invest in a 4-1 cot which can be converted to a bed for upto 4 years old kid and a playpen. Taka has one at $359... heehee, i am still waiting for sales / baby fair to buy the cot.
hi sunflower,
could be the stretching of baby and for some people vomitting continue after 1st trimester. You may like to ask gynae for the anti vomit/nausea medication to curb the vomitting.
there's no-rinse shampoo & bath foam. i still hv balance, can sell u cheap.
mil do for u - better to settle everything beforehand. hubby nvr tell me, when i pop, mil come visit in kk, then i noe she's doing for me. i wanted to do myself.
end up, i almost kena pnd, almost ran away wif bb.
wah, sounded serious! but how to do urself, i meant the washing and cooking itself can kill... unless u hv domestic help and catered food.

mil keen to help but without staying over, i am fine with tt. but recently, she suggested i do it over at her pl and she will let us hv their room while they sleep in the living room.. easier for her. but i think i will be very uncomfortable lor to take over their room, then no privacy and plus my 3 sil are still staying there.. then got to bring everything (cot, my daily essential, bb stuff, hubby daily essential) over for tt one month... i think i will kena pnd too :p

oh great, supply enough for a month hor. my friend bot me a organic shampoo (i think). let me check and revert tmr. thanks
i was prepared to either light-cook or pack frm downstairs. i wun be doing full confinement anyway, i enjoy my independence.
washing can be done via washing machine. the rest hubby can do. my mum also volunteered to come help out once in a while (which is better than facing a 3rd party nagging at me 24/7, be it mil or mum lor)

hmm... if u r very close wif ur mil, shld be ok staying at their place la. she stay far frm u? u discuss wif ur hubby first bah... unless ur mum can do confinement for u.

shampoo not very enuff. body foam is almost full. depends on how often u use bah... also depend on how often ur mil let u wash. it's still liquid base so she may pantang.
Hi bee,

me too my mil said she will do confinement for me. But then recently, my fil said go over to their place to do confinement. I rejected cos my 2 sils are living with them. 1 sil got 2 kids, very crowded and I have to share room with pil. I not comfortable, my fil said they can sleep in living room too. they said if they go over nobody will care take the 2 kids. I rejected them and suggest they cook food for me and bring over to my place. I will take care of bb.
ya, tt's what i think too, very crowded and inconvenient to bring so many things over. hv told hb tt i prefer to stay at our pl but hv no conveyed to mil. i supposed mil can send the food over to me via cab. she stay nearby, abt 10-15mins walk... my mum too old to do for me. like ju, i also dun like people to nag at me :p so i am prepared to take care of bb myself. worst case is to cater confinement food lor. bb washing can leave it to my hb to do at night. heehee
haiz... i also dunno why. all the while she din say anything, only cook fish for me to eat frm 2nd tri when we go over on sundays. nvr asked how's bb, only laughed dat i will hv tough labour cos hubby commented bb's scanned weight heavier than average posted on web pages.
suddenly when she visit in kk, hubby go confirm wif her abt confinement. i was so angry...
she nagged me so much & was so sarcastic. every nite i cried in front of hubby... lol...

dun be affected by me. for me, i dun quite like my mil
dear all
i have pressing question to ask... can pregnant woman at 25 weeks travel by sea to Batam?? i hv booked my trip to batam this sat, but hv just been told "SHOULD NOT" go

old ppl pantang, preggies cannot cross sea via air/road/water... so, there...
when my mum found out i went melaka & vietnam during preggie, scolded me like hell. even go pray @ kusu also cannot
she said by air is still better than by sea... dunno why. like dat sure say cannot bath for a month
wow, u really know how to enjoy when preggy

i hv upto tmr noon to decide if i want to listen to the old saying and cancel the trip..
my mum din allow me to go out of the main island of s'pore. haha! i told her abt melaka when i got back, told her abt vietnam after tix bought! lol... hubby bought me a wkend in melaka, vietnam was tagging along hubby's work trip. enjoyed my meals there, very healthy!

up to u whether to travel or not lor. if ur hubby ok, then go la. unless she super naggy lor... then maybe dun let ur ears suffer.
my hubby din noe of the pantang stuff till my mum nagged. then he stopped bringing me out of s'pore liao... hahaha!
I dunno that got such a myth on travelling overseas leh. Some of my frens preggy still got go over holiday.
Bee- if I m u my concern is whether the ferry will be too shaky. Me took ferry to Bintan b4 preggy vomitted in the ferry, when returning i dare not eat anything wor. One more thing is H1N1 u better wear mask when u take the ferry.
hi juju,
sigh! old folks are like this, very naggy. Hope your mil don't bother too much about your gal now.

hi bee,
should be alright to travel by boat.
bee: Ya im also not sure.. Juz looking ard n see wat comes up. Alot of ppl say their bb dont like sleeping in the cot soo dun know if waste money to buy or not.
Hi all,

Just had my OSCAR scan today. So happy everything went well for now. Gotta wait for BT result and determine the final risk ratio...
The dr refused to scan for the gender for me though I asked him twice... He said that's not impt... also true lah... as long as bb healthy, boy or gal doesnt matter.
Hi itjabi,

I'm just into my 2nd trimester... 12weeks plus.


I havent seen the report yet but the nurse had called to say the risk is low. Something like 1:6000+
hi ladies... i am back from batam, safe and well!
thanks all for the concerns!

Serene, Dr can only confirm the bb gender at week 16. week 12 a bit hard to see. some gynae may try to look for the "diamond" though... like what my gynae did :p

Itjabi, i will be going shopping later.. probably at Kaki Bukit. ya, depends on individual bb, but i guess can be "trained" too. our plan is to let bb sleep by himself in the cot in his own room so tt we could still hv some private time
bee: that's true.
let's see wat we do ..

Juz wanted to check. I use to sniff medicated oil during my 1st trimester becoz of nausea. Is it harmful to my bb?
hi bee,
you could get a baby monitor to put in baby's room. Some monitor comes with a video screen to see the baby's face.

Hi ltjabi,
medicated oil should be ok. Do double check with gynae.
thanks Lina. Also wanted to know is eating durian okie at this stage of pregnancy. I understand it's very heaty so dont know if it's too much..

Itjabi - medicated oil should be fine, i used it once in a while too cos my nostrils get blocked up easily. Finally, i bot the baby cot and combi pram at baby Kingdom... hmm... bb stuff not cheap leh!! about durian, 2nd tri is fine... all my friends encouraged me to eat durian, they said very "nutritious". i ate one seed only thusfar cos i scare heaty

Lina - yeah, my good friend gave me her bb monitor... my house not tt big la, so shd be able to hear the bb even at the kitchen :D
