IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi Bliss, Lina and Juju,

Thanks for the warm welcome... I'm so gladto be here... kekeke!

Wow bliss, envy you leh... so fast tummy flat le... My tummy still not flattend after almost 2 years of my son's birth... hahahaha!

bliss - how come you say sahm life start next wk ? i thot u already not working ? i blur... i oso want to be sahm, especially wif twins, but financially still need to work lah...

devlyn - hee hee, i havent pop yet. now 34 weeks
hope bbies can stay inside as long as possible. i'm on leave already. have been on leave since 7 months. do take things easy. u working ? starting to plan your leave yet ?

serene - welcome to this thread
Hi Ponytail ,

Wow.. 34 weeks.. u are way way ahead of me... keke... hope i will be at your stage soon.. mine seems to be slow .. maybe i am not working now.. so counting down every day.. haha..

Hi Serene ,

Thanks !

Any ladies can advise when we can start massage after C-sections ? Cos KK practise C-sect for twins.. so i am not sure if the pain is still there and when i can start the post natal massage..
I have a part time cleaner coming to my house once a week to clean my house, but not a part time helper to take care of bb.
Bo bian, got to do everything alone in a week time.

ya, I am not working since ivf but I was not a SAHM officially yet since bb was not born that time. So once my confinement lady is leaving in 1 week time, I will be truly a SAHM. Well, financially just have to be very thrifty lor, me also not well off at all, in fact quite tied down coz only hubby working and he needs to support the whole family and his own parents.

I guess my tummy is flat when I lie down in bed...hahaha! When I sit down, still got fats just like before I was preggy.
ladies who have given birth,
may I check how long did your lochia last after delivery? I am still having slight bleeding till now, I am 3 weeks plus after delivery already. Thanks!
wow, suddenly this thread so active! nice to see some action here.

congrats to those who have popped.

welcome to those who successfully cleared IVF.
u also mia very long hor...
think this thread more active when there are preggies around.

with the addition of develyn & other mummies here, hope the thread will be chattier!
nothing much to update, just wishing that 3rd tri faster faster pass by so that can carry bb in arms.

earliest also got to wait another 57 looonnnngggg ddddaaaayyysss mooooooore
Hi babymaking,

U mia so long, wow you did a very good job in bedresting...Do take care n a smooth delivery!!!


My lochia also ard 3 weeks n after dat will have spotting till now.. but spotting only like few drops. If BF, menses will not come early.
Hi mummies;

Can advise FET protocol take how long? My gal born last year Aug thru ICSI, now planing have #2. Any mommy give me some advise?
hi lina, sam, juju,
thanks for responding.

my lochia has been just spotting since last week. Hope it will stop soon after confinement this sunday. Just feel troublesome n uncomfortable to wear pad daily for so long.

Dear ladies,
I find having a confinement lady at home is useless n waste of money. I have been looking after my bb most of the time during this period. I think I will never get a confinement lady again if i ever give birth again. I will rather order confinement food n get a daytime cleaner to help me during confinement.
From this Sunday onwards which will be end of my confinement, I will have to let my bb learn to get used to my way of taking care of him, even more ley chey for me then. Should take care of him myself since start even if it is v tiring. I am very unhappy with having a confinement lady. Such feeling is totally opposite to what I had felt about it when I was preggy.

I hope you are not that 'fussy' like me. Perhaps I am the kind who cannot stand CL to be sweaty and smelly to carry my bb so close to her chest. Even though she bathes many times daily, I still feel she is oily and sweaty since she has to cook and do housework. So my hubby and I ended up taking care of and carry our bb most of the time.

Just to let you know some of my complaints about this CL, just in case you want to change. But if you are fine with it, these are just for you to be mentally prepared before your confinement.

1)I am too kind to the CL at 1st, I allowed her to use my washing machine to wash her own clothes. In the end, she has so much free time at nite while waiting for washing machine to wash all the clothings, she sat on sofa and did nothing or watching tv when it was switched on. She has nothing to do that time, coz my hubby always want to spend some time w bb during that time slot and so he brings bb into our own bedroom and leave the CL so free and watch tv. Then after 1 week, I noticed that the CL did not use my washing machine properly, and lots of water and electricity has been wasted, so I told her to handwash her own clothes instead. She was not happy initially and kind of give me face that day. Anyway I dont care, just realised that never be too kind to certain pple in the 1st place, or will be bullied or taken advantage of later on, or even being accused of being unkind to those pple in the end.

2)She likes to use big fire from the stove to cook food, making my kitchen oily and sticky everyday(the oil has already spreaded to the whole house, not only the kitchen). Simply cant wash and hang clothes in the day, have to wait till end of dinner then can do laundry. My kitchen has never been so dirty and messy throughout my 7 years of residence. Anyway I bear with all these still.

3)She is very very talkative and talks very loud. At 1st, I was fine with it. But I find it very tiring and irritating when she always want to talk to me when I am having my meals and whenever I am not sleeping. Hence, I stopped talking or responding to all her chit chat topics. And thus she stopped talking to me. However she started to talk to my hubby whenever there is chance. My hubby has been very kind to her since she is helping to take care of our bb, so he still respond to her. I have been getting very irritated as she will talk and talk to my hubby when he is eating, feeding bb, watching tv, doing anything in the house, except in toilet or sleeping. I warned my hubby liao, and he also dislike her talkative in fact too. But still, he still 'entertain' her by responding to her at times... not like me, totally bo chap liao.
She talks so loud that we reminded her to lower her volume especially when bb is sleeping or when she is carrying bb. Maybe she is too old and a bit deaf or what... I find it irritating to have a loudspeaker in my house as my hubby and I are all softspoken pple.

4)I hate pple commenting on my breastmilk supply and the CL actually told my bb that bm is like a snack to him. Although my bb does not understand, I find it very bad of her to say that in front of bb and me and my hubby. I was quite fed up when I was already quite stressed up with my milk supply at the initial stage. However, my bb has been drinking my bm 3/4 of a day, and only twice formula at night. So it is also not true to say bm is snack to my bb. I was very unhappy that time and corrected her straight. Hence she shut up and never dare to mention again.

5)My confinement period is during one of the hottest months of the year. My house has been like an oven esp in the afternoon. Even in the night, I find bb also perspiring. So we intend to on the air con for bb (ard 26 or 27 degree). There were a few nights when it rained in the middle of the night, so my hubby told the CL not to on the air con then. She replied ok as she felt very cold with 26 degree of air con in fact. However the next morning, she complained to me that it was so hot in the night that, bb couldnt sleep and woke up many times. I find it very bad of her to contradict her statements separately in front of my hubby and me.

6)My bb has been having lots of rashes on his body and face whenever str after bath or when feeling hot. The CL keeps commenting that my bb has sensitive skin, i mean saying to us everyday. I wonder if she is afraid that we would accuse her of making our bb so dirty and sweaty and having so much rashes. We did not in fact and I really dislike her being so long winded, trying to make it that it is the genes my bb is having which is sensitive skin, not her fault.

7)She will actually request my hubby to switch on the tv for her to watch news while waiting for the washing machine to wash the clothes. I was shocked and angry with my hubby, and he never switch on tv for her anymore. She is here to work, not to laze ard and be so free and can have time to watch tv at night while both my hubby and I busy taking care of bb in our room. I find it very funny. But then my hubby just love to spend time w bb during the time at night, so the CL is still very free every night. I dont mind she rest a bit when free, but I dont think the tv is meant to be switched on for her solely to watch.

8)Something shocking to me happened this morning. After I have finished breastfeeding bb, I managed to make him sleep on my bed. After a while, the CL prepared water for bb to get ready to bathe. But my bb was still sleeping soundly, so I was telling her perhaps we should let him sleep a bit more rather than making him cry if we wake him up. While saying that, I was sitting on my own bed, watching my bb, and the CL actually walked towards my bed and happily sat on the other side of my bed! She was sweaty and oily in her clothes and somemore her sleeves were folded up when she placed her armpit on my pillow!!! I was so shocked that she can be so daring and looked so relaxed, as if that is her bed or what! I was very angry, and I carried my bb and walked out of my room immediately. She then followed me out. I just changed my bedsheets two days ago. I was so fed up that I immediately change a new set of bedsheets again!

Well, there are still quite a few other complaints but that will probably take up pages in this thread. Anyway the above may seem very small matters to many, but if they really happened to you everyday and esp during the confinement period whereby the muumy is most vulnerable and emotional, I find it unacceptable, extremely frustrating and disturbing even though now I feel emotionally much better compared to the first 2 weeks of confinement.
since only spotting, can jus use panty liner. i've been using panty liner since heavy flow ended.
wow! ur CL realli jiat lat. i do complain abt MIL, but i guess she's some sort of an angel when compared to ur CL.
anyway, ur confinement ending liao. jus relax & take things in ur own stride bah.
hi bliss,
this CL auntie has quite similar ways of doing things as my previous CL. Guess they are malaysian and this is the way they do things. I thought was normal. Similar points are cooking till kitchen oily, talking alot, talking loudly, long winded, using aircon and tv. I didn't bother about kitchen oily then as i was expecting messy with so much cooking. As my mom also cook till kitchen very oily, so kind of got used to it.

Maybe i also quite lenient with previous CL, in baby room, there is a tv and aircon that she switch on whole day. She uses washer and dryer for her clothes and baby clothes. End of the month, my bill for that month was $500. So do expect your bills to go up. I allow her to chit chat with her family when baby sleep(she use her own handphone to call out).

She yaks alot to me, sometimes even gossip about how other ladies behave during confinement. But i don't allow her to go out of point, instead i kept asking her details about tips of taking care of baby. Made her show me what steps to do, eg. how to bath baby, how to clean the ears, etc.

thanks for letting me know about her bad points, commenting on your milk supply is quite rude. I will bear that in mind and ignore her. Will not let her come to my room. Since she is no good, you don't need to give her departure ang pow. No need to be pressured to give to her.
wah! You were really too nice to your previous CL liao. No wonder those Malaysian CLs are getting more and more too much nowadays, we singaporean parents should help to put a stop to that leh, or else we are actually responsible for their increasing bad behaviour.

Aiyo, you allowed your CL to watch tv in the room ah? The radiation transmitted out is bad for bb leh. I even reminded my CL not to use hp while carrying my bb when I saw that once.

Ya, my CL also told me alot about how other mothers behaved during their confinement. I never responded to that anyway. I am already very fed with her when she said I will kanna headaches and bodyaches if I wash my hair and bathe during this period. I hate such comments, feel like cursing pple, so I started to dislike her.
Yes, I did ask her about the tips of taking care of bb and observed how she does the work. But I find that she tot I am friendly to her once I asked her, and become like very friend to me which ended up like what happened this morning when she could just sit on my bed. So I will not ask her more to prevent her from thinking she can behave like she is very close to me and does whatever she likes in my house.

Btw, I was also very unhappy when there was once she just came into my room to ask me sthg very minor when I was breastfeeding my bb. I was taking off my top and I was without my bra that time!! I felt very offended. And she could tell me that I will kanna bodyaches next time if I never wear clothes while breastfeeding in the air con room! I was very angry and ignored her. I never breastfeed my bb half naked! I was just removing my top to take off my bra. Anyway I was very buay song!
Another time was last week when I was pumping out my bm, she just opened my bedroom door without knocking and went into my bedroom toilet to get ready water to bathe baby! I was exposing my breasts that time!! I felt so angry and nearly wanted to scold her, but again I controlled myself and kept quiet for the sake of bb. My bb uses my bedroom toilet to take his bath since his room is nearer to my room, rather than the kitchen toilet.

Ya, I told my hubby not to give her much in the ang pow when she is leaving on Sunday. But my hubby still think should just give her the same amount as her arrival ang pow which was $12, for the reason that she helps to take care of our bb in the nites esp and also cook meals for me and my hubby. So I leave it to my hubby to give her then, but told him not to exceed $12 anyway. I really dont know why I spent $1800 to make myself so upset during such a crucial period. So stupid.

Btw, I got to apply work permit for her leh, cost me about $170 plus $10 admin charge! My hubby got to apply online and went all the way to MOM to get the permit for her. So time consuming and waste money!

I have learnt my lesson from this confinement. I will be smarter during my confinement if I ever get pregnant and give birth again. Most importantly, I will never get a confinement lady again.
I was amused reading your post, not that i find it funni, but can imagine the frustrations you have felt...As i was readig,i was visualising the scenes in my head too.
I think CL likes to say we got little BM coz they wan to make you give up BF so that they can bottle feed them at their own timing.
As for the dirty, oily habits they have, think maybe some of them stay in kampong, so to them, they can lie anywhere, cook anyhow and do anything and not mindful of the hygiene.
Anyway, your countdown starts now.....
bliss - awww.... you poor thing, have to ren so much during confinement. i thot your CL was recommended by someone thats why you choose ? how come like dat ?

i think you're too kind. if me i'll just tell her to shut up or fire her after a few days and find another one. have to apply work permit ?? i thot CL will settle it themselves ? $1.8k is quite a lot, i'm paying $2.2 k for my twins, but my CL already specify she can only take care of 1, and help to oversee the other 1. so guai lan...

you let your bb sleep with CL at night ?

i agree we shld be more fierce to CL, otherwise they think spore mums easy to bully !!!
how come ur CL like dat? going back on her words leh... if only take care 1, then dun nid to pay her $2.2k liao mah
juju - no lah, the 2.2k is agreed upfront for taking care of 1 only and oversee 1. if take care of 2 bb will be abt 2.5-6 k. anyway i think physically impossible for her to take care of 2, and also i dont feel safe even if she promise, cos she may neglect 1. anyway i have more than enuff help from extra maid, mil, mum... so shld be ok
hi bliss,
i don't care the comments, i went ahead to shower after 3 days of confinement. Still need to put a barrier between her, as she is consider working for us. I agree, if too friend to them, they take for granted. She should still knock before entering your room, this is very rude of her. I thought she said no need work permit beforehand, how come now she need it?

anyway she is leaving soon, don't let this bother you. Got more important things to take care in future. Next time when you embark on the sahm journey, you will understand why tv is a necessity. Sometimes it can really help to keep a crawling or active baby who refuse to sit still during meal times quiet for awhile. But not excessive tv, no good for the brains. Even if switch on tv, need to be educational ones.

hi ponytail,
let your CL focus on one baby. Don't let her take care the other one so that she has no excuse to slack in her duties.
I mean there is no need to switch on tv when bb is 0 month. Better dont put a TV in the room where the CL is sleeping.

anyone has any idea where to get those manual sarong set and the sarong cloth to make bb sleep inside? Thanks
ya, this CL was my eldest sis's in the past. She sounded ok from my sis's comments. But perhaps I am the kind of mother who worries and cares too much for my bb, just cant feel safe completely to let bb in the CL's hands and so I help out alot myself during the confinement period and ended up having very little rest. Furthermore, both my sisters did not latch on at all, just pumped out their bm, so they spent less time with their bbs during confinement. My sisters both are more of bo chap kind, they can sleep like pig throughout the confinement and dont really care about how their bbs are taken care. Perhaps they also did not take care of their kids after confinement, they went back to work after their maternity leave and the caregiving job was passed to their mil or mother and their maids, hence they did not have to worry much about anything after delivery.
u can try amk bb shop or whampoa bb shop... they shld sell @ cheaper price.
jus to clarify, u looking for yao lan or bb sling?
been reading abt yr babies in the premature thread. glad to see all 3 boys growing day by day.

oh dear, sounds like you cope better w/o the CL. nevermin, she's leaving soon, just vent yr frustration here and let it be the end of it.

i ban hubby from installing a TV in bb nursery too. because i know that MIL will definitely switch on TV in rm since she wants to stay over during confinement. it's not good for bb as the flickering from the TV will affect his sleep pattern. not to mention, not good for bb eyes to be expose to the bright glare from the TV while he's awake.
it may not be a good idea to put bb in sarong (yaolan) 1)it doesn't support bb back very well. 2) bb tendency to shift around can cause him to suffocate unless there's an adult watching him all the time 3) habit forming that he needs to be yao in order to fall asleep.
long time no see here!

Thanks for the advice.
I am ok with letting bb sleep in sarong as long as he can sleep well. Both my sisters' bbs also grew up sleeping in sarong. My eldest sis is very ang mo type, she refused to let her son to sleep in sarong, saying that researchers say that it is bad for bb's back, but then her son needs that so much, he cried so much for months and really affected his health. My stubborn sis finally surrendered and listened to my mum and let her son sleep in sarong, and then her son was sleeping well since then and grow well. My 2nd sisters has her gal and son both sleeping in sarong too, they are healthy and very happy babies in fact becoz they can sleep well. Sarong is esp useful for bbs who will get startled and scared very easily, the design of the sarong let bb has sense of security when they have the sarong cloth wrapping on their sides. But then, must remember not to rock the sarong too vigorously, bad for bbs, just gently will do. During confinement, I discovered my baby need to be carried in order to sleep really well, once put in bed, he will get startled very easily and wake up crying. I realised he needs sarong.
I dont promote using sarong for bbs actually, but if my bb needs it, I am open to accept that. Good sleep is very important for bbs.
Of course, an adult is needed to be around when bb is inside sarong, but dont have to stare at bb all the time.

And also, it really depends on individual bbs if it will become a habit for bbs need to be rocked to sleep all the time. My sisters' kids are all sleeping in sarong during afternoon nap, but then they still sleep in bed at night everyday.
In addition, their kids are really very smart kids!
Heehee.. no brain damage from that, so no worries.
hi bliss,
i am going to be wary of this CL. The only disadvantage about sarong is when you go travel overseas, baby will have difficulty falling asleep. Other than that is ok.

hi babymaking,
agree with you on the tv affecting baby's sleep pattern.
ya, agreed. Anyway I wont be going overseas in short term, no money no time no energy. Heehee..
Bb will still sleep in bed with me at night if I can successfully let him totally latch on after confinement.
Yes, I guess you have a very bad impression of her after my sharing. Maybe I am more petty and fussy during this period (which I also find myself very emotional and sensitive and I could not control it), you sound more easygoing and chin chai than me. Your confinement definitely will not be as bad, since you are not a first time mother liao and also you have parents staying w you too.
hi bliss,
when baby is slightly older, can bring him for short distance holiday, a chance for you to relax. Really important that sahm go relax, even just go to shopping mall or playground is ok, not healthy to coop up at home daily. It will be a challenge initially to take baby out alone on your own. But just practice to make perfect. I used to get my stroller stuck on escalator but lucky met helpful shoppers to assist me. Or baby carrier got wet with overflow urine, stain blouse with baby's vomit at food court. But as time goes, you will get the hang of it.

Don't worry, after delivery is an emotinal period. Just look ahead to the more meaningful time spent with baby. Watching every growth stage in his life is exciting and it can never happen again in future.

Yes, I will definitely bring bb out. In fact have brought bb out to shopping mall to buy things n changi point to watch planes few days ago, but w the help of hubby n the CL. As for overseas trip, I would rather bring bb out when he is older. It will not be fun n enjoyable to bring bb to tour so soon as he is too young to enjoy n also, hubby n I will not get the chance to relax n rest much either.
thanks, I am bit better now, I admit I have been quite emotional and sensitive during confinement too. Anyway, my CL is quite popular, she is doing confinement job every month! That is why she claimed that she has difficulty coming to Singapore every month with only visit pass. She was told she has to apply work permit(to be applied by the employer actually)at the Singapore Custom.
$1800 very exp ah? I tot it was cheaper compared to getting one from agency which is definitely above $2K for taking care of 1 bb. Btw, my CL does house cleaning too(such as cleaning toilets, sweeping and mopping floor, cleaning kitchen and washing everyone's clothes), beside the basic job of taking care of bb and mother. She cooks for my hubby too.
I think perhaps it is coming to the end of confinement, she is feeling more relaxed too, she started to help me doing other things, such as tidying and folding all my maternity clothes and keeping it neatly in th storeroom. And also sorting out those bb clothes that my bb cannot fit in anymore.

Yours sounds a bit exp in fact if your CL is not taking full care of 2 bbs. I heard from Pleasance that her CL is very good. She can take full care of her twins without difficulty and also Pleasance is able to rest and has lots of free time too. Heard hers is about 4800 riggits. However, she is doing confinement in KL, not in Singapore. Perhaps Pleasance can share more with us here.
I cant fit into my old clothes yet. Although I am back to my pre pregnancy weight already, I still cant fit into all my pants and jeans!

didnt have any bb shower, just went to in laws and parents' places on last Sat to pray ancestors and distribute cakes to relatives. My bb is one month old yest.

I have started taking care of bb with my hubby since last afternoon after the CL left. We did not sleep whole of last night, hahaha! Tiring...
I am now alone with bb, hubby went to work. It has been quite stressful and busy, I have no time to pump out breastmilk, not sure how long I can continue to provide bm for my bb...

Btw, yest, I suddenly felt it is not too bad to have a CL after all. Hahaha! Anyway, my CL taught me and my hubby quite a few tips of taking care of our bb, found that she is suddenly nice...hahaha! Probably yest was her last day of work too, hence in good mood. She even gave my bb a hongbao and even helped us to think of ways to take care of bb after then. She has her strong points in her profession afterall, that's why many pple have been looking for her till now.
same here. dat day went for insurance medical chk up. i'm back to pre-preggy weight, but waistline is 5 inches thicker!!! now hoping can wear back the hipster jeans & shorts...
hi bliss,
don't pump out, just latch on demand. If you need to go shopping, just find a nursing room to feed. I used to pump even at home, when baby sleep i start pumping. Then the trouble of having to wash, sterilize bottles and pump set, still need to worry about the supply. Once i see supply drop during the pump, i got worried. I pump too much till lots of frozen milk for storage but thrown away in the end. Then i gave up pumping totally after 4 months of struggle. You will only get slightly busier when baby starts eating solid and crawling around.

Ok, at least CL still has some good points. Just take note of the tips and put into good use in future. You take care.
thanks, but my problem is my bb doesnt latch on well, he just latch on a very small amount from me directly and is unable to suckle more than half of the milk quantity from my breasts.
I have tried for many times during confinement, but was still unable to let him latch on totally. Frankly speaking, I am losing confidence in making my bb to latch on totally liao. I have been feeling very stressed about able to provide my bb with breastmilk for long or not, since it would be very time and energy consuming to pump out breastmilk and feed my bb when I need to take full care of him alone daily.
hi bliss,
oic. Then you pump when you are not very tired. It is alright to give partial formula to baby if breast milk supply is low. Never stress on this if not the supply will just decrease.

hi sam,
thanks for sharing your blog. Do post the pics of your 3 lovely boys. Do they looked alike in terms of character and features?
Hi lina,
I still pump every 3 hours daily, so ard 8 times per day. My milk supply is more than enough for my bb's daily demand so far, however, it has been very tiring and rushing for me to bottle feed him with my bm and then rush to pump out my bm after making him sleep. The cleaning and sterilising of the bottles and pump spare parts is already very time consuming. My milk supply has in fact increased, but I am getting more tired. Haiz...
Now I am really considering stopping my bm supply soon...have to give up my initial plan of providing bm for at least 6 months...
Hi Lina,

ok, will try to post their pics.. oh btw, pls add me in facebook.. think bliss has it right and whoever has it pls add me..k.

[email protected]

Hi Bliss,

Oh you are blessed with enough bm for bb... mine is just barely enough..and as their feeds increase i have to struggle to pump 12 x a day.
Hi Sam,
thanks, the bad thing is that I have sufficient milk supply, but my bb is not able to latch on well, so I have difficulty to pump out milk everytime while I still have to take care of him alone everyday. No time to rest much so far, while still recovering from the c section delivery.
So who is helping you to take care of your triplets? You must be extremely busy.
Oh who is Cynthia on my facebook? Keke only know by nick..

Issit difficult to look after baby with dogs? My family are so scared of the dogs dropping their fur leh.. sighs..

They are still in hospital, got so much criteria than they can be discharge wor.. hopefully by end month or 1st week of June, eldest can come home liao. I don't think i got time to pump n latch bb on also.. its very time consuming... imagine sterilising and washing bottles already takes time and furthermore i have to pump 2 hrly. Goodness... this is no joke and not an easy task.
hi bliss,
it is alright, as long as baby drank breastmilk, will be good enough. The duration does not really matter.

hi sam,
thanks, have added you in facebook. Hope your babies can return home soon.

Hi mummies,

I've been down with flu the last few days. Today was extremely bad... kept coughing and sneezing till ifeel a bit crampy at the abdominal area. Very worries abt the bb... not sure he'll be affected by my coughing and sneezing or not...
