IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Lunch is usually porridge.. Those 1 pot type... Cook with rice mix millet or lentils. Then throw in vege and meat. The easiest to cook and feed. Best when rushing to go out...

Dinner will be mostly fried rice with vege and meat and serve with soup. Or different kind of noodle soup.

So far been giving chinese food at home... I didnt serve ang moh food like pasta, pie or creamy soup. Only give them when we dine out. Cos wana let them get used to eating home cooked chinese food at home.. They will be eating our adult table food with us next time.. And we mostly cook chinese fare...

Happy, my lunches r usually noodles or pasta. Hor fun, bee Hoon, u mian, mee tai Mak, udon cooked soupy. Pasta will b home made tomato sauces based or cheesy.
Dinner will b either porridge, pies or rice w dishes.
Everyday will hv a pot of soup for lunch n dinner.

Hmm.. Who cooks since u r working??
How much milk yr ones drinking a day?

My ones not much.. Elder have 3 times milk.. Small girl only 2 times.. total each abt 400ml... No milk during the day time.. I do give cheese and yogurt for extra calcium intake... Sometimes more if i give oats for bfast...
Hi Baby - I give my twins 200ml per feed. Around 3 to 4 times a day too...

Haven't tried giving them fresh milk like Marigold. They are 15mths now. Can give ?
baby, my eldest n youngest takes more milk. about 500-600 ml per day. my younger boy takes lesser, cant even hit 400ml.. but he eats a bigger solids serving compared to the other two. they also eat yogurt everyday. cheese smtimes for snacks, or when i use it to cook pasta or pies.

JJ, i tried fresh milk w my trio.. sometimes they drink, smtimes they dont want to. yes, after 12 months u can giv fresh milk
Baby mine drinks 3x180 ml a day but she is small eater I think her solids intake not so much.. Maybe 1/2 Chinese bowl porridge

My gal has fallen sick.=( just now temp went up to 38.8, having running nose
Baby, I also dont give milk in the afternoon. Her first milk usually around 7am-730am. Then no milk until night bedtime. Sometimes another milk around 2am+, otherwise she will sleep all the way to morning. I let her sleep on her own but sometimes she wants "mummy pat" if she can't get to sleep on her own. During daytime, she eats porridge, snacks, biscuits, cakes, yogurt.

JJ, I have been giving Meiji milk since she was 1.... She loves to drink from straw.

Mummies, brought my girl for her 18month jab. Finally she graduates from all the jabs... Will be receiving her certificate soon. Weight : 11.7kg (90%). Height 83.5cm (75%). Head 48cm (90%). 8 incisors (4 upper, 4 lower). 4 premolars. No sight of canine yet. Lol.
Just faith
Same same.. My girls drink morning milk 7-730am.. Then 830am breakfast... No milk till bedtime for meimei.. Jiejie have another milk at morning nap.. Only small vol.. Abt 80ml...
What time yr girl take her lunch and dnr? I try not to give any filling snack in the afternoon cos dont want to affect dnr... Usually only give cut fruits as snack.. Like grape, kiwi, mango, rasperry, blueberry... or yogurt...
Baby, my kids have 3 milk feeds a day.

6-7am Milk 180ml
8.30am Breakfast
11.30am Lunch
2.30pm Milk 180ml(after afternoon nap)
3.30pm Fruits snack
5.30pm Dinner
7.30-8pm Bedtime milk 180ml

Check with you mummies... sometimes my kids don't really want to eat breakfast, esp my girl. My boy usually eats oatmeal w fruits (1 Ikea bowl) but sometimes he also refuses this cuz I think he is bored I give everyday. My girl if good mood will take 1/3 bowl of Cerelac, if not its 1/3-1/2 slice bread or scrambled eggs. Sometimes she refuses to eat anything at all, so end up only eating yogurt or 1 cheesestick plus 2-3 small biscuits. Is that enough? Since they had morning milk, that should count as part of the breakfast too right... just wondering why she is not hungry after overnight not eating. Do your kids still eat big breakfast after morning milk?

For lunch/dinner, they are currently still eating about 2/3 chinese bowl of rice/porridge. Sometimes will drink another 1/2 bowl of soup.

Baby, Just Faith, Panda,Grumpus - how about your kids? Have their portions gone bigger? I find that my kids since 1 year old till now portion still the same.
My girl is also a fussy & small eater. She barely eats her porridge for dinner. Sometimes she will finish 1 bowl of oats for bfast. Sometimes will reject the whole bowl.

Tried all forms of flavors for her, made kway tiao, soft rice, mash potato but she does not seem to have a preference for 1 ... sometimes will eat finish sometimes will spit out at 1st instance.

She is making mealtimes quite a pain...

The Fresh milk to be drank Cold/ Semi Cold / Warmed up ?
Working wife, my trio r eating slightly more. But their portion were really small to begin with. Now I can cook 7 tablespoon rice and 1 tablespoon millet or lentils as porridge or rice.

My kids lately also fussy over breakfast. Refuse alot of foods. I just let them eat what they want, n before d morning nap giv a bottle of milk. Some days I m so tired just throw them some cornflakes or rice crisps let them play.
Baby, I think our feeding pattern exactly the same. I also give her bf at 830am. Her PG starts at 930am.  Even if shes not atten
ding PG, i try to stick to the same routine.  Her bf - Usually a slice of bread with Meiji milk. Like 60ml.  Or oatmeal/cake. 

For lunch, I will feed around 1130-1140am. I pick her up from PG @ 11am. And we get home around 1115am. Just nice for me to steam her fish / tofu or whatsoever. For those food that require longer cooking time, I will prepare them when she go for PG. If she doze off while on her way home, I will let her nap till 1230pm latest - as I don't want to serve her lunch too late. For snacks, I refrain from feeding after 330pm cause I don't want to affect her dinner intake.  If she don't take afternn nap, I will serve dinner at 530-6pm. If she naps, I will feed her when she wake up. 

I am still adjusting her bedtime from 7pm+ to 9pm.  Lol. 
Just faith, Gina very good weight! She is like my boys size!!
My girl super fussy pot.. So small size still picky about foods. Only good thing is she loves her milk. Otherwise I think she will b even smaller!
Mine opposite... My girls love breakfast.. They can eat a cow.. Lol... They can easily eat 2 slices of bread.. A bowl of yogurt with cut fruits.. Some cornflakes...
Days when they dont want bread.. I give oats. Or cheese dips.... Follow by fruits..
They will always have fruits for breakfast...

They usually reject their lunch more... I suspect cos they eat porridge till v sian... Haha.. But i still give.. Cos its the easiest to cook and feed... Heee

Working wife
My girls are also eating slightly more.. They eat a full chinese bowl of porridge. Or a bowl of fried rice plus 1 and a half bowls of soup.
working wife
my elder didn't eat breakfast till 3 yrs old. before tat was just 3 milk feeds n lunch n dinner
my younger sometimes eats breakfast sometimes no. but I noticed if she eats a full breakfast she eats less for lunch. so I think nett still same amt of solids per day.
she eats 1/2 bowl of rice or 2/3 bowl noodles. add Liao maybe 2/3-3/4 bowl?

she's still small size but she runs, she talks in 2-3 word sentences, so I'm not too concerned
Working wife, food portions still the same bah... But more fruits, snacks or whatever bah. Milk intake also same.

Pandawife, thanks! She's growing taller so i can't see that she's putting on weight. Now she can tip toe, touch the door handle and open the door on her own. Wish she can behave more like a girl. Lol.
Just faith, she behave like Linus too! At night wake up can open d room door! Now I hv to sleep near d door so tht he doesnt sneak out without me knowing! Lol..
Thanks girls. Looks like they all eat about the same range of quantity. My kids also usually eat 1 Chinese bowl if add meat n vege to the rice. Plus my boy will usually eat one banana with his lunch or dinner too.... Now cuz he will usually start playing w the food halfway. Only if add one banana in he will finish all his food. Sigh....

Yeah diff babies really hv diff appetites. My mini size girl really eats like a bird, but voice louder than her brother. When cry, all the neighbours can hear. N whole day running around, climbing sofa, chairs, tables.... Really a tomboy. Wonder where she gets the energy from, eat so little.

She is still slow in talking. Now prob can say 3-4 words aside from mama papa. But she can understand everything we say. Memory also super good, ask her about a picture from her storybook, she will go to the box of books, pick out the book n turn to the right page.... Just waiting for her to open golden mouth to talk!

Hah my boy been opening doors, closing doors too. He is so naughty, he will always open door go into the kitchen n touch the dustbin. When I scold him, he will run to the sink n wait there cuz he knows after touch dustbin I will make him wash hands. Faint!
Working wife ur girl can eat 1 Chinese bowl, that is not eat like a bird ! Mine is ! She eats like 2/3 Chinese bowl of porridge with liao. If rice I think less.

Jj I tried giving fresh milk from fridge before but my gal doesn't like.

Panda hat breakfast do u serve?
Gan, i bought so many types of cornflakes cereals.. every morning bring them all out! try one by one..hehehe... different types of breads too... my kids are also not breakfast pple.. but lunch n dinner they eat better.

happy, i use my househouse.. no need special line..

took my trio to polliwogs @ robertson walk today. nice place, n its very new.. worth checking it out w ur kids!
Baby, toddler area?? Hmm there is a small baby area.. I let my kids free roam the place. Only the v high slide i din let them play by themselves. The whole place is bigger than kiddy fun.
Entrance fee is $13 per kid. Wkdays unlimited play wkends 2 hours.
We went early at 1015am yesterday. We were the first customers. When we left the crowd starting to come in.

I send the photos link when i on my laptop tonight
U alrdy went to kiddyfun.. Wahh.. Looks like u venture alot of playgrounds! Heee...
U went during wkday alone with yr 2 maids?

Wonder is it v packed during wkend over at polliwogs...

Btw the art muesum u mention.. I saw the website there is two address.. One at bras basah road. The other at queen street... Which one one is it?
hi mummies
any one feed ur little ones endamame beans? my boy loves it. but i vaguely remember hearing the soy products are not good for boys or sthg along tat line. anyone knows?
free entry to museums but not to special exhibits.
last yr for art garden still had to pay 50% tic fee in aug
i have not been to kiddy fun yet. my gf went n told me... i went polliwogs on sunday w hb n maids.. otherwise 3 adults v hard for me to take photos..

i plan to go kiddy fun on a wkdays...
Singapore art museum and sam at 8q is different location... So the one u went is sam at 8q.. Right?

The photos do look fun! U have the whole place by yrself!
After polliwogs u went tcc? Yr boy fall asleep there ah?

Btw where did u buy the twin car? I wana buy one but went alot places only have 1 seater...
I hv given my girls endamame beans. but they're not tat big fans. my friend gives her daughter very frequently.

the concern abt soy products is that they contain natural estrogen which ppl say may cause testosterone levels to decrease in men. the concern seems to be more for grown men n not children.
also very large amts hv to be consumed to hv negative effect if even.
baby, you are the 2nd twin mummy to ask me about the tricycle. i got it as a gift when my kids were 1. my parents place also hv one which was preloved pass on from a friend.

i was telling my other twin mummy fren tht such tricycles are meant for one older kid who can cycle and a toddler at the back. when my kids sit in front i hv to use a diaper cloth to tie them to the seat coz there is no belt..n they cant cycle.. so u might wanna consider before getting one..

oh yes, my kids fell alseep over lunch at tcc..
Can pm me the maid agency u go to?the mAid I chose got problem coming sg due to changes in indo. Need to find 1 maybe a transfer urgently coZ mine is going back 5/8. Thannz
Can pm me the maid agency u go to?the mAid I chose got problem coming sg due to changes in indo. Need to find 1 maybe a transfer urgently coZ mine is going back 5/8. Thannz
Cant open the link leh....

These few days my girls super cranky.. Keep fighting for toys.. Scream and scream... Also difficult during meal times... Keep rejecting food they used to like... If give rice and soup.. They only want the soup... Keep spitting out the rice..
My small girl now reject porridge totally.. Not even want one mouth... Today went bk to basic.. Make cereal and add in the porridge.. She finish all... :p

Hai... They are making meal time a pain.... Mummy is so tired... Both fussing the whole day everyday..

Just now dnr brought them to hans... Both reject the tomato spag.. Only wants to eat fries.. In the end gave them bread for dnr...
Baby... that's the challenge I have been facing for weeks now. Both my ones refuse the food they used to like. I think all kids will go thru the same phase. My boy same like your girl.... will spit out the rice. He will continue to take the food when I feed him, but once in the mouth, he will spit out.

When we dine outside, I order spaghetti or fried rice for them, they also reject. Sometimes, they refuse to eat anything, end up I feed them plain white rice, or bread. A bit heart pain see them eat so little, but just gotta bear with it. Over the longer period, it should balance out because after a few days like that, there will suddenly be one day they eat a lot.

wanna check what kind of fish do you feed your toddlers now? I always give them salmon or cod, but I want to try other fish (which are no so expensive!). Is it ok for them to take dory, sea bass, grouper? These are usually the fish I can find here. Forget about thread fin.... impossible to find here.

Also wanna check, do you still let your kids drink milk and then go straight to bed? My ones will brush their teeth just before bedtime, but I still give them their bedtime milk when i put them down to sleep with the lights off. After drinking, I will take the bottle from them, give them some water to sip, and then say goodnight and leave them to fall asleep. Am wondering if that is ok... since they have teeth now... should we brush their teeth after they drink their milk? I am trying to slowly move to that, but for now still a bit hard.
working wife, does ur kids fuss when u just leave them in the cot??? haiz.. mine still hv to pat.. luckily usually v fast fall asleep.. less than 3-5 mins kind...

i giv red snapper too.. but my kids only wants cod n salmon these days.. i hv also tried canned tuna.. i use it w pasta..

baby, my younger boy today eat half way thru dinner insist on taking his shower!! refuse to eat, attempt to take off his clothes n diaper, n walked into the bathroom!! haiz.. i hv no choice but to bathe him .. n after tht he only wanna eat his fruits.. main course dont want liao.

my trio also fighting n screaming for my attention. typical scene here, all 3 wants me to dress them together, or wants me to wear their shoes for them together, or all wants me to hold their hands when we go to the playground..etc.. n always end up all cry, or they whack and push each other.... its chaos here most days.. very very sticky to me...
these days i m so tired..if they refuse the food i cook, i will not coax..just giv them milk after lunch before their afternoon nap. no alternative foods ... next meal they will eat like no tomorrow.. v bad of me. but go cc nobody will offer alternative foods if they dont eat.

Before this I used to be able to leave them in the cot and just leave the room before they fall asleep. Within 10 mins, they would have fallen asleep on their own. But now, I need to be in the room because they are starting to climb out of their playpen. They will try to swing one leg over. The area around the playpen is padded, but I will still stay in the room till they fall asleep. but all lights off, and I will just sleep in the bed, don't bother about them. Usually they will toss n turn and fall asleep on their own within 10 mins. I'm now thinking what sleeping arrangement to change to... will probably use mattress on the floor.

Yeah, my kids also going thru sticky phase. My girl super sticky to me, my boy more with my hubby. When I am in the house and just walk out of her sight, she will start crying. She wants me within her sight at all times. And also want me to feed, bathe, change her.

Yeah Panda, I agree with your method. If they reject food, then just abort. Can give milk before they afternoon nap. They will make it up one way or another, one day or another. It can be heartbreaking and frustrating when we're going thru it, but just gotta tahan and remind ourselves it will all even out.
i think hor, its his way of getting out of finishing his food! hahaha.. this boy very clever one.. he will out of nowhere come up to me tell me he wanna "orh orh aka sleep".. just becoz he wants me to carry him...coz everytime sleep time i carry n pat him...

usually if no fussing or no sleep time, i try not to carry them now..coz once carry one, all wants me to carry.. v hard to b fair.. so most fair way is to not carry anyone... but he will try to "trick" me lor.. haha..

working wife
dory, sea bass, snapper, grouper all ok.
Aly has been in a fussy food phase for many weeks too. she only wants noodles, tiny bit of fish in it she'll spit out. of rice she'll close her mouth tight.
lexie was a hamster, Aly is a spitter. haha

she frequently skips lunch or dinner too cos I she doesn't wanna eat I'll coax abit only n if she really refuse I'll just stop.

as for brushing, Aly is still drinking milk n going to sleep. with lexie I only started the milk then brush then sleep routine when she was 2?
if ur kids dun need the milk to settle them to sleep then u can brush after milk. cos after getting up to brush they will be wide awake again n will take time to settle down again.
I started lexie when I realise that she was still
wide awake after her milk so it made no diff if I dragged her out to brush her teeth after milk
