IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

working wife
they do make up for their food one way or another, one day or another. sometimes Aly eats a lot n sometimes hardly anything.
unfortunately she makes up for it by waking for milk frequently at night. zzzzz

Thanks Grumpus!!

Btw, have you mummies been using soya sauce in your cooking? I am thinking to slowly intro that, what brand do you use? Is Kikkoman good? Think they have a low salt variant, is that available in SG? My hb in SG for biz trip now, will ask him to pick up what you guys are using. Also Grumpus, think you mentioned using teriyaki sauce before? Brand? Thanks!
working wife
i do use soya sauce. any low sodium variant shd be fine. and check for the usual msg and preservatives.
i use kikoman brand teriyaki sauce. it's more salty than low sodium soya sauce of cos.
i also use pan salt which is low sodium and sea salt which is a bit more natural and contain some minerals.
I use tai hua brand, naturally brewed reduced salt soya sauce.
it's a very common brand. got it at ntuc, shd be available pretty much anywhere
Working wife, I feed my girl most fishes. In the past, she only like cod fish. Can finish half slice for one meal. Lately, I will carry her when I buy fish from the market stall, she will go "wow! Fish!". Then I will ask her to point what she wants (as if she understand)... I will buy cod fish, snapper, grouper, batang all at one go. Don't know is it because of this, she is receptive to more varieties of fishes. Lately, she is rejecting rice. So I am back to porridge n marcoroni. Rejects fried rice but only wants fried bee hoon. Usually I will re-introduce those food she rejects one or two weeks later. I also can't explain why some days she's ok, and some days she is not. Maybe she's sick of how I prepare the food. Lol

I usually brush her teeth when she's having her evening shower.... If she drinks milk after that, I don't brush again... Other than she will become more awake, she also tends to wet her pyjamas.... I only give her sip of water and sometimes she don't even drink water and slept. Lol.
Working wife
I give threadfin, cod, salmon, snapper and groupa...

My girls also brush their teeth twice daily... Both at bath times.. They drink milk at bedtime.. I didnt brush cos will make them more awake.. Heee...

Looks like mine are not the only ones rejecting food... Been scratching my head thinking how come suddenly both refuse to take food they used to like... Hmm...

I also didnt force them when they reject... My elder are easier to coax.. My small girl is the pain.. Once she refuse.. Her mouth is tight shut... Distraction also no use...
I tried dragging their meal time to make them hungrier.. But no use leh... Still refuse the food.. Hmm... Wonder why they not hungry... I even remove the teabreak.. No snack in between lunch and dnr...
Hi mummies
Finally back to home and routine again and I also started work. Sad to say, the kids are better behaved when I'm not at home, even the big one will take afternoon nap but if I'm at home, she never does. But once I step into the house, the whining will start and both will fight for attention. I only get some peace when I work !

I went to kiddyfun in my last trip, but the place is rather small, smaller than T3, only a handful of kids on the weekdays.

Your tots still sleeping in baby cot ? My #2 doesn't sleep cot anymore, put him in, cry and attempt to climb out. Now he sleeps on the single bed completely. But again they bully me, if I settle them to sleep, I have to stay in the room till they fall asleep. But if hb settle, he could just close the door and leave the room, they will not fuss. Its amazing.

I give the kids various types of fish like, snapper, grouper, mackerel, tuna, salmon, leather jacket, cod, hoki., dory, parrot, wrass etc. But sea bass have both fresh water and sea water, the fresh water ones are more 'fishy'.

As with brushing teeth, I usually brush after milk and before bed, but sometimes, #2 gets away without brushing..oops.
Just faith
If yr girl rejects the food u give.. U will just let do without the lunch/dnr or u give alternative food?

Just now lunch is ok.. Both finish their porridge.. Lentils porridge with pumpkin, red spinach and pork. My small girl had her porridge mix with cereal... Funny combi...

Now cooking lotus hui shan pork rib soup for dnr... Cracking my brain what to serve it with... Rice or noodle..
Both my girls can roll and fall asleep on their own... No need pat or carry but need to lie down beside them...
My small girl used to be able to let us put her down and leave the rm.. But lately start to cry if i leave.. So got to lie down on the floor beside her cot and pretend to sleep... Then she ok.. :p

Anyone bringing yr one for the hep A jap?
I just did my last compulsory vacc today... Thinking whether should let them take hep a not... Pd says it a lifelong protection.. So the earlier u take its better.. Can get protected earlier...
hi hi ..

My kids no longer sleep cots already since almost 10mths.. my ger flew down from a cot before .. so scary.

I'm also thinking to intro soya sauce (tiny bit) into their foods .. if not my girl like not interested in eating her own food but want to eat our (adults) foods. She has preference for strong taste.

Am trying to see how long i can hold off intro of sodium.
JJ, Bubby,

Your kids sleep on the bed or on mattress on the floor? Will they get up and walk around until tired then go back to the bed and fall asleep? Now, that's my headache, cuz once move out of the cot, its like freedom for them. hahaa

They sleep in the play pen which is much lower than cot. and I pad the area around the playpen so that if they do try to climb out, they have a soft landing.


How do you use the soya sauce and teriyaki sauce? Can share some simple recipes? Do you use it for marinating the meats/fish before cooking or do you throw it in when frying?
JJ, don't place too much hopes on the soya sauce/seasoning. I also tried to hold off the seasoning all this time, and when my kids reject their food, I thought ok... time to bring on the seasoning. I used it but they still reject!! Sigh....

Btw, do you mummies use Marmite?
Baby, I will bring her toys, carry her to the windows to count number of flying kites, move her high chair near the windows, etc. if really reject all food, I will replace with bread....I never tried porridge with cereal leh.
They both now sleep on mattress (single) that are placed on the floor. They will roll around till they sleep if they wander to the ball pit (its in the same room) I'll beat them & try to drill in that its sleep time no more playing.

Weekends we still split them up to sleep 1 per adult. so I'll sleep with the boy at my king side bed while my hub will sleep with the girl in the other room (1 queen & 1 single mattress on the floor)

Now thinking of slowly putting them both to sleep together in 1 room w/o us adults present.

Working Wife: My girl is super fussy over foods. Sigh... my gf's do use marmite (got vege base type) I haven't used it yet
working wife
i use soya sauce n teriyaki interchangeably. the kikoman teriyaki sauce is quite thin like soya sauce texture.
I use both in marinating n in just stir frying. haha not much I an answer.

ok some simple recipes;
1) steamed fish - put sliced ginger and wolfberrieson top of a pv of fish, drizzle some soya sauce n steam. serve with rice
2) all in one stir fry - fry some garlic, add in meat, mushrooms, veges basically anything u want. add some soya sauce, toss ard n serve with plain rice
3) grilled chicken/beef - marinate meat in some teriyaki sauce and pan fry. serve with rice or fries
4) fried rice - fry some garlic or grated ginger, throw in meat, carrots etc. add in rice and beaten egg. drizzle soya sauce, fry until fragrant n serve
5) fried noodles - fry some garlic, add meat and veges. throw in some noodles n toss ard. drizzle some teriyaki sauce. add a bit of stock n simmer till noodles r soft

hope these help. let me know if u need more
Working wife
I hvt intro marmite yet.. i read the ingredient.. Its yeast and sodium... So not so keen in introducing yet...

Just faith
Haha... Count kite ah... Sounds interesting... Lol..

Maybe u can try mixing cereal if everytin fails? No harm trying..
My small girl fav is heinz vanilla custard... I use just some and mix it a bowl of porridge.. She always finish all... Thats the time she start to eat porridge... Then i slowly wean her off the cereal.. Till off totally... But now back to old times.. Haha..

Tonight dnr i try sometin different.. I cook plain porridge using stock and put in sweet potato... Steam salmon and egg separatly... Eat half way refuse again... No choice let them drink soup and put in the salmon flakes.. Fake them to eat..
Then use chopstick to feed them the remaining porridge.. They finished all.... Hai.. Mummy got to equip lots of ideas during meal times... lol
Bubblybear! I hv d same problem! My kids all bully me! My mum says when I m not ard they r better behaved n fuss lesser. She see d way they behave when I am at home she wonders how I stay sane! Haiz..

Baby my trio all down w fever. I let them take both mmr 2 and d last 5 in 1 jab together yesterday. Last night all down w fever until now. Hv to giv Panadol 4 hourly n super duper cranky n sticky until I cant tahan!!

I have tried marmite 2x. Recently d kids down w cough n flu refuse to eat. I cook porridge add small amounts of marmite they eat like its so delicious. Personally I can't stand d taste nor smell. Bought d veg one. Yucks!!

Workinh wife, I use kikkoman low sodium soya sauce and also it's teriyaki soy and honey sauce. Also sea salt ... Smtimes I just use cheese to create taste.. Usually when I do Ang moh foods no need seasoning they will eat. Chinese foods abit challenging or I dunno how to cook..
Grumpus I hv 2 hamsters and 1 spitter. 3 combined can drive me nuts.

Working wife, today Linus tried to pull d same stunt again. Half way thru dinner wanna bathe again. I ignored him then he came out of the bathroom. But refused to eat.. But probably coz not well too. Fav yogurt n fruits also don't want.

By d way I hv also tried giving my kids fish ball noodles and chicken rice. It's a big hit... ESP d fishball.. All kept asking for more... Think coz it's v tasty ...
kids super love fishballs. my elder girl had to hv fishball with every meal from abt 2yrs plus until 3yrs plus otherwise she would not eat.
I cut the fishballs into small small pcs, each spoon had to hv one pc of fishball.

slowly weaned her off at 3 plus. but till now she still loves them
btw, u can make your own chicken rice at home.

fry some whole garlic cloves and shallots till fragrant, add into uncooked rice together with some pandan leaves. use chicken stock instead of water and cook the rice in rice cooker as per normal

plain steam some chicken. make a simple sauce with some sesame oil and soya sauce. pour over the chicken
Alamak.. All fever ah.. Mummy must be super shag now...

My girls took the last mmr boaster jap this morning.. So far ok.. Hopefully no fever.. Pd says window period of 10day.. 2-3 days of fever..

Fishball ah.. I hvt try yet... Is it those boil white type? Or those fried ones? Ever since i intro french fries.. They will scream for it whenever they see it... So dine out together cannot have fries on the table else they will not eat anything else other than it...

That time we went burger king.. Let them try nugget.. They also love it... Junk food lover... Lol
Thanks Grumpus for the recipes!! Everything looks good. Shall try some this weekend, maybe starting with the chicken rice

Aiyoh, my kids don't like outside food... give them fries also not interested. Sigh......

Btw, those mummies who are doing FET soon, are you going to do a medicated FET? I am planning now when to do, but this time I don't wanna do medicated. No jabs, meds etc... just want to go natural, when lining is thick enough, then do FET. Wonder if doctor will be ok with that...
Grumpus, do u buy fishball from supermarket or wet market?
Oh yes I plan to make my own chicken rice since they like it so much.

Baby, u can make ur own fries. I do tht for d kids, cut the potatoes, pop into happycall, drizzle some olive oil, sprinkle some sea salt before serving. Easy n healthy.
Working wife
Wow! With two tods on hand u still going for no 3!! Salute u!
I rem u have a girl and a boy twins right?

I dont have the happycall pan leh... Use normal happycall wok can? Not deep fry right?
Need to pre cook the potato first? If not, will it be too hard inside?
Working wife, I abandon my 6 snow babies ... Can't imagine having anymore! U r amazing!! ;)

Baby I think u can oven bake too... Cut the fries thinner ..happycall cooks fast n well.. Not deep fried. I only use one table spoon of olive oil all the fries for 3 of them
I hv used fishballs from both wet market n ntuc. I've even made my own!

for fries u can try sprinkling some onion or garlic powder or dried rosemary for a nice twist

I bake my fries all the time. in the oven for 12 min
bake still need oil. no oil fries become dry n not crispy. pat dry fries with paper towel. drizzle oil n use hands to coat all the fries. sprinkle garlic powder, toss then lay out on baking tray n bake
The kids sleep on single trundle bed moved from the guest room temporarily as I plan to upsize the bed later. So now #2 sleeps on the trundle which is only slightly higher than mattress height. Usually he will fall asleep pretty quickly when he on his bed, but if he is not sleepy, I let wander around till he is ready to sleep, sometimes he will go back to his bed on his own when he is sleepy, sometimes, I have to bring him back to his bed. There was once I actually found him asleep on sit-up position bending forward, quite cute !
I have been using vegemite for a while. But not everyone likes it. But I love it. It has a 'love it' or 'hate it' taste. My #1 loves it on bread. Its actually quite beneficial to have occasionally.
I have decided not to do anymore FET, but if god presents me with another 'gift', I would love to have it

Yah, don't know why like that. My hb always say I have special treatment..lol. So being SAHM the whole day is busy !
The kids not new to chicken rice and fish ball, but my last trip they eat many times, cos so convenient, everywhere also have and so tasty and the fish ball in spore is so fresh and nicer than what we have here. Here want to eat the spore flavour sigh...have to buy imported ingredients and cook ourselves. My last trip haven't really eaten enough, cos, got sick, no appetite to eat.
Yday first attempt in giving seasoned home cooked food for dnr... Cook as usual... Mee sua chicken shreds soup... Put in abit of soy sauce, seamea oil and pepper... Instant hit! Both finish the whole pot... And still asking for more! Even my maid who is feeding knows the difference. She say today dnr smell v yummy.... :0

Later lunch gg to cook porridge in a different way.. Adult way.. Put in marinated pork strips and grated carrot...

I guess my girls are sick of baby food.. zzz
Hi I'm not sure I'm on the right thread. I got pregnant recently thru ivf. Still in my 1st trime. Anyway I noticed that I'm developing small red spots all over my legs. They multiply as the days go by. Am wondering if it happened to any of u. N if it did is it smtg to worry about?
Karol, I have eczema mainly in my thigh and arms. It went away about 4-5months after I deliver. Guess its some hormonal changes that you are experiencing. I didn't apply any cream or lotion back then as I was cautious what was being absorbed through the skin.
Gave my girls chicken rice for the first time... Both didnt like it..
Small girl eat half way refuse to continue... Elder worst still.. Didnt even take one mouth... Hmm.. I think they are the only ones here who dont like chicken rice.

I bot boon tong kee... Wonder is it the rice too hard... I tried it myself.. Find it more grainy and harder than those normal stalls...
Gan, I got mine off amazon. Locally there is a shop at forum call nurture craft at basement. I just went there help buy a set for nancy twin boys today! $39.90 for 6 colors.
My trio play w it so much tht some of the colors sponge tip has broken!! Latest new way of playing, they dot their own palms and stamp on d paper! Become palm stamping ..lol..
Go buy a set for Grace!
Is it like marker type? Is it easily washable?
So far i only let my girls play with crayons...

Hows meals lately? I started to add seasonings to cooking.. So far ok... But my elder is the headache... Can reject entire meal..

Has yr new maid come?
baby, its fat fat marker pens w flat tips for doing dotting ... very fun.. show u the album of art stuff my trio has done..


these pens r non toxic n washable. my kids hv played w crayons, crayon pencils, crayola markers.. but most fun is dot dot pens..

my kids r eating ok.. but still not easy to get them to eat type. each meal average 40-60mins..play, eat, be hamster, spit, play, eat.. this goes on n on...

my new maid not here yet.. think shld b end Aug..

Gan, when u r at Forum, u can also check out Bookaburra. the bookshop beside ELC. i got some Giotto dough pots. its washable n non toxic.. 3 color pots for $8.90. u can let grace play w them..just get some plastic cookie cutters from Daiso at $2.
Yr art album v creative wor... U done it yrself?? Wonder how u find the time... Lol...

During meals time.. Yr trio will eat the food eagerly? Open their mouth willingly everytime? Or need to coax and distract to make them eat?

Most of the times my small girl will eat eagerly without the need to coax... Can finish within 15mins... My elder usually need coaxing... Else she will refuse to open her mouth... Or will spit out the food.. Sometimes i wonder is it she dont like the food or she not hungry enough... Hmm...
Coax to eat is it a right way?

My girls are playing playdoh... With assorted shapes cutters..
The dough pots is it similar to playdoh?
u can try making yr own play dough

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
2 table spoons of cream of tartar (optional: this would make the dough more bouncy)
1 table spoon of cooking oil (oil is needed to make the dough smoother)
1 cup of water
Food coloring

1. Mix flour, salt, cream of tartar in mixing bowl. Then add in cooking oil and mix.
2. Add in water slowly while mixing. 
3. You should be getting a watery to creamy type of texture, shouldn't be hard. 
4. Then pour the mixture into a heated pan (use small to medium heat only). 
5. Stir occasionally and let it heated up for 3-5 minutes until it started to form a lump (do not overcook)
6. Let in cool down a bit, transfer to table and knead the dough till it's even. 
7. Divide the dough into a few small balls (depending on how many colors you want to make).
8. Knead in different food coloring separately to each ball to create different colors (tip: you only need to get the three basic color, red, yellow, blue. With these 3 colors, you will be able to create many colors by using a combination of the colors and the amount of each color added).
9. Ready!

grumpus, i wanna make my own but cant find the time nor energy.. n saw at the bookshop, not expensive, so just buy..

baby, yeah.. i play art activities w my kids everyday. its one of the things tht can keep all 3 occupied together while my 2 maids go do their chores.

all will open their mouth..but cannot sit in high chair. must play toys n eat.. n they only wanna eat at where they like..
