IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

this play dough recipe after making can wrap up in cling wrap n store in the fridge for future play.
u can make the making of play dough part of yr art activity n let the kids help

Saw the pretty butterfly... Is it make using dough?
Where u get all these pasters and animals?

Whats yr daily activities like? Mine is all those boring stuffs.. Either play ball... Ride car car... Playdoh.. Flipping books... Role play cooking with spoons and plastic food... Else will be free roam and play.. now i dont on the tv... But sometimes got to let them watch tv during meal times. Else they cant sit still in highchair to eat... Bad habit... Hmm... No choice.. Mummy top priority is to let them finish their food... Lol...

Today dnr make fried rice with carrots, mushrooms and chicken shreds... Drizzle with teriyaki sauce... Serve with old cucumber soup...

Any yummy and easy recipe to share? Heeee
Do yr trio fight for toys? My girls fight alot lately... Both doesnt want to share... Even its the same thing same colour.. They wana get the one the other one is holding... Faint...
If one has it.. The other will cry and cry...

What do u do when this happens? All 3 wana snatch the same thing...
baby, the butterfly is a foam art kit from kiddy palace. all ready cut, just peel n stick. i buy stickers n stuff all over the place.. some are actually wall stickers.. KP, pasar malam, SKP, most party supply shops hv nice stickers.. its a matter of price.

haha...mine also boring lah! my kids very active..we need to go outdoor at least 2-3 times a day. so we spend a fair bit of time downstairs at the playground, cats watching, touching leaves, flowers, grass.. at home will be art activities, reading, toys, song n dance. we do weekly library trips on wkdays, or some days i bring them to my parents place for change of environment. otherwise everyday at home they very fussy...

hehe..lately i no energy cook fancy foods.. these few days they eat fishball noodles, porridge or fried rice.. all the easy to make foods.

mummies, planning to go Kiddy Fun this Friday afternoon. timing should be betw 2-3pm. Anyone keen? Rostrum and Nancy will b bringing their twins along too...
baby, my trio has been fighting for the longest time!!! hahahaha.. i teach them to ask each other for permission if they wanna change toys. hv to say "please" .. they will say please, and "change" to each other.. but its also a problem coz after saying please change, the one holding the toy replies "bu yao!" hahaha..then fight lor.. i will explain to the one who is asking tht they can only take if the other party wants to change...

recently i bought new water bottles in exact same color.. also wanna change.. haahah.. the grass is always greener at the other side..
my kids latest pattern is all fight to sit on my lap. n refuse to let anyone else sit .. so i hv 3 of them on my lap n pushing each other..after tht start to scream... last time can all sit n "share" mummy.. now cannot liao..
Hahaha.. Same same... My girls also fight to sit on my lap... Once one spot the other sitting.. Sure cum and fight.. So i will have two girls pushing and screaming on my lap.. Even if i let both of them sit each on my thigh... They also dont want..
If i manage to convince one to go and play with toys, the other saw will just get up from my lap and wana play with toy.. Faint...

I also buy lots of stickers... Got a whole box of it.. But recently both not v interested... Sian liao.. Lol..
Okok will go get the foam sticker from kiddy...

I also just change their outing water bottle.. Bot from baby fair.. Those cartoon character type with bottle straps..
Home still using pigoen mag cup.. The old version.. Bot the new version non drip type.. Both dont like it.. V hard to suck the water out.. Went many places cant find the old version straw replacement... Finally saw it at taka...

So far hvt intro fishball yet... Gg to try it soon... Recent attempt of chicken rice failed.. Lol...
But i read somewhere.. Fishball not good for toddler.. Very little protein.. High in sodium... Processed food...
Baby, usually I will do the sticker activity w a related story, or song. So they learn n play. Some days they wanna draw more than stick stickers, then we will just do colors..
Or if they wanna go out we will go downstairs watch traffic ..see cars, then come back play car stickers. They k relate then they will b more interested.
U can also check out the brand Alex. They hv many Pre pack craft sets for toddlers.
Alex? Buy from where? Popular?

How u gg to bring the trio out when yr new maid comes? 2 adults to 3 tods? Seems kind of hard...
Now 2 maids to see 3 tods and do hsewk.. Wonder will the new maid cope... My new maid is coming soon also... Hope she will be better...
Panda u sending ur maids back agency or indo? My new maid touched down yesterday. My current one will go home this sat....

Just bot her some gifts and develop the photos I took of her when in hong kong, passing to her as farewell gifts.
Gan, both my maids wanna go home. Sending one back next Monday first.

Baby, there is a Alex shop at vivo. Or bookaburra at united sq or forum also hv. Taka I think sells it too.. I bought from their kids fair before.
Gan, I want to let d kids get used to only 1 maid. N later part of aug air tix very costly! It's their national day month too. I don't wanna spend a bomb buying their air tix.
Baby, share w u smthing. I know a triplet mummy who tc of her 15mths old trio w her mil. No maid. N she plans to go solo when d kids r 18mths!!! I dunno how they do it.
She feeds all the meals herself. N she k still go out for me time...
Baby, last evening's chicken rice was a success. She finished half packet. I ordered chicken back "鸡尾肉"she finished the chicken without the skin. I m busy shuffling between mums place as my mum went surgery last week. I have no time to cook for her.

Pandawife, what about air asia? Both times I bought air tickets from air asia. Depart from T1 which my maid is more familiar. TG tics are more ex.
Wahhhh... Salute the mummy wor... Must ask her for tips on how she can handle 3 tods by herself... Me here 2 adults to 2 tods can hardly manage sometimes... Hmm...

Just faith
U feed the chicken rice as it is? Did u add soup to soften the rice? Wahh.. Yr girl can finish all the meat v good wor... Half pack of rice also quite alot... Haha now next time u have more option to buy food for yr girl.. Chicken rice is everywhere.. So easy.. Too bad my girls dont really like it.. Maybe i will try again weeks later...
Just faith, i got from jetstar. $150 inclusive of taxes. Cheapest for the month of aug. d rest of the month tix r 250-400 before taxes! How much did d tix cost u previously?
Baby, nope. I didn't add soup. I feed as it is, not too oily nor saltish. Don't think she is ok all the times, must see which stall I buy from. I am picky about food too :p

Pandawife, first time $90. Second time I bought the tickets on the same day, thought it is gonna be expensive. But end up paying $120. All including of meals. Cause my maid will take another 6hrs car ride to reach her village.
Baby, her kids trained to play by themselves from young. Hardly sticky or clingy. She just let them run ard play on their own. She says her meals r fed w her trio running ard. She will feed all from same bowl, one kid one mouth while they r playing. Her feeds are usually done in 10mins.
I hv 2 hamsters.. Even let them play also will take longer than 10mins.
Here I m stressed over having to tc w one maid n dunno if maid will be decent. She is thinking of going solo! And my trio r older... Haiz... My mum kept saying it will get better when they r older. But I find it more n more difficult coz they get more
Demanding, more clingy and more fighting !!
Pandawife ur maid flying where? Mine to Surabaya, on jetstar $170. Garuda same price but no direct flight to surabaya
Panda my gal becomes super clingy since Childcare......I m waiting for the dAy I can have a good night sleep , no need wake up to koala, milk feed
Gan, mine also surabaya.
My trio too leh. Last one week all start wAking up ask for milk at weird hours. N all 3 will do it at ard the same time...me n Hb hv been doing night duties without d maids help since they r leaving. V tiring coz smtimes d kids bully us. Wake up Liao wanna play w us refuse to sleep..
Wahh.. The mummy trio v guai wor.. Can play on their own..
My girls are also sort of trained to roam and play on their own leh... From the start they have free roam around the hse.. No need to follow them.. But now they older wana our attention.. Keep fighting for toys.. If not they are ok.. Can run around on their own..

Me also feed them from the same bowl if im feeding them myself.. One mouth each.. Fruits, yogurt all i feed from one bowl... But soupy food more tough.. Must have table then can feed else v messy...

The mummy power.. Can feed 3 within 10mins... Mine fastest is 10mins but only 1 tod.. Usually take abt 15mins for one.. If i feed both need to take abt half hr...

Hai.. I only have two tods and have a maid to help me.. But still i feel so tired and overwhelmed sometimes... I should be ashamed... Haha..
Just faith
Hmm.. I should buy from different stall to let my girls try.. Haha.. Hopefully they will like it.. Then will be easier for mummy to buy food for them when outside..
Btw mummies.. My small girl seems to be lost her voice leh.. Her voice so hoarse... Cry also like no sound.. Keep having werid sound from her breathing... Yday gave them bread toast.. Maybe the toast too over toast and make her have sore throat... How do i differentiate is it wheezing or its just lost of voice...
Baby, bring to pd immediately tmr. My boy was like tht. It was croup. U better watch her closely tonight.. Just in case she has difficulty in breathing. My pd says if serious, croup can lead to kiddo turning blue coz can't breathe properly .
Read up on croup... I think my girl has it...
She keep crying... Like cant catch her breath..
Now she settle down.. Went bk to sleep...
Just now tot of bringing her to kkh.. But scare v long wait and my girl will be v tired and cant sleep...
Bring her tml morning to see pd... Hope tonight she will be ok.

What med pd give? Antibiotics?
Yr boy take how long to recover? Is it contagious? Did other tods get it?
Baby, antibiotics, nebulizer n some other meds. My boy was quite serious, airway was v narrow so had to b hospitalized. Yes it's contagious. But my other din get it.
Just monitor closely tonight. The night before we went to pd, me n Hb took turns watch over him d whole night. Never left him alone at all coz worry he might hv breathing difficulty n we dunno.
Brought her to see pd in the morning... Pd says its croup.. And now its only the beginning.. Hvt get worst yet.. Had neuberlizer in the clinic. now on antibiotics and med to clear the airway.. And also bitter steriods.. got to feed with icecream... Lol..
Hope jiejie wont get it...
Pd says croup may lead to brochittis... Hopefully taking med earlier can help to prevent it from happening...
Luckily she is still eating as normal...
Hope your girl is better. Got to treat early. When I went back last trip, I caught a nasty flu/cough bug from sg and brought it back to au. Till now still not recovered yet ! Last week I experienced spasm in my right lung, Dr says can happen due to prolonged coughing, will recover by itself. But the pain is terrible ! Lucky is on the right, otherwise, I would think I might have a heart attack !
bubblybear, hope u r feeling betteR!

baby, hows ur girl??

i took the kids to Kiddy Fun today. the concept is very similar to singkids but at a much lower cost since we bought the Deal.com vouchers.
Panda my new maid came but she is very slow......... Getting new maid doesn't mean things will be better!! I actually miss my previous maid
Gan, which country is ur new maid from??
yes, new maid doesnt mean will be better.. its a matter of luck..
ur case its coz ur maid wanna go back, not becoz she cant perform.

mine is cant perform.. teach so long still keep making same mistakes.. i just checked my maid's luggage. now i know why she is always so blur n dreamy. coz thinking of bf!!! she told me she dont hv bf, n divorced w hb liao. only wanan support her son. all crap. her diary has so many "i love u, i miss u, please wait for me!!"

new maid need some time to adjust too.. my cousin got a fresh filipino maid. first 3 mths also blur n slow. but after tht was a great help! since already change liao, can only look forward... i m also keeping my fingers crossed the new maid is decent.. coz i need to train a reliable person before i send the kids to cc...
My girl is better... Gg to bring her to pd for review..

Gan, my new maid is here too... Its like a nightmare... I miss my previous maid too...

Panda, u better prepare what will come when yr new maid is here... Both my girls keep crying when they see my new maid.. They will need quite some time to adjust to her... With 2 crying tods... Mummy hardly can find time for anything else...
And my new maid cant learn tins as fast as my previous one.. Simple tins to us seems a tough task to her... We got to teach and remind over and over again... Thou i know its gonna be painful to change maid when kids are still this young but didnt expect it will be that hard...

I told my hubby.. I rather take my previous maid bad attitude than this maid... Hai.. But no choice... She wana go home anyway...
*sigh*... talk about maid I'm so tempted to change mine! no respect to my mil & do housework super duper slow!! I was telling hb, change maid we die, dun change also die!! now that we are going for FET in Nov, I cannot change her unless she decided not to renew her contract
We cant even take our meals in peace... My hse is filled with my girls crying and screaming... Hope it will get better soon..
Cant really blame the new maid... My previous maid has been with us since they are born. Cant expect them to accept a new one within a short time frame... We adults also need time to adjust to her... Hope we can see some light soon..

Panda, need 3 mths ah... Jialat lah... Dont know how to get thru this period... Hai..
U must prepare to have yr family or hubby to be around for at least the first week when yr new one comes... Else u will have 3 crying tods climbing all over u... Lol...
Baby surprisingly my gal likes my new maid, first day asked her to carry!! So I told my mum must give her more chance since my gal likes her. But she really slow... Till I have to do some of the work like folding clothes, wash clothes. And today I was late for work!!
Baby, oh yes. I will be moving d whole gang to my parents house when new maid comes. I giv her one month to build rapport w my kids. Morning my Hb will drop us there, evening aft work pick us up.
Today one Of my maid went off in the morning. I cooked lunch before my hb went to work. Cook dinner while all 3 take their nap. So I hv more bandwidth to take care of them. I don't expect d current maid to look after 3. And I pat all 3 zzz myself one after another ..
I hope new maid would b good w kids since she was a presch teacher. Shld know how to entertain n distract d kids. Plus I hv alot of ammunition at home for her to play w them.
Chores wise I m mentally prepared I hv to slowly teach n for a start hv to help out too...
My trio took a very very short time to adapt to my parents maid. And she has no experience w kids n not married w kids. In less than 2 weeks aft she arrive my trio plays w her n let her carry. So I m guessing it shouldn't b that bad. And they don't even see her everyday. 2-3x for few hours a week.
The only think I will miss about my ex maids r they really sayang my kids. Can feel their love for them. When my trio achieve new milestones they r as happy as I am ... But chores wise totally hopeless.
I dunno if new maid will have that kind of affection for my trio. Anyway, no turning back also coz they request to go back..
Wahh u can pat 3 to slp by yrself... Maybe cos yr trio can ko within mins.. Lol...
Right now my hubby put my elder to nap before he leaves for work and i put my small girl to nap... Both dont need to pat but got to lie beside them and let them roll till they zzz.. Will take longer time...

Its already a few days since my maid comes into our family.. It gets better each day... Today better they can play together...
But so far hvt let her handle bb stuff yet... Right now only hsewk and mingle with the girls...
Panda did ur maid cry when she left? Mine eyes red red when she says bye to my gal. And myself eyes red red when I sent her to airport becoz like u what I missed is her
Love for my gal. When she reached indo, she SMS me asked how is grace coZ she missed her. I told her grace is ok. We told grace jie Jie has gone home when she asked where is my maid.
gan, yes mine cried.. i also cried.. my girl who is closest to her was napping when she left. but surprisingly after she went off my girl did not ask for her at all! its like she never exist...
Pandawife, I noticed my temper got better I send away my maid. Yes, keeping up with housework is tiring ...But no choice for me, I m tired of training a new maid and build the trust all over again.

Hai... Two types of maid... Smart but bad attitude or good attitude but stupid.... I experienced both... Lol..

My new maid so far no bad attitude but been giving me problems in her hsewk... No good hygenice practice.. Her toilet dirty.. Ask her to wash her clothes daily but she still can dont wash 2 days in a roll... Simple tasks cant perform cant follow...
Unlike my previous maid.. Good hygeince.. No need to tell her... V tidy.. V smart.. Tell her once she understand and follow... No need to monitor her at all... She knows how to manage her time and hsewk... But no choice she wana go home...

Panda, gan
What time does yr maid sleep and wake up?
