IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Panda I also find mamy poke pull up better. Haiz grace never behaves so sticky.... I hope she is ok n dun feel I abandoned her.

Baby not sure if Got place for next term. Will check with them nearer to the start of term

Hmm.. I still not giving pull ups yet.. Except for the previous huggies promo which i alrdy finished using..
I hvt try othe brand of pull up except huggies which i dont like.

Anyone tried pampers pull ups?

Mamy poko pull up only have one type or have different type for boy and girl?
after cc, my boy dont usually wake up frequently at night, but he seems to cry/make noise, then managed to fall back to sleep. hopefully tat will stop.
today my boy handled the separation better. cried much lesser. signs of improvement. been 3 wks already. so take heart, grace will get better with abit more time.
ya sometimes i am the one feeling bad for putting him in cc whole day. but there are days when i m so busy at work that i kind of 'forgot' to think abt what he is doing, etc. hahahh so terrible.
altho i m getting worried how come he is still not talking...

so you drop and pick up grace? what time?
my pick up timing is getting later later, almost 6pm plus.
Happy, my hub picks her up about 1230pm. As for talking, dun worry, when he plays with other kids etc, he will be picking up words very fast. What time do u knock off from work? I just got transferred to a new department....met my new boss yesterday and I think will need to work late and even weekends at times ...haizzz less time with my gal.

Baby there is also a cheaper version of mamy poke in tpyellow packaging.I find that good too.
Panda one of ur maids is ex sg? How long
Did she work in sg previously? What is her salary? I shortlisted a ex sg maid but asking salary is $500!!
Mummies, do you know the market rate for local nanny to look after toddler say 2 years old? Mon - Fri. Pick up after working hours. Exclude expenses on food, diapers etc. If take care infant, also same price? Any advice will be appreciated.
Gan,yeah one of mine ex Sg. Her last contract 2.5 yrs tc of NBC until 2.5 yo sent to cc then she went back Indonesia. N yes! Her salary is $500!!!!! But her eng is much better than my other maid. Can sing a lot kiddy songs n smarter. Learn things fast. But v v v careless. V feather brain.
It's hard to find good Indonesian maids. Why don't u try a Filipino ??
All Filipino maid asking for day off....moreover, where I stay alot fillipino staying in the estate, Scared mixed around.

I wish I can do without a maid...every month the money is draining so fast! Childcare , maid etc. But I think my parents can't cope with caring for her and housework, even if she go full day still need to take care of her after 5 or 6 pm .
Yr girl stay at yr mum pl after cc? Actually if yr girl goes full cc how come still need a maid?

If i only have 1 tod.. I think i will do without one... Maid is help but also endless problems... And most imptly.. No privacy at home... I miss those times when i have those private moments at home.. No strangers...
After childcare, she will go my parents place ...both of us work late. Just that now she is starting childcare, my hub make arrangement to leave office before the usual lunch hour to pick her up and send her to my parents place ...when she goes full day, likely will ask hub t leave the car behind and my dad will pick her up

Ur new maid here?
Hi mummies,

I am planning a trip to SG with my kiddos sometime in Aug. Maybe can arrange to meet up for a playdate... will know the full details later.

Want to check with you... where are the usual kid friendly restaurants that you go to? I know some of you mention Botanical Gardens, Pasta Mania, Swenson etc... any other place that has a kid menu, or able to make the food as how we want it (ie. less salt etc).

What are the things that I can do with the kids? Few things in mind... Universal Studios, Botanical Gardens, cycling in East Coast park. Anything else you would recommend? Thanks!
I see... So yr girl still on half day cc now...

No my new maid not here yet... I think abt few more weeks..
Cant wait for the new one to come.. Can start a new fresh and set the mindset right at the start...

Working wife
I went to many restaurant with kids menu.. But the variety is very similar.. Pasta, pizza, fish n chip etc... I personally feel the salt level is not any lesser than our usual adult food...
I usually order our normal adult food and share with my girls.. But i try to order those more kids friendly type of food...

Swensens is quite a good pl for tods... Din ting fung is good too...

I brought my girls to east coast cycling.. Fun!
Rented those bicycle where there is a seat in front for tod.. The size is just nice for their age...
These are the usual tourist attractions to go. I'm in RWS these few days, today saw the laser display at night, surprisingly #2 set through it, he enjoys it esp. the fireworks at the end, so excited. Tomorrow will go universal studios, but there will not be many rides for tods but there is sesame street characters, hope he enjoys it. Will visit port of lost wonder if I have the time, otherwise the hotel pool is good enough. I have been to garden by the bay too, its very nice, but nothing much for the kids to play, more for adults to admire the flower display. I also plan to visit the fish farm, frog farm, zoo etc. I also have done some evening walks at bishan park, punggol park, amk park all these have play ground for the kids and can cycle also. Don't know what else to do also, every time come here also do about the same things...haha.

Food wise, I basically eat tim sum, jap or hawker food most of the time, not touching any western food, had enough of them. #2 just eat what we eat, if its hawker food usually soup stuff like wonton soup, young tau hu soup, slice fish soup, beef soup with rice etc.
how is grace getting used to cc? she is doing half day then full day?
my boy starting to get used to it, cry when we handover but stop very fast.

forum so quiet lately, guess everyone bz. now that i started work, by time go home only hv like 2 hrs with boy before bedtime. still got to wash bottles, hv dinner, etc, quality time with him is down to 30mins or so.

ur boy ok ardi after discharge?
Happy u have sent ur maid off? I just got another maid last weekend coZ my current one wants to go home look afte her mil as her hub going overseas to work. When we work, the time with kids is very limited. I practically put her to bed when I see her, that one hour with her is like the only time with her the whole day. She is doing 1/2 day. These 2 days cried alittle after taking temp and wants me to carry. I have to hand her over to her teacher to carry n leave. She also becomes a koala bear every night at 4am! Wants milk, wants us to carry. Hub n me becoming super panda!
baby, sorry can u giv me ur maid agency name again?? both my maids wanna leave.. i need to find replacement urgently.

Panda why they suddenly want to leave together? My maid also leaving

U can check net maid.com.sg, they have quite a few biodata from different agent.

I just got a new indo maid from Madeline last Saturday. The new helper will come end of July/ early aug
Alamak... What happened?

The agency is JDM.. I dont have the no off hand.. Cos my hub takes care of it... But my agency is not a good bet if u need maid urgently cos the min waiting time for a new one takes abt 1 and a half mth... Usually need abt 2 mths plus... And they only do philipino... Indo very little.

I know Best Home only needs a abt 2-3 weeks once u confirm one... Quite fast..

Hope u have other help... With both of them leaving sure leave u helpless...
Pandawife, see? Your maids are not stupid. They are so smart that they want to leave together! They know if either of them leave, the other one will suffer. Can bring forward yor CC plans sooner?

Gan, have you been to Dr Loh's new clinic? Where do you plan to do FET? I have been planing for #2. But no news.... Do you know if Dr Loh do IUI (not SOIUI)?
haiz.. long story.. yes if one leave the other sure cannot handle. with 2 of them they barely cope. lately alot of attitude and mistakes. no heart to work. keep them any longer only drives me crazy. and waste $ too.. spoke to a few agencies they all told me i just need one good maid. my house not 3 storey bunglow..

cc no vacacy leh.. earliest is Jan. Now all full.. so cant send earlier too.. even if send i still need one maid..
actually its true. my friend with triplets is a ftwm. her triplets taken care by her mil n one maid since she went back to work after maternity leave.
at 3yrs old she sent all to cc n let the maid go.
You can consider Mdm Sylvia (T: 63458969 / 63458572). They will ask your requirements & who will be most frequently with the maid then match. Also will have video & call conferencing. They have training centers set up at the respective countries to prep the village girls for life in spore.
Just faith have not seen dr Loh yet, pushing back the fet plan a little as I m
Adjusting to new work responsibility and environment.
baby, both maids agree to stay until my new maid comes. i found a filipino. 4 years pre sch teaching experience and 1 year nanny cum housemaid in UAE. single mother in need of $ to support her son. this wkend will go down agency do all the paper work.. usual waiting time 4-6 weeks.

wish me luck!
The new maid profile sounds good wor... hmm.. Hopefully its really as good as it sounds... So u only getting 1 maid? 2 adults to 3 tods? Or yr mother helping u?

Not bad... Yr current two maids willing to stay till u get a new one... Most usually dont care... Will just leave as and when they wants.

What is yr new maid salary? Which agency?

Hows yr trio eating nowadays? V long didnt ask u abt it... Any new ideas to share? Mine is mostly soup with fried rice or porridge... And also different type of noodle soup... I cook abt 3-4 times soup a week...
baby, profile looks good. but actual dunno lah..hahaha.. but one thing i m comfortable is she wont b freaked out by my mini class of monkeys coz she has taught in pre sch. yes..2 adults to 3 kids. now tht they r older, i think we shld b able to manage. my mum still babysitting my nephew..cant help me.

my maids r kind enuff to help. just no heart to stay long term coz i blast them many times over silly things they keep doing despite me reminding n reminding.. until i very pek chek.

new maid $480 no off days. eComfort.

my trio now eats ok..but all refuse to sit high chair. next time only one maid i need to do high chair training again.. otherwise difficult for 2 adults to feed 3. my younger boy can self feed almost the whole meal himself.. the other two spoilt by maid.. lazy to eat themselves..:S

my trio eats the noodle foods, rice, porridge and my usual pies.. but soup is everyday. every meal they will ask for "soup soup" n they like noodles alot too... smtimes i cook pie, they keep asking for "noodles!"

i also start sleep training my girl. now she wakes up at night i dont carry or pat anymore. let her roll ard n yak until she sleep again. after tht i will zzz train my boys...

by the way, i took my kids to the art muesum last wkend. they had quite alot of fun... u can bring ur girls there.. adult entrance $10 each. kids free. the kids event is until Aug.. ;)

you can check out the photos taken at SAM here
Wow art muEsum looks fun! Is it the one near the plaza sin?
Where is the place with the huge tier cake? Looks fun too!

Yr trio dont sit on highchair means got to run all over with them? How yr younger boy self feed if he dont sit on highchair? My elder also love to self feed.. We give her some of the food on her bowl... She self feed while we feed her at the same time.. She can scoop and feed.. But do make a mess!

2 adults to 3 tods managable? My side 2 adults to 2 tods can bearly manage leh... Feels so overwhelming at times.. Esp now both gets so sticky with me... Hai...

Whay kind of noodle u give? I give only mee sua, kway tiao, handmade noodle, ramen... U cook soup everyday ah? Y trio can finish all a day? I usually cook alt day.. Cos sure got leftovers for the next day for me to cook noodle soup...

Whats the packet drink u give yr boy? It is the yogurt drink? I saw in ntuc but didnt buy cos i see got artificial flavour and colour.... Btw i give my girls homecooked barley winter melon... Dilute with water... So not sweet... They love it! Next gonna try to cook it with green bean... Hehe..
its along queen street. next to NTUC Income centre.. the huge cake is inside the muesum! haha.. its a fun place. also hv dark rooms to watch short movie clips, video them dancing, etc etc. overall a fun time for the kids n even us adults..

my trio depends on mood one. smtimes all can sit high chair thru the meal. smtimes wanna get out.. my younger boy most days can sit high chair..but smtimes he notti wanna come out sit in front of tv n eat. then i will use an ikea tray put the food for him.

noodles i gav hor fun, handmade noodles, udon, hokkien mee, both flat n round type. my kids love udon most...

i cook soup everyday.. half for afternoon use, either drink or cook noodles. the other half i cook porridge or rice, n use it to steam egg or just let them drink...

thts the yogurt drink from ntuc. i let them try.. coz want them to try variety of tastes.. not everyday drink its ok..
Okok shall check out the muesum soon!

U should try cooking barley water... V yummy and good for tods on hot days!

So far i hvt try udon yet.. scare its too fat and my girls will gag.. Haha... Yellow noodle i hvt try also cos i read the ingredient it contain colouring... Will wait awhile longer before giving them..

What kind of soup u give? Im running out of ideas...
Old cucumber, lotus root, hui shan, abc, corn carrot, black bean, water cress, winter melon... My girls love abc and corn the most!
Hi ladies, congratulations on being mummies to be

I'm actually not a mummy to be (yet) and am starting my first IVF next month with Dr Foong at Gleneagles. I was wondering if any one of you did your IVF with him and if you can share your experience with me and what to expect from Dr Foong.

Thank you so much!
Hi lil

Im dr foong patient... Have a pair of twins on my 2nd ivf. They are now 19 mths...
Dr foong is a nice dr.. Approachable and friendly.. Puts u at ease too...

What u wana know? I can share with u my experience..
Hi Baby, thanks for the assurance. I failed 3 IUI with him despite regular ovulation, 2 eggs, etc and he diagnosed me with unexplained infertility. My confidence was wavering but I feel better now with your assurance as well as from other ladies in the IVF thread.

If you can share in general the whole process with me, that will be greatly appreciated. It will help mentally prepare me for the process ahead. I'm starting on 1 Aug. Thank you so much!
I did numerous of iuis with dr foong as well before succeeding on 2nd ivf try. Iui success rate is not very high.. Its very similar to normal intercourse... So if u have no luck in normal intercourse then chances of successful iui is not high either...

Ivf needs abt a month plus of time... Starts with oral medication to start off a cycle then proceed with injection... Regular scanning required to monitor the eggs growth... Then once mature its time for eggs extraction... U will be sedated so no pain will be felt... Afterwhich will be the big day whereby the best few embryos will be placed inside yr uterus... Usually for first ivf, dr f will put in 2 embryos...

My first ivf i have first grade 2 embryos... But i failed.. Even dr f is surprised that none of the embryos implanted. For my 2nd ivf, my embryos are not as good... Surprising i succeeded... I place 3 embryos... And 2 implanted... A twins! So i guess luck place a impt role in ivf... I didnt place high hopes in my 2nd try.. I didnt even test hpt at home cos i alrdy tot its gone case... But i was wrong! Haha... So have faith!

Alot mummies here didnt succeed on first try... So dont feel despair!
baby, u can try burdock soup, clear pumpkin soup, creamy soups, or smtimes i just use apples, ribs and some honey dates n figs n almond flakes. chinese pear soup too...

my trio not barley fans. tht time fever i made, all dont wanna drink. i add to milk they also know! hahaha.. end up all the milk pour away n remake...
Last time i also make barley.. Both my girls refuse to drink at all... I put abit and add lots of water.. So dilute they also refuse... Same put in milk they also reject...
Cos i didnt put any sugar in it.. Pure barley... And i use china barley...

This time they are older so i use those ang mo barley.. And i cook it with winter melon.. So its sweet in taste... But i still dilute with water... Now they love it!

Yup i alrdy bot sweet date, almond dates to cook it with apple... So far hvt try yet...
Not cooking any creamy soup... Find it abit time consuming and also cos need cream milk so still prefer chinese type of soup...
Baby, thank you so much for sharing! I'm getting excited yet scared of the journey. I'm excited about the prospect of success yet so scared of failure because this feels like my last chance to have a baby. When we were doing IUI, we knew IVF is our next step/last resort. And now that we are on IVF journey, I don't know what is the next step if this fails. It's a frightening thought!

Trying hard to keep the faith!
Happy hippo, how is ur boy?? My gal is becoming super sticky and cries alot at home, wants us to
Carry etc. Like afraid we dun want her. Now I
Am thinking shld I stop this Childcare for awhile. Didn't expect her separation anxiety to be this bad!!
Gan, my trio these two days Oso ESP sticky. Suddenly all refuse my maids n keep crying for me! Even my girl who is v close to one of my helper only wants me to pat her sleep, feed her n dress her. I want to faint already. Set me thinking if they k sense d maids r leaving or coincidentally all going thru bad separation anxiety w me! N I m home w them everyday! This afternoon I bathe one, two cry n scream outside for me. It went on n on until I m done bathing all of them.... Really Stressful day.
I fed linus who as sitting in highchair. Charlotte scream to sit on my lap n wants me to feed. Aft she stop, linus start crying coz he don't want me to feed charlOtte. Haiz...
Think I m going crazy soon!
my boy is getting more used to cc. his crying stop quite fast when we hand him over to teacher. just that he is super sticky to hubby, everythg must be hubby do, don't want me
gets me quite upset. don't know is it hubby sends and picks him from school.
give grace more time to adapt. maybe she is startg to realise tat she gets dropped at cc.once get used to rountine will be better.
Haiz... Me too facing the same problem leh...
Is it a phase for this age? Cos so happens our ones are around the same age... And the stickiness suddenly just appear!!!

My small has been very sticky to me these past few weeks.. Refuse my maid and even my hubby... Only wants me to bathe and dress her... Only wants me to carry...
Now my elder starts to follow suit... She will scream for me if she sees me carry meimei... Both will fight for my lap.. Keep pushing the other away...
If im singing to one.. The other will start to find things for me to sing to her.. Alamak.. Going crazy lor...
Is this separation axiety?? They are with me everyday... Still have separation anxiety meh... Lol...

Panda, both my girls also wants me to feed them... Im feeding one.. The other will open her mouth for my spoon..
In the end i feed two... Haiz...
My gal wants me during the day and hubby at night....she also wants me to feed if she sees me nstead of my helper.

Both of us are so tired...coz she wakes up at night, screaming for daddy...wants to be koala, wants milk etc...

Now w ar like super panda....day time must keep awake coz of work...
Even last weekend when we brought her to universal studio, she wanted to be carried most of the time....last time, she wld want to run around with us chasing her...
gan, grace is exactly like Linus! Day superglue me, night only wants daddy!! aiyoh... lucas n char is day n night superglue me...

baby, i dont mind feeding two together..but they both dont want me to feed the other! haiz... my eldest worst! refuse to eat when eated w the bro.. only eats if he is in a room by himself without his siblings!

i suspect its a phase they go thru...

i tried a new soup today.. white fungus apple soup. i used apples, fresh white fungus, carrots, ribs, honey date, red dates, fig n lotus seed...
pandawife, gan, baby,
can ask what food u cook for lunch and dinner? my boy has been refusing dinner coz I keep give rice, mixed veg and minced pork.
