IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi mummies
Wow so quiet here. Can I check if maid need to call home in indonesia,whats most cost effective way? Buy calling cards? Buy from where huh? Tks

Happyhippo, can buy from buzz kiosks. Think 7-11 is also selling. Note, if using those calling cards from handphone, u are paying for airtime charge also.

I have been using mediaring. Add 1551 in front. Calling card has too many numbers to call. My ex maid cannot cope. Lol.

i got this card from the western union counter at sing post. its the cheapest so far i hv seen. $4.50 with more than 1 hour of talk time. this card can only call indonesia..
tks for your fast replies.
think i go buy calling cards safer, at least maid can be accountable for her spending.
think she got no sense of saving hard earned $$. last mth got her $20 salary, within 2 wks already go buy wallet and earrings. i only found out she bought earrings when i sudden saw her having 4 earrings on one ear and 1 earring on the other ear. so havoc, gave me a shock actually coz she looked quite tame, so looks/behaviour in front of us can be quite deceiving, really don't know what's up their minds, which means can be dangerous too!
i told her to take off immediately, told her no jewellery at all times else my boy will pull.

what is mediaring? is it those international call services where you dial their codes in front? not calling cards ya?
Baby, I remember you bought tht happycall set including pots?? Is it good for cooking soup? Can slowly cook on low fire n the water doesn't dry up quickly??

Now my kids everyday ask for soup. My soup pot not big enuff to cook once for both meals. Hv to get a bigger one.

Both ur girls very good size, u hv done a good job feeding them! ;) they r close to my boys who r 11+. Getting too heavy for me to carry! N always both of them want me to carry together! I can carry both from home walk to next block carpark coz they refused to let my maid carry n my hb went to drive the car down..

Happy, I buy the cards for my maids n I tell them if they don't talk for too long per call I m ok if they wanna call more often. Can understand they will miss their family n kids. But at the same time I don't want them to abuse it.
I use the tanyu clay pot for my soups. retains heat well n doesn't boil off fast if the lid is closed fully.
Yup i bot the happycall armaid pots... I use it almost everyday to cook soup... I like it.. Cos it really doesnt spill out at all even in high fire... Even when the water level is at the brim once u close the lid it wont spill out also... I dont need to watch it at all... Before i bot it i use those normal pot always got to watch it scare the soup will spill out and make the fire went out..
The set i bot also comes with a low pot which i use it to stir fry dishes and fry rice for my girls... These pots are ceramic pots which i like..

Tanyu claypot i also like... I use them before to boil soup... Nice... But if the water level too high the soup will spill out... Normally got to close half lid to prevent spilling out...Unless u buy a very big one then u can boil big amt of soup and it wont spill.
U can buy tanyu claypot from most big departmental store like OG, Ck tang, taka, etc. At the kitchen ware section... The claypot is in near black colour....
Haha.. My girls are of good weight ah... Actually i dont really mind their weight as long as they eat well... They also getting v heavy to carry! Even with sling also breaking my back... I seldom carry them... Let them walk.. Or use stroller..
At home totally no carry... Unless need to carry up to changing table...

U using what pot to cook soup? How come one pot not enough to use for 2 meals? My girls drink abt 2 chinese bowl of soup each meal.. I use have leftover soup to freeze to cook it with noodle...
yup tanyu is the brand. I like to buy from OG cos they hv offers like buy big one get smaller one free etc. there r many many sizes, u can go check out which size is suitable for u.
my mum has a huge one which can boil soup for whole family of 10
Grumpus, thanks! Will go OG chek out the pots.

Baby where did u get ur happy call pots? Mine from forum bp now I lost d link already.

I m using a small pressure pot. V good but super costly. A bigger size one will coz few hundreds. I might get one tanyu n one happy call. One for my mum place coz next time my kids go cc after sch will go my mum place for dinner.
Oh u using pressure cooker... I see.. No wonder the soup not enough..
The happycall armaid pot i use to cook soup is quite big.. I let my girls drink 2 bowls each and still have alot to store for noodle soup and stock for porridge...

I buy from Kshopzoa. U can go check out their website.
But i think bp got seller selling these pots. I bot for $175 for 4 different types of pots.. Comes with a stainless steel steamer also. 2 of the pots are the one featured in channel u...

Recently i also bot the happycall diamond black edition pans.. Hvt use yet.. Cos next time gonna cook dnr for the family so buy and put first... Hehe..

Tanyu is good also.... If wana cook big portion must buy very big one... One bad pt abt tanyu is its brokable.. I broke mine last time when washing... If yr maid is those careless type then must be careful liao.. Cos its not cheap...
After one wk of childcare, my boy is now extremely sticky to my hubby at home. Any idea if this is an aft effect of going childcare? Insecurity? What can we do abt it? Now tat we are both working, aft work barely hv much time to spend with boy...hardly time to bond
Happy, I heard a Fren mentioned this before. Her girl was like tht too .. It startEd 2 weeks after starting cc when she was 18 mths. It took her girl almost 6 months to really settle into cc and got used to it. Aft tht was happy n looked forward to going to sch, hv frens, and enjoyed d dancing n music classes. By then she was about 2yo.

I think I almost interviewed all my frens who hv kids at cc n how it was for them. Wanna mentally prepare myself n the kids for it. Now I send them off to my parents place for half day 2x a week. Will gradually increase the frequency .. They used to b v happy to go into my dad car n wave bye bye to me. Recently start to cry n refuse to go!!
Happy, who send him to cc and pick up from school? My girl is like that if I leave her at my sis place the whole day and my hubby picks her up. When I am the latter party that reach home, my girl can ignore me totally. Like fed up with me for abandoning her. But when come to going to bed or wakes up in the middle of the night, she only wants mummy!!!! That's where my share price rise again. Hehe
all ur frds send their kid to cc at what age? now i'm thinkg if 18mths was too young to send him to cc full day.

all the bks/articles i read all say kiddos learn/absorb the most during the first 3 yrs. shd i hv sent him for half day cc and take care of him for half day instead?

am quite bothered esp now that I've started work, coz he is crying every morn when we hand him over to the teacher, wondering if this is all too traumatising for him, will it scare him for life, will it affect him emotionally? or shd i sacrifice work just for 3 yrs to take care of him?
any mummies has any advices?

hahah u so funny.. share price go up.
last wk, both me and hubby sent him to cc, i pick him up. but this wk coz i'm working, my hubby send and pick him from cc.
he has always been sticky to my hubby. now even more sticky. i can't help it but feel very sad leh, esp when i've been spending 24/7 with him for the last 18mths, no maid, no confinement nanny. sometimes wonder what did i not do over the last 18mths
Happy, many of my frens send at 18mths to 2yo. There r Oso those who send d bbs to IFC even earlier n d kids learn n cope v well.
Don't think 18 mths is too young. Ur boy is not used to being away from daddy n mummy yet. Kids adapt fast.. It's usually us adults who can't bear. I know how u feel..
Since u r already back to work, hv to let go.. Look at it this way, ur boy has more frens at cc, trained teachers to teach. D exposure is more than wat we can provide at home. At least it's d case for me. Better than learning broken English from my maids! I chose to send at 2yo partly coz I can't bear to part w them at 18 mths! Worry about a lot of things.. Can't eat well, can't nap themselves, not potty trained etc! My Hb kept saying if send 18 mths d 6 mths they would hv learnt alOt more compared to what I can teach at home. And I also hv tendency to b overly protective. He wants them to roughen up in school..at home too spoilt by me. ;p
can't offer any advice cos my kids dun go to cc. but just wanted to tell u to hang in there n let yr boy hv some time to adjust. usually the initial separation is the toughest. ie the part where u hv to leave him there in the morning. many times they will calm down n get distracted by the other kids n activities.
possible for u to sneak in for a peek sometime during the day? cos then u can see how he is truly doing. If he is eating n playing n laughing then I think he is fine. and if u can see that then u'll feel better for having to leave him there.
talk to the cc n see if something can be arranged. <<hugzz>>
Yupz.. Thats the set i bot..
The big red one to boil soup.. The orange low pot i use to stir fry... The green one to cook noodle soup... The blue one i hvt use yet.. Lol...

Today i went taka... Saw the tanyu pot having 20%.. The biggest one selling at $90plus... I thk the medium size should be fine.. But depends how much soup u wana cook.. Cos cant fill too high else it will spill out.. Esp after adding in all the ingredients...

So buying both?
Baby, you brought up a good point. Tanyu one will break n d cleaning is mostly handled by maids! My hb ask me to try d happycall one first. If good buy another set for my mum.
They don't sell d pot only. I actually only need the pot for soup.
Later going to measure d size n order...

My younger boy down w common flu. Cough, fever and throat inflammation... Stress.... Everynight check his temp n watch over him coz scared he cough n throw up in his sleep...

Today bringing my eldest for his mmr at Polyclinic too...
Hi all, do you know if there are any insurance companies that cover for IVF-mum-to-me? In case the mum-to-be is admitted to hospital way before the due date because of complication etc?
Haha... Ya lor.. So xin tong when i broke mine last time.. And im the one who wash it!
Ya all dont sell the pot individually.. U can use the orange one to stir fry or steam food... The small green one use it to cook instant noodle lor... Lol...

I just brought my girls for their 6-in-1 boaster shot in the morning.. Dr say probably fever today or tml...
Next mth is the 2nd dose mmr... Thinking if should take hep A not... Yr trio taking? Pd say if travel often then take...
as far as I'm aware only a handful of insurance companies cover pregnancies n none cover IVF pregnancies.

there's only the insurance u're forced to buy when u do yr ET.
Took my girls weight at pd... Elder 10.8kg.. Younger 10.5kg..
Meimei finally catches up with jiejie... Lol...
Pd says their weight is ok... But speech wise on the slower side... My girls can only say papa, mama, yeye, meimei... No other words... Pd says by now should be able to call 3 words like ball, bus, car etc...

She saw my girls sucking pacifier.. Ask me to try to wean them off...

Easier said than done... Today for the first time after their morning nap i didnt give... Till bedtime... Will try to continue.. I understand with pacifier gonna affect their speech...

I rem yr girl talks at 20mths... Before that she can say any? Is my girls really v slow? Beginning to worry...
yup my elder only talk at 20mths. at 18mths she know alot of words but point only. eg we ask her where's the ball, car, bus etc she will point.
sometimes after alot alot of prompting asking her what's this, what's this? then she will reluctantly say 'ball'

at 18mths checkup i did ask my pd too. she asked me what my girl do to make herself known. i told her she will point, say eh or pull us to where she wants us to go. i also told her she understands perfectly what we say and even simple instructions like 'go get your shoes', 'go toilet for shower' etc. she can understand and follow
pd said then still ok, she's probably absorbing first before she open her mouth to talk.

actually pacifier should only be used to soothe them to sleep. shouldn't be sucking on whole day or when they're awake. gotta slowly reduce as it will affect speech and their teeth as well.
Same thing.. Pd ask whether she can understand what we say... Whether she can point when asked... I told pd they can understand v well but just cant talk... Instead of saying yes when asked.. They will nod their head... Pull us or keep eheheh pointing to the things they want us to give them etc..

Ya lor.. I also know pacifier only for sleeping.. Thats what meimei does.. But eversince we intro it to jiejie.. She wants it during daytime also... So meimei see she also wants.. End up both keep crying for it.
Now i will only limit it for bedtime... Awake time no no... Mummy must make effort... Alot of distractions needed.. Haha

My girls approaching 19m liao... Hopefully they can catch up soon... Starting to blame myself whether i did not spend enough time teaching them...

Yr girl once start talking at 20m started talk v fast? Say alot of words?
pandawife, grumpus
thks! definitely feel better after reading your replies. tks for the encouragement. abt sneaking in to peep, sounds gd idea but need to chk with school,doubt they will allow. already they always tell us to keep the separation short.
this wk i not so happy with school. ask them to do written update on whether boy got poo or not,also lazy, only say will give verbal update..sighhh...i want to monitor coz my boy last wk didnt poo for 3 days, that day got watery poo, give me verbal update how to track back, sometimes when baby fuss also no time/mood to talk to teachers.. am i fussy or wat?
my hubby was saying better not be too fussy coz our boy is there, later the teachers not happy with us complaining/being difficult, who knows the teachers might take it out on our boy. hmmm do u think such thgs will happen?
but i really not too happy with them, wanna get it across to them leh.

pandawife, did u mention that ur cc will give detailed updates daily? wat sort of updates will they give?
when my girl start talking at 20 mths it's very fast. cos she already knows the words n the objects. it's a matter of saying it out only. so one day she just start pointing to ball n say ball, point to bus n say bus and just keep going. by 2 years plus she actually catch up with most kids. at 4.5 now she even speaks better than some.

actually u dun need to purposely teach them just need to keep talking to them. even when u r cooking or watever u can just talk abt anything n everything to them.
eg my girl bring me a ball. I will say thank u! u brought me a ball. that's a red ball, mummy now has one ball. mummy wants a blue ball now, can u get the blue ball for me? now mummy has two balls n so on n so on.
see silly thing like ball also can hv a full conversation. haha. it's important cos they're absorbing all the time.
rather than oh a ball, thank u. n tats it
as far as I'm aware, updates like poo, how much milk, how
much solid etc are written. when it happens the teacher supposed to record down. not difficult mah it's just a chart, time n tick sort of thing.
how to give verbal update? so many kids they can remember at the end of the day meh?
their verbal update is when we pick up boy at the end of the day.
but the last 2 days, he was crying when picked up so no time/mood to talk to teacher. tat's why i find verbal update not good, not reliable, cannot keep track... ya lor i quite annoyed tat they dont want to give written updates. some more i prep the table for them leh.

i'm kind of taking their verbal updates with a pinch of salt, coz like u say, so many kids, how to rembr exactly wat for each kid.
Hmm.. Maybe thats the reason... Maybe i didnt talk enough to them... Most of the time they are roaming around playing on their own... And my maid has miserable interaction with them.. And i got to spend alot of time in the kitchen...

Mummy will make more effort from now on!
Baby u can also try singing to ur gals. I sing alot to my gal... And she actually picked up a number of words thru songs... I did it this way Coz my gal loves music. So e.g I want to teach her animals I wld be pointing to the picture of animals n sing old macdonald had a farm . Teach her the words row or boat , will sing row row row a boat... The songs I kept repeating Coz there are different words to pick up .. It actually works for my gal
nursery rhymes are good. I've got nursery rhymes playing on endless loop in the car n now my girl can sing bits n pieces here n there. especially the last 2-3 words of each line.
Baby, agree w Grumpus n Gan, both talking a lot n music has been v helpful. Smtimes I brain freeze coz not enuff sleep, I will just pick up a book n read to them.
I Oso find brainy baby DVDs v good for learning words at this age. The speed is v suitable n simple. When v tired I Oso watch tht w them, and I will talk about whats shown on screen. My younger boy can name 80% of the items tht appears in one particular disc.. Stuff like doggy, umbrella, house, flowers, etc etc.
Among my trio my girl is d slowest. So I focus my energy on the fastest learning one. He will parrot n the other two follow shortly after.
Think u don't hv to worry too much, most impt they can understand. Am sure v soon they will b yakking away!
As for music, it seems like kids this age all love music. It's one of the good ways for them to learn as well.
All my kids r down. Cough fever .. Haiz... Stressful night for me....
Regarding cooking, I find it harder n harder to spend time in the kitchen as they r more demanding for my attention. Now I prepare all d ingredients d night before after they zzz.. Cut up everything n store in lock lock containers. Next day they nap I quickly cook. Of coz its harder for u coz ur girls r on one nap. Mine still doing 2 naps.
I m even thinking of freezing pies and more patties Liao. Now still cooking fresh foods everyday.
It's not easy when there r more than one kiddo d same age. Even harder when u don't hv good helpers. So don't feel bad ok. Just settled all of them zzzz.. Going to grab some sleep too...

At least your girls know how to address you all. My elder girl will only address when you ask her to say "ma-ma", the younger girl dont even want to talk, only babbling for her. We have been stimulating them alot but still dont want to talk. So dont know if I want to be stressed or not coz my hb also slow in talking. Think he only talks when he is 5.
Panda, gan, grumpus
Thanks mummies for all the suggestions.. Heeee
I did play music and sing along with them.. But they didnt really sing out with me... They did follow the actions in the music like "if u happy clap yr hands" my girls will clap without me saying...

In car journeys also play nursey music... If i play our adult music they will protest till i play their music! Lol...

Ya lor... Im sure u understand my situation... They are demanding lots of my attention esp my small girl who is getting v clingy to me.. Doesnt even want my hubby... Now even dont want my maid to bathe her... Will cry all the way... Now i got to bathe her instead...

Whole day im busy playing with them... Quickly cook then bathe them.. Most of the times i got to feed both... Sometimes i feel like breaking down... I guess the thing is cos i dont have a good helper... My maid keeps giving problems.. I alrdy apply for a new one.. Coming in end july.. I got to endure for now..

Last time when they still take afternoon nap i have more time.. Can even read magazine watch tv... Now totally cannot..

Got to wait till they goes cc then i can have some personal time in the afternoon...

Yr trio still on 2 naps? I tot yr boy moving to 1?
I thought he is ready to transit to 1 nap. Now become 2 naps again. He can wake up 7am, 9am see the other two nap, take his smelly bolster n tell me he wanna naP!

Just taking care of their daily basic needs is already smthing b tiring. My kids shower 3x a day. All done by me. Occasionally my mum is free she pops by n will helP me bathe them in the morning so tht I can sleep abit more. Wkends evenings my Hb wil smtimes help bathe them. But majority of it done by me too.

Mummies like us need a lot of "shortcuts" .. Coz w the limited energy left we wanna maximize what we can do.. Maids will always b maids.. We can only expect they help us w d chores well so tht we can spend quality time w our kids.
Is it cos yr trio dont sleep well thru the night so they wana sleep again just 2hrs after waking up? Seems abit unusual...

I hope the new maid can be a better helper... Yr maids can sing and read to yr trio... Can help u feed... But mine cannot.. Can tell her many many times but still useless... So just imagine my tiredness and frustration... Alrdy burnt out with my girls and having a problematic maid adds up!
Maid really is just a maid.. She is getting worst each day... I guess cos she knows her contract is ending soon.. So all patterns surface up...
Advise needed..

My girls took boaster 6-in-1 jap on thur morning... My small girl starts to run fever 37.6 yday night... Gave panadol... But today fever didnt come down... Now running 38.4... Alrdy gave panadol every 6hrs but fever still the same..

Does vacination fever that high? How long does this kind fever goes away?

Pd told me possible fever only on the jap day itself and the next day... Should be only thur and fri.. But fever comes on sat night... We went east coast cycling on sat... Wonder is it due to the heat that cause the fever or its due to vacination..

If by tml fever still didnt went away should see pd?
Thanks panda. How are u managing? Do take care.

My gal starts child care today. She is sticky to me , kept wanting me to carry and she already got pushed by a bigger kid in class. Hope she can adapt soon
Gan, thanks. I m exhausted physically n emotionally.
Lucas is home sick n keeps crying. I hv to shuttle betw home n tmc. My hb n I take turns at the hospital so tht the kids see both of us rather than me or Hb Mia to b w Lucas only.

Lucas has to b warded for 3 more days. One day one night here I already buay tahan.

When the kiddos are sick ,it is tiring and heartpain for the parents. U have to drink more water and take
Vit C so that u can avoid being down.

Grace has a few classmates who are having dripping nose , coughing and diarrhea in class, I m now worried she will fall sick too.
