IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Skies: Thanks for the deal. I just bought 2 pax.

Been pretty busy last week with the usual running with the kids. Thinking of ending my SAHM deal later in the year, so went for job interview just to warm up but end up got the job, didn't think was so fast, cos I had some requirement for work arrangements. So then quickly thought want to go back to spore for a holiday before I start work again. Suddenly, felt got not much time.

Any of u keen for a playdate ? I will be back 25-jun for 3 weeks.

bubblybear, who will bbsit ur kids when u go back to work??

i hv scheduled to go down to pay deposit and registration fees at a cc this friday. suddenly having cold feet!!! argh.. kept asking myself if i m doing the right thing. shld send or keep at home longer???? how ah... haiz....

asked hb, he ask me back how much longer can i sustain taking care of them day n night, and facing my two helpers????? he also feels d kids will learn to b more independent at cc.. now at home spoilt by me n the helpers! haha..
I have to SOS my folks to help, not getting nanny, cos, i scared, no adult at home with the nanny, they up to mischief. But got to adjust the days for enrichment program to be on weekends. See how it goes, if cannot I quit again...lol. Cos I'm thinking if they both go to school, I'll be bored at home. I only work 7 hrs and no OT for my next job. And I intend to reduce gradually to only work school hrs

Sooner or later have to make the decision to send them away. But 2 yrs old is ok, I feel. I actually quite enjoy staying home with them, cos I take them out quite often, when I start work, then can only do weekends. Your hb have a point too, ultimately, depends on how u yourself feel. Even if they go cc, u need to take care at night esp. when they are sick, then go to work in the morning le. Chances are they fall sick often in cc also. No ideal way..grrrrr.
Gan, decided to send them to Cambridge @ Admiral Hill.. hb also find this cc most suitable.

bubblybear, if i dont need helpers i will wanna stay home longer. i also enjoy being w the kids.. but without helpers i cant handle 3 myself..even if cut one, i also cant bring them out, coz 2 adults to 3 toddlers is also challenging when all 3 run different directions or all wanna b carried...

u r right, no ideal way.. haiz.
How much is cambrige admiral hill?

Actually sending 3 to cc cost alot... Yr salary may all goes to the fees...

Have u got the seat for julia gabriel playclub?
Baby I am signing up weekend class so long waiting list. Can't get 3rd semester... Trying for the last semester. Have u got a place for ur gals?
Baby, Cambridge is charging $980 before subsidy. after the working mummy subsidy of $300, its $680 per kid.

We did the sums.. only partial of my salary will go to the fees.. and only need one maid instead of 2. with 2 income, its definitely better than 1 income n all expenses. i hope to b able to start saving for their university fees too.

the tentative plan is let them go cc.. until K2. Primary 1 onwards i go back to b SAHM again... take care of their after sch needs and coach them in their school work. hopefully by then i dont need a maid..

my hb's also v concern tht its taking alot of me physically to take care of their basic needs that I am not able to spend quality time w all of them. He feels that an obvious example is my girl.. she is weakest in all aspects compared to the boys coz she spends the least time with me. my boys takes up alot of my attention n time. she end up being w my maid alot..

we saw at the cc how the toddler group can sit together n listen to the teacher.. at home this is mission impossible for me. they all run in different directions, wanna do different things. even when i do music time, i will hv one singing, one dancing, n one bouncing a ball..LOL..
His mummies, sorry to join you in the middle if your conversation.
Hope everyone is doing fine.
Just want to know, did you mummies send your babies to those playgroup gym like session when they were before 1yr?
I feel like sending mine but just want her to have fun. But I'm afraid this will become a habit n I keep sending her for more in the future. I don't want her to feel stress by then attending such classes.

I'm looking to sign up for some insurance. Kept on delaying about this. Any good take for education n health?
Cambridge fee sounds reasonable... $980 for full day right?

Same thinking... I feel they can learn more than staying at home... The very least is they can learn to mingle with other children other than their siblings...
Also learn to wait... Else at home we always attend to their needs and wants almost immediately... All attention given to them. And before they can express what they want, we alrdy can guess it.. Lol...

U sending them next yr jan? So u got to start looking for a job soon?

I sign up for english class twice a week at 9am... All full.. On waiting list...

U alrdy on their waiting list? I tot u aldry in playnest and will be automatically go into their playclub class?
Baby the playnest my gal attends is mandarin but now I am going for bilingual Coz my gal can understands mandarin well but English limited so let her have abit more exposure in English.

Suyana the edu insurance I got for my gal is from
Manualife. The agent is a very nice lady, intro by grumpus
my elder edu plan from aia, younger from Manulife. hospitalisation for us n elder from aia, younger aviva
reason for change is cos my agent changed company n we followed her.

both my girls went for playgym n classes from abt 12m. I dun think it starts a precedence. classes at this age are really for fun. when they start kindy or cc u'll prob stop all these classes anyway
Grunpus, can you pm me details of the plan you had chosen? Or maybe can I get your insurance agent to give me details. I don't have one specific agent, my insurance are all over. So thought can get one reliable one to do for my girl. Thanks
Baby, yes full day. Completed d paper work this morning .. Paid $3390!

Plan to look for job mayb in oct/nov. need a job near home easier to get to them at cc in case of emergencies..
If cant find yet I will take some temp assignments first .. At least get d $900 subsidy for the 3 of them.
Wow... A big hole in the pocket.. Lol...
$680 for full day sounds pretty reasonable... My half day at pat alrdy at $900 before subsidy. After $150 sub its $750. Even more exp than yr full day lor...
All my nearby cc all v exp.... And 2 cc i tried to contact them but they dont seems interested at all... In the end no choice i get pat... Too lazy to go search more...

Yr boys getting better at sleep and eating?
Baby, yeah lor.. Big hole! Haha. No choice.. Everything x3..
The fees r fairly reasonable for what we will b getting.

My boys ah..some nights ok some nights not ok. My eldest Already woke up 2x in d last one hour. Younger boy sleep beside me also keep crying for "mummy".....

Meals wise alright except they all don't wanna sit in high chair. One eats in d kitchen, one in my guest room and one racing to n fro my hall... Stress..... I tried let them eat using my little tikes table n bench set.. Sit less than 3mins start climbing in n out of it...

Mummies, expo having Penguin books sales. Most board books $4-$6. Tmr last day.. 10am to 930pm.
Yr trio dine out also dont wana sit in highchair? Then how to feed them when outside?

My girls now starting to refuse stroller... Keep wanting to get down to walk and run... My elder worst still... See those car rides will scream for it... Haiz...
Yday outing is one of the worst... Both cry all the way... In e end we got to cut short our outing and go home..

Now waiting for them to wake up from their nap and take their lunch before heading out...

Where u buy tikes bench and chair? I saw it at the shop where we collect our cupcake kitchen..
Im thinking to get a cheap one from ikea...
baby, dine out ok...but at home refuse to sit.
u let ur girls sit car rides before? i never let them sit.. delay as long as i can. until now they dunno whats those kiddy rides..lol

my kids r also napping, after nap we will head for the beach for some sand play...

the tikes table n bench set i bought preloved from forum. only $70.. brand new set on promo costs $119 i think. the ikea chairs are quite high.. unless ur girls r tall enuff their feet might not touch the floor.. this tikes one is gd height. they can get in n out of it themselves safely...
Pandawife, I also didn't let my girl sit on those kiddy rides. I always find the music very annoying. I ever heard hokkien songs being played. Lol.

Baby, those ikea chairs are ok for our toddlers. Now my girl can pull out the chair and climb on her own without supervision. Below I put the rubber mat. In her PG class, she also climb on the chair herself.
Panda ur kids like sand play? My gal is not a fan of sand....this coming hong kong trip, will get her to d some sand play as my sis got a holiday bungalow by the beach.
Ya lah... Mistake mann... That day went dnr with my inlaws... They let them sit on the car and put in the coin... From that time onwards they will scream whenever they see those cars...
Haiz... Didnt know they will get so excited...
Gan, my kids scared of sand leh..haha..but all the more i wanna bring them for more sand play. next time the cc has sandplay once to twice a week..

i think its normal to hv cold feet.. mine still 6 mths away i also cold feet! for my case worse coz i hv been taking care of them 24x7 since they were born. but i tell myself its a matter of time i hv to let go.. i cant be a sahm indefinitely.. esp when there r 3 to look after..its just simply too tiring for me to be doing it myself..
His first day cried 1hr, 2nd day abit better coz got outdoor playgrd to distract aft we left. this cc only allow us to stay till outdoor play ends at 930am. Wld hv preferred if I can spend more time indoor to help him get abit more familiar. Wonder how otr cc does it. Do they allow u to stay half day with the kid?
Luckly he managed to eat well, but yesterday when home was more whinny and hear a few coughs. During grp play, he is more sit & observe, he hates shower coz scared of the shower head.
I see him cry so poor thg when we hand him over to the teacher i also cant tahan. So if u like me so emo, rembr to bring ur sunglasses when u drop him off

Thinkg back, I wish I had done more activities with him.
So mummies who r still sahm, dont get too bout down with hsework,cooking,maid issues, spend as much quality time with ur kiddos when u can.
I think grace shd be ok since she does juliagabriel.
Which cc hv u confirmed? When startg?
Happy I think I will cry if I see her crying badly. Going JG is different Coz the classes are parent accompanied , so I am always by her side. Cc she will be alone. She will start on 25 June at Cambridge novena. She will be the youngest in class so I am worrid she will be bullied too. As for showering , haiz now at home she will hug my legs tightly when I shower her, I doubt the teacher or whoever shower her will let her hug ... So I start worrying if she will slip and fall.

Does the cc ur boy is attending requires him to self feed or thy will feed him? Do they feedback
How much he eats or how long he naps? I m not sure if the cc Grace goes allow me to stay throughout but I have applied full day leAve on monday and 1/2 day leave for the other 2 days.
Have you started work? Getting used to working life?
Happy, for Cambridge I was told I need to b there for 3 days. 1st day just go half day, after lunch bring them home. 2nd day stay for nap aft tht go home. 3rd day stay thru out. 4th day mummy can be excused ... If by 3rd day kiddo still not ready they will Oso let us bring back before full day. They want d kiddo to b ready n not too much shock.

I giv myself up to one week to help them settle down.

If I see my trio cry I sure lug all of them home!! Jia lat! ESP now they can talk even harder, coz they will cry n call
"mummy, mummy". Even at night wake up don't want my maid keep crying for me, I Oso no heart let them cry. No matter how tired or even sick Oso crawl out of bed carry n pat.
Gan, Cambridge hv "daily report" booklet. Teachers will indicate whether they poo, had milk etc. if u need them to provide info Thts not in d booklet just indicate. The teacher will fill up accordingly. You can even get them to indicate if the poo is soft or hard! ;p
I v kiasu, checked all these. And if u wanna inform the teacher to take note of anything just write in there, they will read when grace goes there d next day. ;)
Hi mummies, long time dint come here to post.

My gal turning 2 years this week and has been in childcare for half day for about 2 months. The week before she started, I brought her to sch every day to let her familiarise with the environment. She would join her classmates in the morning activities including snack and outdoor till 103am. No crying nor separation anxiety. When she officially started her first week, I was there with her for the entire half day. Second day I stayed till 10am and left her without saying goodbye. From third day I did not join in anymore. She was alright in her first week but starting 2nd week, she started crying when we reached the entrance. She refused the temp checks, taking off shoes and walking to her classroom. It was heart aching daily seeing her cry and having to tell her gently and console her that mummy will be back in few hours, etc. But she was quick to settle in soon after i left. The crying continued for 2 over weeks although she cried lesser and was more easily consolable in the next 1 and a half weeks. From 4th week, she was fine and now, in her second month, she is happily going to school, in fact, she can run into her classroom and put her shoes and forget about waving bye bye to me. She will happily join her classmates to play right away. So, separation anxiety is normal in the initial days or weeks. It is a phase they all will go through. Heart breaking at first but just have to let go and walk away.
Gan, my gal's teacher will note down if she takes her snacks, lunch, whether poo or pass urine and the activities they do. They will give the menu for the month and I will know what is the mealsnack of the day.
Gan & baby,
Which cc is grace n your gals enrolled in ? I hv made a deposit at Cambridge too but I just enrolled my son there for our convenience ;| . Now I m revisiting the idea of Pats @ Halifax again ... Heard that they need to make way Soon...
Which play nest did u all enrol ur girls at ?
Same as panda... My cc will also have a daily report book where teacher jolt down notes to inform us of their learning in class and also the meals...
They also want us to stay with the tods for the first few days and gradually reduce the time till they are settled in the class...
The cc also have a website portal where parents can log in to see photos taken in the class...

I registered with pat school hse... Start next yr jan..
Also enrol in julia gabriel for playclub but hvt start yet...
Panda I heard abt the record book but talked to a few friends, all told me the teachers record down as finish all meals but they are not sure if their kiddos really eat coz somedays the kids seem very hungry during dinner,,,,so I m alittle concern since grace is already quite small size. Coming to 18 months, she is only 10kg. =S

Mik mik which childcare is ur gal in? I hope my gal will settle down like urs...can"t imagine having to leave her crying while I go to work.

Day, my gal was with Julia Gabriel mandarin class for 2 terms but stopped now as she is going cc. The mandarin class is twice a week... 1.5 hrs , so time spent is less than cc and the classes are parents accompanied.
Day my gal is going Cambridge at novena coz like u I enroll her there for convinence as only 5 mins walk from home.
If u r keen on pat at Halifax, shld enroll early as they have infant care in that branch n priority given to those bbs in infant care. Same as learning vision at novena, I registered last nov, but no placement for my gal as the infants in the infant care graduated to toddler class. LV asked me chck with them next year if any placement, but if grace settles down at cambridge will let her stays on .
Gan, Charlotte is even smaller! only 9.2kg leh..haha.. but she is petite frame lah.. n she is v difficult to feed.. only self feed very selected foods.. but the P assures me they eat well when they see the friends all eating..

i think when we send them to cc, can only make sure they eat well for bf n dinner...

the schedule for cambridge lunch is 11am. milk 1230 then nap. the milk is so near lunch is becoz in case the kids dont eat well, they drink milk. n come afternoon there is tea break before going home for dinner.
Ur girls are enrolled in which pat's branch ? JG seems popular. I m going to be sahm for time being so I thought of sending my boy to twice weekly play group where I can join in too. Now Considering btw play group vs gym where he can improve his motor skills.

Grace n my boy may potentially be class mates ! May contact pats @ Halifax again n ask about the queue. Bt I heard that their cc needs to move to make way for canteen building.
All the Ccs near our place are Atas n they are fully booked
Panda my gal dun really eat breakfast wor...180ml milk she is satisfied.

Day if u r SAHM , can consider kindy, not necessary go cc. There is a little wood kindy behind iras, did u go check out? If not u can check pat school house at Whitley.
Gan, i dont giv them full bottle in the morning when they wake up, otherwise nobody wanna eat bf too. i only giv 100ml milk if they wake up at 6ish. if 7am no milk coz 730 i giv them breakfast.. n breakfast usually buffet.. haha.. hv to offer different types of foods otherwise dont wanna eat too!

Grumpus, Aly looks very chubs chubs leh... dont look small size at all on photos.
I m not a breakfast person since young.. i dont want my trio to follow me.. breakfast is an impt meal to start the day. so by hook or by crook i try to get them to eat smthing...

lately my boys keep waking up at night for milk.. i already increase to 4 solids a day.. haiz.. think coz they r too active.. dunno how also..cant squeeze in a 5th solids without affecting the main meals liao.. :S
they r not expected to self-feed or toilet trained. they hv been using 3-4 diapers each day, so usage is quite high. i guess they will just change when it is toilet time.
startg work next wk, really drag it.
last 2 days he ate abt one small bowl of lunch, today not so good, ate only half bowl coz didnt want to sit at table, went walking ard. he nap only 1 hr, very little.

reading all ur post, hmmm... how come all ur cc allow parents to stay longer with kid the first wk? i could only stay till 930am. now i feel so guilty, did i throw my boy into the deep end of the pool right from the start, oh dear, did i traumatised him?

can i get some ideas from you on what u cook for breakfast? coz mine is very boring, mainly cornflakes, bread with cheese, a bit of whatever noodles we eat eg wanton mee. maybe tat's why my boy cant stay on highchair for long.
Gan, my girl still bottom of the pack, weighing in at 8.3 kg only! 10kg is good size, almost reach my boy's weight, and he is 50th percentile for boys his age!

My mom used to be teacher in those cc... She said because mealtimes are fixed for a certain time eg 20-30 mins, if the kid doesn't wanna eat or eats just a little, that's it. They won't wait for them. When report back, they will just say they ate half their lunch, or almost all.

Starting my kids in nursery in Aug for 3 days a week, 8.45-12.00, includes lunch. Already have mixed feelings now.... :s will let them join summer camp in jul to try out before starting the term in aug. *sweat*
Gan, I enrol my gal in Hampton, as I wll be starting work in July, and she will start full-day there, so my dad can help me fetch her and she can have dinner at their place before I bring her home. At this point, I already feel sad that I will no longer have more bonding time. As a SAHM since a year plus back, I really will miss her when I start work, sob.

Happy hippo, my gal's childcare only allow me to stay for the first 2 days, but they encouraged parents to bring the child in a week earlier to play and eat with the other friends to familiarise first.
Hahaha... My girls bfast also like buffet style... Thats what my hubby always say...
My girls can eat bread, oats, fruits with yogurt at one go...
180ml milk at 7am.. Breakfast serve at 830am... I prefer them to eat more during breakfast.. As a saying goes, eat like a king in the morning!
So i will only give 80ml of milk at 11am before their nap... Sometimes my small girl will refuse this milk cos eat too much during breakfast... Lol...

I enrol my girls at pat buckley.
JG seems v popular.. A long waiting list... Somemore fees v exp...

Oops... My girls seem to be on the bigger size... Months bk they alrdy weigh over 10kg... Now maybe 11kg to 11kg plus??
Both also on the taller side.. Follows their daddy... Haha..
Anxious to know their weight now.. Gg for their 18m jap soon.. Will only know their weight by then...
