IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Happy I have to let her know roughly when I am sending her back, told her in august but didn't say which day coz he hub wants her home this Sunday...this is too sudden. If. Am not working, ok I can manage but. Am working, without a maid, I think will be too overwhelming for my mum to handle my gal and at the same time maintain their home, I just spoke to her and told her to call her hub and say she can't go home this Sunday.
Now I must just quickly find a maid.

Your maid worked for how long already? Maybe u shd ask your maid agency to speak to her and understd her situation. Agency can also tell them consequences of ending contract early. I think maids often make up stories coz they don't want to work. my parents' maid lied that her father was sick.
Happy she came last April. The agency we went to close shop le. I already told her she goes ba k early, the agent makes more than her, she said she knows but her hub wants her home as he wants to go Brunei and work. Anyway I asked her call her hub just now and tell him she can't be back in indo this Sunday and asked him when he is going Brunei. She just told me sometime in July he is going, so. Old her I will book her tix for august, she said ok. Haiz, not first time, the last time her hub wants t go Malaysia, asked her home, she didn't want, wants to stay.
Will start sourcing for a new helper.
aiya I think maids always got excuses for this or that, very stressful.
I find myself scolding my maid every day. Only less on wkends coz I m out more and see less of her mistakes.
Need some advise. My boy when can't get his way, will throw tantrums, cry loudly. How can we help him to be more patient, less temper?
Need some advise here..

I need to buy forward facing toddler car seat... Can buy from where? Im still using my rear facing car seats.. Too small for my girls liao... I bot it at baby hypermart last time.. Maxi cosi...
I check maxi toddler seats.. V exp... Thinking where can get cheaper alternatives...
I send my kids to playgym once a week from 9 mths. My #1 also goes cc 2 days a week from age 2, main reason to give my parents a break. 2 is also a good age for me as she can already expressed herself very well and is fully toilet trained. They learn alot in cc, independence, listening skills, following rules etc. From 4 yrs I pulled her out of cc to preschool that follows formal school schedule more closely.

With #2, since I'm SAHM atm, I haven't decided whether to send him to cc, but he will continue with other program. He is learning and getting alot of stimulation from #1. I might just wait till he is 4 for preschool, where they develop school readiness skills too. Over here there is no stress in terms of linguistics and numeracy during the preschool ages, purely learning through play, so for me cc is purely base on need.

Good or bad temper is character. But must control bad temper cannot give in. He needs to be able to express himself, will be better when he becomes more mature over the years. Maybe when he throws a tantrum, try to distract him with other things, or even just leave him crying till he stops. Maybe cc is good for him as he does not have mummy to bully and also he does not always get what he wants.

I read that kids this age has no emotional control over themselves. thts y we find them throwing tantrums and all coz they cant express nor control their frustrations.

I usually distract them w smthing else. i hv a box of "treasures" tht comes in handy for such situations. toys or little household items that they dont play with on daily basis.

bubblybear is right too.. kids v smart.. will bully mummy! my trio does that all the time.. when i put them at my parent's place, they are much better behaved! but once i appear, all the nonsense starts... hahaha..
baby, i m using combi corroco. i buy tht coz its the most space efficient seat. i only use one..the other two hv to sit in human seats coz car cannot fit 3 carseats, 2 maids, and me n hb.
Baby I bot mine from baby hypermart. Maxi cosi Coz can use to 3, I Tot good investment. Now GsS maybe u can check Robinson got sale.
U bot a new one or its the infant to toddler car seat?
Mine is also maxi cosi... Infant one... Rearward facing... Can only use up to 1 yr old plus...
Bot a new one, the previous also maxi cosi but backward facing. Changed to new one when she turns 10 mths Coz too small for her
Happy yup. Ur boy still sit back facing? My gal actually prefer front facing. When she was in the back facing, she tends to fuss. Sit front facing when their neck is stable that's what I read
Happy my boy Oso sit front facing since quite young. His legs r long.. N my infant seat capacity is up to 9kg. So once he hit 9kg n looks cramped in there I changed the seat.
I just bought new ones from baby kingdom... $199... I didnt buy maxi... Cos too exp.. $379... Cos i got to buy 2... So i bot those locally made ones... Look not bad... Can use up to 5yrs old...

My girls sit in their backward facing maxi car seat till just now... Actually they still can sit in it but cos they fuss alot... Maybe cos they cant see us... So i wana change them into forward facing... The infant maxi can use up to 1 yr old plus...
gan, happy
my elder having fever sore throat n cough today. if she's still coughing badly on fri, will not be able to go to botanic with u girls
Grumpus, sorry to hear that Aly is sick.

Can I ask u, if the fever is caused by teething, what should be the temp range be? I thought my girl is having fever due to teething. But her temp went up to 38.4... Isn't this too high fever for teething? Or do u think it's a viral infection? How do u know if yr girl has sore throat?
just faith
teething fever is very mild. the kind like u feel is warmish sometimes there sometimes like dun hv

for my girls if sore throat usually can hear the voice change. when they eat they seem to swallow dry food with great difficulty n tend to drink a lot of water. more than usual. cough usually follows few days later
Grumpus, so my feel for the past few times was right. Like armpit, palm warm warm. She look sian sian. Appetite still ok. But drink milk always move bottle. Sometimes park the teat on the left, then sometimes right. So last night must be a viral infection. She's now attending PG... Like seemed to have fever easily. Second time already. Last time wasn't like that. This time round, fever with a little ticklish throat. Still dunno sore throat or not.
just faith
when they start attending classes they will fall sick very easily. unfortunately no way to avoid unless U keep them home all the time
Grumpus, no worries. Hope she recover quickly. Btw when she has flu , cough, no fever do you let her go school? The cc I am sending grace the teacher
Told me ok to let grace goes school when only cough or flu.=s
hmmm. I do send lexie to sch when it's the tail end of cough. like periodically she'll still cough. but if her nose is dripping n she's still coughing like every few min, I won't send her to sch.
Its alright to send to school if its just common cough and flu. I do that too, let them get immune to it, only when fever I will not send.
dont worry, hope your gal recover fast.
i brought my boy for hepA jab on sat, pd said shd not hv much side effect eg fever. but he seems to have slight cough and running nose, not sure if he caught the bug at the clinic. i quickly give him medicine. hopefully doesn't get any worse.
gan, when is the latest you must cancel your leave...just just in case my boy not well.

gan, pandawife
ya my boy still sitting back facing. didnt cross my mind to change since he was ok with back facing. just tat lately he seems to fuss more, so strike me to think of changing to front facing. do u put the car seat in the middle or by the door? i abit worry if front facing, he will be so fascinated with all the buttons/gadgets in front that he will want to stretch for it and fuss to stand up/get out of the seat. do you all experience this?
Happy no worries abt the leave, have already taken, can do
Other stuff with grace. No worries ya.
So far my gal is ok with he car seat. Rarely fuss but she does try open the door .. So we make sure the child lock is on Ie the door can only be opened from outside.
I think as they are taller, the back facing seat is uncomfie and also they dun see much so maybe will fuss
Grumpus, yes, u r right. When they start going to sch, cannot avoid. But this is the second time she has fever this month. Very sim Tia. Weight gaining is so slow. So fast to lose weight.

Gan, so far, I let her skip school whenever she is not feeling well. I think some parents may not be able to apply urgent leave or find someone to look aft their sick child.
Hows tins? Long time didnt chat chat with u liao....

Yr boys sleeping and eating ok now?

My elder seems to be getting better lately in sleeping and eating... We think maybe her teeth are out... So feels better..
And maybe recently intro pacifier to her... Last time she doesnt want... Now she loves it... I guess she found her comfort object... Together with her chou chou pillow... Lol...
So many mummies out there trying hard not to give or weaning off pacifier... Here i am introducing pacifier to my girl at 1 and half yrs old.... Funny right... Lol...
Hi Im from ICSI/IVF forum. I recently failed my 1st attempt IVF. Still pulling myself together and gathering confidence.

Could you please share with me how many attempts did you make before you succeed?
baby, seasonal..some nights r ok, some nights are bad. some days even day time super cranky!
my younger boy seems to b settling into a 1 nap schedule... with him only taking one nap n shadowing me the whole day.. its really tiring! i cant imagine when all 3 goes on single nap. i hope by then i can pack them all to cc!!

aiyoh i will giv them anything to hv them sleep thru the night!! hahaha.. both my two younger ones are using pacifiers. n i hv no plans to wean until all teeth r out. it seems to provide some form of comfort to them now...
Tutu, i did 2 fresh cycles. consider myself lucky. i know mummies who tried from 5-8 times before they finally succeed! pls dont giv up.. speak to ur doc and see how you both can work together to improve the next cycle.
Yeah mann... I will give anything to make them sleep well at night so everyone gets their decent sleep! Last time my elder doesnt want pacifier at all... Only my small girls uses it...
My friends told me not using is better... But i told her i will thank god if my elder use it... Haha... She say im crazy... Say i will have a hard time weaning them off....
I told her with 2 tods on hand... Sleeping is like a luxury...

So now yr 2 tods nap in the afternoon while yr younger boy stays awake? U can let yr maid handle yr boy while u get yr rest? Or he only wants u?

Same as panda i did 2 fresh cycles before i succeed... Before that i did fet and numerous of iuis...
Dont give up ya... I know how disappointing it is when yr ivf failed... Keep on trying and u will succeed!
Hi Tutu,

Sorry to hear about your failed ivf... But please don't give up. Like panda said, work with your doc to identify what went wrong so can improve chances of next round.

I failed first ivf, then did FET and got twins. But I have known of ppl who tried many rounds before succeeding.
Mummies, can we use wolf berries, red dates, honey dates, huai shan, dong guai in soup for our babies now?

Panda, recall you mentioning this Chinese soup for good appetite... What's it called? Can get the ready made pack from hock hua or Chinese med hall?
Working wife I have used red dates for soup , winter melon soup so that it won't be too cooling for my gal.

Tutu, I failed my first ivf and conceived my gal through FET. Jia you!
Btw mummies, thanks for the perspective on sending kids to school... Seems like 2 years is a reasonable age to send them. I am considering part time nursery... Like 2-3 times a week... From 8.30 to 12 noon. They have playground time, water play, music time, story telling, show n tell, number games, snack time, in 15 mins to half hour slots.... Do you think that's too heavy for them at 20 months?
Working wife
Same as gan, i also use red dates in some soups that are cooling in nature like winter melon, old cucumber etc...
But i didnt use dang gui, hui shan, wolfberries etc...
All these have medical properties in them... So im still hanging on... I think wolfberries are ok... The rest maybe i will wait abit longer before introducing....
Ok thanks baby and Gan! Yeah, I also told my mom red dates and honey dates are ok... Not the rest. Erm... Honey dates should be ok right... Dates is like a fruit
Working wife, my gal has been attending playgroup since 12 months , twice a week, each time 1.5 hrs but parents accompanied. The 830am to 12pm is similar to the time table for childcare, and they do that for 18mths or older toddlers, so I guess shld be ok. But kids attention span is short, so all these activities can't last too long for each session in order to engage them, the playgroup my gal has been attending has alot of play with some story telling, singing and snack time.
working wife
i use red black honey dates, lily bulbs, wolf berries, huai shan, wild yam n even nan xing, bei qi. but no dang gui, ginseng or other herbs.

I think 830 to noon is quite long. yr kids will be very tired after tat. most importantly, will they be on one nap by then?

My kids have been on one nap since couple of months back. However, I do think 8.30-12.00 is a little long and disrupts their schedule.

Currently, they wake up around 7.30-8.00, have lunch around 11.30 and go down for afternoon nap by 12-12.30. If finish school at 12, then lunch and nap will be delayed whilst they have to wake up earlier to get ready too... will see how it goes.. their schedule will change every 1-2 months... so maybe by 20 months they can last a little longer?
working wife
they prob can last longer. but if they nap later means they wake later means they sleep later at night too unless u're prepared to limit their nap duration. also they'll be quite
hungry by the time they get back since they're used to having lunch at 1130. no doubt a snack is provided at sch but it'll take awhile for them to adjust to the timing.
u could try to shift their timings before u actually start them.
adjusting schedules to suit sch timings is quite a pain which is why I waited till 3 to do it. haha

the hrs r even longer than my elder girl's kindy. she goes to sch from 815 to 1115.

My boy is 10months+. During weekdays, he's been on Porridge, fruit purees & fish cereals for his solids. Wkends, its usually pastas, snacks etc.

When he was younger, he would pick up the food and put them into his mouth but he gags on them. Now he is better in handling food BUT he won't be the least bothered when we try to encourage him to self feed.(by putting them on his high-chair tray). He just stares at them or will usually just pick the food up and swing it on the floor. Total failure in BLW.

Thankfully he is still v receptive to food when WE FEED him. He will just open his mouth wide open and his hands will be messing or fumbling all around. He refuses to take his own milk bottle too. And to make things worse, my parents are the old school type. They can't tahan any food oozing out/left around my boy's mouth type.
. I can only attempt BLW during weekends.

Any of your kiddos used to be like my boy ? Sometimes I tell myself its just a passing phase, but at times I start to worry ...
What else can I do to encourage my boy to self feed ?
day - my girl is 11 mths now & I only feed her porridge. I tried to let her hold puff & she's like dunno what to do with it. I tried to hold her hand & direct the puff into her mouth but she refuse so in the end the puff land on the floor! my girl also refuse to hold her own milk bottle, in fact she hit her bottle away in anger!

but not to worry too much, they'll explore & will know how to self feed soon. some kids gross motorskill is slower, some are faster. so just let them go at their own pace
day, I think u shouldn't worry about too much about self feeding. I didn't really let girl self feed since she was around yr boy's age. Cause i spent so much time in the kitchen back then preparing her lunch/dinner. I only let her play with food when we are outside or when I know she is not really hungry and allow her to self-feed. Lately she is self feeding on her own without much supervision. But then again, it depends on the texture of the food that I gave her.

Unless u r prepared to see yr food flying around, I really don't see why you should worry so much. Hehe

My girl just turned 17months.
I still hold my 4 yr old's milk bottle. cos she refuses to hold it herself. not that she can't.
slowly la. there's a lot of time to train yr kids to do stuff on their own
Day, its takes time to BLW n u hv to do it everyday..until they get the hang of it. if some days u feed, some days u expect him to pick the food n eat himself, he might b confused. esp at such young age. no need to worry.. when he is ready to self feed, he will do it... many of us grew up being fed all the way n still know how to self feed.

most impt is he eats!!


Your experiences eased me from my worries of self feeding. at times all the milestones on paper make me worry unnecessarily. Like by 9months bb should wave, clap, point but my son still can't do any of these tricks. The closest is his off-sync waving. When we say bye n wave at him, he will stare at us. But when we r out, he can suddenly start waving hysterically in the lift etc. Sometimes we wonder if he's waving or just swinging his hands. Guess, I must be chill on all these development milestones & as long as he's happy & growing well, I should be contented.
