IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Looks like all mummies are busy today... No one came here.. Heeee..

My girls just went to bed... A tired but free mummy now..

Just faith
Haha.. This is the best time of the day! Heee...

My girls so sleepy just now and keep fussing.. So i let them go bed earlier.. By 830pm both knock out.. Lol...
They alrdy play from 1pm... Too shag liao... Haha

Yr girl didnt take afternoon nap still awake now ah? What time is her nap?
Baby, my girl dozed off at 930pm. Oh... Because she is cutting her 4th molar, she didn't managed to get good sleep last night. So she napped twice during daytime. As I am typing this, she already woke up for the 4th time. Sigh!
Pandawife, my girl refused to let me apply teething gel this time round. In all, she woke up over 20 times last night. This morning, my hubby took over from 6am+ and I slept till 9am. My girl napped at 9am. Woke up at 10am. Now nap again. Sigh.... So ke Lian.

I have been buying new toys for her for the last few days. Cheap one lah. From Hdb shop. I can't wait to collect the kitchen set leh. Aiyo.
Just faith
Wahh.. 20 times... Tough on bb also tough on mummy...

My elder also woke up on off from 3am till she wake up at 730... Mummy also v shag...

Happy birthday to all mummies! U all deserve a big pat on yr shoulder!
just faith.. wow! 20x.. i switch to use bonjela... he refuse to open mouth too, i grab his hands w one hand, n the other one force apply.. no choice..after tht he will sleep.. haiz.. but he slept until 4am, woke up play again. 530 then sleep until 7am. in betw linus cry n whine non stop..:S

this morning my hb bb sit i sleep from 9am-11am after settle their bf and bath. lunch no time to cook hb went out buy yoshinuya salmon w rice..

i m so tired i need 3days 3nights of uninterripted sleep!
Happyhippp, what kind of lies? And why did she lie? Afraid kena scolding? I usually find out the reason why she lied in the first place.

My maid know I don't like her to lie. Always tell her to own up her mistakes first than to make up a story to lie to me. So sometimes when she tell me what mistakes she made, like broke a plate or forgot to do something I asked her to, I will tell her nicely not to do it again... Or what if baby walk n fell down or accidentally put inside mouth or what. My point is, must make my maid understand the consequences of not telling the truth...
Pandawife, yes 20+ times last night. Today, she napped at least 5 times during daytime. Each nap lasted an hr plus, the longest one was 2hrs n 15min. She didn't sleep well last night so busy catching her beauty sleep today. now she sleep again, dunno what time will wake up later.
Mummies do ur babies hit pple? My gal suddenly likes to hit pple on the face...like slap, slap ur nose, cheeks etc. I tried to tell er nicely she shouldn't hit pple, coz we will feel lain. She will saynsorry but next moment slap again..I am not sure if she finds it fun or what.

Any advice how to stop such behavior??
Me too... I also want uninterupted sleep!! Wish i can check in hotel to sleep... Lol...

Depends what kind of lies she make.. If its a small one i will just tell her nicely dont do it again.. If its a serious one then i will give her a big time..

Just faith
Wahh.. Nap 5 times a day.. Haha.. Yr girl really sleepy...
My girls just went to bed... Praying a peaceful night...

Yr girl cutting molar? Does it affect her appetite?
My elder lately appetite no good.. Always dont want to eat. Or eat some then refuse...
Baby, ya lor. She's so sleep deprived. Sigh.... No appetite also. So I just made porridge with butternut squash. She can't even finish her favourite banana.
justfaith, baby
today 1st time i leave maid at home by herself, so i gave instruction to do clean few things.
when i came back, she said all cleaned. i took her word for it altho i half suspect how come clean so many things in short time. every other day do work so so slow, trying to drag time.

so happen i went to get sthg & saw the shelf still has a thick thick layer of dust. so i ask her again if she cleaned it. she still say yes. i got a piece of tissue, gently wiped over and tissue was black. but she still can insist that she cleaned it.
wanted to tell her if she think im blind or stupid, but cant be bother translating.
wow this lie is so in the face.

actually i think she must hv told many other lies abt doing housework but i didnt catch her.
she is also the act blur type but actually smart. she even know how to use the reflection of my wall paintings to see us walking towards the kitchen then she quickly pretend to be doing thgs. sighhh...maids are such pain
I agree.. Maid is a pain... Sigh.. But without them also difficult.

Im in the mid of changing maid... Enough of enduring... I give myself a chance to start a new fresh with a new maid...

I called pat.. They still have vacancies for pm session next yr.
Gonna send in registration form with chq.
No they have morning and afternoon half day... But cos am half day is more popular so its taken up faster... Usually pm session not many parents want... Thats y i still manage to get 2 seats. As what i know due to the popularity of am class.. They have 2 classes... Pm only have 1 class..
Yah very amazing how the tots know where they are when they are sleeping. My #2 now don't want to sleep in his cot, cry and whine, took him out, he walk to his future single bed to sleep...After he fall asleep I put him back in his cot, 1 hr later he got up and cry. This went on for a few cycles until I surrender, 3am, I co-sleep with him cos even with barrier, the gap still big for his size and when he sleeps he rolls to every corner. Last few days, putting him to bed is a struggle, cos I tried to force him to sleep in his cot. Last night, no drama roll around and KO in 5mins, maybe he knows its mother's day, be nice to me...haha.

Maybe she trying to sayang, but can't control her strength or your reaction when that happens seems funny to her, so she continue to do it.
My #2 also hit very hard until #1 will cry sometimes. I will tell him, 'pain, no'. Then I will hold his hand and demo, saying 'gentle' each time.

The Hdb shops downstairs lor. Those $8-$10 per pack. I bought some vegetables series of toys. Comes with a cooking stove etc. I like to buy those toys with velcros. Can teach her to cut fruits or vegetables.
oh dear.... My maid says she wants to go back. It's rather urgent.... Really dunno if I wanna hire one again. Tired of training a new maid all over again.
whampoa still has those hdb toys. toa payoh has too but not the hub hv to go to those with wet markets then then shops ard them usually sell
Happyhippo, I bought it in sengkang/buangkok area. Maybe easier to buy those girlish toys for my girls. Hehe

Aiya, my hubby lor. Think he snore so loud that woke up my girl. She asked for milk, still can't get to sleep. Happy hrs from 230am to 4am. Keep playing on her bed. Eyes big big. I used bolster to poke my hubby face but only stop his snore for awhile then come out. He having blocked nose. Snore super loud.

I just booked ticket for her to go back though last night I told her 17th then go back. Keep her here but heart not here also sian
Oh ok will chk out whampoa.i find shopping at hdb shops quite fun. Can get Quite interesting finds.

Ur maid finish 2 yr contract? Going back for good?
Last time my parents maid worked 1 year then one day say her father sick wanna go home. But we found out sh was lying. That time so silly, shd hv asked agency to deal with her instead.
Happyhippo, we have no contract. So I made her pay for own ticket. I already bOught 225pm ticket. She don't know we are sending her back. Hubby is in today. I chop chop settle. We going Genting this Friday. Lucky never buy her ticket.
Just faith
Aiyo.. Did she tell u why she need to rush bk home? So she is gg bk for good or she will cum bk? How long she been with u?
U thinking to handle without a maid?

Now the salary for maid has went up.. Now im paying $340. Now went up to $420 for experienced ones... Excluding extra $$ to compensate for no off days... Getting more and more expensive... I dont mind paying more for a good one but its so hard... Seeing my current one makes my blood boil sometimes... Ask her to do things always give me a attitude face... And taking so long to do her things. imagine she take 1 and a half hr to take her shower and breakfast before starting to do hsewk... When i question her.. She will just say no mdm no mdm...
I find employers are always at losing end. The government shd look at improving the contract conditions and make it more fair for employers, quality of maids etc. just building hundreds of childcare centres is no use if mummies hv to worry & deal with maids all the time, not possible for mummies to get back into workforce.
Baby, started because her younger sis met with a car accident. Need $$$ to go hospital. In fact, I already advance her salary that time her mum complain of heart pain and need to go hospital. But because they need not give me the correct name for cashome (a facility for remittance provided by signpost) the money got ding dong ding dong and I made another transfer via western union (in all, got delayed by 3 weeks as we went holiday in HK). So her mum finally got the money, as I said 3 weeks later. And after that I ask her, she said ok already. What I m trying to say is, her illness doesn't seemed that serious after all. Since can wait for 3 weeks. Now another call, say her younger sis in hospital need $$$ so I told her, she just finish paying her ortang, I can't always advance salary to her. Then another call from her family, says her sis want to talk to her... Then another call, her sis wants to see her.

Yesterday she did somethig wrong at home, I scolded her. She denied. Then I told her to "shun-pa" (swear) since she says she never lie. I told her if she lie, her sister kena car accident. She got shocked. And admitted her mistake. At night, says she wants to go back lor. I didn't keep her lah. No point.

She joined me in may last year. She went back once for two
Months and I hire her again. I know maid are like these. Want to go back, use family as excuse. I have kid at home, if she no sim to work, then the best arrangement is to send her back.
Happyhippo, I agree. Flats are built by Hdb. And now new ruling says maid cannot clean windows or use bamboos and hang laundry. Our problem meh? Low wages, we can only hire lousy maids. The good ones also dont want to stay in singapore.
Just faith
Of cos.. maid who wants to go bk cannot be kept.. No heart to work liao keep her also useless...
Yr maid is indo or phil?

For my maid.. She is single.. So no family attachement or problems... Didnt even need to remit $$ home... Only send 2 times $$ bk... But its her attitude i cant stand. And she is v slow... Slow i can still tolerate.... But bad attitude is no no.
Ask her to take care my tods.. She just sit on the floor with them.. No interation one... She didint talk to my girls.. Just sit and daydream... When they fuss.. She just carry one of them...my girl will just continue to cry...
I told her u should play with them.. Else they will just continue to cry.. I need a helper not a statue.
Baby i am paying $450 for my maid le. She only has 2.5 years exp in saudi. She is also very slow in her work but haave to close 1 eye Coz can see she likes my gal and takes care of her.
Indo or phil?
$450 includes no day off? Or u give her off day?

When u working, yr maid and girl goes to yr mother pl? Any complains frm yr mother? Cos i feel sometimes they show affectionate with bb is a show... When employer not ard is a different story... But of cos they are also geniune ones la..
Mine indo, no off day. My mum only complains abt her breaking bowls etc, left over uncooked vege in fridge, never keep properly etc.

My maid asks me when grace is going cc n if full day. Told her yes full day, she said will be boring without my gal. U can tell from the kids if the maid is ok. My gal will sometimes peep into the kitchen and call her , or ask her to play , so I suppose she is ok with my gal that is why my gal goes to her
Hmm.. thinking of it... My girls never goes or call out to my maid even when she is whole day with them... When my maid doing chores inside kitchen or walk pass them... My girls will not call her.. Or cry for her... It only happens to me...
When im inside kitchen cooking.. My girls keep cuming in to look for them.. Dont want to play with my maid outside..

Hmm.. Wonder is it she not good to my girls thats y...
can i chk if your maid's work permit is 2 yrs date to date. eg 1/feb/2012 to 1/feb/2014.
just that mine is only 23mths instead of 24mths. is this normal or is there an error.
btw, any of your maids asked to go MOM for interview. just received letter..sighh so lucky.. now got to take leave to bring her there.
Baby, she's indo. I just came back airport. Mum and I suspect because she couldn't take an advance loan from me, and hence want to go back. Anything lah, no maid, we will try to manage everything on our own. This morning I woke up, my maid didn't even ask if I want coffee or milo. Just hid in the kitchen. Think she didn't sleep well. Puffy eyes. But I heck care Liao. Pay her salary, help her to rupiah. My mum was with me.
baby, i recalled u mentioned before tht ur maid used to teach ur girls' stuff n do flash cards w them?? her change in attitude is smthing that happened recently not day 1 right?

kids are the best judge to tell if the helper is good w them... my maids cmi at housework. but v gd w my kids... my boys will call them "auntie" v affectionately thru the day.. of coz there are also times they wanna look for me when i m cooking n refuse them. but thts only normal coz i m the mummy... no matter how good a maid is, will not be able to replace the mummy one..

come night time, all dont want maids.. i hv been co bedding w my boys for many nights.. last night both wake up n cry at 11+ in their room, my maids went in, each carry one, both continue to cry and call "mummy! mummy!" .. in the end hb n i take one each then they stop.....

my two maids both ex sg.. w experience in taking care of bb from nb. one is $450, one is $500... no off days too.. all inclusive.

r u getting another filipino ?
Now u ask me i rem... Doing flash cards and teaching scenes are long gone... Long time didnt see it liao.. Now ask her to take care is only physically sitting there.. Thou sometimes i do see her play with them...
I wonder is it cos her contract ending soon... Ending in oct.. So she cant be bothered. Maybe also lately i scold her a few times... Since she come into my family i seldom scold her.. So she maybe not happy cos i scold her..

In what sense yr maids are good with yr trio? They keep playing with them? Alot of engagements with they are with yr trio?

Yup im getting another phil. Dont thk i wana get indo cos of language barrier... And also due to cant eat pork issue...
Yeah a lot engagements. From day 1 I want them to sing, read n talk to d kids. So when I m in the kitchen I can hear them. N I often hear d kids laugh a lot when I m cooking. But all this Oso part of trainIng too. I teach them how to distract, how to play with them n brief them what each of my trio likes n dont likes... So they know what to do when they fuss...
Nowadays they handle most of the feeding. When they feed I will eat my lunch or bf in peace.
Jus faith
Ya lor.. whatever the reason is... Dont care la since she alrdy went bk...

If i have only 1 tod to handle.. I would have alrdy sent my maid bk long time ago... Rather tire myself than to face problematic maid. I have no choice now.. I cant handle 2 tods myself alone. So i can only send her bk when the new one comes.
Then its my fault.. I didnt teach my maid to do that... She didnt talk much to my tods.. When im cooking i dont hear anytin from her.. Only can hear my tods screaming...

Both yr maids feed 3 of them? So good... My here is opposite.. We used to feed one each.. Now i got to feed both cos she cant handle at all.. And i can see she dont have patience also... Dont knw how to distract and lure.. Only know how to force the spoon in.
baby, i think ur maid is v smart. if months ago she already know how to play n use flash cards w ur girls..means she knows what to do.

mine is really blur n stone one. even wash dishes and how to wipe the dining table i hv to teach. even though they came w experience taking care of bbs, its also not the same coz every kid is different. it took alot of patience and also frustrations to teach them. even though now is better.. there are still times they forget n do stupid things... everyday i hv to remind remind n remind! it can be v pek chek for someone who only sleep 2-3 hours on bad nights.

yeah my maids can feed 3 on good days. half the week they feed 3 ... the other half we each feed one coz my kids will fuss dont want to sit in high chair. 2 feed 3 is only possible when all 3 guai guai sit in high chair.

i teach them to do activities w my trio n also limit TV time. they cannot switch on the TV without my permission coz i dont want the kids to b watching tv the whole day n maids just sit there and stone. but i let them hv free use of the audio music.. coz smtimes they run out of songs to sing use the music cds to do new songs..
Definitely my maid is v smart.. She is a u grad... She knows alot of tins... She even know different brands of cars... Lamourgini.. Ferrari.. Etc...
Once we walk pass the istana... I told her thats our president office... She says yeah.. Istana... She knows it before i can say..

maybe cos she is educated so she is v different from indo maids... Sigh...
Now im getting new phil without degree... Only high school... Hope it will be better.

Btw where to get those nuserary songs cds? I cant seems to get it at popular shops le.. Only have dvds...
I only have 1 cd... Listen till v sian.
Baby, I am back to property biz since late march. Finally see some improvement in my sales and now maidless. Lucky I m not those mummies that rely maid to do everything. So her sudden departure did not cause any major or serious disruptions to my life. I haven't thought of hiring another one. It is quite scary when I think back how my maid can put a smiley face and play with my girl everyday. Just a telephone call can change someone overnight and see her true colours. Actually I feel very very disappointed in this incident.

Pandawife, my maid used to be very close and friend friend with my girl. It's very obvious. But for the whole day, I only hear my girl call "Kak-Kak" once. She seemed to understand when I told her "no more Kak Kak already"
Baby, I like the mothercare collections.. hv 2 audio CDs from there, the kids love it.. one of them is animal theme..the cover has alot of animals like a jungle.

Talking abt maids, we came home around 10pm and discovered my fridge was not close properly....since 8am this morning!

Arghhh.... Didn't scold her just tell her next time please give the door a push when closing the fridge, haizz. Hope the tofu , milk are not spoilt
