IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Aly sleeps in between me n hb. if hb not in I use pillows to block off his side n Aly still in the middle. but I'm a very light sleeper. when she starts fidgeting I usually wake n check n pull her back from the edge. n my bed is king size.
but of cos accidents have happened ESP with lexie who's more kungfu style sleeper. Aly more super glue to me.

lexie now sleeps on her own adult bed with bed rail

Grumpus I have pulled her off the edge a few times ..but last night I had some night inspection, slept at 330am so guess was tired and careless .... I think ther right forehead hit the floor bad coz it's red... Think maybe I need to buy a guard rail...coz sometimes to accommodate her I have shift myself to sleep at the lower end of the bed.mine king size too...=(
gan use pillows to block la. cannot leave open for sure. although a few times lexie has gone over the pillows onto the floor. u can also check out something called dreamtubes instead of bed rail.
bedrail quite permanent la
My elder sort of sleep thru last night... She cried once 10plus pm and 2plus am... Carry awhile and she sleep again... Cry again at 5plus for milk and sleep till 730am before i woke her up... To me this kind of wakings is alrdy quite good for her... Of cos sleep thru without crying and milk is the best! Lol...
My elder is one with sleeping and eating problem now.... My small girl has none! Haha...

Have u visited pat school house at Buckley? I am also staying near novena. Called up pat and was informed all on wait list and my girl can only join in 2013 afternoon session. Now even want to view center also cannot. Orig wanted her to join next year but apparently no vacancies. Now not sure to cont'd waiting as never view their center and not sure good or not? U already got places for your girls?
Learning vision at gentle road also wait list. Pre school already like that. Later go primary school be even worse?
Grumpus my mum said dun carry my gal to our bed when she cries ... But how not to?? Coz she really cries until very Cham. Do you put any padding around ur bed? Thinking of buying those foam abc mat to put around... Touchwood if fall has some cushioning. She has a little bump on the forehead now.=(

Xiao bei till now I have not confirmed a place in LV gentle road. I registered in dec last year for July intake. Did u check pat's school house at mount Emily? My friend got in quite easily for her gal
I called pat hotline. Did check which center no need wait list for so long but they say only beach road has vacancies the rest all got to wait.

Leaving vision I called to say want to view center but they say now no viewing due to peak of hfmd.

I only viewed Mindchamps at city square. My fren recommended it. Quite like the environment but their fees very ex. They called it investment at $1702 per month.

Did u realise nowadays all cc using china teachers to teach chinese. Dunno next time our kids will speak china accent Chinese or not?
Xiao bei actually I think china teAcher to teach mandarin is a good idea Coz the pronunciation is better. In Julia Gabriel, the mandarin teacher also from china.

How old is ur bb? I heard abt mind champ but ex... Based on what u say it wil cost $20400 a year!! This is the amount I paid for 4 years of Uni last time!!
I also can't tahan the crying tats y end up co sleep with my elder until 2yr old n still co sleep with my younger.

I got no padding ard the bed my bed is platform bed so is lower. but if fall is fall 2 steps

Have you tried to let Grace cry it out with you in the same room? You can try that... when she cries, just talk to her in a calm but firm voice that you are there, but you cannot carry her, she needs to sleep now. Then you just pretend to sleep on your bed and ignore if she continues to cry.

I think need to be tough in this situation... cuz they already know that when they cry, we will just carry them and put on the bed. So if you show her that you are not going to respond, after a few times, she might get the message.

When the babies were younger, I also couldn't do the crying method, but now I feel that they are older, it should be ok to do it. When they hit terrible twos, they will be throwing more tantrums, rolling around on the floor, crying their hearts out (even have some friends the kid can cry until vomit etc)... we cannot give in each time right? One time pain, for their benefit.

As for the fact that its hard to put her to sleep, have a standard routine every night, and when its time to sleep, just put her in the cot and let her roll around. Since you spend one hour patting now, might as well let her roll around on her own for one hour and just ignore her. Hopefully she will learn to fall asleep on her own.

Btw, my boy fell off the bed once before... he was around 10 months.

I put him on the bed as he was crying in the cot, and I must have closed my eyes for a moment, next thing I knew... bam!! I didn't even see how he fell, he was on his back on the floor.

Brought him to doc, and doctor said when they fall, just observe for losing consciousness, vomitting etc. Do this test if their eyes can follow your finger when you wave it in front of them. Doc said usually falls from the bed (around 2 meters) SHOULD not be a problem.

Needless to say, that was the last time I put them on the bed to sleep ever again
Forced me to train them to sleep in the cot. Oh, and I also converted to mattress on the floor in my nursery room for those times when baby is sick, and can't sleep well... then I put them on that bed to sleep with them.
Xiao bei
How come no viewing allow?
Im planning to send them next yr jan.. For afternoon session only.. I visited buckley, mount emily and whitley... Hvt really decide which one.. Mount emily is non air con environment... The rest all aircon...

Mindchamp good? Its located in city square shopping centre? Means no outdoor area?

My girl is now 14 mth. I am taking care of her alone since she was born so now she only sticks to me. Have prob even leaving her at my mum place so tot to look for cc earlier. Mind champs is really like sending child to uni. So costly.They claimed sending child there then no need for other enrichment prog. I saw my fren always posting the gourmet lesson that her child has and it looks quite interesting.


I called pat hotline. They only allow me to be under wait list. They say only when there is vacancies then I can arrange to view the center. I called twice and both times they say the same thing which I find it weird as I qs them saying if I don't view then how am I suppose to see if I like the center or not.?They say since mine is under 2013 wait list then I can only wait till next yr then can visit Buckley center and theres only pm session avail only. So have u decided to register to send ur girls to which center? Mind champs got 1 outdoor play area. It's like a sky playground concept and they also got an indoor gym.

U are right. I did saw a few prc teachers at the ctr. Though I quite like its premise and their structured lesson but I find it too costly.

I just realised I type wrongly throughout. I am under 2014 list and not 2013. They say 2013 no more place so I can only put under the list of 2014 and only view the centre in 2013. Since u want to register next yr think u should call them to check again.
Xiao bei
No wonder they dont let u visit cos u intend to send in 2014.. As my intention is 2013.. So they let me visit.. The coordinator even arrange to let me visit all 3 centres in one day..
Actually i hvt decide which cc to send my girls to.. Cos i only visited pat... I called pmi and montessoir alot of times but no response from them...
From the 3 pats.. I prefer buckley.. Thou its abit old... Whitley is new.. Mount emily also quite new...
Hmm.. I think i better call them tml to ask abt the vacancies...
Actually I wanted next yr but they say for those born 2011 no place so got to wait 2014. So they say cannot arrange viewing. It's not that I want 2014.

Read from other thread cc like my first Skool all got wait list of over 50. Just wonder how come govt want ppl to have more children but even sending cc also got wait list.
Cos they enrol base on year... My girls are born in dec 2010.. So when they go cc in 2013 jan... They are consider 3 yrs old. And most pat only take in 3 yrs old playgroup... My girls will be the youngest in the class...
Yr girl born in 2011 so automatically can only enrol in 2014... Althou yr girl and my girls are only 3 mths old apart...

I finally receive my huggies redemption letter... Collection in 2nd week of june...
I alrdy tot gone case liao.. I didnt even go check my letterbox till just now i tot why not go check it out again... Surprise to see the letter.. Lol..
Working wife, talkednto my hub and we will try not to let grace sleeps on our bed any more.. Will switch sides with my hub ie he sleeps next to the cot coznibhave the tendency to carry her to our bed when she cries at night. I just put her to bed after 2 hrs! Coz she is used to being on our bed when we pat her to sleep, she cried very badly when I put her in her cot n tell her she is sleeping there... She screams n stretch her arms asking me to carry, so I try tell her can't sleep on my bed coz will fall like this morning. Guess she understands coz she cried badly for 5 mins stop and told me 'dei dao, bom' then sh played awhile, cried again to be on our bed...cycle just go on n on till she fell asleep..
Actually this is the 2nd time she fell from our bed, the first time she fell on her back when she was 6 months coz I didn't she cld roll n left her on the centre n went to make milk for her...rushed her to kk a&e n we stayed there 4 hrs for observation.
Really felt like a cruel mummy just now when she cried and stretch her arms and wants me to carry yet I didn't carry her. =s

Xiao bei, are u a SAHM? Actually u can start out with some playgrouos for ur bb. Such playgroups at ur bb age are parent accompanied, so ur bb can mixed around yet has the comfort of u being close by. Slowly she will get used to other people. I started grace with gymboree at 5 months coz she was super sticky to me... My objective was to let her mixed arond as I am afraid she is the only child, also to let her develop her motor skills. I think maybe it helps? Coz though she is still reserve when she sees strangers but she is still ok, ie won't cry etc.
Then the coordinator should explain to me this way but the weird thing is that they say if I want beach road br then I can go visit and start next yr to join toddler class cox their website say they start from 18 mth.

I did tot of playgroups. Did check growing up gifted at ue but not sure if it's worth going as read some parents commenting its not worth it. Tot of half day cc as I could also have more time to do some house chores and cooking as I dun have maid.
Xiaobei u can sign up for trial class and you will see if u like the way theybteach. Actually whether a course is worth, it' s up to us to say coz everyone has different expectation. Like my gal is in Julia Gabriel mandarin class now, I have friends who thinks not worth coz majority of the time is spent playing. But to me I am ok coz I think at this age I want her to learn through play.
Maybe we can do play date, grumpus also staying nearby, I m hopping to take some time off in June to spend time with my gal as work has kept me very busy and not much time except weekends to do things with her
Some pat take in toddler class for the year they turn 2 yrs old... So i think the beach rd one have toddler class.. Buckley do not have toddler class.. Minimun age group is the year they turn 3.. Which is playgroup class.

I alrdy sign up for julia... Playclub.. The class starts in june.. Say they will inform me end may on the availability.. I alrdy paid the registration fee...

Alamak now i start to worry whether pat still have vanacies for afternoon session next yr... I sit on it too long..

Better call them up tml to check.
maybe u can consider changing grace's cot to toddler bed. for my elder I let her fall asleep on my bed then move her to her own bed. when I carry her to her bed I will tell her mummy carry u to sleep on yr own bed.
the first week when she woke in her own bed she tried to climb back into my bed. but I just carry her back n tell her nite nite own bed. n I hold her hand from my bed. but she was 2 already so understood more.

June is good for playdate!! June is school hols so I hv more time
Strangely so many little ones here like to sleep on mummy bed but not mine... They nvr cry for our bed.. Maybe cos i never let them sleep before... Actually if sleeping on our bed can let them sleep better i dont mind heee.. Cos when u have a frequent waking bb in the middle of the night.. Anytin that works is a antidote to sleepless nights!
Baby I let my eldest co bed w me tonight. Usually his happy hour starts from 11-12... Tonight until now still sleeping n kept rolling beside me! I hv 2 boys w me on a queen mattress! Overcrowded!! Yea u r right, now I m so desperate to get sleep I will do anything... N I hv never let my eldest sleep w us until recently ..all along he sleep thru in his cot. I sense tht his gums r so uncomfortable tht he wanna seek comfort from being near me.

GAN Linus ever fell from my bed too.. I use pillows n tht time I went bb room n he was w my Hb. Aft we use a queen mattress on d floor beside our bed. So if really fall it's only from the mattress height to the floor..
gan, panda
my gf has 4 kids. all different ages. they all sleep in the same room with her kampung style. all mattresses on the floor.

she prefers it that way cos easier for her to deal with them in the evenings n at night as her hb always overseas n her helper doesn't do night shift. eldest already p3, youngest 1yr old
Grumpus last night at 230 I move Lucas back to his cot. 330 he woke up cry, my maid pat him he point to my room!! Looks like I hv to let him sleep w me until the teething discomfort is over.. At least he sleep thru I only hv to deal with Linus..
He hasn't been eating solids well this week, always wake up for one night feed betw 3-4am...
Keep me informed if u do have any play date with grumpus. Though I seldom post here but I do come in to read this thread quite often.

My girl also sleep with me. We had our king mattress and her 2 cot mattresses all on the floor as we din wan her to fall.
yr cot can convert to toddler bed? if not ikea hv cheap ones. they're abt cot size but lower n hv built in bed rails instead of tr cot high sides. so she can actually get in n out herself n not feel trapped
Grumpus my gal's cot can't convert and very small !! Only 60cm wide.will check out ikea need to take measurement Coz my room not much space.

Mummies let's do a playmate 2nd week June! Can think where we bring our babies
Xiaobei, I also have our king size mattress, two single mattresses and 2 cot mattresses on the floor.

Gan, my girl also fell from our bed two times. Though we had two bolsters and two pillows to block her, it didn't prevent the incident from happening. She also refused to sleep in toddler bed. She's always busy walking around and prefer to sleep on her single mattress. The cot mattresses are used to guard her from hitting the wall. And I also have another single mattress to replace our headboard.
Just faith
Hahaa I did almost the same thing I use the pillow and mattress to guard the wall. Actually she likes her bed as once she sits up she can see me and at night if she wakes up and can't sleep she will just sit on her bed and rearrange her pillows and bolster. Sometimes I just stretch my hand out and pat her to sleep. Many times I fell asleep b4 she does.

I love your Charlotte dancing video. Din know she was a dancing queen. Btw where did u buy the sound and pocket books?

Just wonder how come there's only pm session for the playgroup? Pm session would it be very sleepy for the kids?
Xiao bei, I also stretch out my hand to pat my girl if she eh-eh at night. Ever since I made this arrangement, I don't have to spend hr to pat her. I let her roll, play with pillows, talk, climb over my body, roll around... When she gets tired she will sleep le. Sometimes she keep tossing, I will pat her until she sleep. Otherwise I prefer she sleep on her own. My girl like to rest her head on our mattress. Her body and feet still sleeping on her own mattress. Is yours like that too?
Just faith
My girl sounds exactly like yours. She did almost the same. So cute. She could just climb her way to her bed anytime she wants to laze around.

Actually all mummies had their own prob. Mine not much on sleeping part. Only feeding is my biggest prob. Mine is very difficult to feed and she also don't drink much milk. On baby tv, find new stuff to make her open mouth.
Xiaobei, Charlotte loves music and dancing.

The pocket books r from NOQ online bookstore. The sound book I bought quite many mths back from a bp. U can try either noq or book depository. I m going to order more small board books from book depository this wkend.
Xiaobei, the vouchEr only worth if u not buying many books. Longer term more worth to buy their membership. If use the voucher can't get member discount.
Hi girls mothercare having sale on the last season stuff... The sleepsuits are 50% off, worth buying! Just bot 2 sets suing lunch for my gal
Alamak... Hmm... Nvrm then...

Hows yr boys now? Eating ok?

My elder having problem in eating.. Dont seems to have much appetite thou she still finish her food but must sort of lure her to eat... Dnr i cook lotus soup with soft bone pork.. Eat with pumpkin chicken fried rice... They love lotus soup.. First time cooking... The last time give them winter melon soup but they dont quite like it..
My boys seasonal. Some meals ok some not. Today is one of the better days. Lunch they had minced pork cheesy pumpkin pie. Dinner I just steam some sweet potato w stock, cooked teriyaki cod fish slices and quinoa rice. Hopefully my younger boy don't wake up for milk tonight ...

My eldest just stood up in his cot n cry. I carry him put in my room he continue to sleep. Don't even need to pat.. Zzzzzz.. So amazing, in his sleep Oso know where he is!

These few days super duper tired!! One of my worst weeks ever! Can't keep up d energy to do anything! Like a walking zombie ....
Yr boys really super glue u.. thats y even sleeping they want to be near u.. Lol...
Yr girl dont have this problem right? So yr girl is the one that is easier to look after?

U make yr own teriyaki sauce or u buy bottled one? Im thinking to use teriyaki also... I read somewhere can home make this sauce..

I also hope my elder can give me peaceful night... So far so good now... Keeping my fingers cross....
my elder was exactly like tat. after one hr in the cot she will cry. I pick her up she goes back to sleep. try to put her back in the cot, before she even touch the cot start struggling already. bring back to my room put on my bed continue sleeping peacefully. amazing right. my hb used to say the cot got electricity, will kenna zap
Grumpus, yeah lor! He din even open his eyes. He slept thru in my room. But Linus as usual wake up many x and 430 eyes big big. All d Way until 8am too tired fell asleep before d 9am nap time.

Aft Lucas sleep thru, char woke up for happy hour! Argh!

Baby I buy bottlEd ones. Making teriyaki sauce sounds like major project n each time use only little big. I use only half tea spoon for one whole piece of cod to b shared by 3 of them.

Actually all my bbs r sticky to me..lol... But my girl when comes to sleep is ok w my maid. Coz since v young I let my maid handle her when the boys r up n I need help. Among them she is most independent and least sticky. But v loud n fierce. When they fight she scream the loudest.

Half a teaspoon of teriyaki sauce is it enough for a whole pc of fish? Tasty enough? What other tin u put?
Put the teriyaki sauce before or after steaming?

My elder also wake up from 1am till 3 am last night.. And again at 5am... Shag mann...
Hope tonight will be a good night...

My girls are ok with maid when sleeping.. But feeding is the problem... My maid cant handle the feeding.. These few days i got to feed both of them myself..

Dnr i cook mee sua in lotus soup... Thinking what to cook tml...
