IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Will go mothercare check it out.
U mention one is animal theme... How abt the other one?

Where u buy the wheels on the bus cd in the link?
Just faith
Just finished watching the chinese program that talks abt maid taking 3 terminally ill patients... Employer has full praises of her.

Its so hard to get a good one... Must rely on pure luck.
baby, the link i sent u is an online store. u can buy from them.

the other cd i bought becoz my boy loves the song ba ba black sheep. its the only cd there tht has this song. previously he listens to it on a dvd... n one day can ask me to switch it on 5-6x! to reduce the tv time, i bought this audio cd for him.
Baby, I can't open d links w my hP. I think the big noisy book is a board book right? I hv a few big noisy book of different themes. These r books the kids k play n throw n chew!
The one I recommended is for us to read n guide. It's paper book, tears easily. But d story is good n will last a while as a story n teaching material. My kids loves d story cOupled w the sound effects.
This site has so many books not difficult to clock the $30! Lol...
Thanks for recommending!
I just bot the book and 2 cds!
It will send into mailbox or by courier? Cos it didnt mention, only say free shipping
hi mummies
my boy keep pulling the velcro of his diaper, sometimes when i busy, turn around see him, his diaper would either be one side dropped off or whole diaper off.
what is the next step from diapers? is it pull-up pants?
is it very hard to clean if poo in pull up pants? as in hv to clean standing up?
yes u can try pull ups. u r lucky yr boy still lie down n let y clean bum. but pull ups also can lie down n clean wat
My girls are still lying down when changing diaper. Im still using the ikea changing table.

I just finished using the last pack of the new huggies pull up XL... Left 2 XXL... I dont like this pull up.. The coverage is no good.. Cant cove the butt entirely... Not sure all pulls up are like that or only this huggies one...

I still prefer fitti and pampers. Dont thk will buy this huggies anymore unless got free toy.. Haha...
Same problem, even at night, nappy leak. So, I bought some rompers so he can't lift his shirt up. Otherwise too xiong to go through pull ps the whole day for me.
hahha..actually very hard to get him to lie down, must find lots of thgs to distract him. i hvnt try pullups, but wld imagine quite messy to change when poo...hmmm. think need to use to figure out how to manage.

the rompers i see are mostly for younger babies. like quite hard to find big sizes to fit bigger babies/toddlers. where did u get yours?
if yr boy can stand well then u can clean poo standing already. to remove pull ups u do not need to pull down like pants. can tear the sides open and the whole diaper just falls off
to clean, squat down n let ur boy lean tummy down over yr thigh. hold him with one hand n other hand clean.
gotta practise cleaning standing up cos u'll be cleaning poo till like 5-6 yrs old. keke
For girls its harder... Boys easier to clean poo...
Cos for girls.. The poo may trap inside the vaginal.. So cant just clean the butt behind... Must open legs and use wet cotton wool to clean inside...
So i still let my girls lie down.... If really messy i will wash with running water instead.. But outside cannot. so i will prepare container and cotton wool in case they poo outside...

Happy, i still let my girls wear romper at home.. I buy from carters... Now they are wearing sleeves rompers... Cooler...
I like them wearing romper... Easier than 2pc.. Just unbutton no need to take off any clothes...
I hv 2 girls n both I clean standing up since they can stand.
I dun think its a boy or girl thing
now if outside I just clean standing up in the toilet
dun need to look for changing room or changing table
Hmm... Maybe i hvt master the skill yet to clean poo poo while standing up...

Grumpus, how to wipe clean the poo poo inside the vaginal when they are standing up? I do change their diaper when outside standing with velcro diaper but not when they poo..
V busy? Didnt see u here....
Hows these few nights? Yr boys good?

Btw, u hvt register for any cc yet right?
I got to register soon liao... Scare no more vacancies... Keep delaying...
baby, haiz...drama here. i m sending one maid back tmr. she slacking in her work always blur blur distracted and giv me dirty washed dishes everyday. yesterday i scolded her she told me she wanna go back. i decided to send her back n dont want replacement. just me n one maid tahan until they go cc in dec. i hv enuff of maids shit problems n making me frustrated everyday.

the night before lucas was up 1-4am.. last night he was up 3-5am.. haiz.. now i wonder if its teething or coz he is learning to talk. coz everytime he wakes up he talks non stop!! and pronounciation super accurate one. during the day he doesnt talk so much..n always mis pronounce... :S

i m going to drop by kinderland next week to register.. yeah also worry no vacancy.. but tht time when i did the center visit the course coordinator told me to do it latest by Sept... so if i go now its still considered early...
I register for the english class... 2 times a week... Till now i still hvt hear from them yet... They did told me i will be notified end of may for the june class...

Did u sign up for playclub too?

Alamak... U also facing maid issue...
We just had a long talk with my maid 2 days back.. Told her she is v slow in her work and no initiative.. No patience in takin care of my girls... Can see she prefer doing hsewk than looking aft them... So these two days she is better... But still give black face on off..
But i have alrdy employed a new maid... Still doing
processing.. Got to wait for 2 mths...

One maid with u and 3 tods can manage not? Or yr family come over to help?
If u cooking, one maid can handle 3?

The remaining maid may have more work to do.. And she may say she also wana go bk... Sigh.. Forever problems...

I guess tins will get better once they go cc... Now just got to endure...

My elder these few nights good... Slept thru... Even when cry no need to carry her... Hope it will continue...

Lucas does that even when co sleeping with u? Maybe its really the talk learning.. Wana show off his skills.. Haha..
baby, with only one maid i hv to reduce the work.. n i need to help out too... i will cook their meals when they r nappings to minimise being away from them. at the same time i m converting the guest room into a play room.. going to cushion the walls n hv only some toys and a playpen in there.. so tht when i need to b away, my maid can watch all 3 in the room.

yes! co bed w me, wake up crawl n sit beside me call "ma ma ma ma" to wake me up! than climb up n down the mattress n says "up down up down"! repeats like a million times to me! LOL..
Baby I registered for bilingual playclub... Which is once a week during weekends. Can see my gal enjoys so just sign for her... But now I worried abt her English Coz she mainly understand mandarin.. Scared she go child Carr teacher ask her sit, she stands.=s

Panda grace slept over my mum place last night Coz I m down with flu n fever and she woke my poor mum up at 3am to play!!=s
Gan, my mum kept asking me to let Lucas or Linus bunk over at her place. She says maybe change place they can sleep thru. I refused coz its going to b very tiring for my mum ... i dont think parking them there to sleep will make any difference.... u just gave me evidence!

haiz.. i dunno when i can hv some decent night sleep... really very tiring..
baby, can pass me ur maid agency contact? i spoke to a few all tell me filipino maids must hv off days. urs dont hv right??

my other maid might also not work out. today i get her to take over washing the dishes which used to b done by the one i m sending off. she looked very very stressed washing dishes.. :S
How come need to cushion the wall?? U mean yr tods keep banging themslvs into the wall? Cos if u do that... They get too used to the cushioned wall.. Then what happens those areas without cushion?

When i doing cooking.. My maid will handle both my girls outside the living rm where i can see them... But if both keep cuming inside kitchen then they will all go into bb rm... Where its easier to contain them... And there is a castle inside where they will play peekaboo and go in and out to occupy themslvs...

My maid agency is JDM... I thk they only do phil.. No indo...
And they have agent there to do video interviweing.. U can view the video there... Yes, during interview they are told no off days.. But of cos it may be a different story when they cum over...
I went to best home... Most maids state in bio data all want off day. A few i interview over phone also say they want off day.
And they dont have video interview... Means all base on bio data.

Wash dishes also stress ah?? Hmm... Brainless job le.. Thats my maid fav task... :s
baby, they wont go n bang the wall themselves. but they fight n push each other. so might go n knock onto the walls... n the room is small for them to run ard.. one person to watch 3 of them is a handful... if i do it, ok..coz i m v fast n alert. not my maid. always will day dream on.... n yet she cant cook n not gd w chores.. haiz.....
But yr maid is good with yr trio... I guess we cant have both worlds.. Good with kids and hsewk... For a maid to be able to engage yr trio and to read and sing to them... I feel its very good... Dont thk alot maids out there can do so...

As for banging against wall... Its v jialat? If not, can just leave it... Else seems like a big project to cushion the walls...

U thinking to get a phil? So u will send this remaining indo bk also? Cos u say u only want one maid?
did ur maid finish her 2 yrs contract? if not, by sending her back did you lose any money?

quite xiong for you leh. do try to get watever help you can from your family members. u r sending ur trios to cc when turn 2yrs rite? wld u consider sending at 18mths?
It's readily available here in oz up to size 2t. I got some CK ones for size 12 mths last time, my boy can still wear as the material is stretchable and also he is slimmer now. In spore, I think u can try mothercare. or the shop( i cant remember) that sells Oshkosh and Carter's labels. Or maybe can try BP.
Does yr hubby goes overseas for work?
Im thinking if yes... It will be very shiong for 2 adults to 3 tods if u only have one maid to help u.

U alrdry sent yr maid bk liao? U send bk to indo or bk to agency?

My girls oror liao... Finally the end has ended... Can get some rest... This afternoon brought them to play water...

I notice my elder wana self feed... Dont want to be fed.. Food we feed she spit out... The same food she feeds herself ok...
Yday we dine at sushi tei.. Ordered garlic fried rice with chicken... She dont even wana eat one mouth... We give up..
Then she starts picking up those loose rice on the table and eats.. so we put rice in the bowl.. She self feed using hand... I try to feed concurrently... But she will still spit out those i feed.
gave her a spoon.. She eats using the spoon...

Make a whole mess on the floor.. Ends up hubby got to clean up the mess before we leaves else v paiseh... Lol...

Just now dnr gives them fried rice with corn carrot soup...
Actually its so easy to give rice or porridge than those ah moh food... Chinese food so much easier to prepare...
I usually cook the soup in the morning when they nap.. And takes only 15mins to prepare and fry the rice.. Dnr is ready!
No need to spend so much time inside kitchen... Porridge also v simple... Cook awhile on stove and pop into slow cooker.
Last time cook cheese sauce.. Mushroom creamy soup.. Pasta sauce... These food takes alot of time...
Lucky my girls like chinese food.... Phew..
baby, yes they r gd w my trio but i cant hv maids only play w bbs n cant do chores?? cant be i do the chores they play w bbs right??

i m sending her back tmr. no point keeping someone who has no heart to work. i m v tired.. like never ending problems..

i need a backup..i hv this feeling my current indon maid cannot handle the work if only left one maid. she is only good at playing w bbs too.. cant do housework..

happy, my maid only worked 13 months. i lugi agency fee lor..
Actually, ang moh food or Chinese food both have quick and dirty recipe. Its the food preparation and sometimes cooking time that takes time and if u have an idea in your head how to cook, its much faster than reading recipe. For Chinese food, if u need to prepare a few dishes, also take some time. But enjoy being a domestic goddess..hehe.
It's hard to believe maid can't do housework, then what is maid for ? What they consider as experience ? U mean their home country they also don't need to do ?
Panda the agent we went to already close shop, so u r sending her back indo direct?
Maybe good to get a backup ba...if this one cmi for housework, shld get one for the chores, at least the one good with children can take care of the kids.

Bubbly, my maid when she works in Saudi, she only takes care of kids, housework done by another maid. That is why she is very slow in housework coz not used. I heard in indo also like this....one maid for kids, one maid for housework etc
bubblybear, both my maids come w good bb care experience. the one i m sending back is a nanny in indonesia. she used to only look after the kids. there is another housemaid doing chores n cooking. the one i m keeping works in sg previously oso look after bb. the cooking done by ah mah. and when bb sleeps she does some simple chores.. but so far i observe the way she does work, very very slow and always not clean... makes me puke blood type..like spend alot time cleaning and not clean..
Of cos of cos... We want maid to be good at hsewk and bb... But seems like a dream... My maid thou is slow in hsewk.. She did quite well.. My hse everyday clean clean... But i dont feel she is good with bbs... Depends on her mood... If good mood she play with my girls... If not in the mood she will just daydream...

I feel if u only 1 maid... Even if u get a new one.. She may not be able to cope with hsewk and looking aft 3 tods with u... So in e end u may also get pissed and yr maid may say she wants to go bk... Unless u have other help.. Like yr mother or mil to cum over during the day to helpout before yr hubby gets home from work.
baby, both my maids are SLOW. i need someone who is alert n fast. and my kids sleep early at 8pm. she will hv 2 hours during the day nap, and after 8pm to settle the chores. this is typical regardless the number of kids i hv in the house. even look after 1 bb.. also d same.. coz bb dont sleep maid cant do work coz hv to look after tht 1 kid.

and since the 2 boys sleep w me, my maid can sleep thru the night. no need wake up coz my girl sleeps thru too on most nights. the last night feed at 1030 oso i do myself. middle of night my boys wake up ask for milk i also bring them to the kitchen make the milk myself. i never wake up my maids..

my parents says they can pop by whenever free.. i m not asking my mil coz i dont want conflicts with her.. she has her own way of thinking and until now think tht my trio v easy to handle.. n tht i hv a good life with 2 maids.
my biggest challenging now is feeding time... these few days all 3 hv their own patterns... yesterday dinner one eat in kitchen, one at dining table n one in the guest room. if only me n one maid i hv to either feed one by one or ignore the crying n make them sit in the high chair...
let bb lean on u n lift up one leg so they are standing on one leg only. that's how u clean poo standing n clean between the folds
So u know b4 hand they not good for housework, i c. Then why dont u consider get one who does housework and cooking ? Its housework that takes time esp. with kids at home. Some more u have to look after bb at night yourself.
I see i see... So yr maid only do hsewk during the day nap and after they goes to bed at night.. Hmm... Which means not much time for hsewk... No need to do any washing after meals and cooking?

I guess slowness in maid seems to be quite a norm hor... Cos mine also slow...

No wonder my hse always clean clean cos my maid spend alot time doing chores.. End up i alone with two girls.. Usually i play with my girls alone... My maid will go do washing dishes... Wash toilet... Tidy the kitchen.. Etc etc.. Only when both fuss alot then i ask her to help out...

If feeding time they cry and sit together also cant eat right? Hmm... Maybe got to feed one by one? Feed the easier one first then focus on the difficult one? Thats what i do.. I always feed meimei first.. She usually finish within 10mins... Then i will feed my elder...
Just to share my maid daily routine.

6am wake up starts wiping the mat, feeding chairs, wipe my balcony sofa, table, console etc.
Bbs usually wake ard 7am... Then she will feed them milk.... She will handle alone.. We still sleeping...
Then she will look aft my girls till i wake up ard 830am to feed them breakfast.
My maid will go bathe and take her breakfast then start work at 930am.
Vacume and mop the whole hse... Bathe my girls if my hubby cant do it.
11am my girls goes to nap.
She will then continue to do her chores while i cook their lunch. Once im done, she do washing.
1pm my girls wake up. Feed lunch....
Afterwhich is ad hoc jobs... Wash toilets, wipe windows etc.
Baby, my bbs nap aft bf. so maids will wash dishes, mop floor and hang laundry Thts washed early morning in the washing machine. they will Oso clean n tidy my bedroom

Same thing after lunch they nap. They repeat the same n Oso prepare the things for dinner n evening bath. They will put all the towels in the toilet, take out their pjs, diapers all in advanced. Dining table will Oso b set up for the next meal.

At night my kids sleep 8pm. They only wash dishes n kitchen, mop floor, shower high chairs, clean toys. Toilet washing is 2x a week. Each one in charge of one toilet. Beddings r changed weekly n it's done on wkends when my hb is around.

My maid still here. She told my mum she needs d $ coz she is divorcee w a son. So I m giving her another chance. 2 mths to try n she will swap duties w the other maid n see if it works out better. I m looking at Filipino bios n interviewing.. In case don't work out I have backup.
To b honest both my maids sayang my kids v much. I can tell they really enjoy being w the kids. But chores still hv to b done. I can't b running after them n doing cleaning up for them coz they can't do a good job!

Last night I slept at 4am. My eldest was up 1030 to 4am!!! I nearly went crazy... This morning he still having fever... I had to sit beside him while he napped, hv to run to kitchen check the porridge in the slow cooker, hv to watch d fire for the barley water... Both my maids no initiative .. My boy don't want them coz he is unwell. ;(
Hmm... What happens if yr trio drop their afternoon nap? Means yr maids cant do any chores when yr trio is up. Actually u have 2 maids, can let 1 of them do hsewk while u and the other maid watch over yr trio?

For me, i dont need my maid to look after my girls when they are awake during the day... I handle both myself.. Change diaper, feed water, play with them etc... I find it abit redundant for her to mend the bbs together with me... Maybe also becos i let my tods run around freely at home... I never practise following them around... I will only activate my maid when i need to take my lunch or go toilet... Or when both fussing... Or when i do cooking...

For yr case, when yr trio is up... 3 adults to 3 tods at all times?
Maybe yr maids too used to just play with yr tods.. So when it comes to hsewk they too slack?
U can try freeing one of them to go do hsewk then maybe chores can done better? Just my tots...

Wahhh... Yr elder awake for so long ah... So he keep playing when he is up in yr room? How abt his bro? Can sleep while he playing in the same room?
Baby ..my maids will play w the kids coz most times they wanna do different activities... One wanna read, one wanna play ball, one wanna piece puzzle. N 3 can run 3 different directions ..I believe in a lot of interaction w them. n my kids Oso v sticky..if don't hv 3 adults I will hv two fighting to sit on my lap ..n both want me do different stuff w them.

To me two maids to the chores is a luxury. House not v big n many things I do myself. It's not a matter of not enuff time.
Ohhhh... Maybe cos my girls always stick together...
They will always wana do the same thing.. If one take book to read.. The other will follow and sit down to read...
If one stand up and run.. The other will follow...

Today morning i brought them to the pool... And afternoon brought them to jurong bird park! Both enjoyed themslvs!
Its so hot over at jurong bird park... And so sunny over at the waterplay area... Didnt manage to let them play..
Tml morning gg bring them out for breakfast... Got to go buy fitti diaper for home use.. Finish the huggies pull up liao..

Baby, Thts good leh! Mine trio can't b anymore different. Always walking 3 directions .. The only time they r together is when they fight over something.
