IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Gan, hv u received ur redemption letter? i got mine liao, collection betw 24 May - 6 Jun.

You dont let ur maid pat her to bed?? At night i let my maids n hb get the kids to sleep. i pat they keep talking n playing w me leh. takes forever n by the time they already overtired! if my hb n maid handle within 5 mins all KO!! i can take like 30-60mins if i do it myself :S

baby, no new activities...same old stuff.. sing, dance, read n play toys. but i do buy new cds n we hv new toys quite often..hehe.. i m crazy about buying toys one..

my younger boy oso smtimes nap once smtimes twice. on days he only one nap i also cant rest.. non stop action whole day.. n he follows me everywhere. recently when hb back, he dont even want him. wants to follow me into the shower!

Panda I tried to be the one to tuck her in bed. Sometimes I am so pek chiak I will ask my maid to come in
And pat her but my gal will scream and cry very pitifully , stretching her hands to reach for me. I will usually Bu ren xin after couple mins, go back to room n take over. My gal knows I am angry Coz though I dun scold her but I won't smile lor and just tell her 'GAO gao' she will keep mubling GAO GAO but won't sleep so fast.
I received my letter too but redemption 2nd week june
there was a period of time my elder wake at 4-6am eyes big big. until now I dunno y. my younger still waking every 2-3 hrs

with my elder I just dump her on the bed with me to roll ard until she fall asleep. I lie beside her n pretend to sleep. sometimes I fall asleep before her. haha
she's been sleeping tat way since 1 yr old
Baby, I courier my form to them on the last day. I already received the redemption letter some two weeks back. You may want to call up and ask.

Pandawife/Gan, is your redemption at Tagore too?
Sigh.. i guess my mail got lost...
Same as just faith i send in by the last 2 days... And just faith alrdy got the letter 2 weeks bk... Even if i call them dont thk they will entertain me... Hmm...
Did you made a photocopy of the receipt? I am sure try can do something.... I wanted to send by registered mail. But dilly dally dilly dally. End up send by courier on the last day.
Just faith, yeah redemption at Tagore.
Baby u can call them to check. Mayb it's d redemption letter Thts lost??
I sent by registered mail.

Grumpus last night Lucas up 11-1. Charlotte 12-1. Linus every 1.5 hour cry for daddy n mummy like scared we don't want him. Scream mummy mummy, I carry Liao he scream daddy daddy .. Me n Hb pass him to each other until we dunno wanna laugh or cry!
poor thing man u. really panda Liao. my younger also like tat. wake up n cry n look ard like scared dunno wat. funny thing is she already co sleep with me.
haiz I tot my elder was bad, my younger worse!!

I just came back from Sydney last night. super shack but the girls still hv so much energy!! but it was a good trip, kids had lots of fun
Guess our kids having happy hour.. Grace up at 4am , sat on our bed and kept asking us GAO GAO.... (sleep in Cantonese) haizz I told her I want to sleep too!

Just faith yes collect at tagore
Hi gers, long time no chat !
My girl also that time scream when 1/2 way sleeping. Eyes all closed up but screaming away. Pick her up she become more violent will tense up her body. So instead of picking her up 2nd time we pat pat her gently & talk to her in soothing voice. It helped & she just rolled around n went back to sleep. Think having nightmare
Thanks Grumpus! My happy hour just started...zzzzzz...
Linus Oso co sleep w us. Still keep waking up cry for us.
I think we r the minority mummies w such challenging kids leh.
So many many frens tell me their kids sleep thru from a young age. I kept hearing assurances tht things will get better when they turn one, but hasn't happen. Recently another Fren told me by 18 months will sleep thru. I m keeping my fingers crossed!!

Baby ur girls nap in d morning can tahan until so late at night ah. Mine afternoon nap 2-330 still wanna sleep at 8pm! And if they stay up any later I wanna go crazy too coz I m exhausted!! Lol.. Entertain them whole day I m
Usually battery flat by 7pm. Hb takes over from there....
haha. when my elder was bb she was very difficult. ppl tell me first 3 mths. after 3 mths ppl tell me by 6 mths. after 6 mths ppl tell me by 1yr. hahaha
but my elder did get easier by 1yr. my younger is more difficult in some ways but in other ways she's easier. all kids r different bah n all hv easy n difficult parts
Ya lor... So many friends say their ones sleep thru from as early as 3 mths old... And told me they can sleep in the most noisest plcs... Which i see it with my own eyes... Her bb sleep in noisy restaurants... In a room with lots of adults talking and playing playstation... Etc etc... Sigh... My girls are super light sleepers.. Can wake up in slighest sound.. Esp my elder.. I guess that contribute to mummy bringing up... I let both of them nap and sleep in the most quiet environment... Cos mummy hopes they sleep better and longer... That result to today's regret.. Lol...

Yeah.. My ones nap between 11am-1pm... And bedtime at 9pm... Sometimes they cant tahan and fall asleep in late afternoon when we go out.. Esp when they didnt nap long in the morning... Like today both doze off in the car on the way back home... And when that happens.. My elder will be hard to ko during bedtime..

Now is my elder happy hr time... Hb trying to make her sleep...
Doing a new lunch... Fried kway tiao with minced pork, french beans, tomato and egg... Serve with soup...
Waiting for them to wake up from their nap.. Hope they will like it..
Sad to say the lunch is a failure.. Both didnt like it.. I guess its due to the minced pork.. Too hard... I find it rough and hard myself too... How to stir fry minced pork with tender result?
Baby, I also have similar problem. Sometimes I find minced pork too hard. Yesterday, I added an egg and marinate the minced pork. Seemed better.
baby, just faith, add some cooked oil to the raw meat. it has tenderising effect. normally when i marinate the meat, i will add some cooked oil n stir well before cooking.
Grumpus, do u know if its possible for 16months old to hv growing pains huh??

Linus suddenly after dinner scream when he walks. take 2 steps cry like v painful n kept touching his knee.. prior to this he was happily running ard.. no falls no knocks.... he just KO and still cant walk.. :S

if tmr morning still not ok i think hv to bring him to the PD..
possible to hv growing pains but I personally never seen it so Jia lat until cannot walk.
hopefully he'll be better when he wakes
Panda/just faith
I alrdy put seasem oil to marinate the minced pork le...
Cooked oil means we warm up the oil in the pan and add it in?

Tml i will try minced pork again... This time i steamed minced pork patties with chestnut... So not so meaty... Will taste better..
grumpus, i find it v strange.. when he sits down, i massage his leg from knee downwards.. he like v shiok, no pain no cry...

but when walking, only 2 steps cry in pain...n wants me to carry. my mum ask me if he could b faking coz wants me to carry! :S
Just faith
I just prepared the minced pork patty.. I put sesame oil and olive oil in it.. Now inside the frigde.... See if it helps.. Update u later...

Today 's lunch is millet sweet potato porridge with steamed minced pork..
Jia you ! U have 3, definitely tougher than others. Try to sleep during the day, so doing night shift is more bearable.

Regarding growing pains, maybe its the pressure on the knees when standing. When he is seated maybe try to rest his feet on something for blood circulation rather than let it dangle freely. My elder also complain before can't walk and straighten the legs when she woke up. But its nothing, just blood circulation issue, and straighten the legs slowly.

So where did you go ? Good weather last week.

U use fresh or dry chestnut ? I bought fresh chestnut the other day, those still in the shell, so difficult to peel, good test of patience.
we spent 2 days with sil then did Sydney aquarium, fish market, manly, katoomba, taronga zoo n finally babies prom at opera house
The fresh chestnut i use is those black ones covered with mud type... Not those with the hard shell...
My small girl finish.. But my elder dont seems to like it.. Keep spitting it out.. Only had half a bowl... My elder lately seems to be v picky on her food... She used to eat everything i give her..
baby, my eldest boy oso not eating well lately. for the last 1 week, will hv at least 1 meal a day he rejects solids. only wanna eat fruits n drink milk. i just let him be.

my younger boy naps all haywire coz moving to one nap and not used to it. like today he woke up 730. morning nap refuse to sleep ... 11am lunch he was tired...ate abit, refused. giv milk he also dont want.. try to pat him sleep he kept rubbing eyes but dont wanna sleep. in the end i no choice, took him out to the corrider, walk to the lift n back, he KO! at home distracted by the other two wanna play!
only my girl is consistently eating..but she refused to sit high chair lately. always hv to let her walk ard n play toys while my maid feeds her...
with the kids getting older, its getting more challenging to care for them. they all hv a strong mind of their own... wanna do what they want all the time! otherwise i hv screaming contest in the house!
Tell me about it mann... Screaming contest is a common scene at my home... Lol... Both keep wana get the same toy.. Esp my small girl.. Wants every toy jie jie is holding.. And when jie jie give it to her and take another toy... Mei mei will throw away the initial toy and wants the toy jie jie is holding... Duh...

Strangely my small girl is eating v well now... Even rice she eats well and fast... She used to reject porridge and textured food.. Still rem the days i got to hide meat in her yogurt and fruit puree.. And need to sneak porridge into her fav cereals.. Gone are those days... Now feeding her is a breeze...
Whereas my elder is a headache.. Always need to distract her with toys then she will open her mouth... And those chunks of meat or vege she will spit it out... She hates peas! Lol...

Both have their lunch and dnr in highchair.. I dont allow them to roam around during mealtimes... Only snack and breakfast i will let them roam around holding bread or fruits..

I guess now u will have more headache when they are changing their nap routine.. Means they may not nap and eat at the same timing...
For me, i will wake my girls at a specific timing in the morning.. So both will get sleepy around the same time for morning nap.. Else if one wake up earlier and the other sleep till late then i will have trouble letting them nap together.. And now they dont nap in the afternoon so i have no problem for 2nd nap.. Unless they doze off while outside...
Haiz my girl in high chair will cry n cry refused to eat. D boys see her cry Oso don't wanna eat... So no choice I hv to take her out...
Grumpus, mine out of high chair will walk ard. Cannot guai guai sit. Switch on tv Oso cannot sit still for more than 1minute type.

Last night both my boys happy hour from 2-5am!! Really sweat. Refuse to sleep n start crying. One cry the other Oso cry even though they were in different rooms..... I really dunno what to do....
Pandawife, why your boys like that? I notice if Gina skip one nap, she sleeps very well at night. No milk, no cry until the following morning, 6am then I give milk.

Baby, are yr girls also like that? Sleep better at night since they skip one nap?

Agree with Grumpus, diff babies have diff challenges. Cannot compare with other ppl... will die one if we keep comparing!

For my kids, they are still ok with sleeping touchwood!) but feeding is a challenge. My girl is very picky eater, and refuses to eat breakfast most days. She hates cereal and most fruits (I can't believe it... why won't she like fruits!!) and I am always concerned whether she is getting the right balanced diet because of lack of fruits.

My boy like Baby's elder. Used to be the one easy to feed, will eat anything. But now, when feeding lunch and dinner (be it porridge, pasta or rice), he wants to spit out the food, or use hand to take out the food and play with it. Or else, he will keep in the mouth chew and chew, dont wanna swallow. Headache!

I feed all meals in the highchair - bf, lunch, dinner. No tv at all, and feed them in the dining room, away from living room and play area. They've always had meals like that so I guess they don't know that they can ask to get down. Im praying that this lasts (touchwood again!)

Your kids are very advanced in their skills, can self feed, and can already say so many words. My kids cannot self feed yet (except bread, cheese, fruits cut up in small pieces already), and they can't really say many words. Especially my girl. I'm quite worried about her, cuz I noticed when she eats, she doesn't really chew her food... just move mouth once or twice, then swallow! I dunno if that is contributing to the fact that she cannot talk yet. She can only say 2-3 words... but she understands us well and can follow instructions. Am thinking if need to go see speech therapist or not... sigh...

As parents, there will always be something or another keeping us worried... :S
Btw Panda, do you keep them to the same timetable? Eg in the morning if one wakes up, then you will wake the others up?

I do that like Baby... I make sure they wake up same time, so that for the rest of the day, the schedule is the same. If not, no rest at all!!

You said your ones sleep by 8pm. Could it be that they have short sleep cycles? Noticed that the period between 8pm-11/12pm they sleep well right, and then after that 5am-8am they also sleep well? Its like they are having naps the whole day! Do they have a night routine which is different from nap routine? Something to help them differentiate the night sleep from the day time sleep?

Another thing is you can do like Grumpus... just ignore and pretend to sleep yourself. Don't carry them, just let them roll around. They will cry like kena slaughtered at first, but finally when they realise you don't bother, then they will keep quiet. I really believe children can be conditioned that way... just have to repeat for few times.

I used to do that when I was sleep training the twins... I can't bear to leave them crying alone, so I will be in the room with them, but won't pick them up at all. I talk to them to comfort them once and then will pretend to sleep and ignore the cries. They still see me there so they won't feel too abandoned. So many times, I fell asleep myself before they did, then i wake up, see they have fallen asleep!
r yr trio sleeping too much during the day? now I limit total daytime naps to abt 2 hrs only.
when yr boys wake they cry? or just eyes big dun wanna sleep? if eyes big dun sleep just leave them lor. last time my elder wake up eyes big big I just leave her on the bed with me n go back to sleep. when I next wake she has gone back to sleep already

working wife
I always tell mummies. kids either hv eating or sleeping probs. the lucky ones hv none n the unlucky ones hv both!! but mos kids I think at any point will hv one or the other.

as for speech, give yr girl some time. she's not considered slow yet. no need to think of speech therapist or such yet.
Just faith I think every baby is different . These few days my gal also only have 1 nap but come to night time.... Putting her to bed is just as tough... I almost want to cry putting her to bed last night coz from 820pm till 940pm she is still wide awake though she was up from nap at 2pm yesterday. I lost my cool and shouted at her to sleep... Both of us were shocked at my outburst and sh stared at me as this is the first time I yelled so loudly. Regretful.....

Panda if the boys happy hour at night, do thy wake up later or they are still up at their usual time?
Just Faith, I also dunno and wanna know why! Linus is opposite. if he dont get enuff naps, he will cry the whole night.. coz overtired. and v v hard to get him to go to bed.. once overtired he will become hyperactive. :S

Grumpus, their day naps are about 2.5 hours max. smtimes 2 hours. total sleep hours is 12-12.5 which is decent for their age. so cannot cut naps liao...

working wife, they used to hv the same routine. now linus is off coz he is only taking one nap. i dont want to wake him up coz i feel its a natural progression. sooner or later all 3 will move to one nap, just that its happening earlier for him. yes indeed its very tiring.. i hv no rest thru out the day. many times struggle to keep my eyes open during the day!

they will usually wake up n cry.. if wake up dont cry, turn n toss a while also will start crying. I am not the kind that can leave them to cry. my heart cannot take it. i tried..less than 1 minute i surrender.

last night both boys were up, in different rooms. one heard the other crying start to cry too! end up i had 2 screaming boys... :S

i dont think they hv problems differentiating day n night. lucas has slept thru for many months. only recently cutting molars then start to have night wakings n kept gritting his teeth. linus is the super sensitive boy, all along hv frequent night crying..but never long wakings until recently...

and i also dunno if the wakings hav to do w them learning to talk..coz everynight wake up talk n talk! worse part is if they are in the same room, talk to each other n play ... zzzzzzz...

my kids cant total self feed yet.. need to scoop the food for them.. they r still learning how to scoop..

Gan, Linus wakes up later if he happy hour. Lucas regardless of happy hour or not wakes up at 6am on the dot! :S
Gan, Grace sounds like Linus. Overtired and end up refuse to sleep. If i let him be, he can run ard n play until 10+. but overtired liao cry whole night.

so now at 745, my hb will start to pat him sleep. by 8pm if he is not asleep, my hb will carrier him go downstairs walk one round, he will KO. we both noticed when he sleeps by 8pm, his night wakings are not as frequent. but recently start to hv long wakings instead of frequent ones....
Panda grace has been crying more in her sleep lately. Usually around 4am to 5am...I think She is still sleeping Coz her eyes are close but will cry and I have to wake up and pat her. Once stop whine again... Will last abt 1/2 hr.
Last night I was patting her and she is not sleeping... I told her I wish number 2 if I have one will have better sleeping habits. Haizzzzzz I am really tired and stress very night .. And these have been like this since she is 10 months old, difficult to sleep. before that she is very good, slept between 730pm to 8pm. Blame myself that I cultivate the bad sleeping late habit Coz we return home late and as she is older we woke her up when we carried her home.

Will Lucas yawn alot since he is sleeping much less?
4-5am is it becoz she is hungry?? if can sleep all the way until 4-5 am to me if very good leh!!

Lucas like on energizer batteries! super hyper thru the day ...even the naps also same..not any longer coz he slept so little last night. but can see dark eye circles!
i read quite many books.. 7-8pm seems to b the most suggested timing for the kids to go to bed. i hv a gf both her boys are 3 and 4 yo still go to bed at 8pm. i hope i can maintain this timing tooo..
Just faith
With the afternoon nap.. My girls still sleep as usual.. The only good thing is that they knock out v fast during bedtime cos sleepy liao... Awake from noon time till 8plus pm..

My small girl has been quite a good sleeper.. Can sleep on her own alone in a dark room.. Can roll and fall asleep on her own.. Sleep thru since v young without the need for milk... But she may cry in the middle of the night and we just pop in the pacifier she will sleep again... No need to carry...

My elder on the other hand has poor sleeping patterns.. With or without afternoon nap she always wake up in the middle of the night crying.. Sometimes can carry her for 2hrs she still cant fall asleep..
These few days seems better.. She slept thru last night.. She did cry.. I gave her chou chou pillow she hug and fall asleep again... Hope this will continue...

My girls sleep at 9pm and wake up ard 730am.. Abt 10hrs.. Nap abt 1 and a half to 2hrs... So total abt 12hrs..

U hang in there ya... Give them some time and they will get used to a new routine... Once all move to one nap then u can plan yr day better...

For mothers like us with more than 1 toddler.. Its kind of hard to have sufficient rest... Thats y im thinking to really send them to cc next yr so i can have more time myself.. With half day cc.. I can run errands and rest... Can cook dnr and everyone eats together. Have u decide when?
Im planning to start them in jan at pat. Half day afternoon session.
hi mummies
when my boy dont sleep well, my mum will always ask me to apply ruyi oil. quite traditional, but guess no harm trying, so i usually will apply.
not sure if you want to just give it a try.

did you bring grace to kindermusic? i ended up not going coz my boy was sick.

Grumpus when u co sleep with Aly, do u have a safety guard rail on the bed? GraCe fell off the bed this morning, I didn't know how she fell, only heard a sound, woke up n saw her facedown.... Likely she did kungfu, I moved away from the side to make space for her n somehow roll off the bed. Haizzz =(

Happy we went, class is ok . How is ur boy? Better? Is he in cc now?
