IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

maybe it's time to teach them to do things together instead of always letting tem go off on their own in different directions.
eg if one wanna read one wanna play. then u say ok let's read first together then play together. something like tat. cos even in cc they will not always be free to just do watever.
n u can't always hv 3 adults 1 to 1 with them

hehe slowly slowly. my girls too both fight to sit on my lap so I say ok one on each side. both fight to sit on the same side! zzz
it's a constant everyday thing will happen slowly not overnight.
my elder always want the toy my younger takes so I taught her tat she has to find something else tat mei mei wants then she can exchange with her n take the toy she's holding. now my younger has also learnt to find other toys to exchange with jie jie when she wants the toy tat jie jie took
my younger has also learnt to say please when she wants something n thank u when she gets it

but of cos still hv fights n snatching n stamping feet n screaming n crying. lol
Grumpus mine k say please n do exchanges but always the one holding the toy refuse to let go! All stubborn one kind! Lol
And I make them say sorry shake hands after fights..
There are bad times too.... Both wana get the same toy.. Keep pulling one another and scream...
So i will confiscate the toy... No ones get it... Then i each give them another set of toys.

This morning i brought both of them to whampoa market hawker center for bfast... First time... Usually always aircon pl for bfast.... They busy looking around.... Can see dogs and cats too... So funny...
I let them sit in the stroller... I choose a table that is outside so i can put the stroller beside my table... V spacious... I let them self feed the bread i brought along while we having our traditional breakfast... Long time i didnt have chance to eat these hawker food outside since i have them...

U should try... U only have 1 so much easier..
They can see different kind of environment...

My girls amused on the uncle and aunties who keep saying hi to them... And those dogs and cats that walks by...

First time today i kopitiam food for my girls dnr tonight... Cos im at my inlaw pl and they didnt cook dnr...
I tabao old cucumber lao huo soup with yam rice...
I let my girls sit on my lap at coffee shops n sometimes let them sit in a chair of their own.
get the ones with the back rest it's quite ok for them
Baby abit tough for my gal to sit in stroller, ever since she can walk, I have not used the stroller as she wants to walk on her own... She screams when we bring her close to stroller. She only wants to push the stroller not sit
Grumpus is there any concern abt baby can't run? my gal can walk well and climb up and down the stairs etc but she never runs.... is that a concern? When do they run?
running is not a milestone. only walking, climbing stairs n jumping r milestones. my younger girl can't run either. hmmm I can't remember when they start running. it's quite gradual, they just walk faster n faster until one day they're running.
I think by 2+ they shd be running already.
if u're gonna let yr girl sit on yr lap when eating, let her sit on yr left thigh n wrap yr left arm ard her.
position yr bowl more to your right so u can eat with yr right hand. dun put her in the middle or her head will be in the way n u won't be able to eat. n watch out for the grabby hands
wow u so steady, your girl can sit on your lap and you can still eat!
i sit my boy on high chair, he cant sit still, hands want to grab my food/bowl/etc. i keep having to find sthg to distract him. i need to almost sit one seat away from him to eat in peace..hahaha

when eating outside, we use the restaurant/coffee shop high chair if available, else will use stroller.
at the start, i quite fussy abt how clean are the high chairs, but after a while, i bochap already, just let the clothes get dirty. come home then shower, change clothes.
do you teach your no 2 how to read or phonics?
wondering where/how to start.

you read today's ST article about parents volunteer having to submit projects? this is so so riduculous right? this is really unfair to the low income families. imagine the parents are working long hours just to earn enough for the family, where got time go volunteer? what more submit project. moe shd really do sthg abt this parent volunteer thingy, this is another form of bribery! sighhhh just getting a school also so much stress.
read? phonics? already? my elder only started learning phonics at 3?
now can start to teach yr boy to recognize alphabets, numbers colors n shapes first. I get those wooden puzzles with A to Z, numbers 0 to 9 n different colour shapes. so as we do the puzzles I teach her to recognize the letters n where to fit them etc.
Gan, b glad Grace is not running yet! aiyoh. i tell u.. once they start there is no stopping them!!! my trio once out of our arms or stroller starts running in 3 different directions! esp lucas.. zoom off super fast! my in laws n parents all cannot keep up w him.. now they scared to bring them downstairs coz worry he run too fast they cant catch him... :S

happy, i teach my trio numbers, alphabets, colors, and basic words. daily stuff we see like "apple, orange, flower, key, door, window..etc" phonics abit too advance, even i myself dunno! hahaha.. think i need to attend course before i can teach them...

u can try the wooden puzzles grumpus suggested.. i hv many sets of those too.. the kids love to play w it.. i got the animal, fruits themed ones as well.. melisa and doug has v nice ones, can get from toys r us.
Anyone started potty train yr little ones?
I hvt leh... I feel its too early.. Esp when they still cant communicate well... Or im too slow?
My friend say im too slow in starting.. She started potty train at 1 yr old... Her dau alrdy diaper free during day time even before she is 18mths old... Night time still wears diaper...
Her dau can pee and poo in potty... Will tell her mummy she wants to pee and poo... So amazing...
Sweat..... Called LV Novena no placement for this year..... Only will inform me next year if got place.....
And my parents already have vacation plans in aug, sept...double sweat.
Pray hard Cambridge novena has placement.... I
Made appt to see dr loh end June to discuss abt FET...dunno can go ahead if cc not settled
I only potty train my elder at 2yrs old. when they're older n understand n communicate its very fast. within one week she was diaper free in the day
Hi mummies, I just came back from Genting with my gal & family. We flew to KL and booked a driver to pick us from airport to Genting Highlands. The car ride was 1hr and 50mins.

Baby, i can't leave home without pull up diapers! It is easier for me to change her wherever we go! Not all places have a changing room. Sometimes I put her on top of the toilet cover and changed her. She has been wearing pull-ups since she refused to lie down when we changed her outside. Could be as early as 8 or 10months. I do the same as Grumpus. Let her lean on one hand while i clean her buttocks. I don't use wet cotton wools. I am using wet wipes! nowadays after shower, I will change her into new set of clothes while standing up. She knows how to lift up one leg and prepare to fit into the pull up. Once one leg is in, she knows she has to lift up the other.

Gan, when eating at hawker centres, I put her on my lap. My girl can't sit still in her stroller when eating outside. Except when i give her biscuits! Cause she's very kapo to know what daddy and mummy are eating. I usually bring her bowl out, so I can scoop some of our food and feed her. She will self feed and I feed her at the same time. Usually soupy or steam food. I prefer to feed her first then hubby take over. If I eat my food and feed her at the same time, end up you will see my girl use her spoon to feed me/us. If dine at restaurant, will be alot easier. She will sit and play with bowl and spoon. Since yr girl don't like stroller, how do you bring her for shopping?

For mummies who plan to put yr tods in cc, just like to share my experience abt bringing my girl to PG. she started PG when she's only 16months and 3days old. It's a 1.5hrs session. Her class starts at 930am and ends at 11am. Though it's very rushing for me every alt morning, feed her bf, shower and reach school by 930am - can say I didn't regret to let her PG. can see she really enjoy singing, dancing and most importantly, sharing toys with her friends. I can also identify the toys or activities that she's interested. While parents are allowed to sit in (she's the youngest in class), I prefer to leave her alone in class with her friends and teacher. She caught me peeping in a few times and wants me to carry her.
. By 1030am, she will start yawning and rubbing eyes. While on our way home, she will doze off in her stroller. When we reached home, I will clean her hands and face. She usually wake up for lunch at 1pm+ for her lunch. By then, she's really hungry and finish up her food since her last feed was at 8am+.....
Baby, I tried to potty train my girl when she was around 16months but failed. She will walk around with the potty and keep saying sit down, sit down. The potty looks more like a stool that I bought from daiso which I used it whenever I shower her (she stands up during shower). Whenever she pops, she will run to me and say "Chou Chou". That is, smelly in Chinese. When my nephew was 18mths he was diaper free during day time. My mum will bring him to toilet every few hours, stand and pee into the water trap. He was too short to pee into the toilet bowl. Think it's easier to train boys, I feel. I can see my girl is not ready.

Grumpus, can we use child seat cover straight away? In fact, I bought one really cute potty. But my girl still mistaken for a stool.... Sit a few seconds then start to walk around. I wonder if I should train her and let her sit in child seat cover. Is child seat cover placed permanently? Or use it only when the child wants to pee/poo?

I bought a potty just last week, plan to try and potty train them for poo poo. Cuz normally when they're gonna start poo poo, they will stop in their tracks, and start making the face and sound... so I will quickly bring them to toilet and let them sit in the potty. Dunno if will work or not, will try it soon.

My kids also refuse to lie down when I change their diaper. I'm guilty of taking the easy way out... in the room where I change them there is a tv so I switch it on when I change them after bath, so they will lie quietly and watch while I quickly put on their diaper, apply lotion on face and body, dress them up.

At other times when need to change their clothes, I will just dress them sitting down or standing up. Pull-ups I reserve for when we're outside.

How did you start the potty train? I always wondered how to potty train them to pee... My mom told me in those days, she train me very early on... middle of the night also wake up bring me go sit potty! Cuz those days use cloth diaper, very tiring to keep washing so need to train early

Mummies, got a question... I noticed that my girl most days will refuse to eat breakfast... cereal, fruits, muffin, pancake... pretty much everything she refuse to eat. She will only open her mouth for cheese, bread, yoghurt, scrambled eggs, and that too she doesn't really eat much (maybe half slice of bread + 1 cheese stick). Do you think that's a normal breakfast portion?

I'm wondering if she is too full from the morning milk, and if I should skip or reduce amount of the milk? She will drink milk between 5.45-7am, and then breakfast at 8.30-9.00am. Maybe she is not that hungry...thinking to either reduce milk to half amount or just eliminate to see if she will eat her breakfast. Currently , her daily milk intake is about 450-600ml.

Also wondering if the intervals between meals is too frequent. They don't usually complain about hunger, cuz I feed them at regular times... I am afraid if they go more than 3-4 hours without anything, they might get gastric
What is the interval in your kids' feeding schedule? Any advice?
just faith
my girl went straight to child seat. hardly used potty.
the child seat is removable. only put on when yr kid wants to pee/poo

working wife
the old style of potty training is to keep bringing the kid to the potty every few hrs. like u say, very tiring!
the ang mo style which I used is to wait till the child is ready. pick a long weekend n just let the kid go diaperless. n tell them if they need to pee/poo must go toilet/potty. there'll be a few accidents initially but if they're ready they'll get it quickly. my friend used this method when her kid was 18mths. I tried when my girl was 20mths n failed. after abt 5 days she still didn't understand. I put her back in diapers n tried again at 24mths. this time she got it within 2-3 days.
same for night training. some say just dig them up every few hrs. I just waited till my girl was older. told her she was a big girl n didn't need diapers at night. initially she said no she still needed, so I just leave her be. one fine day she said yeah I'm big enuff n we let her go diaper free at night. just like tat. of cos I put protective covering on the bed just in case of accidents.

as for breakfast, my elder girl didn't hv proper breakfast until very recently. n she only drank 150ml of milk in the morn. but now she drinks her 150ml plus a slice or 2 of bread with cheese.
Working wife my gal doesn't have proper breakfast like bread etc... She has about 180 milk I will have to bring her to my mum place as we need to go work. my mum will give her fruits like apples, or sometimes she will steam egg for her to eat. By around 10 to 1030am she will have another 180 milk before her nap.

Just faith my gal will walk around on her own with me
Following her or sometimes we will hold her hands or carry her say up and down escalator. More like she is shopping
Not me! She will walk into shops touch some of the things tell
Me Mei Mei walks out and walk to another shop which interest her. I m not really a shopping person that does windown shopping so most of the time
If we ever go shopping centers I will be busy tagging missy

thanks for the link, will check it out.

You said your girl didn't use to eat breakfast, so she will just drink milk upon waking up and then its all the way till lunch? What was the interval between meals? I am trying to find the right balance... too short and they are not hungry and won't finish food... too long and I'm afraid they will get gastric.

At what age did she start eating bf? Did she say on her own she is hungry and wants to eat or more like you ask her to eat?

I think my girl is those that really can go hours without eating if no one remind her or make her eat! :S
working wife
milk in the morn at 7am. then snacks like cheese only. lunch at 11. I try to give her something every 2hrs even if it's a very small snack. another milk at 1pm then nap. when she wakes another snack at 3-330pm then dinner at 530pm. fruits n food from our dinner if she wants at 730 then milk n sleep at 9.
when she started sch at 3 she still ate cheese for breakfast in sch. only this year at 4 then she eat cheese toast for breakfast. n because of sch hrs, lunch is now at 12.

before the age of 3 I used to always offer food. now she asks for food n helps herself to snacks from the fridge
which PG is your gal goes to?
i was planning to put my boy half day cc for 2 wks before transition to full day cc. but cant coz the cc cant meet the mcys ratio for 17mths.
did your girl cry when first started PG?
i think my boy will cry tonnes, so will mummy. think i'm starting separation anxiety myself hahhaa.
any mummies here uses pet pet diapers? just wondering if there is any equivalent in terms of pricing and quality for pullups.
thinkg of starting pullups for my boy.
Working wife, I giv half bottle milk at 6am. 730 they eat bf and 9am another half bottle before they nap.
Ur girl like mine small size. Half slice bread n a cheese stick is decent amount. My kids usually share 2 slices .. My boys can eat more. Girl Oso half slice w cheese.

Aft 9am they lunch at 11am. And they will ask for their lunch. Once it's 11am all will either bang kitchen door ask for food or stand below high chair wanna get up. Aft lunch 3pm milk. Dinner is 5pm. Last milk at 8pm before zzz. Lately I added light snacks at 330pm. Coz my boys hv been waking up at odd hours for milk. I suspect coz the solids not enuff.
From 11am solids lunch till 5pm dnr abit long gap... Even milk at 3pm i feel may not be enough... Give snacks is good... Cos now they are getting v active and mobile... Needs lots of energy from food to sustain that....

My girls eat like a king during breakfast time... My hubby always say they having buffet... Lol...
They can share half bowl of oats... 2-3 slices of bread, one bowl of fruits... Sometimes a slice of cheese also...

My girls now only love to eat those traditional long bread... Not those square type... I always bot mine at whampoa very old bread shop. My elder dont seems to fancy cheese leh... Only my small girl eats... Can give her a slice of kraft.. She eats in less than 1 min... Gosh...

Lucky both loves chinese soups... Easier for me.. No time to cook just eat it with plain rice or throw in meesua/noodle.
Today gave them old cucumber soup...
I can buy so many packs of soft bone pork and chicken breast to store to cook soup... Exp mann...
How long did u wait for the book and cd from the online store? I still hvt receive them leh... No number to call and check one hor?
Btw mummies... Have u gals try sweet gourd... Today i use it for the first time to fry it with egg and rice.. V yummy! The sweet gourd v soft and nice... I love to eat this gourd myself too...
Happy hippo, ur boy will be attending Cherie hearts at westlake? When did u register him n how long was the wait to confirm a place?
Hi gan,
I will be sending my boy to our junior schoolhouse at westlake. I went to see cherie hearts end last year, places were quite available then. You considering this area?
Happy there is also a waitlist for our junior schoolhouse? Thinking what Alt for cc.... When is ur
Boy starting cc? U r starting work next month right?
Think I will be temp SAHM when my parents are away for vacation in aug and sept if cc not settled.

Xiaobei, I called pat both buckley and Whitley they accept Todd at theit 3rd year, iei if ur bb born in
2011, they can only attent in 2014. Their pm class seemed more readily
Available as the lady told me if I want I can sign
Up for pm class. But if go 1/2 day I prefer morning class as easier for transition to full day cc since the nap time in full day cc is after lunch. FYI
our junior schoolhouse no need waitlist, shd still hv vacancy. u called cherie hearts westlake? hv to waitlist?
i think this area catchment not so big,so shd be easy to get in.
ya i starting work mid june. now thinkg twice abt going back to work fulltime coz really feel like sending my boy for half day cc instead of fullday cc. am trying to see if can find parttime job, but hard to find parttime with decent pay

how u be sahm in aug/sep, u will just take annual leave?
Happy yes will take leave, if exhaust the leave, no pay leave Coz I can't let my helper takes care of my gal alone. I have yet call because need to think through the logistic of sending her to thomson area as further from home and workplace. I need to figure out if I take public transport how to manage the time
Happyhippo, I Oso thought of working part time. Same problem, hard to find decent part time job. And must b near home so tht dont spend too much time traveling ...

Gan, I called Kinderland n they told me now wait list! Tht time I was told lastest by sept I hv to register. Now I Dunno if I m even on their list! The poc on leave n I will only know next week. Hb says worse case I sahm longEr until there is a suitable cc... Duh.... Even the no brand normal Ccs here Oso waitlist until 2014!
Panda 烦right? cc got waitlist... Now even plans for FET may have to put on hold ... But I m old Liao , any delay makes it tougher n pregnancy time harder.
Kinderland raise their school fees, but still very popular. Did u fill up a registration form? If u did ur trio wld be on the list
Happyhippo, my girl is at genius tots. At buangkok mrt. They will have another branch in jul/aug at the quartz condo. No, she didn't cry on the first day. She's the youngest. Very brave. When the older kids cry, she got abit frightened and ran to me.

Baby, my girl likes most Chinese soups too... Shark's fin melon, winter melon, lotus soup.... She also likes fish slices with tofu soup. think I know which bread shop u r referring to. It's near morning market... Their bread is so soft that my girl can eat it plain.
Just faith
I bot the bread at the shop that is on the roadside.. The road that is the entrance and exit to whampoa market.. Super old shop... And i think they dont close shop one leh.. I pass by very late at night its still open...

My girls also eat it plain... In fact they prefer to eat plain bread then flavoured ones...

I tried winter melon soup once both didnt really like it.. But thats v long ago.. Will try it again... Hvt try shark fin melon thou..

Hows yr girl feeding now? U cooking separately for her or u cook as a family?
Yes, baby explained to me that buckley only take in children from 3. I went to see Cherie heart at westlake before but I did not quite like it there. Near my place here there's a new Pre school opening in June called raffles Pre school. Saw the banner so called up and check. It's at martaban road. It's a montessori and charging $1450. I also prefer am session instead of pm as pm likely they will feel sleepy. I plan to send my girl half day am first in September. Likely going for carpe diem at kallang. Only con side is got to drive or take bus to reach.

Raffles school house 62592668 at 70 martaban road
You can arrange to view the premise first as now they are open for registration.
