IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Simmering white, brown rice with lentils in slow cooker...
Gg to stir fry long beans, green zucchini and mushroom with a egg... Gg to do without meat since aldry have lentils for protein... See whether my small girl will eat not..

After their dnr will bring the girls to ntuc...

Baby, Panda,

Wow, everyday I see your bf/lunch/dinner menu so much variety. That's really the advantage of being a sahm... your babies are very lucky to have such dedicated mums!

I can only prepare diff types of food on weekends, weekdays gotta leave it to my mom. She is the old school type, feed bb porridge everyday. I'm trying to see if I can introduce new types of food and teach my mom to prepare. both my kids already kinda sick of porridge. Boy will eat anything but can see he is not too hot about it. Girl is super fussy... some days she refuse to open her mouth.

And I don't even have a backup like you, Baby... can mix the food in cereal. She hates cereal too... so if she reject her lunch/dinner means I need to give milk already.

Breakfast I headache what to give her.... she hates cereal/oatmeal... refuse to open mouth. And she is not receptive to new food. She will open her mouth for first spoon, but will spit out immediately. If she likes, then maybe open mouth again... if she doesn't like, mouth will be shut. Even fruits she doesn't like all. Only like banana, apple, pear, mango. Any suggestion what I can feed her for bf? She loves cheese and she will eat bread, so most of the times, I feed her bread and cheese. Can I give her that everyday? But she cannot eat much of that, cuz gotta chew the bread, so take long time to feed small quantity. I will usually top up with some milk too.

Baby, Panda, check with you. How do you prepare mee sua? Just use vege stock to cook the noodles and liao? All ingredients just chop?

Baby, when you prepare fry dish, you just chop all ingredients and stir fry? Use what oil? When you feed, just mix it into the porridge or rice? Do you find it takes long time for them to finish it as compared to porridge?

What is their feeding schedule like now? 3 times milk + bf/lunch/dinner? So eat 6 times a day? Now my kids can sleep thru the night without milk already... so I only feed them milk 3 times a day. Sometimes cannot reach the 500ml amount.

Saw your boy's thumb... it looks nasty! Must hurt a lot! Poor boy

Ask you mummies, how do your babies go to sleep at night and nap time? When its time to sleep, do you just place them in the cot awake and let them fall asleep? Or do you put them there and pat them to sleep, or need to carry and rock?

My style is carry and pat them to sleep. But now they are getting heavier and also bigger... look so funny that 1 yr old toddler still need to carry and rock. Wondering how to let them learn to fall asleep on their own. Anyone successful in doing this? Can share?

Panda, one idea about training your bbs to sleep thru... perhaps you can put didi in separate room and then when he wakes up and cry, u just quickly check on him but don't pick him up? He might cry initially but just ignore and let him to go back to sleep on his own?

I separate my kids and I find that helps them to sleep thru. But now, I also have a problem on how to put them together again and let them learn to sleep with each other in the same room.
theoretically it is possible to continue to bf n get pregnant naturally. many ppl hv done it. but for fet u need to track ovulation then when it happens go for the embryo transfer. when u bf there is no regular cycle so dr will advise u to stop bf, wait for 3mths then do fet.

working wife,
I trained my elder to sleep from carrying n walking to falling asleep by herself when she was 10mths. I carried n walked till she was drowsy then put her on the bed telling her it was time to sleep n let her roll around by herself. she would try, get frustrated cos cannot sleep then start fussing. so I would carry, walk until drowsy again then put on the bed again until she eventually slept. in the beginning it took close to one hr of carry n put down. eventually I could just put her down after her last milk feed n she would roll n sleep by herself. but I still had to stay with her till she fell asleep. now I can leave her on the bed n she'll sleep by herself
I am planning to FET soon too. But if you want to do medicated FET, you need to stop bf.

Panda, Agree with Working Wife on the array of food you whip up for your kiddos. V.fortunate of them.

My boy is 6months and I tried cooking porridge with chinese spinach & threadfin a few days back and the porridge turned out to be horrible. V.fishy smell and the porridge went to the bin
. Can I do up a meat stock or grind silverfish to enhance the taste ?
actually i dun know how to cook porriage coz pd say one day only two teaspoon not more so dun know shld i wean her porriage...

daylesford > i heard some mommies boil ikan billis and take the water to boil porriage or grind the ikan billis to add in the porriage... silverfish is more tasty
Day ur bb only 6 mths, abit too early to start him on protein, Ie fish? I read meat after 8 or 9 mths.

But silverfish aka whitebait not so fishy.. My gal anti meat but ok with porridge cooked with white bait
If u're bf-ing usually ovulation is suppressed that's y no menses. if u're taking medication to regulate menses cycle, yr bm supply will stop. u can't do both together
working wife, my eldest n youngest can zzz thru. i used to hv linus in my room. but problem is he bullies me! if i carry when he cries, he refused to let me put him back to his cot, wanna koala. tried letting him cry too.. cry liao wake up eyes big big! n it took for another 1-1.5 hr to get him to zzz again.....

so i decided to put him into bb room, when he cries, i buzz my maids to go n pat him. they r used to each other now. when he cries, the other two can still zzzz...

i hv done mee sua both the chines n ang moh way. chinese way is to use stock.. ang moh way, i cook the mee sua in water, scope up just the mee sua n add pasta sauce to serve like its pasta. ;)

Day, cook fish porridge w apple. the apple helps to get rid of the fishy smell and has a fruity taste..bbs usually loves it. i usually dont put the fish into the porridge..i steam the fish separately, flake and feed separately. this is to minimise wastage..in case cant finish the porridge, can at least finish up the fish / meat.
Baby, only my eldest boy saw the PD..the other two just tag along. he doesnt want pacifier, doesnt even wanna switch hand. die die must suck tht one thumb..headache!

my lunch was good, i cooked about 130 pcs of macaroni w green veg, mushroom, pasta sauce, cheese n one egg. they finished up. i m doing green veg training now. dinner was brown rice lentils w broccoli and purple sweet potato.

tmr i wanna do porridge free day. lunch will b pasta, dinner will b rice.

i spoke to a twin mummy neighbour yesterday..she told me her twins did not fall sick immediately when she sent them to cc. it took 3-4 mths for their immunity to slowly drop n catch the bugs there. but its part n parcel of them building immunity lah. cant keep them at home safe from bugs forever. its a matter of when we wanna do it.

gan, agree cannot expect such dedicated care like at home. i for one cannot bear to let them cry n cry leh..haiz.. my mum kept saying wait until 2plus when they can at least express basic needs then go cc... minimise them crying coz they can tell the teacher what they want. so might go for playgroup before tht...
Working wife
Haha.. My menu also v boring one... Nothing faciful...

I think my girls are the only ones here who still love their cereal.. Esp my small girl.. Mix whatever in it she will finish up...

My bfast menu also same... Usually bread with cheese or flavoured bread like rasin or cranberry... Then will always give fruit combi or yogurt with fruit...

I will cook vege stock and store.. Then when wana cook mee sua just cook the frozen stock and throw chopped leafy vege and vege cubes like pumpkin or zucchini...
For stir fry dish.. I will scoop plain porridge then add the vege and give my girls... Will take slightly longer time to chew compared when i cook everytin together... But they prefer this way then the porridge all mash up..
They still finish quite fast.. Not more than 15mins...

I also give 3 milk feeds.. Each time 180-220ml... So sure will hit 500ml..

As for sleeping... My small girl i just put her in cot.. Give pacifier and pillow she will roll and fall asleep.. But lately change of pattern.. When want me to carry awhile then sleep.. My elder girl need to carry to sleep... I also separate them into two rooms.. Find it better.. Tried putting them together.. Even tossing will disturb the other..

Did u try different fruit combi? Cos some fruits is not that nice when eating as it is.. Try mixing two fruits together?

I use unsalted butter.. Put some garlic and then fry all ingredient... Then sautee awhile i put vege stock to cook to soften the vege... When done.. I will push the vege to one side.. Put abit butter again then fry the beaten egg... Scramble it then when cooked will mix all together.. Then its done! Its v easy and yummy! I like it myself!
Panda, ur mum no longer nags u to return to workforce early?
If u r planning to send to those popular playgroup, better go register the kids early, else like me, will be on wait list for the cc even though the 2 centers I m sending are not the so call popular ones. Can't imagine if I want to send pat's school house or Eton house, maybe need to register when she is in my tummy..hehehe

Last night my gal up from 2am to 3am plus...rolling around our bed, calling mama , gave me a pat whenever she rolled next to me.=/ I m tired ...
Jialat.. Hearing u say makes me more kan cheong.. I hvt even do any kind of research yet.. And hvt even visit any centre yet..
Hmm... But im thinking abt pat... Maybe wana invest... Cos heard alot of good reviews.. And i heard any one of pat is good.. Cos they using the same circulum.. And their teacher rotate... Only diff is the principle and the location... I also hear the teacher will be asked to leave if she is not up to mark..
Aft cny will go see see...
Gan now she change her mind ..now they r so active she can't manage them too.. Last time she thought I k go to work n put the bbs n makes at her house she just watch the maids..she oversimplify my trio.
These few days weather so warm! I did water play activities for a few days in the toilet for the bbs to cool down. Decided to bring them to the swimming pool today. Mummy can also go for a dip ..

Today went to the tcm.. Out of 4 nights, 2 my boy zzz thru, one was bad n one was moderate, woke up 2-3x briefly ...just pat pat in his cot...
He says continue w the med for 2 weeks n see him again. Oso let him take a look at my gal who always sweating from her scalp... He says it's normal ..but my gal's body abit weak..compared to my younger boy. He said my younger boy although dont zzz well is v fit n strong. So he gave some meds for my gal too...to help build her body..

Baby, my trio finally eating faster! These 3 days most of their meals can finish in less than 1 hour including fruits. Just now lunch 40mins all done! I just went Ntuc stock up all their veg,fruits n meats to last until next week coz wkend don't wanna do marketing ...
Btw the daikon u bought from Ntuc finest is v big right?? I saw at Ntuc...but din buy coz so big can't finish n I hate radishes...the one I buy from cs is only half the size....
I have been rotating btw the purees for my boy for the last 1.5months and I am running out of ideas. Its always carrot, pumpkin, spinach, apple & pears, bananas & sweet potatoes and sometimes i just mix them with rice cereal and these days my boy isn't v. interested with these purees. Last time he used to just open his mouth whenever we put the spoon near to his mouth.But since I got back to work and i don't feed him that often and he's no longer keen in the purees but we still try to hoax him to open his mouth. Gave him happy times melts recently and he gave me that horrible yucky disgusted look. I landed up eating the melts myself.

Thanks for the tip, i will try to boil apple together with fish when I next attempt to cook for him.

If u intend to park your girls at Pats' you better register SOON. When my boy was still 2 months there was already a waiting list for their toddler' class (>18mths) coz they will normally give priority to those babies at their IFC. So competitive even to get into CC. *Scary*
check out wholesome baby food web for the different foods u can make. u can play with the combinations n textures. u can also cook simple vege porridge instead of cereal. there's still a lot of room to explore before moving to fish pork chicken
Thats good! Yr trio is getting better in solids!

Ya the diakon super big.. Thats y i use it to cook vege stock..

Dnr today big success! My small girl ate the whole bowl of porridge and vege with meat... First time...
I use japan sweet potato to cook the plain porridge.. Then mash up the sweet potato and mix into the porridge.. V yummy! I guess thats y my small girl eats... Then i stir fry french beans, zucchini, muchroom and minced pork to serve with the sweet potato porridge...

Yday went ntuc again to stock up the pampers offer.. Bot 9 packs! Gosh... So kiasu...
Hmm.: thinking whether i need to go ntuc again to stock up baby food before cny.. Fruits stock dont thk can last till next week.. My girls have fruits 3 times a day leh...
Today morning apple kiwi... Aftn nectarine, dnr strawberry... The rate they eating.. Stock run super fast!

Ya lor... V kan cheong... Will do it aft cny..
hi mummies

sighhh my boy just fell off the bed. got one big baluku now. i just rubbed with zambuk. what else do i need to do or observe?
Happy, look out whether ur boy vomit , felt
More sleepy than usual. Observe for 48 hrs. The last time my gal fell from sofa I also try and wake her up at night when she sleeps.... Just to confirm she is ok
oh ok thks. will observe.
wonder why the swell is so so big so immediate. first time see real life such a huge baluku.. quite shocking.
Alamak must book now for CC arh? intend to place my her in CC one year later my house there say still got vacancy but say not sure if wait a few months later will still have coz normally the infants will promote into the CC and those already in waiting list... think must chop chop liao
Mummies busy these few days ahh.. Here so quiet.. Heee

My girls having fever 12 days aft the mmr... I didnt give med..
Wana let them fight it themslvs.. Hope the temp will drop...
No appetite.. Dnr no good... Both had half portion only...
Mommies whom are breastfeeding and baby teething at the same time.

How do you cope when bb bite the nipple this two day i notices there are little teeth out from the gum and she bite so hard and its painful... try to touch her face to "hint" her to stop but she stop n smile at me but will con't again
I pinch my girl so tat she will release my nipple then tell her firmly no biting. if she continue to bite I will unlatch her. need to be firm
V busy? Didnt see u here...

My girls 9th teeth cuming out... Plus the fever.. They are very cranky... Mummy is so exhausted... Everyday busy with them and got to cook their meals... Really shag out... Feels like getting away...
baby, yeah lor..these few days busy bring the bbs out to playground and swimming pool. everyday like rushing everywhere.. hehe..but they r v happy..

hb took leave today, i went out to do mani pedi in the morning. he helped to feed lunch. i went do some shopping n came back early afternoon.. late pm took them for swim, after swimming came home feed them dinner. today both meals were wiped out in 30mins. hb ask me how come their food portions so much.. he says the amount i gave is bigger than their fist size..:S now they can eat 4 tablespoon of uncooked rice plus one tablespoon of either lentils or quinao.

my gal finally cut her 3rd tooth!! haha..

i also feel like running away smtimes.. day in day out do the same stuff.. cny or not no difference to me coz i still hv to take care of them...
Wahh... Schedule so packed ah... Hehe...
I didnt bring my girls anywhere i aldry shag out.. Wondering how come u hv so much energy to bring ur trio out!

30mins wipe out thats fast! Yr trio is eating so well now!
My ones still on off... Today both meals also not good... Hopefully tml is a good day..

Whats yr menu tml? Im thinking to make sweet potato with salmon for tml lunch... Dnr will be porridge lentils with a stir fry dish...
Baby, I tahan lor..smtimes go out I wanna zzzz during the journey! Lol..but see them so happy it's worth it. Wanna try to spend quality time w them since at home. Next time they go cc teachers will not bring them go swimming or go for walks everyday. Now they r at the exploring n v curious stage. Go playground start to follow ants, wanna go walk n touch the grass, pick up leaves..all these r part of their learning.

Today going to bring them go temple praying w my parents.

Lunch is lentils porridge w potato, carrot, mushroom, green veg w minced pork. I use alot more veg than rice since have potato. Dinner is brown rice quinao porridge w daikon, sweet potato, green veg w chicken.
I know.. But i totally no energy to bring them out... Feels so tired lately... Somemore thes few days they are both fussing.. I think cos the 9th teeth coming out.. The gum there swollen.. Look so painful.. Sometimes i even wana sleep while cooking for them!

Now planning a short getaway... Maybe book a hotel at sentosa next week for a night... Bring the girls go sentosa play play.. Cos bring them overseas v mafan.. Easier to book a hotel in spore to trial it out.. Heeee
hi baby,

im new to this thread, panda told me that u r a patient of Dr Foong too, and i check back Dr Foong thread realised i chat with u before earlier last year.

im going to embark on IUI with Dr Foong. and Dr Foong thread is so quiet now. >< during ur time, e thread is so active but now i cant find any cycle buddies. as this is going to be my 1st time, can i clear some doubts with u?

if u dont mind 1st can i check what is e different between IUI and SO IUI? appreciate it and sorry for any troubles.

No problem... Im always here! We can chat here!

IUI is without hormones injection... Usually only take clomid for ovulation... SO IUI involves injection to simulate for than 1 egg to increase the success rate...
I did both before with dr f.. But didnt succeed... Only succeed on 2nd ivf try...
Baby, a sentosa get away sounds v nice! Last night I was just asking hb dunno when we k travel again.
Understand what u mean, I oso exhausted until feels like battery flat cant get my energy level up smtimes. Just now came back from temple feed them lunch. When they nAp I knock out too! Din even feel like eating lunch. Nap 30mins then wake up cook their dinner.

I wanna to check into a hotel n zzz for 3d3n !!

oh okie.. thanks! i failed several times of clomid as well, because of my poor response to clomid now, im moving to SO IUI. roughly how much is the cost of SO IUI with Dr Foong? remember there is a girl Carla who conceived 1st twins (IUI) and 2nd twins (IVF). so lucky of her no need to go through IVF. i wish i can be as lucky as her. :p

time flies, is ur twin girls 1yo now?
Ya time flies.. My girls are aldry 1 year old plus...
Still rem the times when im still struggling to get pregnant.. Tried all kind of methods.. Luckily i strike on my 2nd ivf try..

So iui if im not wrong is near to $1k.. Depending how much med injection u need cos the injection v exp..

Sigh... Get away cancelled.. Cos the hotel no more baby cot avail.. So cannot liao...
Hmmm... Wonder what else can we do..
Did u try resort world ? I went to shangri-la on sentosa on my last trip back and stayed 4 nights. The kids zone is newly renovated and very good. We had visitors everyday, so all the kids are just contented to spend time at the pool or indoor playground, its enough to tire them and us, we didn't even go walk walk around sentosa, what a waste. At most took 1 day to go out to harbourfront and resort world. But nothing much at resort world just the hotels are all very nice.

Panda wife
Bringing them out is good exposure for them, they explore new things and can keep them occupied, tire them during the day, they eat and sleep very well at night. Bbs are happy and time also pass faster compared to staying at home.
bubblybear, u r right! going out time easier to pass coz they fuss less .. n see them so happy walking and exploring i also happy
i think my ones r v bored at home.. if stay home they just keep fighting over toys n crying...
Really!!?? Makes me even want to go shangri sentosa!!
The indoor playground suitable for 1 yr old toddler?? Only hotel guest can go?
U stayed 4 nights.. Wow.. V exp per night ah...
I asked the rate for next week.. Its $560 per night! Gosh!
Ya lor my girls also keep fussing at home.. Maybe they too bored... Sigh... Time also like crawling.. Cant wait till at night when they goes to bed so mummy can rest...

If only there is a nearby mall.. Then i can just walk over with them.. No need transport.. Easier...

Hows yr lunch and dnr today?
My dnr is good... All wiped out.. I cook 2 tb of white rice and 1 tb of lentils.. Add in 3/4 apple to cook... Then stir fry green zuchhini, pumpkin, mushroom and minced pork. My small girl ate all.. Didnt need to mix in cereal...
Baby, everyday go mall oso tiring leh. Lol! Smtimes I just bring them downstairs or even just go out to the corridor n climb the stairs they v happy too. Wanna climb up n down so many times until mummy surrender! Luckily there r 3 different playgrounds downstairs..so we k different ones to play..or just let them walk ard, touch the texture on walls, touch the floor or grass ..

My meals yesterday was ok. Most of the foods finished. Now I cook 4tablespOon rice n 1-2 spoon of either lentils or quinao. Plus plentiful veg.

Yesterday late afternoon suddenly fever n headache n bodyache. Luckily Hb came back from work early. I pop panadol n slept from midnight until 8am!! Thank goodness bbs all zzz thru.
Now better liao?

Climb stairs ah? Not dirty meh?

Wow yr ones eating v well now... They each ate one big bowl?? Cos the portion u cook quite alot...

Went out pray morning.. Rush bk and cook their lunch..
Make mashed potato with cauliflower and minced chicken.. Top with mango sauce... All wiped out!
yeah.. feeling better, but still hv headache, n bodyache n sweating like mad!

my inlaws whole gang coming to my house for reunion dinner today.. not in the best of condition to entertain guests..

climb stairs as in we hold their hands they climb walking..not crawl leh..

my boys can eat more..girl's portion is smaller..

made them pan fried macaroni for lunch. dinner will b porridge coz no time to cook fancy stuff later..

ran out of pasta sauce.. bought all the ingredients store in the fridge but no time to make.. think tonight after they zzz hv to do liao coz out of stock...

how headache over how to feed them their meals when we go visiting over CNY..my ones eat v messy de... maybe shld just giv milk for lunch..bf n dinner settle at home...
Haha.. I tot u let them crawl... So fast yr ones can climb stairs liao ah.. I hvt let them try yet.. Cos they still cant walk v well.. Will stumble here and there..

Jus finish prepared the dnr... Simmering rice with lentils and pork and apple in slow cooker... Stir fry zuchini, pumpkin, french beans and mushroom... Will also add a egg...

Ya lor go visiting feed solids abit mafan... Hmm.. How abt bottled food? I may just cook porridge and put into thermos.. Cos my elder is ok... Small girl may bring along cereal just in case she dont eat...

baby, need to hold their hands when climbing stairs.. they r walking ard on their own quite well ..

my ones eat like fight world war... v v messy.. i think i will get chase out of other pple's house if i feed there! hahaa...unless i go find fast food restuarant to feed them. now all 3 learning how to hold spoon eat.. will pour porridge all over themselves..:p
