IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

just faith, gina is a smart girl! my trio only my eldest knows how to pai pai. my mum teach them everyday..haha.. only he picked it up.. today we went temple pray to my great grand father, he kept going pai pai n bowing his body n head! my mum so happy..keke..

grumpus, which is a good outdoor playground to start the kids w huh? anything i need to take note of when bringing them there??

ohh..i m bringing them for their first zoo trip this sunday.. any tips since u hv been there w ur girls ..thanks!

just faith, gina is a smart girl! my trio only my eldest knows how to pai pai. my mum teach them everyday..haha.. only he picked it up.. today we went temple pray to my great grand father, he kept going pai pai n bowing his body n head! my mum so happy..keke..

grumpus, which is a good outdoor playground to start the kids w huh? anything i need to take note of when bringing them there??

ohh..i m bringing them for their first zoo trip this sunday.. any tips since u hv been there w ur girls ..thanks!
Bubbly / happy / baby my gal is slow in motor skills. She can't walk unsupported yet. For words she can say quite
A few but mainly mandarin. Her English limit to
Ball, baby, bear, bird, book. Ha just realized all starts with B!
outdoor playground I started with the ones just downstairs my house!! my elder started very young, abt 14-15mths. by 18mths she can climb up the stairs n slide down the slide by herself. my younger girl already climbing up n sliding down.

think those hdb playgrounds r good enuff now they can walk. further more they mostly hv padded floor so it's quite ok. I let my girls climb, crawl everywhere. go home then bathe them.

as for zoo, nothing much to take note of la. its just like any day outing. just tat the weather can be very hot or it can rain so just e prepared. since u hv 3 young kids I would suggest maybe catching one show then zoom straight to the kids zone where there's water play, petting zoo, ponies, rabbits etc.
Baby, Panda,

May I check how do you prepare the french beans when serving the kids? Isn't it a little hard? When you add it to porridge, how do you prepare it? Thanks.

All your kids very very smart, can say so many words already! I keep repeating the words to my kids but they don't wanna say
They understand more than they can say.

For now, they can call me mama and my hb papa. They can say 'there' ie. when I ask them where is mama? They will point at me and say there. Can say ball, mum-mum for food. That's it. But they understand when I ask them to throw the ball, they will throw. I ask them where is Jesus, they will point to the altar. Every evening when I say ok, let's read Bizzy Bear (their favourite book), they will look at the bedside table cuz that's where I put the book. When I ask them to dance, they will start moving their legs and butt hehe so cute! and they know how to do gong xi gong xi (but don't know how to say!). My boy is the cheeky one, he knows how to use the tv and air con remote! He will take the remote and know how to point to the tv or aircon and press press! hahaha, so funny.
working wife
my elder girl didn't talk till 18mths. but she could understand a lot n point. my pd said she just dun want to open her golden mouth haha. just keep talking to them. they'll catch up soon

my girl can say ball, baby, bear, mum-mum (food), milk milk, po po, yi yi, papa, jiu jiu, bao bao (full), no more, so cute, good girl. many many words except mummy!!
working wife, either chop n put into their porridge or use the happycall pan to cook n serve as a dish.

baby, today i try new way of serving their food. steam brown rice, stir fry veg w egg n minced chicken, and steam a piece of cod fish.. let them eat like adults.. i got those baby plates w dividers.. put the foods on the plate. they seem to like it.. now happily eating ..

my mum came to help today..so i can spend some time preparing their food ...

dessert is strawberry w avocado..
grumpus, my trio already gone to the 3 different playgrounds around my block. we go down 2-3x a day.. so was thinking of exploring further..

ur girl can go down the slide herself??? my boys like to slide too..but under close supervision.. i also let them go explore.. just hv to make sure they dont try to eat things they pick up on the floor!

i rented an ELC waterplay set ..they loved it.. let them play outside at the corridor..splash water everywhere.. think they will like waterplay playground....
yup my girl goes down the slide by herself. I wait at the bottom to catch her.

water playground - nex, 112 katong, vivo, bugis r the few I go. make sure u go in the afternoon when it's hot. cos if they're wet n runnin ard n the wind is blowing is very cold.

now my girls hv their own water playground at my mum's. those inflatable pool plus a small slide n they're happy
grumpus thanks for the link! trust u to know the good deals! my sil got us 4 adult passes from her company.. but w this deal we can also ask our pil or parents to come along!

ok think will check out the zoo waterplay this sunday.. first zoo n waterplay trip!

i m also considering to rent a slide put at home let them play... smtimes the weather can be too warm to bring them downstairs..
okie thks, think i try minced beef with porridge for a start.

can i ask u which way u teach ur baby to hold the spoon. do they wrap all 4 fingers around the spoon or u teach them the adult way of holding?
Wow!!!! All yr ones talk well.. Im getting anxious liao...

Yr trio can say so many words!! Im so jealous!! Heeee
Mine cant even say a single proper word... Only know how to dada.. Ya ya.. Deh deh...
Hmmm... I guess tv contributes to the slow talking... Mummy so ashame...

Working wife
I just chop french beans and throw into the porridge and cook.. If u wana make it softer.. Throw it in from the start... Once the porridge is done the french beans is soft enough.. For me, i throw it halfway.. Cos my girls can handle the hard bits..
Surprising they didnt touch their ears or earings...

Im training my elder girl to sleep on her own.. So far its working for the past straight 3 nights.. She fall asleep on her own rolling on our bed... If i put her on her cot she will cry.. But i try different method.. Put her on our bed and i lie beside her.. Switch off the lights.. Dont talk to her.. She will roll and roll.. Talk to herself... Then slowly doze off... For now it take quite long to make her doze off.. At least half hr to sometimes near to an hr... But at least she didnt cry.. I want to let her fall asleep on her own... No carrying and rocking... I dont wish to carry and rock her forever.. Somemore she is getting heavier!
I notice she also sleep better when she fall asleep on her own.. These few nights she sleep thru.. Didnt wake up middle of night.. Sometimes she did cry but drift off bk to sleep again after a few cries.. I suspect cos she learn to self soothe herself...
So now both my girls can sleep on her own... Keeping my fingers cross... Haha...
baby, u reminded me..all my bbs zzzz while patting..haiz.. this is one area i hv no energy to work on. esp at night.. i just want them to sleep the fastest way so tht i can rest! the only good thing is my ones fall asleep v fast..less than 3mins KO..

i think coz i m v talkative..so my bbs mimic ...my hb says they dont call mama coz i dont say mama to them alot..he always hear me teaching them alot of other words but i forgot to teach them mama..LOL..

happyhippo, i let them hold which ever way they like...so long as the food dont drop and goes into their mouth... started v young w letting them play w the spoons during meals.. over time they see us feed or eat w spoon..they start to mimic too... initially the foods always end up on the floor..but now its getting quite good..
Thanks Baby! Will try it soon... At least there is a variety. I just started giving my babies chicken, carrot n potato soup mix with rice. They love it, slurp slurp the soup. But I find sometimes they slurp the soup n spit out the rice... Faint. Think maybe need to feed rice n soup separately.

I also did the sleep training and night weaning abbt 3 weeks back. Took 3 nights. After bedtime milk, I just put them in their cot andd let them roll around until they fall asleep. First few times took more than half hour but now takes abt 10-15 mins. I separated them to two rooms, hubby sleep with one n I sleep with one. Then we train them to fall asleep n when wake up at nite just ignore. Surprisingly they didn't cry much... And just like that they stopped their night milk! Final step, I put two backk together in same room n train them to go to sleep together and get used to each other's sounds. At first, the other will wake up when one wakes up but now they can sleep thru even if the other one is crying! Fingers crossed... Finally we get to sleep decently now!
My eldest boy is at it again... Midnight wake up screaming! Wanna koala n refuses to go back to his cot. Dunno y everynight like that same timing. Dunno if teething or it's separation anxiety or night terrors. He will koala until 230-3am then k go back to his cot. He used to zzz thru... Now my younger boy is better become eldest boy.....never ending sleepless nights!
with bbs is always like tat. many changes. sometimes can be teething, over stimulation, new skill etc etc
cos u got 3 so it's a never ending loop!!

it's true when mummy is the main caregiver, bb learn to say mummy last. partly cos we always teach them every other person name n other objects but we will hardly point to ourselves n say 'mummy'. also cos we're always with them there's hardly any need for them to call us. with working mums bbs learn to call out to mummy when they come home from work. anyway no hurry, eventually they will learn n u will wish they dun call mummy so often :p

I also reaching limit Liao. wanna sleep train n wean my younger girl. she's back to waking every 1-2hrs for abt 1 mth already zzzzzzz
Grumpus, try the eys tcm? I see significant improvement in my boy after taking the meds. The doc told me the many months of crying no good for bb brain development. Now regret never bring him earlier. Previously I was v concern tht he wld b too young to take the herbs med...

Last night I let my eldest sleep on my bed. It was better...at least he feel asleep again faster...n once he start fussing I pat... In his cot usually by the time I get to him he is standing in his cot screaming n wide awake... I hope this is a passing phase n he wld get back to sleeping thru again soon.... Tis morning I woke up w swollen eyes.. 2 nights without much zzz...

Ur girl still sleep w u right? She wake up for milk or just cry??

How do u fit snacks in betw milk n the 3 meals huh?? I giv bf lunch dinner, interest in milk already drop alot, now everyday I can't hit the 500ml. Always ard 400ml only. If giv snacks milk will drop further......
my girl still sleeps with me. she wake up n cry or sometimes just eh eh. sometimes she will ask for milk.

my elder was drinking 3 x 150-180ml milk at 1yo. I gave snacks after her afternoon nap at abt 4pm. dinner at 530pm so sometimes when we hv dinner at 7pm she will snack also or h. a 2nd dinner.
My elder girl woke up at 1plus am screaming... Unpacifiable... Carry and rock still cry... Continue till 3plus am... Give milk and finally sleep... Its been a long time since she cry till so bad... And also long time since she has milk in mid night... Not sure if she hungry or what...

Panda eye parents....
Do u know where in spore have indoor playground, those like Paragon's ? The only other one I know is Marina Sq. They are good when the weather is hot, play indoor no need to change, waterplay must change them.

What time u give dinner ? If too early, squeeze in a snack, might spoil the dinner. Do u give milk before snack ? Snack can't finish nevermind at least they finish the milk. But some kids just have small tank. My elder is like grumpus's elder, only 150ml each time, but huh, eat 'rubbish'(snacks) very clever.
Yah, T3 that time I went, was close for reno. Should have more of these indoor playground, these are good enough for kids, and they don't seen to get tired of it after going there time and again.
Thanks for the great link ! I will go to the ones in the link I didn't visit. I went to some of the roof top playground, even I myself want to take cover, cannot tahan the heat.
bubblybear, dinner is at 6pm. lunch at 12pm. in between 3pm i giv a milk feed. dunno how to fit a snack without either affecting the milk intake or dinner ...

is it ok to just hv 3 meals plus milk, no snack??

read a few books that suggest 3 meals plus 1-2 snacks each day... personally betw snacks n milk, i rather they drink more milk...
hv u tried giving snack abt 1hr after milk? I realise that they usually can eat even after milk. but anyway my snacks are very small. a slice of cheese, 2 cubes of cheese cubes, half slice if bread, fruit etc
I also find it hard to fit in snack and milk with 3 main meals a day...

Im thinking to drop my girl noon milk so she can have her lunch earlier... Else the gap is too short to the dnr... If she drop her noon milk means she only take 2 milk feeds a day.. Morning and bedtime.. Each 200ml... Total will only be 400ml..

I read for toddler above 1 year old.. Only need abt 340ml milk a day.. So there will be more room for solids.. But my pd say min 500ml.. Hmm... I guess as long as they are growing healthily.. 400ml milk should be fine...
My small girl routine:

7-8am morning milk 200ml
930am breakfast bread and fruits or yogurt
1030am morning nap
1230pm noon milk 180ml
2pm lunch porridge or noodle
530pm dinner
9pm bedtime milk

So now i may remove the noon time milk and serve lunch earlier.. So there will be longer gap till dnr time else she may not be hungry enough for dnr...

I brought my girls for mcdonald bfast jus now... Heee
Gave them hotcake... The chicken susuage as well as some hashbrown... They love it! Esp my small girl.. She love th susauge... Came bk took their bath.. Too full to take their fruits... Both reject fruits for the first time.. Only take half a small banana...

Btw now i buy organic banana from cs.. Smaller in size than pang chio... But taste just as nice... Cos my father say banana has alot of pesticide... Ask me dont give too often.. So now i buy organic ones...

Simmering vege stock now.. Corn, pumpkin, carrot, potato and onion.. Will use it to cook mee sua for their lunch later..
Baby, my schedule is something like yours, only thing I switch the afternoon milk and lunch, ie feed lunch at 11.30-12 and then milkk at 2pm before afternoon nap. Milk is not as filling and I think they can still eat dinner even after milk at 2pm. Better than lunch and dinner back to back.
Working wife
True... But cos my elder milk at 11am before her morning nap.. So i dont want to feed her lunch that soon... Usually feed her ard 130pm.. Both my girls different milk time... But i try to let them eat lunch and dnr together...

Just now lunch i gave them mee sua soup with spinach, tofu, egg and some leftover stock vege... Both ate near to a bowl...
I didnt give any meat since tofu and egg is a source of protein..
Both finish in less than 10mins...
Will give meat for dnr later.. Thinking wat to cook for dnr.. Hee
grumpus, i just tried giving at small snack at 4pm, 1 hour after their milk. later see if they can still eat the same for dinner at 6pm.

baby, now my milk feeds are 6am, 3pm, and 8/10pm. bf 730am, lunch 12pm and dinner 6pm. all 3 eat, drink milk and nap at the same timing...

kkh has this guide tht says bbs at 1yo has to drink 750ml of milk! if thts the case, my ones fall very short of it...
Haha.. My girls sometimes didnt even hit 500ml.. 750ml seems impossible... With 3 meals a day.. 750ml of milk is too much liao.. No way to squeeze in so many milk feeds...

Yr bfast at 730am.. Then nothing till 12pm? Thats 4 and a half hrs... This is why i also thinking to remove my small girl noon milk and replace it by lunch... Hmm...

Just now went ntuc again to stock food...
Bot new things to try... Millet... Aust sweet cabbage.. Japanese rice grain..

Saw brussel sprout.. Tempting to try but since aldry has sweet cabbage so didnt buy.. May try it next time..
Ohh.. I spilt my morning milk into two parts. 100ml 6am, bf, then 100ml 9am before nap. If i don't giv the 100ml at 9am, lunch has to b at 11am.
Even lunch at 12noon, everyday without fail at 1130, the 3 of them will go mam mam mam mam n stand below the high chair ! I drag until 12 so that they eat faster coz hungry.
Now they v used to the routine, 1130 and 530 will start to ask for food.
Grumpus u will sleep train Aly with her sleeping in same room?

Normally I can tahan if my gal wakes up once or twice a night but lately work is crazy...sometimes 1 day I only have 3 hrs of sleep due to work.. So if gal wakes up and goes mama ...I can hardly rest.... Wonder how I van sleep train with her in same room??.

Panda my gal never goes mam mam when comes to proper meal.=p only for cookies. She still drinks abt 700ml a day but her solids maybe only 1/2 to 3/4 Chinese bowl
I sleep train my elder in the same room. but for aly I may hv to shift with her to the other room cos i'm worried her fussing n crying will disturb my elder who has to wake early to go to school.
If I manage to sleep train her successfully I may move her back to my room. haven't quite decided how yet. now main thing is to get her to take bottle first!!
I will go to her, shush her tell her it's time to sleep, lie down with her awhile then crawl back to my own bed. but dun carry n if she cries can only talk to her. not sure whether it will work also cos didn't hv to do tat with my elder.
I think its ok not to have snack. Even I myself don't even take snack sometimes for afternoon tea, just a drink, so I don't expect them to eat if they don't want to.

My boy have breakfast in 2 parts, at 9 and 10ish am. His lunch is at 1pm, 4ish pm is afternoon tea and 6ish-7pm is dinner. He still has 4 feeds of milk but I reduce it by 20ml each time. Can't reduce too much, I gave him 180ml once, he cry when there is no more and keep sucking the bottle.

brussel sprout has abit of a bitter taste but not as bad as bitter gourd. I don't use it. But surprisingly I gave my boy bitter gourd the other day and he eats.
Gan, 1/2-3/4 bowl is quite decent. my girl now also only takes about half a bowl.. small tank. my boys can eat more.. about 3/4 to almost full bowl smtimes..

today i gav lunch at 11am. waited for 4 hours until 3pm to giv milk in hope that they can drink more. fail too... all 3 cant finish their 180ml bottle... no more milk monsters!

bubblybear, ur boy still drinks milk very well! now that their milk intake drop, i try to fit in yogurt or cheese snacks if they wanna eat...
i finally figured out why my eldest boy is waking up n crying at night. he stop sucking his thumb n doesnt know how else to self soothe! so he wants me to pat, rock him back to zzzzz! haiz.. i think this will take a while for him to get used to falling back to zzzz himself...:S
Panda but at least he stop sucking his thumb....Else harder for him to drop the habit when he is older.

Today stay home the whole day, energy too low to go out. Wanna destress through retail therapy but too lazy to go out.
Yr eldest self wean off himself on sucking thumb? Thats good!
Cos sucking thumb always been a hard habit to kick off.. The thumb is always there... Cant take it away.. Hahahaha...
Yr younger boy can sleep thru now liao?

Both my girls 9th teeth cut thru.. They should feel more comfortable now... Didnt fuss much when we brought them out today.. My elder manage to nap in stroller for 1 hr... So we can shop in peace...

The japanese rice grain i bot is nice... I prefer it over normal jasmine thai rice grain. The grain is shorter.... Thou this japanese rice is non organic.. i read from a mummy blog that japanese rice has higher nutrients than normal rice...
baby, yeah lor..he self wean after the thumb infection coz tht time i always plaster his thumb he cant suck.

my younger boy nowadays only wake up once, giv some water he will zzz again. seems like the tcm med is working for him.

i hv always been using jap rice... its also easier to cook.. the chinese call it "zhen zhu mi".. pearl rice.. there is also an austrialia brand tht has this kind of rice.

i took the bbs to J8 today.. bought a set of beach toys ..planning to bring them to the beach soon...

gan, i know how u feel.. past 1 week i survived on 3-4 hours of interrupted zzzz each night. i hv to drag myself out of bed every morning. and i cant stay home coz my bbs will fuss non stop! every day mummy zombie ard the playgrounds and library!

tmr going zoo... hb just asked me if i really wanna go tmr or wanna rest at home. i told him stay home also i cant rest! might as well bring them there, they happy mummy oso happy..

just now my in laws came...aft bbs zzz i ask them help me watch over for a while. me n hb went out for an hour .. take a walk to the mall n bought a bag to motivate myself :p
Good that yr younger boy able to sleep thru now... My elder on most nights can sleep thru.. Sometimes do wake up once or twice.. But recently more often due to teething.. Scream badly.. I believe its v painful.. Can see blood spots on the gums...

Tried millet... After the porridge is done cant really see it.. Good to have for more nutrients...
My small girl vomit out porridge 1hr plus later aft her lunch.. I suspect cos i feed her to fast... Finished a bowl in 5mins... Maybe didnt digest well... I also use cabbage today for the first time... Wondering is it cos its harder to digest cos i saw cabbage bits in the vomit...

Now simmering porridge again... French beans, pear, spinach with cod fish... Something light for dnr...
baby, my younger one zzz thru but now older one terrorising me at night! LOL....

i will try millet after i finish the quinao or lentils.. dont wanna buy n open so many types of grains..

hmm..cabbage is gassy too.. u add ginger??

my bbs ate macaroni lunch at the zoo... dinner is porridge w quinao.. carrot, xiao bai cai, mushroom and pork.

gan, super duper crowded coz today was their annual safari walk n run event! was a bad day to go..but we got free passes... caught in a bad jam into the zoo, long q to buy extra tix coz my in laws came w us.

but the bbs had great fun.. u shld bring grace! its a good deal esp so w the one for one tix price... we are planning to go again maybe 2nd half of this month.
