IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

wow!!! sounds amazing. u sure the tcm dr didn't 'drug' him? hahaha just kidding

I may bring my girl there too cos some nights she's really fussy but some like last night she woke only once

Haha.. Not sure if its only one time off thing... Shall try it tonight again... Heeee...
Chiong to ntuc finest this morning to stock food again... So crowded lor... Bot the diakon also.. Thinking to make vege stock with it.. Japan ones exp.. $4.50 for one.. I bot the indofresh for $1.50... Also stock up pampers.. V worth it.. But too heavy so only bot 3 pkts...

Bot long beans... Try a fry dish with it...
grumpus, i oso dunno if its due to the med.. hv to observe for a few nights.. coz it could also b a one time off thing!

my boy too, some nights really bad, some nights r ok. but his ok is wake up 2-3 x.. never only 1 time n not fussing..just needed a diaper change.
Wow so amazing ah... If its really good i can bring my elder girl there... Heee..
Last night she slept thru the night and woke up at 7plus am... If only its every night....

Today lunch no time to cook... Came hm from ntuc aldry 12plus... So only steam japan sweet potato and mash it up.. Add in steamed salmon flakes... Thats their lunch...both like it... And finished up!
Dnr tonight will be mee sua... Do without porridge today.. Let them and mummy take a break... Haha..
Gan, she said not all children will have fever. Besides fever, some will get rashes too. My girl seemed normal so far. Did you give her the chickenpox vaccine? What abt other jabs she had so far? Did she develop fever? Mine only one time. Very mild fever. But that fever was bad enough to cause a change in her milk preference. That's why sometimes I am so worried she don't get the immunity. Guess I worried too much. On one hand, gave her lota water before jab (include barley). On the other hand, wish she has signs of fever to tell me she has immunity.
Dnr is good... Finished up the a bunch of mee sua.. They still want some more but no more liao... So gave them banana to fill up their tummy... The mee sua no meat.. Only throw in red spinach and pumpkin cubes....
Both shared 3 bananas! Gosh...
Just faith my gal had fever for her 6 month old jab...her temp was slightly high few days after th mmr. Didn't giv her chicken pox yet coz scared too much. So far her jabs are those standard jab
I still using the pupsik pouch to carry my boy shopping, find it very useful still and also good exercise, like carrying weights for training. Why don't u try using, since u have it, then go out no need stroller. Sometimes nobody wants to sit on the stroller, so groceries/shopping bags will sit...haha.

Why not jackfruit ? My boy has tried jackfruit and also durian, both he don't like, I think the fruit is too strong smelling for him.
The tcm 'drug' is it those that may cause drowsiness, that's why sleep so well ? ..haha.

If your gal sleep between 12-14 hrs a day, its ok if she wakes up early. Maybe let her sleep later, so she wake up later ?? But if she wakes for milk, if you think its too early for you, bb can be trained to change their habit. My kids don't get milk until after 7am. If my boy wakes at 6am, which sometimes he does, just make him sleep again, he will sleep for another hr or so.
Your gal's constipation is it due to too much fibre ?
just faith, i add the powder to water.. one pack to 120ml water.. my boy drinks alot of water when he takes his meals.. so i giv during bf n dinner..

i tasted it myself, after adding to so much water, not much taste..only has a very very faint minty after taste..
bubbybear, i tried honey jackfruit today! haha..so sweet they held on to the fruit n kept chewing n sucking the juice.. haha..

i havent tried durian though... hmm..mayb i shld! haha..

drowsiness.. he took in the morning..after tht nap..but also same as usual short nap. less than 1 hour wake up n play....

baby, i tried increasing the porridge for my boys. dinner both of them ate almost one whole ikea bowl... my gal still same..small tank. half a bowl..

i used to hv a rapcop..but now i m using delphin. raycop is good if u hv space contrain n wants smthing compact n handy. but in terms of getting rid of dustmite.. delphin works better..
You should try durian, see what's the effect. Very cute one, they either love it or hate it. My boy hates it. I tried to introduce the fruit a 2nd time after a while, he smell only, keep shaking his head. At least jackfruit, he give face, will still take a couple more bites, but I won't say he likes it.
Bubbly I m thinking is it the brown rice n pumpkin coz her poo I saw pumpkin fibre, she eats alot of pumpkin as that is her favorite vege.

This afternoon I gave her a liquid sUpersitory which the pd gave last year n I never used. But seeing her straining since last night n screaming in pain..I decided to give.
Helps her to pass motion. Hopefully clear the initial block, subsequent ones ok.

Panda my gal tried durian before but she don't fancy
Why don't just start simple using white rice only. White rice, is gentle enough to be bb's 1st food, so it should be ok. The milk and other food is already pack with nutrients, so no need to worry if bb not enough nutrients.
Maybe its due to the food.. Cos brown rice has outer bran.. Has more fibre.. Vege also lots of fibre.. If take alot fibre but dont take enough water.. Will cause constipation.
I dont give all brown rice for a meal.. Will mix with white rice..
Maybe u try to stop brown rice... Vege still give.. But get grace to drink more water? Add additional water to her fm also...

Delphi har.. Okok i go check it out... So u sold yr raycop?
One ikea bowl v good! U refering to those colour plastic bowl is it? My girls also can take almost a bowl that size...
If u go ntuc finest.. Can buy those small japan sweet potato.. V sweet.. Similar to those vietnam ones... But in smaller sizes.. Easier to cook for bb..
Now bb bigger in size.. Looks abit uncomfy for them to sit inside the pupsik pouch le... I always see mummie using sarong sling like more comfy... Hmm...
U still giving conference pear? Today i bot a big pack of organic anjon pear.. First time trying other than peckham... Bot cos the price is good.. Only cost $3.95 for a big pack.. Inside have abt 10 pears... And its organic!
Just made 1 batch of broccoli + pear puree coz my gal dun like not puree broccoli. Hopefully can help her poo poo better coz read broccoli has soluble fibre that helps loosen bowel,

Hmm my uti doesn't seem to get better leh. Sianz
Can try peach also? Or nectarine? I notice my girls poo better when i give them these...

Did u see dr for yr uti? How u know u have uti?
Last time when i feel im gg to kena uti i will go drink those sachet powder.. Bot frm guardian.. To ease uti..
baby, i stop pear coz they sick of it liao..like not v interested. my gal these 2 days anti all fruits except kiwi!
strawberries, banana, apples, avocado all she dont want. end up the 2 gor gors eat her share.

havent given them papaya for a while.. bought one yesterday.. tmr will try ... personally i dont like papayas... never eaten any during my pregnancy..dunno if they wanna eat.

gan, try cranberry pills.. n plenty plenty of water ..
Baby, yup peach help too. Early last week, I gave her n seems to help.
I saw dr yesterday morning coz I kept having the urge to pee... Then late morning my pee has blood.=( the bloody urine lasted till night. Haiz but I was more worried abt my baby gal. Think the anti biotic is not clearing all the bacteria.

Panda, kiwi is good. My gal anti kiwi. Hide in yogurt also dun
want. Tomorrow I am trying out drangonfruit. See if she eats.
Haha yr ones very 喜新厌久.... Heee
My girls love all kinds of fruits... So far no rejection from whatever fruit i give them... They are fruit bbs... Lol..
But i hvt let them try durian or jackfruit thou...
Cny coming.. Wonder should i let them eat those goodies not...

Ya hor.. Forgot to mention kiwi...
My girls love golden kiwi.. Apple and golden kiwi blend v refreshing!
U still giving yogurt and cheese? Heard these two may cause constipation..
Suddenly rem my girls dont really like payaya... Thou i v long didnt give them liao.. Cos mummy also dont really like payaya... Except those really sweet type..
I have lots of fruits inside my fridge... Strawberry, blueberry, kiwi, avocado, nectarine, black plum, apple, pear, mango..

Thinking hard on what to serve tml... Any ideas mummies...
Maybe potato for lunch... Porridge for dnr... Hmm...

I also bot organic ramen and buckwheat noodle... Thinking to make noodle soup for them... Cannot always eat mee sua or kway tiao...
Baby u bot the organic strawberries? I find these strawberries don't last...can only keep 2 days.

I give yogurt more often. Cheese not often
No leh... I didnt buy organic strawberry.. I bot those korea ones... Aldry finished up a few boxes of it... I only bot organic blueberry and pear.. Other fruits are all non organic...

Strawberry always dont last well.. But i usually can keep for abt 5 days or so...
I whatsapp u yest did u receive?

my elder only drank Yakult at 2 n I got her the less sugar version. if its for constipation, actually better to take probiotics supplements than rely on Yakult or yoghurt. check out biogaia
Haiz, last night was bad. My boy from 230-4am wanna koala refused to zzzzz in his bed. But yesterday day time he cry alot. I had to cook some stuff for early reunion dinner w my parents, he scream n cry outside the kitchen. Even my hb n sil wanna bring him go downstairs for his Favourite walk he oso refused! Once step out of house scream even louder!

I think I better send them to cc at 18mths ..v scared he too attached to me go out cannot adapt. n the three of them start a bullying chain. Eldest bully didi, mei mei oso bully my younger boy coz she scared of big gor gor! So the little boy always crying coz the othe two always snatching toys from him or gorgor will scratch or attempt to push him away!
Baby I let my ones try the different CNY goodies. I oso let them try chocolate n lychee pocky! Haha. They don't eat alot anyway..giv each one stick, less than half way thru they don't want liao. I let them try kueh Bangkit too..they love it ..gave one piece let 3 of them share. Eat Liao all kept pointing at the container ask for more.
Alamak.. Poor didi.. Kena bully...
My elder also use toy to hit on meimei head... Must always stop her hand and tell her no...

Which childcare u intending to send them at 18mths?
My small girl also getting more clinky to me leh... Always see me want me to carry.. My hb, maid all dont want.. Even when wana put her to nap.. Also want me to carry to sleep.. Last time she can just roll and sleep on her own... Haiz... Bb always change their pattern...

My elder these few nights sleep better... Either she sleep thru or wake up once... Eversince i reduce her dnr portion and let her take her dnr earlier.. She sleep better...
My pd says alot people tot give more at dnr will let bb feel fuller and sleep better but its actually not true... Bb will in fact sleep better with light dnr... Cos she say adults cant sleep well with a full tummy supper also... Same goes for bb...

Lunch today will be potato, cauliflower, mango and minced chicken. Will cook plain porridge for dnr with a fry dish...
Whats yr menu today panda?
WaNa air my anger here abt my maid..
Just now she wash plate v loud when bb is napping.. I tell her off.. She give me attitude face.. And after i came out of the kitchen. she dont know talking abt what inside... Talk for awhile then i went in ask her what is talking... She say she talking on radio... Bullshit... She nvr did that before... So qiao she talk on radio after i told her off?? Must be grumbling or talking abt me.... So pissed now... Aldry busy with two girls and must endure maid attitude... Really getting on my nerve...
I think i wana change another maid. Take a gamble.. Hope for a better one... Else always need to tahan her nonsense.. Aldry meeting with her a few times abt her attitude... Promise say she wont do it again.. But on off she still back to her own self...
Haiz... Wish i can do without a maid...
Lunch was lentils porridge w green veg, mushroom n tomatoes. Dinner quinao porridge w carrot, red cabbage n green veg. My mum help me buy organic green leafy veg from her regular jb trips. She pluck leaves n put in lock lock containers for me. So I dunno what veg r those ! Lol

I oso wish I can do without a maid!!! My Fren who has twins..told me to tahan until they r 3yo..then I can get rid of one maid. Just hv one to help me w the kiddos aft work or aft sch n do housework.

Indonesian maids generally more humble but their hygiene level need alot of improvement. Yesterday I just saw one of my maid w dandruff flakes on her hair n kept scratching her head! I quickly gav her head n shoulders n ask her go wash her hair immediately!! Duno if her dandruff drop into my gal porridge when she was feeding her! So gross!!!
Now I cook both lunch n dinner during their morning break. Tht way I get more time to do other stuff n if possible take a short break during their afternoon nap. Otherwise really feel so stressed..

Today my in laws came early, later going to go out buy pampers n groceries w my hb when the bbs take their pm nap. In laws will stay home w the maids help keep an eye on them.
Today first time i didnt blend the food for my small girl.. Only blend the mango as a sauce.. I mash the potato, cauliflower and minced chicken... Mix together then top with mango sauce... She love it! Finished a bowl. Last time if i dont blend the caulfifower and minced chicken she will split out..
V late lunch today... Just finished feeding not long... Cos both woke up late frm nap... Later will give dnr slighty later at 6pm maybe...
Thats the thing abt indo maid.. My maid v clean.. But bad attitude... Hai.. Have one thing but lack another thing... No perfect maid are there... Hehe...
I can tahan slow or forgetful maid.. But not dirty or attitude problem maid!
Whole day face my maid and two bbs really v sian.. No one i can talk to...
Dnr today not that good... I stir fry minced pork, french beans and button mushroom with a beaten egg... Serve with white brown porridge... My elder girl as usual no problem but my small girl had some then refuse to eat.. My guess is the minced pork.. Previous time no meat...
No choice make cereal for her and add in the remaining porridge and vege meat egg... She finished all... Thats the way to make her eat... So funny...
mine was ok.. both lunch n dinner food all finished.

i gav the hawaii papaya today.. only my gal wanna eat! the boys spit n make puking action at me.
Still rem the times when u struggling to feed yr trio? Now everyday they finished yr porridge! Finally yr efforts paid off!
My ones are also getting better esp my small girl.. More receptive to solids... This evening aft dnr i gave them cut golden kiwi cubes.. Both love it... Really fruits bb...
Now i will make a pt to give them cut fruits after every dnr.. Usually banana, strawbery, blueberry, kiwi...
Yeah lor, finally eating if not mummy going mad soon!
Today I pack chicken rice for our own dinner n all wanna eat the rice! I put some in a bowl for each of them n they started digging in the rice like so delicious! I will try giving them rice again.. Coz my younger boy ok w d rice today.
Haha.. Cos chicken rice really v yummy mah.. Bbs not stupid.. They also love to eat tasty food like us... Heeee

I hesitate to give chicken rice cos scare too oily...

Gg to cook vege stock later and use it to cook ramen for them for lunch...
Simmering vege stock now... Daikon, green zucchini, pumpkin and onion... Hmm.. Wondering how will the stock taste like..
Cos i usually use corn, carrrot, potato and onion combi...
Btw did u give yr ones the chicken meat u bot from the stall? Cos i heard that these white chicken is not cooked 100%.. And its left hanging in the stall for a long time... Maybe not that safe to give our bbs... Scare will get food contaimination...
I asked my pd abt giving outside food... She say its ok.. But not everyday... Can give as a full meal but must choose carefully... Try to give those that are just cooked.. Like noodle soup.. And dont give those that are left at room temp like caifan... She got a alot bbs down to see her due to these outside food...
Aft cny must seriously go source for childcare liao... Thinking to send them at 2 yrs old... Cannot always face mummy at home... Must let them be independent and learn more in centre rather than relying on me to teach... Taking care of their basic needs aldry shag out liao.. No energy to teach them..
Only let them play with flash cards... Till now only able to differentiate apple card, zebra card and carrot card... And teach them to sort different shapes into the appropriate hole.. So far only know round and star shape...
Baby, yeah I din giv the meat. Just the plain rice n it was packed separately ..I Oso particular about such things.

This morning pack all 3 to my PD. my eldest suck thumb until got a nasty red bump w pus on his thumb. Doc prick it w a needle to remove the pus. Hv to apply cream n eat antibiotic in case the infection goes to the joint. Sat need to bring him back for review. Even the nurse says its such a big red swell as me what happened ! Now I wrap his thumb w gauze when he zzzz..hopefully use this chance to wean him off. Last night he was v cranky..woke up 12-130koala me n can't zzz coz can't suck his thumb. Kept touching the gauze....faint

I agree Better to send either playgroup or cc. These centers hv fixEd programmed to teach them n they get to mix w other kids. The learning vision I went is 1 teacher to 8 kids. I one adult one bb already shacked. How does 1 teacher tc of 8?????
Hmm panda u can't expect dedicated care like we will rush to our bb when they cry etc.... Both centers I visited, there happens to be cranky toddlers... The kid was actually left crying while the teachers settle the other kids first.
Alamak... So jialat ah.. Suck thumb will get swelling?? Does yr elder boy suck pacificer? How come he will suck thumb? My elder dont use pacifier.. But she will suck the corner of her beanie pillow... My small girl suck pacifier...

Only yr elder has swelling but yr pd see 3 of them? Must be exp to let 3 see dr....

When u intend to send them to cc? 18mths? U intend to put at learning vision? Full day?
I also scare they will fall sick.. Both fall sick jialat...

Today lunch disaster... Cook noodle.. Both dont like.. Mummy also dont like haha... In e end make cereal for both and add in the vege and meat...

Tonight dnr will attempt porridge with a stir fry dish.. Soaking rice and lentils now... Make it easier to cook...
