IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

There is one pic that show yr pan fried macaroni with salmon... The yellow paste like sticking onto the macaroni is what? The top food is salmon right?
Cos u say its one of the food that yr ones finish up.. So thinking to try for my small girl.. Hehe..
So far i hvt try macaroni yet..

Baby, the yellow paste is pasta sauce+egg+cheese. Suggest u use stock cook macaroni plain let ur gal try first. First attempt don't cook so elaborated. In case she don't like the macaroni texture or not used to it yet. I used to steam the macaroni n just add sauce let them eat. Until they k eat decent amount now than I cook this way.

Just added photo of breakfast today. V tired.. Hb helping me feed them, I just prepare the food n went back to bed n rest...
Gan, not all the time they finish leh. Porridge still not alot n takes 1.5hrs to feed each meal ! Smtimes feed until I v pek chek. Recently they don't wanna sit high chair to eat. Drives me crazy. Linus eats standing in my shop n save trollery basket! N hv to push ard play n eat! Lucas wants my maid to carry him stand at my main gate look outside to eat. Char eats in my guest room sitting on the floor playing her toys. Haiz...
I use normal macaroni, natural brand from Ntuc. Yup they eat it whole.

My mil got a shock when she saw them eatin it whole. Kept asking me to cut into smaller pieces.
Yup.. Will try to offer plain macaroni first..

Today lunch trying new combi... Rice with red lentils, sweet potato, tomato, french beans and minced chicken.
Bot those small japan sweet potato.. Look so cute and nice..
Hope ur gals like lentils! Going t3 now.
Cooked brown rice quinao pumpkin apple chicken porridge for dinner. No more stock, so hv to use apple make the porridge sweet.
Lunch just giv them milk, easier. Brought along steam fruits for them to eat when we r having lunch later.
I do hope so! Wish me luck! Heeee...

Btw i read somewhere that quinoa see has some chemical exterior even with organic ones... Not sure how true...
And my friend pd told her bb shouldnt take too much brown rice.. They need the sugar in white rice for energy and build up muscle... But i still give brown rice... I usually mix white and brown.. I dont give all brown...
Just came back from playnest. My gal was
Crawling around during class! Now knock out in car.

Panda at least ur trio eats a great variety of food. Grace is really fussy when comes to food. She refuse to eat the avocado this morning. Only ate the yobaby yogurt... N that took 1/2 hr!
Baby, I giv brown rice for dinner. Lunch usually either white rice or pasta.

Gan, I offer variety coz they fussy..trial n error all the x..smtimes today love a particular food. Tmr giv again nobody wanna eat! Tht day I add garlic flavoured cheese to pasta, Tht day no biz, all refuse to eat, just feed them milk.
So stressful everyday coz dunno what to cook...

My mum kept nagging says I shld stop cooking tasteless bb foods. 1yo already shld eat what we eat. :s
I m also stressed in feeding. Today after the playnest. Rush home cook porridge and we met up withe friends. My fussy gal ate 3 mouth starts rejecting.'I offered bread. 2
Mouth reject.'gave the cheese dip only eat the cheese.'
Sometimes i also wonder my small girl dont eat cos of the bland taste... Today i gave my ramen to her.. She eats! And ask for more.. I bet cos its v tasty...

I ask alot friends.. Most let their bb eat outside food by 1 yr old... Some wait till 18mths... So.. Hmm...

Even my elder who is v easy with food start to show dislike in bland food.. Esp porridge that taste bland without sweet ingredient or stock...

Dnr tonight i shall cook mee sua again... Easiest..
Will throw in a beaten egg and tofu...
Today outing a disaster... Once we reach orchard and dine in ajisen.. Both keep shouting.. Let them eat to quiet them... Aft we finish our lunch and wana go walk walk.. Both cry again... No choice we head bk home... Haiz...
Reach home both happy... Hmm... Now both napping while mummy preparing their dnr... Aldry cooked some mee sua and macaroni.. Later just heat up vege stock and throw in the mee sua and macaroni... Beaten egg and tofu... Lazy mummy...
gan, i know exactly how u feel. u know what, i feel like every meal i prepare is a test! bbs decide whether i pass or fail!

baby, my dinner tonight was good. all 3 finished.

the trip to T3 was fruitful too. the bbs had fun at the little playground, running about n shouting at each other! mummy managed to do some shopping too.

grumpus, singkids look really fun!! there is this section with alot of floating balloons, my trio went 'ball ball' non stop! n linus cry the house down coz he wanna go in! i had to distract him n quickly walk away.. gosh....
but most of the play stuff r suitable for older kids. maybe if they are about 2yo, more worth to pay to go in....
Panda hahaha then I have been failing miserably! =/

There is this thing about balloons that babies like huh. My gal also goes ball ball when she sees balloons but I am scared of balloons...scared they burst! Today during class there were balloons and some babies were biting n my gal was scratching... Almost died of heart attack seeing all these actions!
yeah singkids is not bad. something different. but I got a headache after awhile on there cos EVERYTHING is moving!!
gan, i failed almost everyday for many mths too..

oh yes! they just loved ballons..until now still playing w the foil balloons we bought for their birthday party! my eldest boy holds on to one everyday refuse to let go until he falls asleep!there was one day he held this giant strawberry shortcake balloon n we walked from my house to my parents house....

ohhh..hehehe.. my trio burst balloons ..gives mummy a shock smtimes...but they were really cool about it.. after the balloon burst, they go hunting for the corpse! hahaha...
Ur Boy is so cute to bring the giant balloon to ur mm's place! Btw those foil balloon, the air can last so long? We bot a nemo foil balloon for my gal when we brought her to the u underwater world. But now the poor nemo is almost flat..

Baby the friend we met today sent their gal to pat's schoolhouse and they said they find their gal learn more compared to the previous childcare. But need to q to get in too....so if u r keen to send ur gal's, maybe go register them first to chop a place.
gan, the one really big leh, n when we tried to remove from his hands he scream n scream! so bo bian let him hold it. i was telling my maid duno if he will let go when we r outside n the balloon might fly away... my maid says "no no, he hold it so tightly cant even remove when he zzz!" hahaha.. n true enuff.. he hang on to it the whole journey...

about 2 weeks then it will become flatter n flatter...;)
Wahhh... All talking abt balloons... Mine dont really like balloons... Heee..

My dnr today is good too... Both shared a big bowl... My small girl first time eat a substantial amt.. Both mee sua and macaroni... Maybe cos today i didnt add vege or meat.. Just egg and tofu... I feed both together.. And both went mum mum when i feed them.. So funny...
Ya lor... Heard lots of good reviews on pat sch hse... But the fee is super high mann!
I have 2... So means a big hole in my pocket... Still thinking.
The t3 outing is good? Good for those who are not yet walking?? Need to wear socks? Need to pay?
At level 2 is it?

T3 u can shop ah? Got sell clothes ah?
Lunch today... Rice with red lentils... Throw in sweet potato, pumpkin, french beans and pork... Not using any stock since sweet potato and pumpkin is sweet enough...
Later gg to feed my small girl porridge alone... Not gg to mix cereal for her.. Hope she eats..
One thing i notice... The utentils play a part.. If i feed her using her usual spoon.. She turn her head.. But if i use our normal metal teaspoon.. Or chopstick she eagerly open her mouth... Later im gg to make the porridge thick enough to be able to use chopstick... Heeee...
Baby, the kiddos had fun. The playground is quite small n open area. Free..hmm..u can hold them to walk?? Not suitable for crawling since its open area. It's at basement 2.
There is a cotton on for adults there, n a few small boutiques..I bought a top from one shop n two hairbands from Helen.

Oso took the bbs to the viewing gallery ..carpeted area w chairs..they had fun running about n shouting ..haha..

My younger boy now having rashes after the fever. Last night koala me 2-4am. Aft tht 5am, 6am Oso wake up n cry. Can't tahan leh. I pack all of them to my mum hse now. Otherwise I can't even poo or eat in peace coz he superglue me.

I uploaded the t3 photos. Same link as the CNY clothes one.
Yr 3 ones all can walk on their own v well aldry??

Mine still cant leh... My elder can walk pretty well... Can walk from living to kitchen.. But most of the time she stil prefer crawling...
My small girl can only take a few steps...
So means t3 not quite suitable for them yet...

Today lunch all wiped out! I feed my small girl the porridge.. Took 2 mouths and refuse to eat.. No choice make some cereal and mix.. She love it.. And ate all... Hmm.. Strange..
The playground looks fun! Its indoor or outdoor?

My girls just finish their lunch keep wanting to eat more... But no porridge liao... Finished the whole full thermos...
Cut some blueberries for them... Both love it... First time give them blueberry as finger food cos usually i chop and mix with yogurt... I taste the berry itself.. Hmm.. I dont like it.. Taste raw and not sweet at all....

Wondering what should i cook for dnr later... Maybe kway tiao or macaroni again... Dont whether should i attempt fried rice...
Simmering vege stock now... Corn, carrot, potato and onion.
Later will just use the stock to cook dnr.. Then use the stock vege to throw into the macaroni soup... Easy way..
What other vege combi can use to cook stock?
baby, not all 3 .. eldest ok. the 2 younger ones stil abit like drunkard..haha..but i m letting them move ard on their own more.. dont wanna hold their hands liao...
they wanna run when we hold them, if we let go they will walk carefully n slowly..

i also use pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, etc for stock. any veg i hv in the fridge i will throw some in..

one full thermo is a v good serving!
I gav rice, soup n a dish of meat mix w veg for dinner. Eldest n youngest ate. The middle problem child ate a few spoons start to spit the food out. Only wants to drink the soup n eat fruits.
He has been spitting food since the fever episode.. Milk n solids intake both gone down ... N so whiny all the time, driving me crazy soon.

The only time he is fuss free is when he is outside the corridor walking, n climbing up n down the staircase. But it's backbreaking for mummy!
my younger girl also high fever since fri. brought her to pd today. most likely viral fever. no other symptoms, negative for uti. also not eating n drinking. pd said her pee shows she's slightly dehydrated but she refuses any glucose water, will only drink plain water. super cry baby n cranky
The funny part is we nvr hold their hands to walk... They just walk but our hands are near by to catch them.. Lol...

A full thermos shared among 2 is v good amt? My thermos is the small one leh... Bot from agape.. Hello kitty design.. Heee
Thinking to buy another one so can bring two out...

Mummies who bb took mmr vacination... Got fever?
Just brought my girls to take mmr... Pd says watch out for fever for the next 10 days... The window period so long... Jialat.. Near to cny somemore...

Panda, the chopping board good to use? Thinking to buy.. Cos my ones abit old liao... How many u buy? One for meat and one for vegetable?
Simmering porridge for lunch... Rice with lentils, throw in chopped tomato, sweet potato, red cabbage and pork. New combi...

Bfast gave them bread spread with cheese. Fruits combi apple and nectarine.
baby, the chopping board is good.. not as prone to cuts as compared to the normal ones.. n its so light and compact..easy to clean n keep.

i gave early lunch today at 11am..coz meeting a fren to pass her smthing at 1pm... by the time finish lunch bathe them..just nice reach MRT at 1pm. cooked pan fried macaroni w egg, zucchini, carrot, mushroom and red cabbage...plus steamed cod fish.

today dinner i will try rice, soup and a dish again. wil stir fry french beans, pumpkin and minced pork.

i bought one big one for fruits/veg, and a small one for meats.

grumpus, ur gal too ah.. now like the fever season... hope she is better after seeing PD.. my boy seems better.. he managed to finish his bf and ate 3/4 of his lunch today... wake up from nap also never cry..play n talk in his bed..
Hmm... Will try to pan fry macaroni later for dnr too...
Did u add any seasonings? Thinking to just use some vege stock to cook...

Today lunch good... Finished a full thermos again.
Yday ask my pd.. She say now still min 500ml of milk a day.
With 3 meals a day.. I find it abit hard to squeeze in milk feed.. So i still only give 3 milk feeds... Morning milk, noon milk and bedtime milk.
pd did absolutely nothing except prescribe more fever meds! today my girl whole body broke out in rash so confirm its viral fever. still hardly want to eat or drink anything.

tmrw is my younger gal's bday! hehe
Oh i see... I just cut some buttersquash, oyster mushroom and french beans... Will fry these with vege stock then throw in an egg and macaroni. Gg to try using olive oil and fry garlic.. First time using oil and garlic.... Wonder what will the response be..
Update u later whether i pass or fail! Hehe...
oh dear.. the rash is as bad as the fever.. bb all cranky n no appetite! alamaks..is the celebration tmr too?? a not so nice birthday present!

baby, i tried garlic cheese, my gal hates it! refused to touch her pasta that day...

smtimes i use onions.. but i m not garlic nor onion fan myself..keke..

ohh..can use butter too.. give the veg a v nice fragrance...
Oh ya hor.. Can use butter.. Bot a block of unsalted butter.. Till now no chance to use it.. Hmm.. Maybe use butter and fry some garlic.. Then throw in the vege and use stock to simmer till soft then throw in egg and macaroni... Hmm... Wonder will my girls eat not...
The macaroni turn out to be v tasty.. I like it myself.. But my small girl had a few mouths and reject.. I think cos too big a piece.. She dont like to chew... My elder ok with it.. But took a longer time to feed her cos of the chewing...
In e end i use the vege bits, fish and egg pcs and some macaroni pcs to throw into cereal and feed my small girl.. She finish all... Hmm... She really like her cereal... She dont mind all the chunks inside...
End the dnr with strawberries pcs.... Both Shared 4...
Panda, thanks for the tip on the butter.. The macaroni taste nice i think due to the butter...
Will stop giving macaroni for a while... Still feel giving softer foods like mee sua or kway tiao better for them...
baby, now u know why i need 1hr plus to feed..hahaha.. chew chew chew... my eldest n youngest like textured chewy foods..but the younger boy dont like. today i gav rice again...he spit out after the first 2-3 spoons..

haiz..think i hv to go back to porridge mix rice for him ..until he gets the hang of it..
Haha... Now i know... Hehe...
Feed porridge much easier...
Yr younger boy sounds like my small girl... Dont quite like chunk yet.. Must hide chunks in her cereal then she eat...

Today went for my retail therapy... Total $400 spent!!! Gosh!
Spent $200 on my girls.. Bot frm zara and gap... Love their clothes! U can go shop at zara.. Having sale.. Worth to buy..
Gap ones are v nice but v pricey.. Only bot two pair of leggings...
No time to cook for them.. Only steam one egg and make cereal for them... Put in steamed chopped spinach and chopped strawberry and blueberry. Easy and nutriuous...
Hmm... How come so quiet here these few days... Busy with what mummies?

Simmering porridge for lunch... Rice with lentils, red cabbage, pear, cauliflower and pork. Going to do without any orange food for today... :s
Gave rasin bread for bfast... And yogurt with chopped banana.
I just came home. Brought the kids to metro sales buy toys n oso buy some essentials. Got my hb his CNY clothes.

Lunch was good today. I cook 3tablespoon brown n white rice mix plus 1 tablespoon lentils. Cook w purple sweet potato, zucchini n daikon. Also no orange veg! All finished up. They had 100ml milk at 630am..all the way until 3pm took another full bottle. Looks like can't make it to 500ml today.

Now I cook lunch n dinner during their morning nap. Lunch cook in slow cooker on high n dinner cook in shuttle chef. Tht way we k go out n I don't hv to rush back to cook dinner.
Wow.. Yr ones are eating v well now!!
All can eat porridge... So much easier for u.. No need to cook different foods for them... Finally u see light.. Hehe...
What is diakon?? Sounds like a electrical brand... Haha..

My elder seems to dislike porridge.. Every time i give first spoon of porridge she will shake her head.. Thou she still finish up.. But can see she dont really like.. Hmm..
My small girl still taking her porridge in her cereal... Haiz...

Going to cook mee sua soup for them tonight...
Use vege stock and throw in spinach and butternut squash.
Will steam threadfin fish separately.. Still cant avoid orange food.. Lol...
When I read all the different receipes that you gals whipped up for your little ones, I feel so ashamed of myself... I only give Ryan porridge for the whole time since he started solids with occassional mee suan and pouches of ready made food when we go out on weekends... (but I must really thank GOD that he has been eating porridge well too, else I'll also be stressed)

Last Sun I tried a beef stew receipe from my sil and it was either very yummy or something different, Ryan was eating so much so i thought I could share it with you gals.

Brown some chopped garlic with 1/2 tsp butter
Add in 100g tenderloin beef and shear till brown.
Add 2 tablespoon of red lentil
Butternut squash (1/2 wedge)
Purple carrots (1/2)
potato (1 whole small)
sweet potato (small piece)
1 cup water
Simmer for 45mins or until the beef is tender.
Add millet (4 tbsp)
tomato (1/2)
yellow capsicum (1 small pc)
1 cup of boiling water
Simmer for 15mins and serve.

(the portion above is for 2meals

Im not going to cook porridge for two meals a day since both dont really like... Will cook once a day... The other meal will replace by noodle or potato... Waiting for the day they can take rice with dishes like us... Then i can no longer cook porridge.. I see porridge till i wana puke.. Heeee
