IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Thanks grumpus! cooking now, managed to buy organic cheddar cheese and has been sliced, the sodium content less than the cheese strings. Except once open the packaging I must finish the cheese within 3 to 5 days...guess most go to my tummy again!

My gal refused to nap..=(

gan, i just tried a new tofu dish for my bbs..
mango tofu. u can make for grace to try...

i use half a piece of tofu, steam it. blend 1/4 mango as sauce and cut another 1/4 into small pieces. put all together n serve.

i tried patties before. most of it end up on floor.. my ones cant appreciate it yet..
So qiao.. Im thinking to make this for my small girl.. Tofu with her fav mango... To get her to eat protein...

Yr little ones like it?

I cut one button swiss mushroom and throw into porridge.. The smell v nice...

Next time will throw 2... Hee...

I didnt follow the 4 weeks rule... I keep all my cereal in lock and lock... But usually my cereal will finish up quite fast... But im sure there are some that i keep more than a mth...
my gal n younger boy likes it. but my eldest one dont.

today dinner only eldest ate. the other 2 scream n scream. after tht give milk all so happy laughing away.... seriously milk monsters....

gan, i got 2 photos printed thru Just Faith's contact. very nice! i printed A1 size.. my bbs so excited to see themselves blown up so big.. kept talking to the photo..LOL
gan how many x does grace naps now?

my ones 2x. once morning once afternoon. quite routine now... each nap about 45-60mins...

the patties i find it easiest to bake in toaster oven. i wrap in foil n put in oven....

grumpus, how do we tell if the lentils is cooked?? shld it b all melted or still grainy??
Panda grace takes 2 naps a day one morning n one afternoon. She has a better schedule at my parent's place. Today she woke up 6am for milk thereafter roll on our bed and doze off at around 7am. I was too tired to keep her awake n she slept till 830am. This affec the morning nap, which shld be between 10am to 1030am, she slept at 1130am instead. Afternoon, she refuse to nap. Though I kept
telling her 'gao gao', she will lie down then after 1 min start talking or standing up to point here and there. In the end I decided to let her play n do early dinner. She knocked out at 640pm. Hope she sleeps till tomorrow 6am. Sometimes her nap can be 2 hrs!

I will go buy the oven tomorrow.

Being SAHM really not easy..I must salute u gals. I actually felt more tired compared to working ! Even though I have datelines, fire to fight in office!

I dun think Grace recognize herself in photo. She n recognize her monkey, coz she would point at the monkey and laugh!

What did u cook for dinner ?
gan, totally agree sahm is more tiring than going to work! go to work hv proper lunch break, if stress can time out for a cup of coffee, can talk to colleagues. the past 12 months my meals r always chop chop finish up in less than 5mins, zoom in n out of toilet, drink water also no time. n everyday baby talk!

i cook brown rice in chicken veg stock. separately put in chopped carrots, cauliflower, and minced chicken. fruit was the mango tofu dish. n i gave the bbs corn cob, and potato pieces to self feed...
I won't give wholes beans to bbs yet as it is very hard to digest and cause gas which can upset the stomach. But heinz have the low salt and no salt version of baked beans, see if u can find in supermarket.

My boy still loves his cereal for breakfast. I think if there is no food he can eat cereal the whole day
If they like to eat, why not continue.
Did yr ones finish the dnr?

Just now when im having my dnr.. My elder keep wanting to eat.. So i gave her white rice.. She eats.. And still want some more.. Think i will cook rice for her soon... Hmm.. Mummy got to crack her head to think of rice meal ideas... Heee...

All mummies... And all sahm deserve a big pat on the shoulder!
Really? Can continue to give cereal? Cos cereal is consider instant.. Not as good as compared to home cooked porridge or rice? My pd say cereal is not good enough.. Should only take for bfast.. Lunch/dnr should be porridge or rice...
Hmm.. Maybe she tot my cereal is only plain cereal.. I do add alot of vege or fruits in it...
Can continue, its nutritous. But we want to give them food with different texture, so once a day is enough. So far I only give cereal for bf. One bb pack will run out if I feed 3 meals..haha.
I give my small girl twice a day.. Bfast and dnr... Lunch and dnr i will try to give porridge... But when she refuse to eat.. Lunch i will forgo and give milk.. Then later serve a snack.. Dnr will give cereal if she reject porridge.
I read from babycenter that by one year old.. Toddler should not be given big bottle of milk.. Each time abt 120ml of milk is sufficient.. Give too much milk will deprieve them of solids.. Cos when they are satisfied with milk.. Not much room left for solids... Each day milk vol 340ml is enough...
Hmm.. Thats maybe the reason why my small girl is drinking lesser and lesser milk.. Her bedtime milk usual is 210ml.. Just now she only drank 110ml... These few days her milk intake is much lower eversince im giving her 3 meals a day...
Gan, I agree with u that being SAHM is not an easy job. Especially for me, since I used to be actively in sales. Then suddenly tied down at home with my girl. But I told myself, everyday I see her mega smile, all the sacrifices will be worth it.

After I read yr email, I will seriously consider whether to put her in child care when she is 18 months. Btw, child care is those whole day where play group is only 2 or 3 hrs right?

Pandawife, glad u like the posters! U put up already?
Just faith, childcare has 1/2 day session too. I supposed the playgroup u r referring to the enrichment class, that wld be 2 or 3 hrs. The diff is childcare, if u put whole day, their meals, bath wld be taken care of by the centers. If u r keen on childcare, shld quickly go chop a place coz 2 centers I went, learning vision@ novena and Cambridge @ novena all put me on wait list. Very surprising to me lor. I visited both, actually preferred learning vision environment but there are 15 kids in front of me and priority also given to those in their IFC, so not sure when my gal can go in.
Huh? So competitive ah? Btw I m still on waiting list for IFC. Still no sound, no picture. Lol. Btw, is there another learning vision at winstedt rd (nx to ACS)? It's at newton.

U know what I want hor? Unlikely I will put her whole day. Most likely will be half day. If my girl no cry, mummy will cry.

Ok, I will start my homework soon.
Just faith, I was blur when the person told me I am a little late, pple chop when their baby is less than 1 month old!

There is no learning vision at newton leh, unless u r talking about gentle road, which is behind iras, this is the one I m on wait list.

Learning vision website here

Talking about crying...just now my gal woke up at 8pm plus...n refuse to sleep, kept pointing at the bedside light, so i off the light, waaa she cried until ken a abused, I tried ignore, tot she will stop but the cries got worse, quickly on the light but little gal got angry with me doesn't want me to carry, wants her dad only. Haiz.. So she is scared of dark
just faith
honestly if u want to put yr gal for few hrs or half day, is better u send yr gal to play group cos half day child care is not cost effective at all. costs almost the same as full day care!

also for mummies with yr end bbs, do note tat if intend to send yr bb to regular kindergarten, pre nursery starts the year yr child turns 3, tat will be 2013. registration for pre nursery starting 2013 will be ard mar 2012. tats just a few mths more, so better start scouting!!
the reason y I single out yr end bbs is cos although thy turn 3 only in dec, they actually start pre N in jan when they've barely just turned 2, so mummies may not realise tat they need to register them next yr already. alternatively wat some parents of yr end bbs do is let them skip pre N and join nursery straight away the following yr.
grumpus, thanks for the reminder! i still blur leh..

now thinking if i shld send them to childcare, pre nursery.. have not decided when i shld go back to work...

hv an appointment w learning vision near my place later at 11am. bringing the bbs there to see see.. need to put them on wait list first.

gan, can share what you shared w just faith about child care??
Our genetics play a big part in cancer, not only from the one food. Scientist can detect breast cancer genes now in a person even before they suffer from the disease. So eat everything in moderation.

Did u try to mix cereal with porridge and let her try? Slowly wean her off cereal for dinner.

Just faith
What's your rational in sending your gal to cc if u intend to be SAHM ? I think the playgroup or nursery is enough for some exposure, at least at home, u can give her one to one attention.
Gan, when I went to register on waiting list. The staff told me some preggies already register though they their EDD is sometime next year.

Sorry abt LV newton, I must have mixes up with another one. Will clarify next time.

Why yr girl so "傻傻"?scared of darkness. So how? U hv to leave the bed light on every night?

Grumpus, u r right, I made a quick check last night on LV half day and full day CC. It's about $200 difference nia before subsidy. I need 3-4hrs off everyday, so I will choose between playgroup n half day child care. But there aren't many CCC around my area that offers half day for my girl. Will be easier for me to enrol into playgroup I guess. Is it ok if I put her on waiting list for a few centres?
Bubbybear, as I told Gan before, it was not part of our plan for me to be SAHM. Since we couldn't find the best babysitting arrangement, that's why I have to stop working and stay at home. I really hope I can resume working and bring in more income for the family. I still have 3 more years to finance our flat.
. It will be just nice if I can send my girl away for 3-4hrs everyday. So that I can work from home or go out and run errands if need to.
Our genetics play a big part in cancer, not only from the one food. Scientist can detect breast cancer genes now in a person even before they suffer from the disease. So eat everything in moderation.

Did u try to mix cereal with porridge and let her try? Slowly wean her off cereal for dinner.

Just faith
What's your rational in sending your gal to cc if u intend to be SAHM ? I think the playgroup or nursery is enough for some exposure, at least at home, u can give her one to one attention.
just faith
u can be kiasu n put yr gal on waiting list of a few centres. m
any parents do tat! but think some centres may need to pay a registration fee which u forfeit if u dun enroll eventually.

yes nursery same as kindergarten. pre N or N1 then nursery or N2 then K1 n K2 all in the same school. .
so like PCF is kindy, little wings n my first skool is cc
Panda, just told just faith I m sending my gal to childcare next July for her to socialize n relief my parents from taking care of her. How is ur visit to learning vision?

Mummies I m having trouble with my gal's sleeping habits and it is driving me crazy. She is obviously tired coz kept rubbing her eyes but refused to sleep. I spent up t ne hour to pat her etc...she will quiet down for awhile then play again..but yet still rubbing her eyes. Not sure what can do...really testing my patience that I have to raise my voice to ask her sleep.
gan, the visit ok.. met the chinese teacher who is on duty today. hmm..but the classroom for the toddler group v tiny. they suppose to hv lessons n also take their naps there..

i dunno if other ccs are the same..this is my first one... going to check out my first skool too...

the other concern is the entire place including the shower area is air con. bbs after bathing might b prone to catching colds....
gan, not sure if this will work for u. try let ur maid pat ur gal to zzzzz...

my ones smtimes also like tht.. once w me or hb wanna play n play even though v tired! once pass to my maid, they dont wanna play w her, guai guai zzzz within 3 mins!
Gan, when my hubby is at home, Gina's sleeping hours also hay-wire. She bullies my hubby. And i think grace is bullying you too! Yr parents usually take care of her during day time, maybe that's why her routine change again. Does yr parents ask yr maid to babysit her? Like what pandawife said, ask yr maid to put her to sleep. Might helps.
Just faith
It's good to have that work/life balance. Now prices of resale flats have gone up so much, will be tough for the kids next time.

Why don't u try let grace sleep by herself? Or lie down with her, don't pat her and don't talk to her. I do that sometimes, when my boy wake up at 5ish 6am and I want him to sleep more, cos it's too early for mummy to get up...hehe.
Gals thanks will try see if my helper can make her sleep,

Bubbly I do that when she wakes up middle of night, that's ok. But day time nap, she will roll around , stand up, ask for this n that. Must admit I lost my cool this morning with her...coz I was trying to make her nap for an hour, she is still playful n I was stressing that the Late morning nap will affect the afternoon nap n subsequent the nigh sleep, hmmm I hit her on her thigh 3 times. Regretful. Just can't kept my cool as I was stressing n also wanting to go prepare her lunch. Anyway felt like a bad mummy, need to manage my temper
gan, when ur helper help make her sleep, dont let her see you. stay out of the room.. mine if see me will get distracted and make alot of noise wants me to carry...
Panda it works! Afternoon nap she was rolling n showing off her new skills standing on the bed for awhile unsupported when me n hub were making her nap.

Asked my helper to help, within 15 mins she is asleep! Still napping now...I m going to do the mushroom porridge for her tonite!
Wahh.. Looks like i must go do reserch on playgroup and childcare... Totally clueless..

Panda, when u intend to send yr ones? For playgroup or half/full day? Learning vision is playgroup?? Hmm... I may jus send my girls to those few hrs playgroup since i will be sahm... But those half/full day will include taking care of their basic needs.. Will it help to "train" the child? Better than letting mummy take care or them everyday?? So they wont be so sticky to mummy always...
gan, thts great! haha.. bbs all v smart one.. bully mummy or daddy... helpers usually they dont want to play w them...keke...

baby, i cant decide when i shld go back to work. if i go to work it will b full day child care for them. if not going back to work, might send them to pre nursery when they are 3yo...which is quite soon coz like what grumpus says, they are year end bbs.. 2013 when they are only 2+ in jan hv to go pre nursery already.

learning vision is a childcare..

there are pros n cons of going child care..many pple says bbs tend to fall sick easily.. so if can try not to go too early coz immunity is lower when they are younger.. n its also harder to care for young sick toddlers coz they are unable to express themselves n will just cry alot.

i spoke to the child care teacher today, she says for 18mths toddlers, teacher will usually help to feed n bathe them. they can also help to toilet train...
they can also let the kids self feed, coz i wanna continue to train my ones... just bring extra change of clothes coz they will get messy..

one advantage i see in going childcare is they hv a structured teaching programme.. at home its v hard for me to teach anything.. i cant even hold a book to read without the 3 of them climbin all over me trying to snatch n fight for the book... i think i hv to memorise the story n read from my brain!
Pandawife, don't buy all! Leave some for me. Hehehe. U better rest early. U have a long day tomorrow.

Gan, after reading your post, makes me miss my helper more. Coincidentally, she texted me today and asked me how is everyone doing at home.

Sigh! Hubby is reluctant to put my girl at CC. My hubby worry my girl will fall sick easily. He said he rather hire back our ex maid and let her handle our girl since shes older now. But I will go ahead to source for a suitable playgroup for her in my area.

Baby, are u familiar with Hougang? There is a popular kindergarten (think its called nativity church kindergarten). Is it really really good?
just faith, faster go! hahaha... so long q just now.. n all the sales stock are already displayed.. sizes will run out v fast.

i m watching korean drama! these few nights everynight chase after bbs zzzz..hehehe..
Just faith
Im not familar abt hougang at all...
And i have no clues on pre sch.. Nusery.. Cc.. Kindergarden.. Playground.. Childcare... I dont even know what is the difference lor... Lol...

My helper is getting better lately aft i kinda scold her.. She is getting good with my girls.. She will use flashcards and storybook to teach my girls... I didnt ask her to do it... And my girls know how to clap their hands.. French kiss.. Wave bye bye.. Hold bottle to drink on their own... All taught by my maid... Hmm... Sometimes i think she is the mummy im the maid... Hahaha...
Just faith yup putting childcare biggest concern is falling sick often. My colleague recently took 10 days urgent leave coz her 22 month daughter got HFMD from childcare, if I have a choice I would have send kindergarten for social skills n learning instead of childcare. But not fair to ask my parents take care longer than 18 months as they r old n shld not be tied down with taking care of grandchildren , shld let them have their life, but I suspect my mum will hijack my gal from childcare when she is not traveling or visiting my sis!
Pandawife, u dont buy first. Sekali yr friends or relatives buy from sales leh. U will see lota fox gift box lying around.

Baby, good for you! I don't even have flash cards at home. Just taught my girl to say "thank u". But she kinda say "tank cake"..... Lol. So cheeky!

Gan, ya lah! I know what you mean. U and hubby working mah, that's why need to send yr girl to CC. I guess that's the best arrangement you can do for your girl too. My mum was diagnose with glaucoma. She's 61 and my dad 62 - he has 3 blocked tubes. Hai.....
Just faith, we never ask her do friend kiss..haha..but somehow when we tell her to say thank you, she will do the sign. Hmmm think my parents taught her that coz she can't pronounce xie xie or thank you.

It's like 'no more' sign, she will do the no more if we off the tv, or after Kiddy ride, we told her no more, have to go. Quite cute ....hehehehe
Justfaith, gan
Why one awake so late and one up so early? Nt breastfeedg anymore rite? Hahaa.. I notice both ur posts at odd hours coz my boy waki few times last nite.
Ur gals can do friend kiss and sign....so cute.
Lately my boy spend lots time with hubby, now don't want mummy liao,i so sad
coz papa more fun lor, mummy very boring

U make me want to go fox sale also.altho I really don't need to buy any more clothes. Do know which outlet is the biggest?

Forgot to update u that I hv setup playyard ardi.lucky my boy is ok to stay in. I use those abc foam mat. Nowadays always bz peeling alphabets and putting in his mouth.

Recently there wa news about some measles jab, any idea if it affects our babies?
happyhippo, my bbs oso dont need more clothes..hehe.. but i still went to buy! LOL.. they hv so many clothes i dress them up even though we are at home the whole day

hmmm..i dunno which outlet biggest leh... i went to the one nearest my house at cozway point.

gan, ur parents really taught grace well!
Panda, have a happy birthday celebration today for ur trio!
Today is my gal's birthday! Gonna bring her to the underwater world later to look a fish as she is learning the word 'yu' hehehe

Cooking mee sua, eggs and drumb stick for her later
Happy 1st birthday to yr 3 darlings!
Hope they will enjoy the celebration!

Happy 1st birthday to Grace too!

Let me know whether yr girl like the mee sua and drumstick ya...
I didnt cook this for my girls on their birthday.. Abit guilty..
I totally forgot abt this tradition.. Cos my mother also didnt cook for me on my birthday...
