IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Gan, I just collected my girl's passport today. Thinking of taking her to Genting or Penang. Thereafter HK or twn in March or April.
. Are u driving there? Else how are u going to bring the high chair?

Grumpus, when u mentioned bottled water for babies, u mean those that we boil at home and put in bottles? How many litres for 4days/3nights? I am excited about the trip but very worried about what to bring for babies stuff.

aiyoh, see u all bring bbs for trip so envy!

i won 4 days hotel tix at malacca recently.. but hv to pass them to my parents to go coz cant imagine bring 3 of them there!
Just faith, no la, I guess we wil be dining in restaurant, so will use their high chairs...I assume restaurants will have high chairs. We taking a flight there, driving to Penang is too long!,, dun think we can manage if baby decides to get cranky.
Does ur gal's photo in passport looks like her?. Mine, think they photoshoped, doesn't really look like her leh.

Hehehe we are also thinking of hong kong next year! =)
Panda u r lucky!, how do u win the tix? I never won anything..although I kept getting those hoax mail about me wining 1 million pound, or whatever currency!

Think I should put more ingredients in my stock like u to make it tasty.
gan, u try cook chicken or pork in the slow cooker together w the veg. at the end of it the meat become really soft n "melted".. i just stir into their porridge n feed...

aiyoh. i oso never won anything type. this is a baby photo contest at CARE's 10th anniversary celebration. i submitted the bbs' photoshoot pic n won first prize...so actually its the bbs won, not me. LOL....
pandawife, baby
heehee so did u go fox today? but raining whole day.

oh i stayed at g hotel before, very convenient, just next next to shopping centre.
i hv done some travelling, but my packing list is definitely shorter than working wife & grumpus..i slacker mummy..hahaha. just to share abit...
water - i just boiled water in hotel and use for milk feed.
medicines - ya like grumpus, i bring all those basic meds.

FM & diapers - ok this one i abit more kiasu, i will bring. coz i dont want to risk not able to buy for watever reasons. coz never know the situation. FM can "don" all the meals if can't feed solids.
food - i usually bring those nestle cereal packs. but every trip i end up never use. coz i usually feed bread & FM. my most recent trip last wk, we had hotel breakfast, so i fed porridge, add veg, hard boiled eggs & fruits.
now older, so easier to feed solids/adult food.

toys - yes must bring! we drove for 3 hours, lucky i had a whole bag full of toys to tahan.
i also reserved his favourite toy and bring it out only in emergency ie when he about to start to cry.

i boiled hot water to wash milk bottles. oh must remember to bring your tongs. very impt. i usually ask hotel to give me 2 big big bowls, it will help with the washing. got bring bottle cleanser.

one point about baby cot- I've experienced some hotels provide playpen and that is what they consider babycot, coz they don't have those wooden type of babycot. so got to manage expectations. if they give playpen, my boy will sleep with us coz very hard to put him down to sleep in playpen, too low.

if babycot got no bumper, we improvised. remove the mattress, drape over a big comforter/blanket/bedsheet then put in mattress. the cloth will act as cushioning.

snacks - raisins worked very well for me.

clothings - sleeping in aircon so i dress him in those sleeping bodysuit that covers the feet.

changing mat - must bring coz never know if can find proper changing place. if got mat, can still change in stroller.

stroller - if u hv a lighter and not so precious stroller, bring that, coz mine kena scratches

body wash- best to hv a good wash after being in swimming pool water.

bring a few extra clothings in case, coz can wash & dry there. usually me & hubby bring minimum clothes..hhahaa

on flight - they will provide a infant seatbeat.

when r u going? we took cab to this famous fried kuay teow that i googled. pretty good. let me see if i can still find the name.
just saw ur post, coz i took a while to compose my long message to gan.
so did they really hv new stock? got more stuff for boys? u are tempting me liao.hehehe
this is the fried kuay teow place. but i dont know the road name, coz the taxi driver took us there. he said all sporeans go there ..hhaa
oh i think they dont hv bathtub.
Happy thanks for the info!!=) did u bring a float for your Boy when u bring him swim in the pool?

I have bought an inflatable bath tub, so will bring that to bathe my gal. Cot bumper I m ok with that coz sometimes I also dun put the bumper for my gal, though that wld mean some knocks here n there. I m bringing a small sterilizer for this trip! =p
Just check in online and I think I got the front seat. Getting more n more excited as the last hols we had was just before my FET last year march.
Will fly this wed.
Thanks for the kuay teow place, I m bringing my iPad so will show the driver ur post, hahaha, he should know with this photo.
i wasnt preggie when i went g hotel. for my other trips, yes i brought a float along. easier coz if pool too deep for baby, use float can kick kick and float around. i use those ring float.
do u need a bigger photo of the fried kuay teow place? i can send u if u give me your email address.
Just Faith,

For me, I will bring bottled water bought in the supermarket. Make sure it's labeled drinking water and not mineral water.

Baby, sure will share recipe! I got it from Ang moh website but will improvise a bit. Didn't manage to make cuz busy wrapping Christmas presents tonight. Going home for Christmas n New Year in 4 days time... So excited!
Gan, I took one of the photos from her PS album. Simply too cute!!!!

Working wife, thanks for sharing! Will take note!
just faith
yup bottled water is those u buy from supermarket. like mineral water but like wat working wife said pick the ones which says distilled water n not actually mineral water.
The dnr u just use stock to cook the porridge? Means no meat and vege in it? Hmm.. Maybe i should try that for my small girl since i have the vege stock...

U wont be planning any trip with the little ones?

U make me wana travel!!! Haha

No i didnt go shopping leh... Feels like gg to fox also
baby, i use the veg n meat in the stock n put into the porridge. i make new stock everyday 2 days. on the day i dont make stock, i steam veg n meat to add in or just throw into the porridge cook together.

i make them eat alot of green veg.. either choy sim or spinach..i will chop so much until like half veg half porridge..keke... want them to get used to eating lotsa veg..

not planning to travel soon.. bring 3 bbs n 2 maids to travel now is waste of $ .... coz will b busy buzzing around them, n hv to pay expenses and etc for 2 maids... no joke. no point in doing it.. we will wait until the bbs r older..mayb 2+ - 3yo.. easier by that time and i hope i will only need one maid.

u shld go fox..lotsa nice things for bb gals.. i bought this v cute denim dress, a red spag multi layer dress, hello kitty top and 2 pairs of printed tights for my gal
all at 40-50% off...
breakfast today was alright..gave them weetabix w yogurt, banana and bread with cheese. my eldest boy ate 1 banana, 1 slice of bread w cheese. the other 2 ate weetabix with yogurt and banana.

and i din giv milk after breakfast.. they went to nap liao. will try to skip the milk feed and see if they eat better for lunch.

lunch will be minced chicken macaroni with sweet potato cubes and pear.
Yday dnr a success for u! U won the war... Haha...

Today lunch will be mee sua cook in vege stock.. Will add in potato cubes, bok choi and pan fry salmon...
Wonder will my girls like it not...
Else everyday two meals porridge for my elder girl she also sianz... Must whip up more variety for her..
Baby, try not to fry or bake fish. My pd says only steam ..other methods kills the omega nutrients in the fish.

Lunch was ok! My gal n eldest boy ate 20 spelt pasta, younger boy ate 26pcs. They finished half a pear n half sweet potato shared. Immediately after lunch all drank a bottle of milk coz last milk feed was 6am....
Panda u r so cute, u actually count the number of pasta they ate!

My ate 2 table spoon of porridge which I added a milk powder scoop of lentils, with pumpkin and egg yolk, not bad coz never eat until cry!
grumpus, now i m abit confused when i shld b giving milk. i noticed my bbs will NEVER refuse milk leh.

this morning 6am i gave all reduced amounts. gal has 60ml boys 100ml so tht 8am they will eat their breakfast. after tht 1130pm was lunch, 1pm reduced milk again. 100ml for gal, boys 140ml.

dinner is 6pm...i need to give one more milk feed in between... reduced amount again??
I guess the best way is to look at the 24hr milk total. they only need abt 500ml of milk? of cos some bbs drink more n less. so as long as u work ard that number then the rest shd be solids.
once they r well established on solids u can slowly increase the milk vol. back up again if u think they need it.

also look at the time interval. to me aft lunch to dinner sure need one feed in between cos yr bbs r not eating tat much solids. if its 3 hr interval u can afford a slightly bigger milk feed compared to the 2hr interval this morn before breakfast
grumpus thanks! yeah i guess for now i need to play by ear n look at the total intake each day.

i will try giv full feed at 3pm.. shld b able to add up to 500ml.. my gal gets another full feed at 10pm too...
Really ah... I always steam all meat.. Today first time pan fry.. Cos i read up a mummy blog says that pan fry salmon will make it more tasty.. Can get rid of the fishy smell.. It really turn out tastier... So tot of pan fry it for the mee sua..
My elder only ate half a bowl.. My small girl took a few mouths only... Scare my elder not full.. I use the remaining potato to mash and add in the remaining salmon fish to feed her.
Just cooked tomato, tofu, minced chicken with bok choy porridge. The porridge v yummy before i add the bok choy.. After adding.. The porridge got abit of bitter taste with the vege taste.. Hmm... Maybe tml i try cooking without the green vege.

Wonder should i feed my small girl the porridge alone first or add into her cereal... Hmm...
Do u give yr ones beef since u not taking it yrself?
So far i didnt give beef.. My hb against it.. Cos we dont eat so why should we give our bb he say...
But i heard beef has good nutrients so wondering am i deprieving them of it.

Btw have u tried fried rice? Thinking to try for my girls...
my dinner today is rice n oat porridge cooked in stock. i threw in jap sweet choy sim, brown mushroom n cherry tomatos.. serve w cod fish.

i dun feed beef.. honestly i dunno how to cook..hahaha.. n i cant stand the smell of both mutton n beef. so will not b feeding them. when they r older n choose to go outside and eat, then its ok...

i only tried baked rice..fried rice not yet. my gal dont like rice.. only my eldest likes it..
Dnr ok?

My dnr today ok... First time give tofu.. Initially my elder dont really like it.. Halfway thru she stop eating.. Got to coax her abit.. Finished a bowl.. But the porridge tends to get abit watery due to the tofu..

Add 3 tablespoon to my small girl cereal.. Finished a bowl also..

Gave them bits of pandan cake and few spoons of beancurd. Shared a banana also.

My small girl now more receptive to solids compared to last time.. Maybe now im feeding more times.. So she starting to get used to it.. Hopefully one day i can just prepared one food for both of them... Mummy no need to cook separate food..
baby, ok.. the food all finish. i cooked 2 tablespoon oat n 2 tablespoon of rice... but as usual took 1 whole hour to feed them. fruits they ate half a pear n 1 kiwi.
Wow.. 4 tablespoons of grains is alot!
I usually only cook abt 2 tablespoons of uncooked rice..

When u take 1 hr is it cos they refuse to open their mouth so u got to trick them? Or cos they self feed so take longer?
Else if they willing to eat.. Hw come need to take 1hr?
If need to use force feeding... May result them to have phobia in eating... So when it comes to feeding time.. They will start screaming cos they will know what is coming up...
I no longer practice coaxing... I will only feed when they open their mouth willingly... If they refuse.. Then i stop.. Will feed the next round...
I read from a mummy blog that she uses a pc of ginger to cook porridge.. Anyone using this method? Use young or old ginger?

Can 1 yr old take ketchup? Tot of using it to whip up some pasta or macaroni...
i let them self feed and i feed concurently. they take a while to chew the self feed foods smtimes.. or will refuse to sit in the high chair wants to b carried n start fussing.. so hv to play n coax them to sit there so tht can continue the meal.

i oso start to let them learn to eat w the spoon themselves....

i dun force feed.. coz i cant stand bbs crying one..haha.. once they cry i surrender n giv milk..
my girls take one hr to eat too n I dun force feed.

bottled ketchup is high in salt, sugar, preservatives n flavoring. there supposedly is children ketchup but I've never seen it at the supermarket n I'm not sure abt the ingredients
Saw one i agape website.. Organic all natural annie ketcup. It state no articial color and preservative. Hmm.. I wonder should i buy... Ketchup seems to be quite popular with the children.. Wonder will it help in my fussy small girl...
Hi Mummies,

I have started introducing purees for my 5mth old baby and want to consult the experience mommies on purees making & storage.

Q1)Can we use frozen peas are used to make pea purees or we should use fresh snow peas instead ?
Q2) For apple & pear puree, any method not to let the apple puree turn brown due to oxidization ?
Q3) I am making the purees in batches and how long can we store these frozen cubes ?

When u say one hour to feed, do u mean that your girl will stop for a while and then u continue again? I find that it's not up to me to dictate how long I feed... I am willing to sit there and feed for one hour, but if my girl refuse to open her mouth, no amount of coaxing will get her to open. Song and dance can get me another few spoons max, and then she will turn her head from side to side to avoid the spoon and will start crying if I persist. Whole ordeal maybe 20 mins, at most half hour. In your case, your girl is still willing to open mouth... It's just that it takes that long for her to feed?


Yeah, beef is good source of iron. My mom said she used to put the beef into the porridge to cook, and then before feeding remove the beef. That is old school lah... Now I think we should just feed the beef like we would chicken or pork.

Ketchup still seems like a lot of artificial flavoring... Actually babies haven't been exposed to these tastes, I don't think that's the reason they don't like their food. Maybe u can consider adding natural spices like paprika, cinnamon, nutmeg to the food? My Ang moh friend does that to add flavor to the food.
Day, ooh... Already starting him on purée?

Have you bought the book First Foods? There are recipes there for first purees and how to prepare. They mentioned that frozen peas is ok to use for purée.

For apple and pear, I will steam, blend and then freeze into cubes. I think if u steam the apple, it won't oxidize and turn color.

Normally I store cubes up to 1 to 2 weeks. Back when I started purée, I would make small batches that would last me 4 days... This also abides by the 4 day wait rule, ie trying one thing for 4 days before moving to next thing.
working wife
yes my girls eat n chew slowly n take very small bites. tats y it takes so long to feed.
but I never feed in the high chair either so my girl will roam ard n play n I slowly feed lor. occasionally she will close her mouth to a bite, I will back away for awhile n try again. more often than not she will eat. to reach the point where she really will not open her mouth anymore takes any an hr. I find she eats much more this way. if I put her on the high chair she'll be screaming after 10mins tops
oh n when she starts turning her head side to side to avoid the spoon I switch to hand feeding. I also dunno y she'll not eat anymore from the spoon but will open her mouth for hand. but I notice she starts to avoid the spoon when she's not so hungry anymore. so I hand feed to make her not be just my hungry but actually full
haiz.. breakfast today was partial failure. my younger boy who woke up at 6am fell alseep on the high chair when i started feeding at 8am! faint... no choice take him out let him nap. now still sleeping...... :S
Working Wife & Gan,

Yes, I already started my boy on rice cereal 2 wks ago & had just started on carrot puree. Once my boy is ok with the purees, it should be ok to mix these purees with rice cereal ?. Or I should avoid mixing the puree with rice cereal at the initial stage ?

Day, if after trying for 4 days, there is no allergy reaction from the carrot puree, can add the puree to the cereal. But trial and error, some baby ok with mixing, some prefers to eat separately.
