IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

just faith, i still put med, multi vits into my bbs milk.. these milk monsters just wipe it out! but i m also not keen in putting foods into milk... now tht my gal is eating better..at least everyday breakfast can finish her food, i will also stop putting the rice cereal into her milk at night....

Today lunch is tomato, zuucchi, broccoli and minced chicken porridge. Dont know my small girl will eat not... Else got to blend fruit and vege mix meat for her... Always a struggle feeding her... She dont want.. Her lips is so tight shut... Cant even coax her to open.. Lucky this morning cereal with spinach she finish.. Pear, mango and avocado puree she only took less than 10 mouths...
Panda yogurt mixed with porridge?? How does it taste like?

Doing just hard boil egg with spinach porridge. Steam pumpkin for her self feed.

Just faith my gal is a big fan of pumpkin.
baby, i wish its bowl! hahaha...

each eat 3 tablespoon of the thick oat, 1/3 avocado, 1 banana

wipe out coz they din fuss...eat n finish up
I think alot too, coz avocado, banana are filling fruit!

Grumpus, my gal ate blueberries n poo poo the skin out, it is ok?

Panda where did u buy those colour balls for the ball pit? I went j8 kiddy palace didn't see. How much ? Thanks!
Ya thats alot... Each of them can eat one banana, oats and 1/3 avocado at one feed...

My small girl only take 50ml milk mix with cereal... Thats only abt 1/2 chinese bowl. Fruit puree sometimes 1/2 bowl also..
it's ok. the skin is mostly fiber. cannot be fully digested. whatever we cannot digest we will just pass it out.

So how much a baby can eat depends on each individual right? As long as they can sleep thru and not losing weight then ok? My girl's weight has been stagnant for a month now, she is only on two solids and a very small breakfast, and abt 600ml milk. She sleeps thru till 4 or 5am from 8pm so I guess she's getting enuf?

I dread to think of feeding them rice and taking one hour. Now, it takes abt close to 20 mins to feed my girl, but that's coz if she doesn't want, her mouth is shut tight and she will start crying if continue to feed her. So mission abort by 20 mins. But my mom said I used to take one hour to eat also, do I expect my daughter to be any different?


I still feed the cereal from bellamy and organix cuz I bought stock from before. Will start them on quaker oats soon.


Any reason why u use the blue oats instead of instant? How to prepare and how long does it take? Is the texture very coarse?
working wife
actually they shd be putting on weight too. so I guess yr girl can afford to take more. but how much each bb eats really is very individual. my elder girl could sleep 10-11hrs at night without milk at this age. but I was constantly feeding her all day.
yes I get the same comment from my mum too tat I used to take one hr to eat an she had to frequently nag at me to chew swallow etc so she keeps telling me to be more patient with my girls
grumpus, the banana is those small ones leh. not big del monte ones

i see pple's bbs all eating in bowls..i still counting spoons...
i cook porridge w half apple, small piece of sweet potato, choy sim and a piece of cod fish. scoop 3 table spoon for each bb, add 1 table spoon of yogurt, they all wipe out again.......

i think its the yogurt. first time finish their lunch!

but i cant b giving yogurt for 3 meals leh.. later i will try without the yogurt n add cheese instead.
U add cold yogurt into hot porridge? So the porridge when bb eat is rm temp or still warm? U put the plain paul yogurt?
Hmm.. Maybe i should try that with my small girl... Thou abit strange to add yogurt into porridge...
baby, i leave the yogurt to room temp n add to warm porridge. i use yoplait leh.. vanilla flavour one.

just put the porridge for dinner into shuttle chef.
Yogurt with porridge .. Maybe will try. I gave my gal 1 tub of vanilla yobaby at 250pm n now she can't finish her milk
My small girl rejecting her milk.. Previous two milk feeds only take less than 100ml... Lunch gave her mango plum blend with carrot and potato and broccoli.. Add in salmon flakes.. She finish almost all..

Going to try that tonight for my small girl dnr.. I only have strawberry flavoured yopliat at hm.. Wonder will it taste strange... Hmm..
Actually i read yogurt should not leave to rm temp leh.. Say it will culture bacteria.. And also if add to warm porridge. Wont it kill the good bacteria in the yogurt?
When u cook porridge.. U throw everything including fish to cook together? I still steam the vege and meat separately.. Then add into cooked plain porridge... Hmm.. Maybe i didnt cook it together so the porridge not to flavourful?
Cos i read a book that says cooking meat and vege separately can retain more nutrients that cooking together with the porridge...
baby, smtimes i cook together, smtimes i steam separately. depends.. lunch i threw everyting n cook together..

dinner i hv more time i steam separately.

smtimes i use stock....

the yogurt i dunno leh..so long as they eat the food even if no more good bacteria also nevermind! haha...
just finished a small can of the quakers oat. i bought a box of weetabix to try. seems like v popular w the ang mohs.. dunno if my bbs will like...

tmr morning let them try eat it w milk, yogurt n fruits...
I used to eat weetabix,....It actually taste horrible.=p

Think I buy a can of Quaker oats coz toda my gal had biscotti n blueberries only as breakfast, like not very healthy"

Jus boiled some stock with soy beans n the stock looks yellowish.. Hmmm
is normal cos u used yellow beans to boil the stock. like boil red bean the soup becomes red, green bean soup is green?
gan, really ah?? hmm...jia lat, if they dont like i hv to eat. mayb mix w yoplait will taste more pleasant... n add strawberries..

read on website this adult commenting that she also dont like weetabix, but her kids all love it for some reason.

dinner managed to feed 4 tablespoons for the boys n gal ate 3 tablespoon. major accomplishment that they ate 3 meals today without much fuss..... dinner was abit more challenging without the yogurt.. but they ate it too.. i put lotsa pear, some chopped cauliflower, carrots, choy sim and minced chicken.
Mine dinner dunno success or not. Grace finished 1/4 bowl of udon noodles..initially she was excited and kept shouting for more but I was happ too soon...after few spoons, she started waving her hands. So I use hand to feed her, manage to feed alittle more. Vege she only took the pumpkin, and she wanted self feed, when I want to use spoon coz the pumpkin was soft due to over steaming, she screamed at the spoon but self feed happily. Fruit disaster..as usual want to self feed, the jambu suck a few times, threw n the floor. =s

Weetabix is tasteless to me, that's why I said not nice. =) but kids may like coz they are not expose to salt, sugar like us.
What's written in books are base on research and best case scenario. No right or wrong method, raising kids is base on practical experience. But by 1 yr old, their system is fully mature to handle adult food and when u travel with them don't have to worry what they eat and what they don't eat. My boy is also taking table food already, I don't cook specially for him now on most days, unless we are having food that are unsuitable for him. These few weeks always have xmas party, so he follow us have all the party junks as meals on those days. Junk food no need training, once he taste straight away ask for more, I can't feed in time, keep screaming for more. Yesterday, he took, bruschetta bread, meat balls, veg pie, quiche and fruits for dinner. I don't control milk intake, unless overweight, then must control.

U know soybean is toxic right ? Must soak the beans overnight and preferbly remove the skin before using exp. if the stock is for bbs. Also don't use so much at one go.
I havent expose my girls to noodle yet.. Udon, mee sua, yellow noodle.. All i hvt try yet... Maybe cos i lazy.. Need to cook stock for the noodle.. So didnt try.. Heee...
Raw soybeans contains alot of natural toxins which are carcinogenic in nature and can cause other problems like gastric problems, blood clots etc. But these are long term effects, so just handle properly before using next time.
Hmmm... Then better dont use soyabeans... Use other vege and beans to make stock..

Bubbybear, what other food contains toxic?

Maybe now they start to get receptive of porridge? Finally yr effort pays off!
Im still trying with my small girl...
Dnr end up giving her vanilla cereal with steamed egg again.. She had some yogurt with butternut squash too...
Dont know when will she able to take normal meals..
Getting v stress in feeding her... Wish so much she can take porridge...
Don't worry, can use just need to soak and rinse well. I usually don't use alot for making soap, just a handful along with other vegs or meat.

Alot of food stuff now contains toxins, pesticides and a great % are also GM food, just that those sold contains acceptable level safe for human consumption. More people have cancer now, we do not know whether its the food that we eat or the environment. So don't think so much, if we know we just try to prevent as much as possible
Working wife, no particular reasons. Cause mummy dont like instant cereal so bought the blue packing. Btw, anything that's instant, i don't like. Just like canned food and maggie mee. I dont like all these stuff.

Gan, for stock, sometimes I use sweet corn, carrot, tomatoes. Occasionally I add in pork bones, depending on what I have in the fridge. Btw, when u were preggie, I remember u also ate more veg and fruits and less meat, maybe that's why yr girl prefers vegetable than meat. Haha
Pandawife, are u keen to print yr family photo (taken during photoshoot) in poster size? I sent in mine for printing y'day. And collected within less than 24hrs. I printed one A1 size ($11) and 3 A2 size ($6 each). Can choose Matt or gloss finish with foam backing. I use blue tac and hang in living room. Very nice leh. Add $10 for black/white frames.

Let me know if u want the contact.
Bubbly thanks for the info!

Just faith, haha ya I of prefer fruits n vege when preg. Maybe that's why. Just now try to feed salmon 'she scream the moment she saw the fish....where did u take ur studio shots?? A1'size is 8r? $11'reasonable.

Baby /'panda how do u wash the blueberries ? Can the white stuff be washed away? Mine still have after washing even with organic ones
gan, the blueberries after wash use tissue paper to clean...can remove all the white stuff.. i rub one by one.. super effort.. :p

just faith, yes yes..can watsapp me the contact? thanks!!
Panda ok, coz today I wash one by one, still have . So use tissue to rub the skin?

Read the white stuff is natural protection to the berries so wasn't too worried abt it previously. But after seeing bubbly's post, I better be more careful what I put in my gal's mouth!
Actually no need to be that particular.. Since we didnt use all organic vege and fruits... Non organic ones even didnt see white residue.. There is also chemical and pesticide... Washing and soaking cant remove all also... So for organic ones i only rinse... Non organic ones i will soak....
Just gave my elder the instant quaker oats... Add chopped strawberries.. She ate a few mouths and spit out the oats.. But she ate the strawberries... Made her organix oats cereal plus the strawberry.. She happily finished all...
Hmm... She dont like the coarse oats i guess... First time she reject the food i give her...
Gave my small girl with chopped strawberries... She finished all!

Thanks grumpus for reminding me i should not be blending food for my girls...

And thanks mummies for all the tips!

I should be able to keep my blender soon... Heee
Brought my gal to jwt for the free trial, not bad coz Grace got to crawl around n play with swing, flying carpet etc. But felt gymboree more structured, but since free, I am happy! Heeee

Panda/ baby if u gals got UOB credit card, can bring ur babies there for the free trial. With ur maids is manageable.

Happy hippo, did u go try the free trial? Thanks for the recommendation!
Pandawife, I already whatsapp u. I need to print more for my sis and mum. U can tongbang my order. I will pick up and hand deliver to you. Haha.

Gan, photoshoot was taken at The Studio Loft. Abt an hr. I paid $150 for the photoshoot and another $250 for unedited photos in CD. Total 170 shots. Later I will email you the link to her album. For $150, I get super 8R and 4 5R - as if these are enough! So I went to look for the same printer where I got my wedding poster printed. So I printed one in A1 for our dining area and 3 A2 for her room. All collected in less than 24hrs.
Just faith that is reasonable, studio loft seems quite well known for baby shots. Jamie teo had her baby took the shots there

A1 is very big!!! Are u framing or just print like poster n paste on wall

My gal took hers at bambini, I paid $420 for 2 super 8R and 6 5R. But only about 60 shots? Can't remember
mummies, over the last week or so my bbs hv settled into a daily "schedule"..but lunch n dinner seems to be v near.. need some inputs ...

6am milk
8am nap
9am breakfast
1030-11am milk
1230-1pm nap
2pm lunch
3pm milk
6pm dinner
730pm milk
8pm zzzzzzzz
gan, i tried the weetabix today. 3 of them finished 2 bars... i mix w milk, yogurt, avocado, banana n strawberries.

my gal wanted to eat hers dry like eating biscuit. ended up w flakes all over the floor..:S

tasted it myself, quite ok leh.. but the small little box has so many bars! will take a while for them to finish unless i eat too....

Panda hmm these are processed cheese too....

Grumpus what cheese are u giving ally? I m trying to find some cheese for my gal.

The cheese strings are easy to old n self feed but are processed
