IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

happy birthday grace!
happy birthday Lucas, linus n Charlotte!!

mummies deserve a celebration too for a job well done in the past year

Happyhippp, we came home at 9pm+ last night. After I wash up my girl, hubby and I dozed off on our bed with our gai-gai attire. Took power nap for a few hrs and woke up at 1am+ to unpack her bag and had our late shower. Really super tired these days.
Thanks mummies! =)

Baby, my gal was ok with mee sua, as the first few mouth she kept going mum mum, but didn't eat much. Cld be mee sua has salt so more tasty compared to porridge with no seasoning. Drumstick, she screamed the moment she saw it, and refuse to hold. Haha cld be she is sensitive to meat
smell, so i enjoyed the drumstick forher!
Im sure yr ones recieve many new toys!

I even got a few same toys from different friends... And some toys that i aldry have... So funny... Dont know what to do with these duplicate toys... Lol...

Btw u mentioned abt mikan orange is it.. I bot one box from ntuc.. Ate two myself.. V sweet and yummy... Did yr ones enjoy it?

I bot fresh apricot fruit.. Can give my bbs right? Cos i always hear mummies giving dried apricot.. Not sure whether any issue on fresh apricot...
baby, yeah many new toys. surprisingly, i only recieved one toy that we already have. n no duplicates in the toys given.

my frens mostly bought more "advanced" toys..alot tht r suitable for 2yo play....
Pandawife, gan
Happy belated birthday to your little ones!
Must hv gotten lots lots hugs and attention yesterday. Mummies must be exhausted.

Oh I went fox and cotton on. I find fox sale better. Now tat I see the sale price, will never buy their normal price liao. Boys clothes really so much less variety than girls. Also good for me lah, else I will be shopping non stop..haahaa.
the fox salesgirl said monday today will hv new sale stocks.
Happy hippo thanks !

Mummies who trAvel with babies, what do you pack besides their clothes n pampers? Do we need to standby baby panadol just in case? I will be bringing the slow cooker and rice for cooking. Not sure what else need to pack. Thanks!
happyhippo! aiyoh u make me wanna go there again! LOL... maybe later in the afternoon bring my bbs go shopping again :p
Where u going with yr girl?
Im also thinking to plan a short trip with my girls.. But scare will be too much a hassle... Worried all the time will be spend coaxing cranky bbs... And need to bring lots of barang barang...

U gg to cook porridge while u at overseas? Means u got to go buy fresh ingredients?

U gals also make me wana go shopping! Been a long time since i buy clothes for my girls...
Today weather v cooling.. Raining at my pl here...feels like sleeping... Hee...
Baby I am all prepared to spend alot of time not doing much, that's why booked a better hotel so that we can chill there since envisaged we will spend alot of time in the hotel when baby nap etc! The hotel I booked is next to a big shopping mall, so will buy the fresh ingredients fr there, I also bought a pack of cereals just in case.

We r going Penang, want to let me girl try taking flight and travel. If ok, we will go further to Taiwan maybe next April/ may.
U make me wana travel!!!
Hmmm... Maybe i should plan one soon... Dont know whether my hb and i alone can handle two bbs when overseas...
Most likely i wont cook when im traveling.. Maybe just let them eat cereal and those pre pack and bottled food... Maybe buy fresh fruits to compensate...
Msia seems like a good location to start with....
Can use the local water right? Will there be 水土不负 issue?
Baby the water part my hub thinks I m paranoid...haa coz I told him I m buying a carton of drinking water there n bring there . =p actually Malaysia shld be ok bah.

If baby can eat our food will be easier coz can jus feed rice etc. But my gal still on baby food, that's why I need to cook or feed cereal.

Hee.. Waiting to see grumpus's advice what see to bring as I think she mentioned before she brought her gal tavel around our bb age. =)
dun forget fm! haha
u stopped sterilizing grace's bottles? I do bring baby panadol, neurofen (for high fever), n some other basic meds for runny nose, etc.
pack some warm clothes too just in case
Gan, I hv given cherry tomatoes both cooked n raw.

I just fought 2 rounds of feeding war and lost. Breakfast n lunch today all 3 scream n scream refused to eat. I cannot tahan just gave them milk. Dunno what they want to eat. Now pasta oso refuse. Even fruits oso eat one or two bites don't want. Argh....

My Fren says I shld just let go n use soya sauce n sugar to cook make the foods more tasty n the bbs will eat. But I doubt so coz I use stock tht r sweet leh..still no use.

Have a good trip! Some tips when travelling with baby (I've been doing that countless times this year!)

Book a nice hotel since you might be spending most time at the pool and in the room
(which you already have, so that's good)

Things to check/bring:
1. Make sure hotel has baby cot (with bumper/padding) and baby bath tub. If they don't have bath tub, you might consider bringing your own inflatable one, or just bathe baby under the shower.

2. Are you ok with using hotel towels for baby or prefer your own? Bring your own if you prefer.

3. Bring baby's favourite pillow/bolster for sleeping. Also I normally bring their own blanket.

4. Bring steriliser, enuf milk bottles, FM, drinking water and hot water flask.

5. Baby food and eating utensils. Normally when I travel, will feed them cereal or baby jar food.

6. I normally bring enough FM and diapers for one day and then buy from there. No need to bring for the whole trip, rather heavy.

7. Swimming suit, hat and sunblock for baby

8. Lots of baby biscuits for them to munch in between

9. Meds - panadol, thermometer

10. Do you have one of those baby seat cover (the kind you can attach to normal chair and let baby sit)? Very useful.
Same my gal ate porridge until cry, I also dunno what to do. Now every meal I do different combo but after a few mouth she will scream, waved to push away the spoon. N if we force some more, she cried very bad... That I have to stop coz xin tong to see her eat like being torture.the only thing that bring a smile to her face is blueberries but can't be eating whole day every meal right? Coz blueberries got mild laxative , later Lao sai, also no good.

Think sugar n soya sauce t make them eat at this age abit extreme leh, I won't give her that now
Thanks grumpus !

Working wife thanks!! That's so useful those things u listed out, I have forgotten about her swimsuit, hat, sunblock! I dun have those baby seat cover, guess will just have to use baby chair.

That's alot of things to pack!, hahaha but I am excited.
Btw Gan, if you go to Cold Storage, normally carry good range of baby food and also all FM and diaper brands (similar to SG). There is one in Island Plaza and Gurney Plaza... so hopefully you are staying near one of those?

Or else Tesco, C4 will have all FM, diaper brands too, though maybe a little more limited on the baby food.
Oh ya Gan, one more thing.

Go a little earlier to the airport and when check-in, ask for front row seat. Usually they will give.

For flying, give baby a bottle of milk/water to drink during take-off and landing to avoid ear pressure. Or else, let them suck on pacifier. I usually try to time the milk feed with take-off time and as the plane start moving to take-off, I quickly start feeding. by the time they finish the bottle and already in the air, they will usually fall asleep

If they end up crying and crying during the flight, just don't bother and be thick skinned. If people stare at you, just stare back. Hahah!! No choice, gotta have thick skin abit!
Thanks working wife! I m staying in g hotel n it's next to gurney plaza. =)

My flight is 345pm, so just about time for Grace's milk, will try feed her though I am afraid she gets distracted by the people around.
gan, yeah lor, i also cannot tahan the crying n screaming. esp linus he cry liao will gag n throw out the food!

same here, dunno what to do.. i dunno if i shld stop giving solids first or continue to feed despite the crying n all... haiz...

How about increasing the time gap between meals? My pd said that should try and let bb be hungry by mealtime... If we constantly feed them every 2 hours, they will not be hungry n interested in the food. Try to allow at least 3 hour gap or evenn more between meals and strictly no snacks / fruits in between especially if next meal is solids. If baby refuse to eat or eat v little, don't feed milk. Just wait till next feed n try solids again or milk. Basically stick to 3 hourly feeding time n if they refuse to eat, then just feed again at next feeding time.

Sounds drastic but can try it for a day. One day will not harm the babies much. At most they didn't eat enuf for the day but can make back the next day. try n see?
working wife, i m already feeding at 3-3.5 hour gap. i dont feed 2 hourly. i giv milk coz they eat so little, cant b 6 hourly no food??

i tried not giving milk n only pathetic amounts of solids before, end result is all wake up at night for milk coz day intake not enuff
Even the quaker oats they also dont like liao? Cos that time u say they wiped out the food... And also the yogurt add into porridge? Also reject?

Im reducing my small girl milk intake... So she will be hungry enough for solids... So far its working... Almost every solids i give her she eat.. And sometimes finish up.
Im using bubbybear tip.. Add porridge into her cereal.. She eats! Thou the porridge portion not alot but at least some porridge goes into her tummy... Heee.
Hopefully one day she will willing eat porridge.

Maybe u can try again to reduce their milk intake? Still feed the no of times but reduce the vol per feed?
I read from an article that.. Dont be too stress on feeding solids.. Bb wont starve themselves.. If they are hungry.. They will eat... So im using this method.. Let my small girl hungry for food. Not sure if its correct.. Still in mid of trial.
Im still giving her 4 milk feeds.. 180 per feed but sometimes she didnt finish... I notice those times when she didnt finish her milk.. The next solid feed she will be more interested.. But tried giving her porridge alone.. She still reject somehow...
I only give cherry tomato cooked. Cos i read somewhere that tomato needs to be cooked to release a particular nutrient. And also tomato is citrus.. Not sure if it will hurt the little tummy with a raw one.
Btw u can buy sukaru honey cherry tomato.. V nice.. And no pesticide. I always pop a few into my mouth while im preparing my girls meals... Heehee

The logic to that is like what Baby said... Make the bbs hungry. Can try dragging to 4 hours gap or if they dun eat, you give milk but reduced amount.

Or, like what u mentioned before, just keep trying to give solids. If they reject, then give milk... No need to be stressed.like your friend's baby, drink milk until 3-4 yo, still grow big n strong. So just let it be.
I hv those bb seat tat can tie to regular chair. u want I can pass u one.

working wife
u r so prepared. hehe
when I travel I dun bring bb spoon just use normal teaspoon etc. I dun bring snacks I just pop into the nearest bakery, supermarket to pick something up
baby, i m trying quaker oats mixed w brown rice porridge for dinner later. they finish the small can quaker instant oats. i changed to rolled oats need to cook. breakfast i give them weetabix w yogurt.

porridge w yogurt they dont like liao. the problem w my bbs is they never like the same food a 2nd time!

i also tried reducing milk by 2 scoops.. fed less than 3 tablespoon of food all scream too...
my bbs never hv problem finishing milk! hahaha.. but like not interested in solids.....

i hv to prepare 3 meals a day, its v frustrating when bbs refused to eat n keep crying.. n i make all 3 meals v different..they dont even hv to eat the same foods... haiz..

i wish i can just giv them milk! my life will b lots easier ..hahaha...
Grumpus thanks for the offer! Think i will stick to high chair coz. Scared I muddlehead, misplace ur chair. =p

Panda I think my gal n ur trio can be good friends...form a milk drinking club...hahaha coz drink milk very fast but eat solid, takes 1 hr dun finish , and will cry like it is a toture, haiz, to think I m a food lover.

Making chicken patty for her later, will see if she eatsm maybe fry stuff more flavorful than boring steam food.
i just made the oat n brown rice porridge w stock made from corn, carrots, butternut squash, potatos, onion and pork. hopefully they like it.. the porridge is lumpy..so my gal can still do her chewing if she wanna open her mouth!

haiz.. mummy v tired..still suffering the after effects of the party...
Can know the frustration when bb dont eat... Waste all the effort.. And worst.. No motivation to cook for them when they dont eat at all... Hai.. Thats the problem with fussy eater..

Just now i drop the afternoon milk for my small girl cos she napping.. Then i tot might as well drop the milk and feed her solids... I use half cereal mix with half poridge... She finished the entire bowl!

I bot a new pack of cowhead organic instant roll oats.. Thinking to try to give my girls..
I just cooked stock.. First time cook stock.. Corn, carrot, potato and onion.. I didnt use any meat.. Thinking to start with vege stock... Tml maybe try cooking mee sua for them...
Also bot macaroni... Hvt let them try yet.. Im so slow in intro new food to them!
My gal eat 1/2 the mini chicken patty! Not bad since she is vegetarian! Maybe the onions n mushroom hide the meat smell.
Gan, u let her self feed the patty?

I will be trying to make banana cupcake and pumpkin apple cupcake these couple of nights to test for their birthday. Will be making them their own cupcakes for the birthday. Won't be using any sugar, hope it tastes nice!
Working wife I didn't let grace self feed coz afraid she wld throw the patty on the floor since she is anti meat. The initial few mouth, she actually pushed out the meat when fed. But managed to feed her some. She also finish the plain porridge which was cooked in corn n carrot stock.
Cupcake is a good idea as they are easy to hold for the babies, think there wld be natural sweetness from the fruits n pumpkin, so shld be nice.

Baby, chopped some onion and 1 shitake mushroom n mixed with minced chicken and pan fry with a little oil.
baby, my gal n eldest boy ate 3 tablespoons n my younger boy ate 3/4 bowl! but feed 1 whole hour! let them self feed steam corn n pear while i feed the porridge.

i let my bbs eat the blackforest cake from pine garden. they arent v keen .. only ate 1-2 mouth dont want liao.. hehe..

i even let my younger boy tried the buffet cereal fish and the fruit salad in the salad prawn dish.. hehe..

happyhippo, i went fox again! LOL.. manage to get stuff for 3 of them :p must stop going there liao.. too much damage..
