IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I give aly babybel, laughing cow cubes n even regular Kraft singles. aly is not such a big cheese fan.
Lexie eats lots of cheese. when younger lots n lots of cheese cubes. at abt 2 I started Kraft singles. now is laughing cow cheese dippers.

lunch at 2pm, bbs can still hv milk 1 hr later at 3pm?
just a suggestion, milk at 9am instead of breakfast. 11am brunch/lunch. 2pm snack (essentially wat u would hv fed for breakfast which I presume is lighter than lunch).

or 9am breakfast, 11am brunch/lunch, 2pm milk, 4pm milk. then eventually u can drop the 4pm milk n replace with a snack before dinner
Seems alot of cheese is processed... Those that are not processed or minimal processed doesnt taste that good.. Like cottage cheese...

I guess now our bb is over 1 year old... Processed cheese should be alrite since they dont take it everday and in big amts... Very soon they can start to take table food.. Alot of tins are processed... But i will still try to cook separately for them as long as i can... But will expose them to our food here and there...

That day im eating beancurd... My elder keep screaming she wants to eat.. So i gave her a few mouths without the syrup...

Yr little ones finally settled into routine.. Thats good!

My small girl seems to be more interested in taking solids than milk now... Every feed will have leftovers.. And i aldry reduce her vol from 210 to 180.. Still cant finish.. Sometimes only take 60ml.. But give her solids.. She finish all...
Just now gave her mango, peach, pumpkin, spinach and minced chicken... Finish a bowl...

This is my elder girl schedule:
6am milk
8am bfast
10am milk then nap
1pm lunch
5pm dinner
9pm bedtime milk
(in between 1-5pm sometimes will give her snack.. Like fruits
or yogurt) will also take a nap...

My small girl schedule
7am milk
9am bfast
10am nap
12pm milk/lunch
2pm snack (puree food with meat)
330pm nap
430pm milk
530pm dinner
9pm bedtime milk
Btw panda.. My small girl finally eats a decent amt of porridge for lunch... I use yr method.. I give more pear cum carrot puree add into spinach porridge... Then add in salmon. So she taste mostly pear... She eats! Yeah! Thou not a bowl yet.. Abt half a bowl.. Its a great improvement for her...

Dnr gonna try pork, apple and zucchhi porridge... Hopes she eats too...
grumpus, my milk monsters can drink milk immediately after foods one. but i try to drag until they fuss for it...

9am breakfast feed ends at 1030-11am..so cannot giv brunch or lunch again at 11am..tht wld mean non stop solids feeding..hehe...
mummies, my eldest boy start to bite pple leh. he does it on me, my maids n also his siblings! how to stop or teach him huh?? i kept telling him cannot, no no, he still continue to attempt to do it....

my mum says he is a baby bully..
Yr bfast takes 2hrs to finish? Thats quite long wor... Is it cos u feed all by yrself?

My small girl also bites us... V painful... But my elder girl dont.. I also keep telling her no... And i will smack her hand lightly.. Telling her dont do that... Hope she will know.. Hee..
They bite coz teething??

Mine seems to be a energizer bunny....till now not napping after waking up at 1pm !

Mummies now when u bathe ur babies, do u still puta few drops of the soap into bathtub and bathe them without rinsing like when they are young? Or u now apply soap direct n rinse ? Do u use a separate shampoo for hair? What brand is good for babies? Now. Still bathe like when she is young and use yh same for body n hair.
gan i use california baby hair n body wash. i apply the soap direct onto their body n hair.. now all my 3 wanna stand n bathe.. i just pour water over them ...

i dont think its due to teething.. coz he started teething long ago..only this week start biting pple...

baby, at least 1.5hr to feed all three... me n maids each take one to feed together.. my ones r not those tht can finish their meals in 5-10mins..
Panda, he bites when he is angry or just being playful ? For me if Grace does anything I dun like, I will tell her no but coz they are young, have to keep repeating to drive the message across. Stop him immediately when he is about to bite n tell him no. Give him some time he will understand no to bite.

Washing hair , pouring water ove,r, won't get into eyes? I am using sebamed baby bubble bath since I still put 1 or 2 drops Into tub for bathing
I've been soaping n rinsing off for mths already now. I use J&J top to toe for both hair n body.
my elder uses top to tie for hair but cetaphil for body cos she has eczema.
before I would let her sit in the empty bath tub n shower with the shower head. now she stands n showers
Gan, I am using esemtan for hair and body. Since she learned how to sit, I will put her in tub and shower. I apply directly. I will tell her "neck up up" or "where's the light" then she will lift her head backwards, I use water and rinse the soap in her hair.
Ohhh.. Maybe yr ones self feed so take longer time..
My feeding is less than 15mins.. At most take half an hr for my small girl... Cos once she stop.. Means its done.. Any attempt to coax her will make her scream..
Just now porridge failed for my small girl... She only took a few mouths.. After adding the apple.. The porridge tasted abit sour leh... Pear is nicer...

I also using california body and hair calming wash.
My hb will apply directly on their hair and rinse off.. But body still soap in the water.. Cos my girls love to play with water... And they cant really stand on their on.. Need support...
Grumpus have u use dried mushroom for aly's food? Thinking is it ok to feed that...thinking of ways to make the food tastier.

Dinner was a disaster. Only ate the steam egg, reject the pasta with avocado + pear puree. Wanted to eat biscotti. Gave her one biscotti plus the cheese string
Maybe shouldnt be a habit to offer biscotti when she didnt eat the dnr? Cos they are smart.. They may know if they refuse to eat the main.. They will be given the food they want... Why should they eat the "not so tasty" food when the real tasty one will be offered later? Dont know whether how true.. But just my thought...
Thats y i always dont want to offer any "junk" food if possible at home.. If my girl refuse to eat the main like porridge.. I will then quickly go make cereal for her... Then add in some vege/fruit puree in it... If yr girl dont like cereal.. Can give cheese with bread? Better than biscotti...
Baby u cld be right coz I have offered her the biscotti as breakfast n tea break. Will keep the biscotti. She saw that on the table n pointed n wanted that, when I gave her the pasta, she screamed the moment she saw the spoon. Not sure is it coz she was full from the egg, coz she almost finished the whole egg.

Will try the Quaker oats for breakfast tomorrow. These few days, breakfast was not healthy beside the fruits,
Gan, babies are so smart. That's why I have to keep away the bread when I m feeding her porridge. Otherwise she will point and say "bread bread bread"....

Baby, the orher day, i read that yr girl has 8 tooths! My girl cut her first tooth when she was 8.5months. Now at 11.5months, she cut her front tooth. Now can only see 2.5 tooths....
Gan, i am going to try bread n baked beans for breakfast tmr... wanna move out of giving baby foods slowly...

grumpus, how u cook the fresh mushroom? ur younger gal can eat it now? i havent tried mushrooms too....

my lunch n dinner today was bad. all scream n wanna drink milk :S
gan, he bites when both angry n playful! he can be resting his head on my shoulder then suddenly bite me! or just roll onto my thigh n bite!

i pour water over the head..hehehe... then i teach them to close eyes n mouth.. now all used to it... :p
i hvnt been to jwt yet... hmm sounds like fun.. ok i better go find sometime to go before the offer is over. u r most welcome, always happy to share info with everyone here.

wow all your babies speech like quite advance leh.. like justfaith's can say bread bread, or point at food they like. my boy never, only know how to cry when he doesn't get things he wants..hahhaa
Just faith, ya babies now quite smart. Just now so angry with my gal coz trying to make her sleep, but she was rolling around, standing up to play etc, carry her, she screamed n kicked. So I left her in the room before I burst to go have my dinner as it was already 10pm. Just came in to check on her, the naughty gal fall asleep on her own hugging her monkey, maybe I shld try letting her sleep by herself n stopped patting her to sleep.

Panda when he does that, tell him is painful n no. He may not realize, coz he cld just be playful, like Grace when I carry her n the ergo, she sometimes like to pat me on my shoulder n say 'da da' but she is doing for fun, coz when I looked at her, she will go into big smiles. But when she reject food when my helper feed, she will hit my helper hand, I will tell her sternly no, she will stop but nce she forgets, she starts again, so have to keep reminding her till she understands,
Panda baked beans, those in can? We eat in western food? I tot those high in sodium leh, ok to give babies? If ok, I shld give coz grace is vegetarian, I need to provide alt protein.

Grumpus, how do u cook the mushroom? Stir fry?

Happy, ya go, ur baby will like. My gal was crawling around n even climb the stairs up the slide while the teacher are singing ...haha.
gan, i bought an organic can that uses sea salt.. shld b lots healthier than the normal ones. i will try it myself first to see if its v salty before giving them tmr...

yup those tht we eat in western foods..

just faith, my boy calls bread "bao" coz i always say mian bao in chinese..hee... he also half way thru meals will go bao bao n point at bread...haiz.. i need to clear the dining table of all the adult foods before feeding them otherwise he wanna eat all our foods...
gan, its waitrose brand. i bought from cs. ok tmr try n let u know...

tmr going to try n feed bf before they go for the morning nap...think their nap at 8am is too early.... see if can feed, bath then let them nap......
Gan, btw what is JWT? Sorry. Didn't read all the posts here. Can post the link for the free trial thing again?

Happyhippp, my girl very "tam Jia". Every morning, she will say bread bread bread on the bed, until I carry her to her high chair. Then she will point to her breakfast plate. Besides "bread", she can say "ball", "bag" etc.
Just faith if u have UOB card, can go for a free trial for the gym, 45 mins session. Singing, playing for the kid, parent accompanied. Give them a call to make appt. The class schedule is on website too.


I wish my gal is tam jia like urs...hahaha.. Think my gal want to be slim slim, she has very small capacity.

My babies schedule looks something like this:

7.00am Wake up, milk
8.30am Breakfast
9.00am Bathe
9.30am Top up milk (60-100ml)
10.00am Nap
11.30am Lunch
2.00pm Milk
2.00-3.30pm Nap
3.30-4.00pm Small snack
5.15pm Dinner
7.30pm Milk then bed time

Perhaps you can feed breakfast before they take their nap... they are big now, can drag the time to 3 hours before they nap. After wake up, lunch at 11plus, swap the milk to 2pm. Just a suggestion

My boy also like to bite... when he is hugging me, he will suddenly bite my shoulder. I think its teething, he like very geram when he bites me! And if I tell him no, he will boo at me. Nowadays, each time i scold him and say no, he will look at me and then boo at me. And its like they know that they are being naughty. When he throws something out of the play yard, bite me etc, he will look at me and see what my reaction is. notti boy...


Your girl is vegetarian because she don't like meat or really vegetarian for life? Lentils, beans, tofu and egg should be good enuf for alt protein?

I also still bathe my kids in the bathtub. Will soap their hair and wash their bum bum and hands directly with soap. For body, I still bathe them in the soapy water ie. drop the body wash into the bath tub. I use Physiogel for body and J&J Top to Toe for hair.
Just Faith, your girl very clever ah. Can say so many words dy... How do you teach her? You just point at the thing and keep repeating? Bread with the r sound and all so chim also she can say, very good!

My ones can only say Mama and Papa... and that also they don't call us directly... Only when my girl cry and want me, she will say mama mama. My boy also learn one word, "Don't". Hahaha, the first word my naughty boy learn cuz he gets it everyday from us!


Wow, your boy can eat a lot of table food! How old is he now?


Today, I tried Quacker oats for breakfast for the first time... mixed a banana in with the oats. My kids loved it!! I think it tastes so much nicer than their baby cereal. But I agree with Gan, weetbix tastes like cardboard! And when it turns soggy in the milk, ewww....
Oh I am looking forward to Christmas time!!! And since its a special occasion, I am gonna be bringing my babies for a few Christmas dinner parties and let them stay up on Christmas eve too when the family gathers for dinner... Will try to let them nap at 5pm and see if they can stay up till 10pm!
Working wife, my gal is vegetarian by her choice! So unlike me as I m a meat lover except during preggy time.

I like your kids' schedule. They sleep early. Mine is getting naughty, sleeps around 930 to 10pm. But not sure if it becoz of me and hub, we work late so by the time we bring her home from my parent's place, it's already 9pm ish,
Gan, my ones sometimes also very naughty... most of the time, they will be sleepy after drinking their milk and by 8pm will knock off. But there are days when they are very naughty... don't wanna sleep. wanna roll around, stand in their cot, when I try to carry, they will cry... when put them down, immediately they start babbling and talking. My hb says because they missed us whole day when we're at work, so they wanna talk to us :S sometimes, it will drag on until 9pm.
gan, panda
fresh mushrooms can chop finely n add to porridge or for my younger girl I add to her patties.
mushrooms r very nutritious

when u bath yr gal, do try to pour water over her head n let some trickle down her face, then just quickly use yr hands to wipe the water off for her. cos if u always protect her face or use the bb method to wash her hair, next time when she's older she may be very scared of water on her head n face. I've seen some older kids who scream when water gets poured over their heads.

just faith
my younger girl very slow in teeth too! 8 mths 1st 2 teeth. 11mths 3rd one just just cut only. my elder by 1yo already had 8-10 teeth.
Grumpus, thks! Just bought a pack of brown mushroom from Ntuc. Later try for dinner.

I got a pair of Quakers rolled oats. Wanna try cook oat porridge...cook v long still don't look nice n fluffy like whats shown on the picture .. Still see some of the oats not yet fluffed.. But smells nicer compared to using the same stock to cook plain rice..

Gan, the beans lightly saltish. I still gav my bbs coz they don't really eat alot. All take 4-5 beans don't want liao.

I change their timing today. Breakfast at 8am..they were abit grouchy...so just let them play w Cheerios, bread n cheese... Then bathe n giv milk. 9ish they knock out for nap ..now still sleeping. 12 pm giv lunch. Like that feels more normal... But I guess it will take a few days for them to get use to the new timing.
Thanks panda, will check out the beans. Bringing her to the ntuc finest at scotts later as ran out of food for her.

Breakfast with the Quaker oats not successful. Screamed n cried when we feed her, only smile when she saw the blueberries. Ended up having milk only, super stressed. Feeding baby is more stressful than work 100 times!!

Lunch will be just porridge with egg.

Just now made her nap, also sun want, cried like kena abuse when I carry her. Mummies, ur babies will auto nap when it s time? Mi e seems to be energized, need to 'force' her to nap
Just faith
Both my girls aldry have 8 teeths each when they are 10mths old... Now both like gonna cut another 2 more...

Yr girl not much teeth but can speak so well! My girls cant say any words yet.. Can say dada mama but not specific to us..

Can give button swiss mushroom? I have one pack at hm... Thinking to add into porridge...

Today lunch tomato, broccoli, cauliflower, potato and cod fish porridge... Taste yummy... Hope my small girl will like...

This morning gave her quaker oats mix with her normal cereal... Add in chopped avocado, stawberries and blueberry... She finished all... Phew...
Maybe try mixing quaker oats with her fav cereal for a start? Cos initial i gave quaker oats itself.. My small girl also reject.. But just now she eats.. Thou the first few mouths abit reluntant.. Aft she used to it.. She like it...

Scotts got ntuc finest ah? I tot only the sp building has it...

Ya feeding fussy eater v stressful... I totally understand.. No choice.. We just got to keep trying... :p
My girls will also scream if i force them to nap.. Thats normal.. Imagine someone force u to sleep when u are not sleepy at all... Hehe..

So i will only let them nap when they are sleepy.. But strangely.. They always sleepy abt the same time.. Maybe they are used to it.. Once aft bfast.. Both sleepy.. Time to nap nap...

is yellow bean same as soyabean? my mum used to cook soup stock with 黄豆, izzit d same as d soyabean??? n she had cancer aft cancer...

GAN, I feel that taking care of bb is 100x more difficult than work. Not just feeding! Lol

My lunch was better than breakfast. But still eat v little. Boys 3 table spoon n gal 2 table spoon of oat porridge we feed one whole hour n make a mess as usual.

There is a type of Japanese mandarin orange at Ntuc. V sweet..I just let the bbs eat for lunch...

They eat v small amount, smtimes I dunno if I shld feed milk. But their tummies all fat fat from the 2-3 tablespoon of solids ...
Baby I hardly feed cereal lately ...so also dunno my gal will ear if I mix. The last cereal I gave was healthy times barley cereal.

Panda actually our babies tummy is only size of their palm, so maybe 2 or 3 table spoon is alot? I am thinking I need t give Grace sometime to eat more, can't expect her to eat 1 bowl, which is what I wld eat myself. Today lunch I have to juggle balls, sing to her to make her eat. Manage to finish the porridge with 1 egg yolk. Egg white let her self feed. She ate alittle , threw on the floor. Guess full already. Will bring her to scotts buy her food soon! The mandarin orange quite small right? Seen that in j8 ntuc.
yes swiss button mushroom also can add to porridge.

yes the yellow bean used to cook stock is the same soyabeans in beancurd, soya bean milk etc...

in a bit of a hurry to put my girls to sleep. will reply on the patty recipe later
i din give milk after lunch at 12pm. just gave them the laughing cow cheese dip for snack. 3 of them finish one pack. later 3pm give milk n let them nap....

gan, yes its quite small ...

i suppose its alot based on palm size tummy. n the porridge very thick..plus fruits...
gan, panda
tats y I prefer to feed rice. bb needs to eat a lot less rice to fill tummy compared to porridge so I can cut down my feeding time.

back to yr patty qn...
I make both meat patties n vege patties.
for meat I use either mince fish, pork, chicken or even beef. sometimes I combine 2 types of meat.
for vege I use grated pumpkin, parsnips, zuchinni, carrot or finely chopped spinach leaves. just mix and match 2-3 different vege.
mix everything together. sometimes I add some cheese or breadcrumbs for flavour. form into patties n bake in the oven or pan fry. If u hv those small toaster oven u can even use those.
u can also add cooked lentils, cooked rice, firm mashed tofu, peas, corn or mushrooms to the mix. sometimes I steam the patty instead of bake/fry.

u can consider making omelette too. same grated veges and minced meat but less. add to beaten egg and the fry.
Any reason why u not giving cereal?

Hmm.. Wondering am i the only one here still giving cereal...

Today lunch porridge rejected by my small girl.. In e end give her milk.. Then 1 hr later gave her fruit cum vege with chicken. She had quite alot...

Thanks grumpus.. Will add the swiss mushroom to my elder girl porridge later..
Back! N we were caught in the rain! Luckily the rain just started so didn't get wet.

Baby no particular reason abt the cereal, just that these few weeks she is on porridge , so didn't buy cereal. I have been throwing 1/2 pack cereal coz always never finish after opening that for 4 weeks. But the Penang trip we ar doing, I may want to stand by cereal in case not possible to cook in the hotel,

Thanks Grumpus! I shall try the patties this weekend. What do u use to fry? Butter or l.I've oil? I dun have a toaster oven, will buy one too.
