IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

i wanna try tahan until they r 2yo... what to do, maids are maids.. i m hoping with 2 of them, workload is lesser, they can work together well and dont give me problems...

i suppose so long as they can help me tc of bbs, the other things i close one eye lor...

after the episode all 3 bbs got sick, i dun think i can put them in ifc... its v tiring to b looking after 3 sick bbs..if i m working, how to tc of them.. coz its not like 1-2 days recover type.. such long period.. which boss can let me take so many days leave....

Maybe u need some basic ground rules cos u hv 2 maids. So eg if one bb cry, u will attend unless u r in the toilet etc....if 2 bbs r crying which maid shd respond and so on.
For chores, either write out a timetable for each maid, or sit them down with pen and paper and ask them to write down themselves in whichever way tat they can easily refer.
When probs happen, u just need to remind them to refer to their notes and nag at them.
This will not totally eliminate the forgetfulness n u having to repeat etc but it gives some structure n teaches the maids to be self sufficient.
Even when they are 2 yrs old... They will still be prone to getting sick if they are at childcare... But will be lesser than in ifc cos their are older immune stronger...

Its really tiring to have sick bbs.. I experienced it before so i know... I hope i dont experience it again... Thou not quite possible hor...
Hi there,
I have not log in this thread for a long long time. I have a preloved carseat maxi cosi priori XP, it is fr bb from 9 mths to 4 yrs old. bought it abt a yr ago this is a spare carseat in my fil's car but he seldom let me boy sit on it. Now it is placed in my spare room. I bought it from taka at $349, now selling at $200. Pls pm me if interested.
I bot white nectarine... But i thk its abit over ripe cos the flesh is dark color instead of white... I bot before its hard and white.. This time is soft and dark... I steam and blend as usual... After done the puree is dark color also... Is it ok to give bbs? Or should i throw all away?
Most maids are like that, I think its their envt they are brought up, many don't have good education to teach them life skills so they are not as sharp. Just got to remind them many times, hopefully over time they get it. Agree with grumpus, got to define their responsibilities, otherwise they may be waiting for each other to respond when there is a problem or waiting for your command.

Why don't u just take few years off work since u have 3 kids ? Once the 1st few years are over, then consider going back to work. Even if they are older and in childcare, they still will get sick(more often) and they will not be able to go to childcare and u need to park them with someone during the day. Worst is, at night if take care of them, morning still need to go to work, really shag.

I think u should just throw away or eat it yourself. Its dark inside sometimes due to 'internal injuries'. Usually, I see if dark inside, I will eat it myself, cos they don't taste as good, although no harm eating if its not rotten.
bubblybear, financially its very siong for my hb to b supporting 3bbs, me and 2 maids for such extended period... i hope i can return to work n we can have more savings for the bbs' future education funds....

my bbs super duper superglue me now leh.. i also dunno if continue to b at home is a good idea.. n i cant manage 3 of them together when all want my attention. i noticed when i m not ard, they can play on their own or even together..but once they see me all fight for my attention.. :S
My girls too... They are fine alone... Once they see me or hb.. They will scream for us... Or when they see us walk away... They will cry real bad... But that doesnt apply to my maid even when they see her everyday and take care of them whole day also... I wonder does the girls really know we are their parents...

Lately they refuse to sit quietly in the highchair even when i give them toys or on tv for them... They always want to carry or play on the floor...
baby, bbs do know who are their parents!

my ones ok to sit in high chair so long as there is food to eat... otherwise toys or tv also no use..haha..

i gave my eldest raisin bread this week.. initially i was concerned if he could handle the raisins.. to my surprised he took it well n loved it! now he can self feed one slice of bread for breakfast.. n when the raisin dropped onto the table, he quickly picked it up n stuff into his mouth! we all had a good laugh that he knew the little black dot is edible even though he is eating it for the first time..
Wow yr elder boy can take one slice! Thats very good!
Where u buy rasin bread? Those traditional bakery or gardenia type?

U give me an idea to give them rasin bread since my small girl likes to eat toast.... Did u toast or serve as it it?
Baby, I bought from four leaves. Raisin bread is less densed compared to plain white ones. Easier for baby to eat. I gv given their plain, wholemeal n raisin bread.

I stop toasting bread. My bbs can handle the bread as it is...

My eldest boy loves bread alot. This morning he ate 3/4 bowl sweet potato apple cod fish porridge w yolk, one bottled strawberry kiwi, and half slice raisin bread in one sitting.. Faints..
Wow mann... Yr boy can eat!
Today my small girl finally eats... Gave her rice custard cereal... Pear puree with cod fish... And some zucchhi, broccoli porridge for dnr. I realise she will only eat when its near feeding time... Means she only eat when hungry.. Unlike my elder girl who can eat whenever and whatever i give her.

I gave plain and wholemeal bread also... I also give four leaves butter roll too... Four leaves has small plain bun? I saw those small cube size milk bread... Got choc flavour also... Dont know can give bb not...

Shall try rasin bread soon... Its those normal slice loaf rasin bread frm four leaves right? Not those muffin size type right?
Crystal jade bakery sells carrot bread, spinach bread n milk bread. Quite yummy.
Breadtalk sells bread with brown rice.
Did u know u can freeze bread?
Oh, breadtalk has this very nice cranberry cream cheese bread. Comes in small buns, 8 in each loaf. Each bun is cran berry bread with a cube of cream cheese in the middle.
Very yummy
Yup, I freeze my bread cos the loaf is too big for my girl to finish. She eats abt half slice each time. I will cut up the bread into half slices n store in individual plastic bags n then freeze.
To thaw just take out n thaw at room temp. When it reaches room temp, I feed it to my girl. No difference to taste n texture as when freshly bought
Yup it still as soft.
I hv only one bb eating half slice of bread each time. Even half loaf takes awhile to finish :p
My elder girl ate so much bread when bb but now refuse bread...faintz
Grumpus, I understand! Before my eldest cld eat 1 slice, I hv been eating the bread w him. Otherwise can't finish. My Other 2 not such big fan of bread.

Hmm... I will go check out crystal jade!

When did u let ur bbs eat cake huh? I m wondering if they k Eat their own bd cake in 2 mths time. No problem w whole eggs..hv already tried ....
Hmmm if it's special occasion like bday I will let my girl eat. Even at her 1st bday. But I let her hv the cake part only, took out all the cream.
Now my elder gets to eat cake with cream and all but usually only on bdays too. In sch she eats quite a bit cos always will hv various bday celebrations
Chocolate cake ok?? Or I shld get normal vanilla ones? I was thinking getting 3 cupcakes minus the cream on top for them ... Coz wanna let them self feed.. A slice off the whole bIg cake will b messy. ;p
i would get vanilla it it's an option. chocolate a bit too sweet i feel. but if no choice, i will still give, cos it's one yr old bday, big achievement!
U ordering from pine garden? Recently had cakes frm there given by my friend wedding... Not so nice leh... Thou i heard alot of good reviews on their cake... U tried their cake before?

I shall freeze bread too! Else troublesome to go buy fresh ones...

Btw how long does it take to thaw the bread?
i use the small barley. think that's ang mo barley? not the big china barley.
last time medical hall told me china barley more liang.
but i think just faith last time said china barley better...so err i'm not sure also.
but anyway i'm still giving the small barley.
K thanks. Guess abit shld be ok, will try the ang mo barley coz baby still having constipation .'=( I have changed back to enfapro thinking milk powder was not issue..... Just fed her some pear n blueberry purée , hopefully will her pass motion
some mummies say dragonfruit also good for constipation. but anyway, must also give lots and lots of water, not just fibre.
i use the barley water to make fm, in place of water. that helps ensure bb drinks more
Gan, I stop giving barley since I changed to friso. But I think Ang mo barley too liang for 10mth old. But everything in moderation is fine.

Pandawife, I already start giving my girl cake less cream. She could finish one slice by herself. Not to mention bread.

Baby, besides raisin bread, can try corn bread. My also like to play on floor. Dun like to play in playmat, abc mat... Only want the real floor. So stress to look after her sometimes. My girl know who her parents ah.... Only bully daddy n mummy but not the maid or my mum. Haha

Rose, my MIL is just as irritating. My girl learning "ma-ma, ma-ma". My MIL keep insisting she wants food "mum-mum". She kena scolded by my hubby. She just had ate, how can she be asking for food? And in any case, we seldom use "mum-mum".....
Understand, its all finances. But I'm quiting year end, as #1 starting preschool next year, got no one to pick up after school. Although I did toy with the idea of getting a nanny to do the school runs, but I afraid she will run away with my child one day and never return...haha, I think too much.

I also already gave my bb cakes, but mostly home made, not too fanciful ones, outside bought cakes, he eaten twice, both bday cakes minus the cream.

I also freeze bread, but I don't give the kids frozen bread, usually they eat the fresh bread, the rest we eat other times, but we try to avoid buying big loaf so no need to freeze. So your big girl don't eat bread what does she eat for breakfast ?
Grumpus, ya read bat dragon fruit too.... Maybe will try this weekend. Her stool is stiff n dark green. Fed her water n dilute her milk too but doesn't seem to help.

Just faith my gal goes 'nei nei' when she wants milk...but she still doesn't call me ma ma though she makes ma ma sound. U feed her cakes bot outside? Not sweet? I m still not that adventurous with food for my gal..... She is still having boring puree with porridge.
My elder girl eats cheese, cornflakes or biscuits for breakfast. Some bread she will eat, like chocolate buns or cranberry buns. But those sliced bread she will not eat.
bubblybear, yeah lor.. if not for financial concerns, i will stay home longer. i m exploring to do relief teaching maybe when bbs are older.. if tht works out, i will keep them at home longer. on the days i need to go teach, will drop them at my mum's place.

i tink i will bake some cupcakes tht are baby healthy for the party... will have quite many bbs n toddlers here...

baby, yes i eat pine garden cakes quite often. esp love their lychee martini cake! but of coz not suitable for bbs lah..ahha.. plan to order this:

xii. Triple Layer Chocolate Cake 
Velvety chocolate cake; made from German chocolate, sandwich between layers of soft chocolate cake.

hv to go for their premium selection of cakes, the normal ones are like normal neighbourhood bakery kind of standard..nothing special or tasty..

Gan, i went EYS to buy barley. was advised to use those barley that are "fried"... looks abit like barley popcorn.. those are not too liang...

grumpus, when can we start giving cornflakes??
u can give cornflakes already since yr bbs can handle chunks. i would choose those made from whole grains and with no added sugar. cheerios is a good option too.

u can consider baking muffins too instead of cupcakes
Grumpus, I just went crystal jade n gt the carrot bread! Thks for the recommendation. Looks yummy. Tmr let my boy try... Going to cook pasta sauce to freeze tonight... Bottled ones v siong the rate they r throwing foods on the floor! Lol.

Saw ur msg too late, otherwise I buy cornflakes too!

Hmm..hv to confess I never baked cupcakes nor muffins before ... Hahaha.. Will go search for recipe n experiment...
I also went the four leaves to buy half loaf of cranberry bread... Its so yummy! My small girl ate one slice! I tasted it myself... V tasty!

I freeze 3 slices.... Next gg to try the crystal jade carrot bread...

Cornflakes? U mean those nestle type? Wont it be too dry and hard?
Baby, I will try d cranberry one soon too! The carrot bread only 4 slices...

My gal walked today! She k do 3 steps unsupported...aft tht she will drop onto me or my maid..v funny..
yes those normal nestle cornflakes. nope it will not be too dry and hard if yr bbs r used to eating hard foods.
panda's bbs can eat chicken drumlet already wor.
grumpus only my eldest n youngest k chew on hard foods.. hehe. my younger boy still at beginner stage... wanna chew but always gag.. he skipped puree totally n now wana follow the other 2 ...half the times he gags n milk will come out.. but i continue to let him try...:p
it's ok, yr younger boy can still follow the other 2 to eat cornflakes. just soak in a bit of milk for him to soften first
Yes.. Try the cranberry bread.. Im sure yr bbs will love it too!
Initially wana get the rasin bread but it looks abit hard.. Then saw the cranberry bread.. It state soft.. So i bot it instead..
The cranberry also v tasty...
How u cook the pasta sauce?
Btw, which annabel karmer book u buy? I went kino today.. Saw so many titles till i blur.. In e end didnt buy...

Shall go buy cornflakes! Will soak it in milk to soften first.. Let them get used to it first...
I let my elder girl eat the bellamy spelt pasta.. She gag and split it out.. Whereas my small girl can chew the whole pasta... But she didnt like it thou...

I run out of ideas what to give for bfast... Today gave cheese coated with yolk to give them...

Btw how to store mango puree? Cos mango no need to cook.. Just blend... After blend can freeze? If can, then steam to warm it? Can warm meh since its not cooked at all?
Btw today didnt manage to get pang jio... Got the 42 jio instead... Bb can take?

Both my girls love banana... Can eat 3/4 banana...
baby, i follow the pasta sauce recipe in the book by annabel..there r different types of home made sauce recipes in there...

Annabel Karmel's New Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner

the raisin bread is not hard.. n i love to look at my boy pick up raisins to eat..hehehe.. :p

u can make french toast? or banana/avocado spread on bread? my boys loves bread dipped in yogurt too....

on days i m lazy, i just give him a piece of bread w cheese or yogurt, plus a dried plum or apricot..
Gan, according to my hubby, my girl only make "ma ma" sound when I m around. Hehe. Those popcorn alike barley are called "生熟薏米"very tasteless one. That's y I will mix some with china barley.

My girl enjoys eating out with us. I will buy those spongy cheese cakes fr bakery shops. Less sweet. Birthday cakes also eat, less cream.

I also give her porridge n puree only. No fanciful pasta or baked food. Only see her appetite gets bigger. I give her lunch at 12pm, in between no milk until her dinner at 5pm. I only gv her milk in the morning n night - still 180ml x 3. Like las night, she slept at 6pm. Gave her milk at 1130pm before I sleep. Then 430am, I gave her milk again so she can sleep longer. She usually wake up between 7 to 730am.

Grumpus, how do u toilet train yr girl last time? Is it nec to use potty? I tried for two days not to let her wear diapers during daytime. But very tiring leh.... Must carry her to the potty n pee.
Just faith,
Think yr girl is still abit young to toilet train for pee cos they actually dun hv full control of their bladder yet and the awareness of peeing n pooing. The potty method starts with training for poo first cos poo usually fewer times a day and messier to clean. So u still use diapers but in the mornings after bath, after she wakes from nap etc, u put her on the potty n make ng ng sound. Or during the times u know she usually will poo, u put her on the potty n make the sound. This method uses sound association. After poo, usually will pee. So when u see her pee u make the shh shhhsound.
Eventually she will learn to associate poo with ng ng and pee with shh shh. Then she will pee n poo on cue. But because she still can't verbalize the need to pee poo, u still hv to carry her frequently to the potty to let her pee poo.
I didn't use this method cos it requires a lot of patience n consistency.

The other method waits until bb can verbalize n is able to control their bladder. Some bb can do this as early as abt 18mths, usually by 2 yrs old. I used this method when my girl was 2 yrs old, very fast, takes abt 3 days only. Just let her run ard diaperless and tell her when she need to pee to tell u n go to the toilet. Of cos the first few times will hv accident n just need to repeat, cannot pee floor muz go toilet n pee n bring her to the toilet. She will learn to hold her pee n tell u before she actually pees, then just need to quickly bring her to the toilet.
hi mummies
does anyone have recommendation for birthday cakes and cupcakes? hope to find sthg reasonable.

i'm planning to bring my boy to batam for short trip. anyone brought their little ones to batam before? wondering what to take note of? oh yes, i heard about mosquitoes. do u know which brand of anti-mozzies patch/spray is good for babies?
Just faith
Yr girl drink so little a day? Only 3 feeds?
U give porridge at 12... Then no milk till 5pm? In between u give snack is it?

My small girl also take 4 feeds a day only... 210ml each time.
In between give snack, cereal, puree or porridge.
Can try 'rice bubbles' too instead of cornflakes. Rice bubbles soften very quickly with milk and easy to feed. But maybe quite challenging for bb to self feed, grain too small.

I'm thinking of taking few years off, then when they are older and can remain in school for extended hrs, will return to full-time work. Actually, if can work part-time is the best, work/life balance, cos full-time work quite demanding sometimes.

if u want to freeze fruit puree, u need to cook it first. But why need to puree mango ? Its so soft can just scrap to feed bb.

#1 never eat biscuits for breakfast before, I was thinking, is it filling enough, how many has to eat to feel full ??

Baby, it has been like that since 8/9months plus. Only porridge at 12pm and 5pm. For porridge, she can finish one Chinese bowl. I am also giving her meat regularly. Can only buy from market - 腰肉。it's really soft and she can digest the meat well.

From 12pm to 5pm, I dun give snacks anymore. If give snack, it will affect her intake at 5pm.....
