IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

My #1 is a really small eater. She will eat abt half a bowl of biscuits n then usually some cheese on the side. Sometimes I give her cream crackers n she eats abt 2pcs only.

I dont intend to cook mango... But cos im thinking to freeze the remaining so ask whether can freeze and reheat if i didnt cook the mango beforehand.
So now means cant freeze to store... Can only give fresh mango...
Baby, for breakfast, I gv chwee kueh kosong, Chee Cheong fun kosong, tabao (skin only), bread with thin slice of cheese spread, raisin bread, corn bread, pandan sponge cake. It depends on what time she wake up etc. I am quite easy with food.

Other than giving her slices of apples n pears, which she hardly finish anyway, I gv her fruit puree.

She naps 3 times a time. Morning x 1, 12pm - 5pm x 2times. Before porridge, I make sure she has sufficient sleep so that she's in good mood to finish her food.
I use California bb insect repellent spray. A bit ex but it's all natural so I feel more comfortable spraying on bb skin. Hv to replenish every few hrs though.
I also buy mosquito patch to stick on the back of bb shirt. Right at the bottom away from their nose. Can get easily from pharmacy, many brands, they r all abt the same effectiveness.
Just faith
Wow yr bfast alot of variety! U aldry started to give adult food... Hmm... Maybe i can try too...
Im still giving bread or cereal for bfast... Now seems like i have more choices... Can give cornflakes too... Hee...

So u serve bfast after the morning milk? I give bfast at abt 9am after their morning bath... Morning milk usually at 7am..
How u make french toast? Dip bread in beaten egg and cook on pan? Need to put oil or butter?

I find the avacodo abit difficult to make leh.. Both times i buy.. Got those "stems" in the avocado leh... Is it cos its not ripe enough? But the flesh aldry v soft liao le...

Btw the annabel book is hard cover right?
I saw another book which author is local... Title call something like "make yr bb eat right"...
thks for the info on the venue..ok think i will go hv a look. but think i hv more adults than kids, so maybe need to cater more to adults than kids. where are u ordering ur cake from?
ya decided on batam coz think all i need is a nice pool for my boy to play in. dun think he can appreciate club med yet. i've been on cruise before, i find rather claustrophic :p

tks for the info. where did u buy the california bb insect repellect spray from?
Just faith
The pork u buy frm market... U ask the butcher to mince or u mince yrself? The 腰肉 is it the one we eat for confinement? Only have one piece in one pig?
So far i only give fish and chicken... Gave pork once but my elder girl dont really like cos abit hard like rubber...
just faith, ur gal eats n naps well! v guai!

aiyoh..my boys these 2 days after the 12noon nap, wake up 1plus refused to zzzz anymore... when we try to pat them zzzzz they refused n scream! the minute i put them down, they crawl away happily to play.....faint... but tht means by early evening they are grouchy.. cant feed food at all...i just gv milk n let them zzzzz...

baby, i dip in milk w egg..smtimes i puree banana n add to the dip too... i use unsalted butter.

u buy organic avocado?? or normal ones?? i find tht organic ones seems to hv more strings compared to normal ones. i giv avocado in slices..v easy...just cut half n "peel" the skin away...

yup, the book is hardcover...
baby, i buy tht kind of pork too... its the most expensive n softest part of the pig.. equivalent to the chicken fillet. i minced at home using knife n just throw into the porridge...

these kind of meats v soft.. so aft minced bbs can easily eat it....

i started to giv cod fish too... my bbs take salmon n codfish, dun like threadfin.... dunno if its bcoz i dunno how to cook ...hmmm.....
I buy normal avocado... Both times still alot of strings leh even when its aldry ripe... I notice when i freeze the remaining and thaw.. It turn black v fast... Maybe cos i warm it..

U mean add milk into the beaten egg and dip the bread in it? Then use unsalted butter to heat up the pan?

Ya my girls too.. If they dont nap enough.. They not interested to eat at all... I also notice they sleep less now..
Only take one morning nap and one late afternoon nap... Each time abt 1hr or so...

Even i prefer cod fish and salmon over threadfin hahaha...
So i seldom give threadfin... Cod fish and salmon has higher goodnoil content and omega3 thats good for bbs!

I shall go buy the pork fillet and mince it myself! Is it easy to mince?? Must chop v long?
Baby, yes yes!  Those that we eat during confinement. It's the most expensive part. $22 per kg.  If yr babies can handle meat well, worth investing in "Yao rou". In d past, I only give boneless loin meat (ba tau in hokkien) if I want to add meat flavor in the porridge. 

For "Yao rou", I usually buy two pieces home. Cause hardly go market.  2 pieces already costs me $20.
 Each piece I will cut into 8 or 9 smaller pieces then store in plastic bags. It's already very soft, I dun mince it. I will add in the porridge after it has been cooked for half an hr or so, when cooked, I just use fork to smash it.  Not nec to blend or mince.  Then add 5 or 6 leaves of spinach 5 or 10mins before serving. I dun cut into smaller pieces like last time. 

I usually give bf first thing in the morning. She will eat with me.  Usually served between 7 to 730am.  Will shower her aft bf so that i can clean her up at the same time.  Will give milk between 8 to 830am.  I dun think bf can make her full.  Btw, those Ta-bao are freshly made ones. My favourite r from : Blk 309 Hougang or Blk 327 Hougang.  

Pandawife, these few days my girl dun let me pat her to sleep. Keep pushing my hand away. She made me feel I m disturbing her by patting her. So sad.
.  She still like to sleep on my tummy.  

It's easier for u when comes to feeding if u can let your babies nap more. Sometimes it is not that they dun like the food, but the timing we are feeding her. I ever encountered two occasions my girl ate porridge until she fell asleep.
. Felt so guilty. I carried her until she woke up as I was worried she kena choked. She was 5 or 6mths old then.
. Sometimes I force my girl to nap at 430pm, so that at 5pm, she is wide awake to eat her dinner. No more rubbing eyes. 
Grumpus, thanks for your reply. Think I missed it this morning. Precisely because I aga-aga know know when my girl poo. Since newborn, I will make "Ng-Ng" sound when she is pooing. But not she-she.

Feel like teaching her new things these few days but realised it doesn't work at all. End up, she was so fascinated by the potty and I was perspiring.

18months? But still need to use potty? Or can straightaway use those child seat cover?
Just faith
Oh no need to mince the pork ah... Wont it be too big a chuck to mash it with fork?

U serve bfast first time in the morning cos u give milk at 430am... I dont give milk in the mid night.. Last milk usually at 8pm... So i need to give milk when they wake up at 7am... Then bfast at 9am...

I thk will buy the yao rou at ntuc finest... I saw it at th chiller.. I also bot the sakura minced chicken frm there...

Since u dont give anytin between 12-5pm... When do u give puree food?

I also give 2 times porridge for my elder girl.. She also eats one chinese bowl... Hmmm... Maybe im giving her too much food..

7am 180ml milk
9am cereal/bread
1030am 180ml milk
1230am porridge
200pm fruit puree/yogurt
330pm 180ml milk
530pm porridge
8pm 210ml milk

Thats my elder girl typical menu for a day...:
Just faith,
I know some mummies who successfully toilet train at 18mths. I tried with my elder but after 5days she still dun get it so I put her back in diapers n tried again when she was 2. This time very fast, within 3 days she understood wat I'm asking n able to hold until I bring her to the toilet.
Not necessary for potty, can straight away use child seat.
Baby, u k cut the pork into thin slices to cook. Aft tht mash w fork like what just faith does. I do tht when I m lazy to mince. I minced coz my younger boy not as good at chewing compared to the other two. If nt minced enuff smtimes he gags...

Just faith I wish I dun need to pat them zzz!!! I feed food aft their morning nap. Followed by bathing... My ones can't force to zzzz now. Will scream n I can't stand the crying. Before they zzz I will go crazy liao
Baby, yr schedule looks like what i used to give her.  Btw, I used to give 150ml milk to my girl btwn 12 - 5pm to help her to zzz zzz. But my mum thinks Since she ate so much for lunch, she shouldn't feel hungry easily. Even my hubby think so. Then usually that bottle of milk she can't finish. 

Puree usually come after porridge. She can finish one Chinese bowl and one small daiso container of puree. My puree standard one. Apple, pear, kiwi or grapes. 

I recently upsized her milk to 180ml. Previously she was on 150-180ml.  

FYI, she usually sleep around 7 to 730pm. So I can't give her milk as she had porridge at 5pm. But if she delay her sleep until 8 or 830pm due to outing, then usually I will give her milk so she dun wake up so soon due to hunger. 

She can sleep on her own now. So I dun have to give milk before she zzzz.  

If yr elder girl is okay with your timing, just stick to it. Dun change. 

Re : meat size. I really dun find the size too big. After cooked, u can see small strips of meat.... I just smash with fork. Same way as I handle codfish and threadfin. Hehe.
Grumpus, I really hope can do away with Potty and introduce child seat straightaway.

Pandawife, endure!!! You have 3 precious! If it's me, I would have gone crazy much earlier, and not posting here! How do you pat yr babies? Carry n pat or just pat on bed? Due to my metal implants, I dun hv habit of carry and rock/pat her sleep. I let her play on bed and doze off. Not forgetting, my girl co-sleep with me.
Happyhippo, my sis wants to sponsor the cake, so I leave it to her to decide for me. I am easy. If just want a nice pool, can go Hard Rock Hotel. Haha. Should be checking in to hard rock hotel on her actual birthday. Never thought of batam as I know it is not v safe to travel there. Batam only reminds me of kelong seafood, belacan and coconut! I dun remember staying overnight there. I usually go in the morning and come back in the evening. hehe
Just faith,
Actually for my girl I didn't even use child seat, just straight away put her on the adult seat. She balances herself with her hands on the seat. That's cos I only toilet trained when she was 2 so she was able to do tat.
Now at almost 4 she can get onto the adult toilet bowl by herself, pee, get off and wipe herself (iif really hv to, I usually still wipe for her), then wash hands
My ones also cant force to sleep... They will only sleep when sleepy... Else will scream to protest!

Ya hor i shall cut the pork to thin slices... Hmm.. But harder to store in freezer with slices...

Just faith
My ones will always finish the milk... My elder girl is taking 180ml milk cos she eat more solids so i dont give her 210ml like my small girl...

These two nights my elder girl didnt drink milk in the middle of night.. Thats quite a achievement! Thou she did cry but we just pat her bk to sleep.... Last time she will at least drink one time in the middle of night...
So this morning i give her 210ml for her morning milk since she didnt drink for the whole night...

My small girl also dont need to carry or pat to sleep... She will just roll and play on bed till she fall asleep... But my elder girl cant.. Got to give milk to let her sleep else got to carry rock.. V tiring to carry rock her....
All my 3 bbs hv to carry pat rock to zzzz..both naps n night zzzz... Its a habit already. I can't stop now coz they will cry n cry refuse to zzzz.... I k only hope they will outgrow this ...

I need some avenue to communicate n share my thots! Everyday at home w them n dumb maids. I hv no life or frens. U gals r all my virtual frens n it helps tht our bbs r about the same n we hv common topics!
errmmm unlikely yr bbs will automatically outgrow carry pat rock to zzzz, some training will be required.
actually for my elder girl i started training her at 10mths.
i always give milk before zzz then i carry and rock till she's drowsy but not yet asleep, then i lie down on the bed with her and tell her time to sleep.
she will roll here roll there and TRY to sleep. initially, of cos not successful and she will get really cranky and fussy cos she's sleepy but can't sleep. I carry, rock again until drowsy again and then the cycle starts again.

in the beginning it took me almost one hr to put her to sleep using this method. but i do it everyday until eventually i just need to give her milk and she will roll ard and sleep by herself, no need to carry or pat.

now my younger girl also roll ard and sleep by herself. but i need to be there with her lah. so at zz time my 2 girls roll ard with me until they zz

maybe u can try training one bb at a time, whichever u think is most likely able to sleep by themselves.
Grumpus, that's how my nieces did. They balance themselves on the adult seats. I find it amazing. When they want to wipe, they will get down on their own, wipe and throw paper in toilet bowl.

Baby, correction! I just realized my girl has been drinking 6oz of milk before water + milk. After mixing, is about 200-210ml. Last night I start to worry if I m underfeeding my girl. Haha.

Pandawife, feel free to complain anything about your maid or MIL.... U know what, throughout this new role, I realized good spouse support is very important. He is usually the spokesman between my MIL and me. So many times, I see my hubby side me and baby, I really feel shiok inside. Whenever he is at home, he will bathe my girl, feed her milk and put her to sleep. He can do whatever I do for my girl.

I also dunno when was the last time I went out with friends. I guess it's not important anymore. Can't wait to see my girl grow up, so that she can do more grown up activities with us.
Just faith
I think its 麻油.... Just another way of saying...

Haha cos u see my elder girl drink more than yr girl so u worry... I also worry im overfeeding my girl when i saw whats yr girl intake... Heeee... Mummy tend to worry too much...
Grumpus, I really can't wait for her to turn 12months then 18monthz. I also want to be like u, kids crowding around me, roll on the bed and fall asleep. So lovely.

Baby, thanks for the translation. Haha. Mummies really worry this and that hor? Btw can I know yr girls' weight now or last known weight?
Just faith
I long time didnt go pd so didnt weigh my girls... Last check which is abt 2mths plus ago... My elder girl is 9.6kg... My small girl is 8.4kg... Im sure my elder girl is over 10kg now cos she is getting heavier and heavier!

I now worry am i really overfeeding my girl... She will eat a bowl of porridge just less than 2hrs of milk... Hmm... She can poo 4 times a day... Scare she eat too much... I thk i will find ways to give her less... Cos the late morning milk and afternoon milk is given to let her nap... And she always finish every feed...
Just faith,
Haha it sounds lovely but actually every night is like war. Cos my younger gal will disturb jie jie, pull her hair n clothes. Then my elder will play peek a boo n my younger will laugh. When I tell my elder to sleep she will 'complain' mei mei disturb her.
I hv to keep nagging until one falls asleep n then the other will sleep very shortly after.
Baby, if want to cut down food or milk, do it slowly. Alamak, hope I didnt stress you about feeding. You are their mummy, I am sure u know best! My girl is in between your girl's weight. She was 8.7kg before turning 9months. Now aga-aga close to 10kg too.

Grumpus, I can imagine the war. Haha. Your #2 also cute hor? Pull jie-jie hair. My gal likes to flip my t-shirt n dig my belly button, pull my glasses. She already broke two hair bands and one sunglass. Haha
Just faith,
My #2 is very playful n cheeky. Normally she will not pull jie jie hair but when my elder lies down, her hair spreads out on the pillow n for some reason #2 finds it very interesting....haha
I went for LASIK when #1 was 9mths cos I couldn't stand her always pulling my glasses n banging into them!
Just Faith,
recovery for LASIK is very fast, abt 2 days only. my mum took 2 days leave and helped me look after my girl.
after that 2 days i went back to looking after her myself
Bubbybear, thanks! Too kan Cheong Liao. Already cooked the dish last night. Not too bad, except I personally dun like "wu Xiang" powder.

Grumpus, oh, that's good. 2 days.... Hmmm....now wondering if I ever will get chance to go op to remove metal implants. Alot of sports restriction. Can't even cycle properly.
Just Faith
U are an early riser ! Yah, 'wu xiang' very strong smell, cannot put too much. Try again next time. Metal implants can remove ? Tot its for support.
Bubblybear, ya lor. Though I add abit, I dun really like the taste.

Ya, metal implant to support. But mine two long stainless steel. 27 stitches and 14 screws. I find it a hindrance ESP when there is a limit how much I can bend my ankle. every morning I wake up or rush to make milk, my injured leg hurts alot. And I really mean it, every time it hurts.
Does petit miam yoplait for 1yr plus comes in plain flavour? I went two supermarkets cant find... Only comes in flavoured ones... Vanilla, berry and strawberry... So bot the berry flavour...
I bot the kellogs cornflakes... Can give my bbs right?
I saw the cheerios.. Its the ring with different flavours right? I didnt buy cos such a big box... Not sure whether my girls will like it for bfast not so start with cornflakes better...

Serve it with milk is it?
the plain kellogs cornflakes? yup u can give yr bbs already.
pour abit into some milk and serve. let it soak longer if u want it to be softer
Yup bot the plain kellogs cornflakes...
Gg to let my girls try tml for their bfast... Today gave them rasin bread with cheese..
baby, no plain one.. the most plain is vanilla..

grumpus, i bought the multi grain lightly sweeted cheerios.. is tht too sweet for the bbs? my boys love it! kept stuffing them into their mouth n shouting for more..faint.. hehe... surprising even my younger boy can handle it as finger food..no need soften w milk....he used his saliva to soften it..keke..
i tried.. slightly sweet..its definitely not plain tasting..hehe..mayb thts y they like it! but i cant find no sugared ones at the CS here... i also think shld b ok plus they are not going to eat it everyday.

i also bought organix raisins pack... yet to try..wonder whats the difference betw this n the normal raisins we eat....

grumpus, when can babies eat organix cereal bars?? it says 12 months..but wondering if my gal can chew on it anot...
