IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Just faith, PG just sent me their cakes designs for bd n price list. Pm me ur email , I forward to u..hv number one design..

Might use NEO garden. Let u know if I need the discount..thks in advanced!!

just faith, my side all the niece n nephews are babies! haha... nobody to help do all these..so hv to keep it simple.

pink D, my maid does help me, just tht there are tasks tht i need to do myself... with 3 of them, she does her fair share of carrying them, playing w them n patting them to zzz..otherwise i will die from exhaustion! haha... u hv ur in laws to help..so bb is in good hands!
just faith, i just checked with PG, fyi number 1 design cake has to be at least 3kg. the cost of cake is in their price list, for art work n design is additional $30-35.
Wow u mummies so fast planning for birthday... Im no where near...

U have 3 bbs celebrating for birthday... U will be getting special cake that is for all three bbs?
Im wondering are there special cake that is designed for twin girls...
Baby, pine garden has cakes for twins...I dunno wat to get yet. I m oso not planned... No time. My sil is the one gathering all the info for me! Hahaha...

The bd party will b a smaller affair for close frens n family. We did a big bash for full mth.... So now will hv a shorter guest list. I m oso doing a photo album of their candid shots since birth til now....wanted to make 3 books, one for each bb but dun think I hv time....

My 2nd maid replacement will b here next week. Hopefully she is decent. I dun expect good ...but k at least help me w the basic chores. Now the bbs r mOre active crawling, my maid needs to mop the floor 3x a day. N plus all the messy self feeding, everynight hv to shower 3 high chairs....
U have a good sil!! Haha...

Same lor.. I simply have no time to plan and think.. Everyday barely have time to breathe! My small girl refusing to drink milk adds to my headache...

Mop 3x a day?? So kua zhang ah... Is it cos the food all ends up on the floor? Yr maid got grumble she has to do so many

With another pair of hands definitely helps! Yr parents is helping yr sil baby? So currently u are alone with one maid and 3 bbs?
yeah, my hb's sister super dote the bbs...every wkend she will come n play w them n buy snacks for them. everytime there is bb fair or toy fair she also buy toys/clothes for them. i hardly get to go out, so if need to buy anything, i just sms her to help to get it.....

i m a cleanliness freak! hahahaha... bb morning nap mop once, then afternoon nap once, then at night they zzz another time! n everynight she has to clean ALL the toys... :p she dun grumble ..but i dunno if she curse me in her room ..hahah.....

my mum still helping me..my sil going bk to work mid nov... after tht i will b on my own w 2 helpers.....
So nice to have a nice sil...

I wish i have one too....

My small girl is getting fussier and fussier... Last time she will take cereal for bfast... Now that i give her toast with cheese.. She refuse to eat cereal! When i trick her to open her mouth with toast then stuff the cereal into her mouth.. She gets angry and scream at me... Haha...

My maid also wash the toys every night.. But only vacume and mops once a day...

Now my girls taking their morning nap... Aldry prepared my elder girl lunch porridge... Kept inside warmer thermos... Brinjal with minced chicken porridge... Puree stock running low... So today only give one vege with meat... Heee...

I notice minced chicken is softer than minced pork.. Easier for bb to chew... Gave sakaru chicken.. Free from antibiotics..
Got to think of ways to let my small girl take chicken... Maybe got to hide in her fav fruit puree again...
baby, my PD says can hide in yogurt..fish or meats all can....

my 2 boys ate porridge for bf today! suddenly they ok w spoon...though not alot, but better than nothing...keke... i just put carrot pieces n pork in the porridge.. they chew on the carrot pieces n ate the porridge...

my gal eating her pasta now... reallly pasta junkie.. i gv her pasta in a bowl n cauliflower, red n yellow bell pepper n avocado in another plate...she din even wanna look at the plate! just kept eating the pasta...faint...........

made pork chop.. later wanna let my eldest boy try.... hmmm.. mayb i shld try the chicken fillet tht grumpus mentioned one of these days...

i find tht mop once a day not enuff... usually by mid day the floor feels dusty.. after meals my maid cleans up the area thts dirty.. mopping is another round.. tht means some areas get cleaned more than 3x :p
U super clean...I don't even have multiples but I'm not so clean, let them build immunity..haha.

Unless under Dr's advice, otherwise I don't think we need to give. Their milk and solids should provide balanced nutrition already. My #1 is 3+ I have not given her any.
bubblybear, i m going crazy now tht the 3 are unwell... now so young all 3 sick v jia lat for me... the build immunity part has to come later...

i use air purifier w dethol everyday!

actually i m more sticky w cleaning coz there r 3 of them! one sick all sick.. this recent flu episode we spent ard $1.5k on PD bills..... prevention is better than cure.....
U all make alot of effort to prepare food for your bbs. For me till now, I have not pan-fried or bake any meals for my bb. Its just very bland tasting, 'all-in-one' pot, or can be just rice with soup and other steam stuff etc. That day I added more flavour with bell pepper, herbs etc, he gag upon tasting and grumble all the way but still finish all...very funny.
I can understand, Its really no joke when the kids are sick, adults has to continue to function throughout the day. That's why I cannot have multiples, if I want 3 kids like u, I have to get preggy successfully 3Xs...haha.
bubblybear, i spend alot effort n nobdy wanna eat! hahaha.. thts the problem... lately i also steam most foods...coz bbs unwell..i no energy to cook fancy foods too....

my pork chop is just sprinkled w black pepper, wrap in foil n throw into oven......

ur boy so cute! very guai leh.. grumble still finish it... my one dun like throw on the floor!

both my boys hv behavioural problems.... my eldest one v agressive..everyday shouting n jumping onto the other two to snatch toys or foods... PD says his brain waves too active..need to giv him cod fish oil to calm him down..... younger one super insecure n bad separation anxiety..... so v whiny n fussy boy.. the 2 of them combined can send me to IMH smtimes.... my poor little gal becomes my maid's baby.. coz i dun hv time for her ...

i tink if i din get triplets, i will stop at 2....
u r lucky cos yr bb eats bland tasting food! i wish i could just steam the same stuff everyday but my girls won't eat :p
Just now i hide pumpkin puree in yogurt for my small girl... She knows! She didnt open her mouth eagerly like she used to when giving her yogurt... But she still finish up but take a longer time... The last time i hide carrot puree with pear in yogurt.. She also knows.. Halfway refuse to open her mouth..
Nowadays bb getting smarter and smarter!

Next time shall try to hide meat in yogurt hahaha...

Which kind of pasta u giving yr gal? I have bellamy spelt pasta.. Hvt try yet...
baby, i giv fusilli, organic durum wheat semolina one.. my bellamy stars wasted liao.. coz too small she cant self feed... the boys dun really like it ... my younger boy also self feed fusilli...

i just spread blended pork onto the japanese cracker..both my younger boy n gal love it so much.. chew n chew like so yummy!
How u blend pork? Not minced pork?

I also had the bellamy pasta star.. Cooked once but failed.. Didnt try again ever since.. Bot the bigger bellamy spelt pasta.. Also hvt try yet.. Cos dont know what to add to the pasta... I didnt buy the bottled pasta sauce...

So cute all yr bbs self feed... My girls dont self feed.. Only when eating baby bites biscuit they self feed... Other than that i feed by spoon... Even banana i hold and let them bite cos i scare they will choke if i let them self feed...
baby, i put a piece of pork to cook porridge..after tht i throw the pork into the avent blender n blend ..haha.. its more smooth than minced... like meat puree....

u can use any puree as pasta sauce..or even plain. my gal eats it plain plain..

hmmm... hv to watch them when self feeding.. but bbs v smart.. my younger boy just started self feeding..but he knows how to spit out the bigger pieces tht he cant manage..v amazing... smtimes i see him chew off a piece too big n wanna try take it out...he refused to let me! he wil chew n chew..after tht spit out smaller pieces n swallow some..hahaha....

he is a v careful eater...he will always touch n scrutinise the food before eating... n he knows exactly which parts he wanna eat....

i gave my eldest half a pear w skin the other day...he was able to hold n chew on it...had so much fun he refused to let me take it away when he stuffed his whole mouth w pear!
u r really super mum, got 3 bbs yet can cook such wide variety of food. just curious when u let them self feed, they use hand or use spoon?

toasted bread not too hard for them?
baby, the trick to hiding foods is to start w small amts of the food u wanna hide so tht the taste is less noticable.. my pd says to increase the amounts slowly coz it takes time for baby to get used to the taste....

happyhuppo, they use hand... spoon training will b later...
The spoon aversion is a phase. Eventually they get over it.
When my elder got over hers, I used to do a combination. Lunch would be self feed n dinner would be rice or noodles which I would feed.
So u blend a whole piece of cooked pork without the porridge? Why didnt u steam it instead? Cos if cook in porridge, alot nutrients goes into the porridge... Steaming is still the best way to retain nutrients...
So far all the vege/fruit/meat i cook by steaming... Even those for porridge i also steam separately and add into porridge.. I dont cook together with it... I read in a book they tested the nutrients level done this way compared to traditional.. Cooking separately has higher level of nutrients retained.

Just now give cereal with potato and apple puree to my small girl.. She refuse again.. Got to coax her to eat... Sigh...
Yup i know have to start with small amts.. But i always get too greedy and end up add more ahahahah...

I only lightly toast the bread... Its not hard.. If yr bb can handle biscuit then toast should be ok...
Toast is a good way of me giving my small girl.. Cos she like toast so i can smear any kind of puree to give her.. But the challenge is... Cant smear alot of puree on bits of toast... I will sometimes use the toast as spoon to feed her.. Only let her eat the puree but not the toast but after awhile she will scream in anger...
Baby, I cooked the porridge for the bbs to try n eat. Wasn't planning to blend the pork initially... Made black pepper pork chop for my eldest n was thinking how to serve pork for the other two. So try w the piece of pork tht was left after they ate the porridge. Like tht no wastage mah..lol

My boys super like bell peppers.. They hv tried both red n yellow ones... Next thing I will try giving them egg plant. Similar way to eat like bell peppers..keke...

Grumpus, my ones copy cat each other. If I feed one w spoon n he eats, the other one will oso open his mouth n eat! So I feed my younger boy first coz he is more eager n tries any food I serve..the eldest see like kiasu oso wants! Really funny these bbs.... But this only works on the boys.. Gal v independent...hv a mind of her own ....
hahaha now u know why they say boys r easier to handle :p
my gal got a reaction to bell pepper! everytime she eat bell pepper, she gets red spots around her mouth. it's not really allergic but kind of like sensitive skin.
V true! Monkey see monkey do doesnt work on my girls! Even when my elder girl eating eagerly.. My small girl doesnt even care to open her mouth for one time!

Thanks for the pic!! Didnt see this before.. Must go find find!
Looks like wang wang biscuit... Heeee...
Cs or ntuc finest have only?
Grumpus, yup this is the one.
Ur gal has reaction to all the colors bell pepper?
My gal dun like the taste..I m still trying. Read tht it takes 12x for a bb to get use to a new taste..so i will keep trying!!
Boys easier to feed but more demanding to take care ...my gal k play on her own n fusses way much lesser than the boys n she doesn't fight like the boys....
u can try normal ntuc jap snacks section. but usually tat section very small in normal ntuc.
so i usually get from cs or finest.

that's cos u only hv one girl. i hv 2 and they do fight!
i only tried red pepper and she had the reaction so stopped all peppers.
The cs n Ntuc near my hse both dun hv leh...
Grumpus, ur gals age gap so much still fight??? My boys r a terror even now...
Think maybe gotta go to town CS. I've seen at united sq, taka, GWC....

Haha yes, my younger very garang. Jie jie gets jealous sometimes n takes toys away from mei mei then mei mei will snatch back. Mei mei even chase after jie jie when jie jie runs away.
Mummies, any book to recommend for starting babies on solid foods at 6 months?

I'm clueless on preparing all those food so need a guide.. Thanks in advance!
My two girls also will snatch toys.. The one who lose out the fight will cry and cry... So poor tin...
They even know how to hide the toy to prevent the other to snatch! They will hold the toy up above their head or hide behind... So funny...
I got the book grumpus recommend... Its a good starter book...

Any book recommendation for me? Im running out of ideas what menu to whip up for my girls... The first food book menu all given liao.. Heee...
Yup i know this blogspot... Im thinking to get a recipe book instead.. Cos im lazy to go internet to check la.. Hee..
I remember panda mentioned before abt a book call what annabel somthing... Hmm..

So scary... I didnt know confinement agencies so terrible...
Hmm... Probably engage those recommended by close friend will be safer...
It's this one
Annabel karmel has quite a few recipe books.

Actually when I go ntuc or popular I will look out for recipe books. There r soooooo many out there n cheap too. I will spend some time to flip thro n if I find it interesting I will buy. I hv a collection of children's recipe books

Sometimes those neighborhood areas hv mini book fair, I will also look. Recently got one book called how to feed yr fussy toddler, cost me $10+ only

faint..best part the bad reviews only appear this past 1 wk.
hopefully it's only some people or competitors.
Else i duno how to cope with twins all alone by myself...
Thks for the link!

I just went thru the blogspot... Chim mann.. This mummy really super... Can whip up so many interesting menu! Mine looks super boring mann... Her daughter is so xinfu...

The blog also have this fromage frai yogurt... Didnt see before leh... U buy before?
And also this baby yopliat.. I cant seems to find this in cs, ntuc finest, marketplace... Only saw yopliat for 1yr plus...
baby, i check w my pd..he says bbs now can eat normal yogurt...just buy plain ones... no need buy bb yogurt.. so i started giving them the yoplait for 1 yo instead of yobaby liao... after finish i will buy the adult natural yogurt..
Oh really ah... Thats good... Else v mafan to buy yobaby.. Somemore v exp...
Will buy yoplait the next time... Why buy adult yogurt since this yoplait can be found in all supermaket? Or adult natural yogurt better?
i dunno whats the difference betw yoplait and adult ones.. but my place here dun hv yoplait plain... all flavoured.. so i will just buy other brands or even yoplait adult plain ones next round....
During my #1 time the yoplait for 6mths was easily available at most CS. Now only the 1+ one. Dunno wat happen.

Actually is ok to give bb adult plain natural yoghurt. Just make sure it is full fat (not low or reduced fat) then sweeten n flavor with yr own fruits/purees.
Is just tat most adult yoghurts hv artificial flavoring, r sweeter and r usually low/reduced fat.
U'll be surprised tat full fat adult natural yoghurt is not tat easy to find too! slightly more common than bb yoghurt but not exactly at all ntuc either
I like to watch the kids play together. Sometimes, they communicate with each other very cute, although they probably don't know what each is talking about. Both my kids also fight although different gender, and the younger one always kenna punch. My big one likes to carry the younger one from one spot to another, sometimes drop him too hard, will cry, but he still likes to play rough and will try to bite the big one. He likes to chase after the big one, is so fast on his walker sometimes bang the sister with it and the big one will come crying.

I think your boys not behavioural problems lah, they are just behaving according to the order that they are born, of course the eldest has to get his way every time, the younger one, has to resort to soft skills to get your attention, your girl is just being a girl, they are more matured and independent so not so childish haha...I'm amazed with bbs, so young already know how to make people tick !

I'm trying to stimulate my bb tastebuds, but don't think he likes strong smelling veg. He doesn't have patience to self feed and most goes to the floor, so he has to guai guai open mouth if he wants to eat. But I have to coax with fruit puree, so if give too many times the pepper puree he will rev his engines at me....so funny.

Ya lor i never see yoplait for 6mos before...
I always buy plain yogurt and add in my own puree.. Cos i got to hide vege puree inside yogurt for my small girl... Heee
And i also dont like the added sugar in flavoured ones...
