IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

those gerber puffs r also very sweet lor. I think u can try the cereal bars, ESP yr gal can chew well. my elder was eating raisins at 10mths already

grumpus, i havent given puffs.. betw cheerios n puffs , i think cheerios r better...

ok! will go order the cereal bars from agape..dunno wht else to feed this fussy gal..

my eldest boy loves the raisins in the breads.. so thought let him chew some raisin as snacks..
sigh my girl now ok with eating. BUT she still refuse to replace milk. think cos direct latch, die die also still want to drink.
dunno how to wean her off also.

my elder girl was not so milk crazy
So far have yr 3 little ones replace milk feed with solids yet?
Are all three eating porridge or cereal everday?

My small girl is super duper fussy!!!! Now she refuse to eat even cereal... Porridge also dont like... Only like bread and sweet fruit puree and yogurt... All other tins she dont like... V headache... Dont knw what to give her...
She cuming to 11mths liao... Still not getting enough solids... And she is so much smaller in size than my elder girl who is taking 2 solids each day on top of 4-5 milk feeds...

Btw the plum puffs also quite sweet... Only happy puffs not sweet... Cornflakes also not sweet...
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The organix rasin u bot is it the soft type like those used in bread? Cos i rem those dried rasin we eat is harder and drier... My elder girl also like to chew on the rasin in the bread but my small girl dont like...

Today i blend fresh mango... Nice! Thou its abit on the sour side... My small girl still enjoy it... I give it as it is and also with the berry yoplait yogurt...
grumpus, u mean ur gal can eat solids in good amts n still want milk??

actually i m confused... i m feeding porridge every morning.. smtimes they eat, smtimes they dont. smtimes can eat 1/2 - 3/4 bowls.. but after tht when i giv milk, they still can drink the same amount! so until now i hv yet to replace any feeds..hehe..

baby, my bbs all still on full milk feeds! haha.. morning i giv porridge and fruit puree, afternoon i giv pasta and fruit puree w yogurt. on some days they eat decent amts.. some days most of the foods end up on the floor :p

in betw these 2 meals, they play w fruits, biscuits, rice crackers, yogurt melts, bread, n now cheerios!

the raisin i havent open.. tmr i try n let u know... i shld think its not v dry or hard since its for bbs?

u headache 1 fussy eater, i hv 3!! LOL...

nobody wanna eat cereal anymore...
Yup my girl eats abt one tablespoon of brown rice, one pc fish, vege n fruit. But she will still want milk after tat!
Plus she still wakes at least 1-2 times at night to feed.

But if I try to feed more solid she will scream n turn her head everywhere. But give milk she will drink...haiz
Dun like milk headache, like milk also headache
Mine also prefer milk to solids.... N she doesn't like fish!! I have been having left over porridge for my dinner for sometime....
Hahaha.... I read all mummies posts, I want to laugh.

Grumpus, my girl will turn her head everywhere. Lips sealed. Shake her head. I will try to use different colourful spoons to lure her to open her mouth. When feeding her, I make sure the tv is off, no toys on the table (including my HP), my maid dun walk around us (if need to, must close kitchen door). My girl gets distracted easily. Hence, it is difficult for me to feed her when there is distraction around her. My MIL thinks it is funny to play peek-a-boo ... But I find it irritating ESP when I m feeding her. My maid used to walk around and make some funny face at her, until I shouted at her to get lost! If hubby is around, he will take turn to feed her.

Gan, how about handfeed fish? It works for me.
Is it becos u give too much snack so no stomach for main meals?

I notice for my small girl.. She will only eat when hungry.. So i will only feed her main meals at least 3hrs after milk... Like today.. Her afternoon milk at 230pm, then i feed her cereal at 530pm... She eats! I gave her 60ml milk mix with rice and custard cereal... She almost finish all... And half avent cup of pear mix zuccchhi puree with cod fish... She finish!
I will not give her biscuit or puffs at hm... Cos i want her tummy to leave room for mains... Biscuit and puff only given when we go out...

Fussy eater really a headache mann! Hahaha...
Cant imagine u have 3!!!

So now all yr cereal collecting dust at hm ah.. Lol...
But i tot yr elder boy eats alot of cereal?

Just faith
U give me an idea to use colourful spoon... I been using only combi spoon... My small girl see the spoon aldry turn her head away liao... Maybe she dont like the spoon??
But when i hand feed her with food she eats... Hmm.. Maybe i can handfeed her fish too... Heee
grumpus, my ones too! after rejecting solids will drink full feed of milk!

ur gal eats well... my 3 share 1 tablespoon of rice! n smtimes cant even finish...i put the fruit and veg into the porridge n cook w meats...

actually i rather they like milk leh..haha.. i m happy to feed milk!
baby, i gv snacks coz they eat little for main meals... i wanna get them to b used to eating solids.. even when i dun giv snacks, its the same.. w the snacks they still drink as much milk! my snacks are always with fruits/ meats/fish or cheese ...its to get them to eat easier and also get used to the taste... my gal dun like avocado, so i spread on her rice cracker..n she will eat. they used to hate salmon..i also spread on their rice cracker until they got used to it n start to eat it when i put in their pasta....

i cant feed too near to milk time..they wil cry for milk. like grumpus, my best time is 2 hrs after milk feed..

i hv a collection of about 20 spoons..different brands n colors! every meal is like war zone.. flying foods, flying spoons, flying avent cups and ikea plates n bowls! hahahaa...

just faith, my ones also distracted n with 3 bbs i cant ask them to shut up..they basically distract each other... if i feed 3 together even worse! they will look at each other's bowl or plate n wanna snatch even when its the same foods.....
ohh..i hv to always make funny faces or sounds to make them laugh..then mouth open big big i pop the foods in there... n everyday hv to think of new tricks to make them laugh coz the same tricks never work the next day! faint.....
baby, giving snacks is also for me to rest n gain sanity. esp when all 3 fuss n starts screaming for me to carry them all together! i just need to say "who wants biscuits??" they will all guai guai sit down eyes big big look at me wait for the biscuit to appear! n during tht eating time, i hv peace!!
Just faith hmm maybe will try handfeeding this weekend. My gal is like a vegetarian ... Ok with porridge with vege purée but fish even if blend she doesn't want, not sure is it Coz the last time she finished 1/2 bowl of fish n started vomitting a few times , scared . Yesterday I let her self feed biscuit and when she opens her mouth to eat I sneak in a spoon of cod fish porridge!

Panda how do u do the spread for the salmon on
Rice cracker? Will stick ? Where do u buy baby rice cracker?
Just faith,
My girl is the other way round. Need to distract then she will eat. If I put her in the high chair without distraction she'll be climbing out of the chair. But if I distract her with toys or tv she'll sit quietly n let me feed.

My girl eats one tablespoon of cooked brown rice, not uncooked! U feed fm so u find it easy if bb like milk. I will find it easy too :p
But I'm still direct latching so I feel very tired having to latch her so often for so many mths already. N nobody can help me!
Sometimes I even hv to cook for my elder girl n latch my younger girl at the same.
gan, salmon n meats all can spread.. just mashed in like minced n use fingers to press it onto the cracker. i buy this baby rice cracker from NTUC finest..the one at J8 has..i just stocked up last wkend...

i add pasta sauce to the salmon for a start to mask the fishy smell.. then slowly remove it..now they r ok w it....

my 1 tablespoon is uncooked..haha...

i handfeed pasta leh... they will play n eat n i handfeed....use spoon nobody will open their mouth!

grumpus, yeah hor.. latching is v tiring! cook n latch?? wow...wondermummy!!

today i gv the homemade pasta sauce..my gal v funny..start sucking the sauce from the penne pasta like its a straw! she liked it so much tht we had one of the most fun session.. eating n clapping her hands happily!
Most common bb rice cracker is baby bites brand. Can get at all ntuc bb food section. The other one is a jap brand rice cracker.
If u scroll back the archives I posted a pic of the package.

Yes cos both hungry n asking for food so younger sling with sarong sling n latch on while I cook elder's noodle soup lunch.
Thanks grumpus n panda! Now I got some ideas... Will try mixing fish with pasta sauce n hand feed... Maybe no fishy smell, she takes the fish better.
Panda my gal can't take apple puree coz of her constipation....tot of cheese too. Will let her do more self feeding over weekend... Saw ur gal's pics , eating pasta, so cute n pasta looks yummy!,
constipation cant eat apple??? my younger boy seems to hv poo poo problem lately.. like wanna pooo but cant come out, but his poo is soft n creamy leh... dunno if its constipation....

he has been eating apple everyday!

thanks! the effort to make the sauce paid off...
Panda my gal 's poo is now solid form n abit dry... Err different from last time like creamy soup??

Yes applesauce , cooked carrots, rice can cause constipation. That's why I dun give purée apples but I think fresh apples ok. Apple juice good for constipation too.
Go easy on cheese too if yr gal has constipation. As bb eat more solids the poo will move away from creamy soup n become more solid form. If its dry, make sure bb drinks more water.
Cooked carrots also cause constipation ah... I didnt know.. Tot its vege should help with poo... Hmm...

Today gave cornflakes... Both dont quite like it... Ate abt 5 pieces dont want liao... Then give them cold mango puree.. Both slurp in up...

My small girl has a sweet tooth.. She is a fruit baby... Dont quite like vege taste... Can only mix with fruit puree then she eat... But the fruit puree must be more to hide the vege taste... Baby are so smart... They knows!
Gave my small girl minced chicken in pear puree... She gag and vomit almost half bottle of milk out! Hmm... I thk she still cant quite handle minced chopped food... So far can only take finely chopped fish which is in nature softer than chicken and pork...
Baby, u put too much minced chix?? My younger boy oso can't handle meat yet unless it's blended. The other two can chew shredded chix meat Liao. So v hard for me to cook the meat together w the porridge. Hv to steam or bake separately.

Mayb u shld try Cheerios. Slightly sweet lah..but I think ok..I check the ingredient content sugar level not high..

Took my bbs to the library today. They had lotsa fun. Hv been bringing them out w the maids almost everyday. Met this uncle there w his grand dot who is 26mths old. He told me she still on full milk!! Refuse porridge or rice or any solids claiming tht her tooth hurts.... They hv been trying n trying to feed solids for over a yr plus n unsuccessful
Dont know leh... I put in abt one teaspoon of minced chicken in half cup avent pear puree... Hmm... Usually if its fish no issue...

Wow yr bbs can chew on shredded chicken.. Thats fast mann! My elder girl cant even chew the spelt pasta...

Yup will buy the cheerios on my next ntuc trip!

Huh.. 2 yrs old plus still on full milk ah... Then my bbs consider not had liao... Haha..

U bring yr bbs out everyday? To where? Drive? With 2 maids? I never tried bringing two bbs out without my hb leh... Scare scare...
Last wkend we went to nex mall with 2 girls without the maid... We can have a quiet meal at a restaurant with the girls on baby chair.. Fed my elder girl porridge there and handfeed bread for my small girl... Lucky my small girl eats bread.. At least have some form of carbo intake... She never refuse bread... Cereal based on her mood...
sounds like she is not ready..like my younger boy... he also gags over minced meat..for him i hv to blend the meat...

i tink all my 3 bbs are chewers ... even the younger one who gags loves to chew..but his chewing skills not v gd yet n tries to swallow before chewing completely n gags...he started solids the latest..so i expect it will take him a little more time to master the art of eating..hehe...

since early last week we hv been going out everyday! wkdays just me n maids.. we will walk to the nearby malls .. 5 mins walk away.. we do grocery shopping at ntuc or cs, go buy breads at four leaves, there is metro, kp here too... today first time go library. last week we took our first train ride too, from woodlands to bishan j8..also me n maids.. the bbs enjoyed the train ride v much....

i stop driving since i popped..coz always not enuff zzzz.... plus i cant tahan bbs crying..if i drive n they cry i cannot concentrate...v dangerous...

over the wkend we went to the robinsons expo sale w the bbs too... n had lunch there.. same thing, also ordered bread for my eldest boy..he sit in high chair eat his bread while we hv our meal. the other 2 were chewing on teething biscuits..haha...
Wow.. Yr trips seems fun mann! Its good that yr hse is near the mall... Mine not le.. So if wana go out must drive...

Do u feed milk while outside?

I dont thk i will bring the girls out myself without my hb... Not confident enough... Too much a hassel to drive.. Unless like u only 5mins walk to mall...

Btw the cod fish u buy from supermarket or wet market?
I wonder the cod fish from wet market have been frozen before or is it fresh... Cos supermarket ones are all thawed..
Panda , cool u managed to bring the bbs out on ur own! I have yet done that myself! Always me n hubby. Like u, when we dine out, my gal will munch on her biscuits while we eat. She is quite good, will sit n eat quietly when we eat. Btw how come ur gal always seem to dress more warmly than ur boys? Just curious!

Baby/ panda ur bbs call u ma ma already?? Mine called my dad ye ye today but still no ma ma to me=s
baby, yes, i feed milk when outside. i dun feed solids when we r out.. apart from finger foods..n i usually planned out short trips aft their naps n milk. so i go out w minimal stuff to carry...

my cod fish from market.. fresh.. most of my meats n fish r from wet market.. only when it runs out before my mil comes w new supplies, then i go ntuc or cs to buy.

gan, yes! i stay at home so long w the bbs, we are all bored already! if dun go out, all of us go crazy! my bbs r like angels when outside.. v happy n bubbly..stay home whole day will fuss until i buay tahan!

hahaha.. u noticed ah... coz my boys more big sized n chubs... dun seem to b scared of cold leh.. i will bring their sweaters..but never hv need for it.. my gal v small size.. i always scared she will feel cold! LOL....

my bbs all can call papa! but not mama leh... faint.. every evening my hb comes back they all go papa papa.....:S my helpers everyday teach them to call mama.. but still nobody call me..so sad..
Baby, for your info, those cod fish that you buy in wet market are not fresh too. They are kept in the refrigeration vessels for months before arriving in our fishing port here. So for me, it makes no diff whether u r buying from wet market or supermarket. Same for salmon.

Btw, I seldom feed my girl milk when we are out. When it's time for porridge, I will tabao the porridge and eat outside. Tried it in hawker centre, food court, restaurant. All ok. When I am eating, I will give her teething biscuits. Otherwise, I can't finish my ban mian. And I usually put her in car seat, drive her out alone, without my maid.

Grumpus, I used to distract my girl with toys while feeding. But I hate, REALLY hate, picking up the toys for her. And really hate to ensure that my maid washes the toys that she play while feeding.
Just faith, wow..ur gal really v guai ! I can't imagine feeding porridge outside... Pple will prObably think I abuse them! My bbs sit car v jia lat. Coz all 3 will want me to carry. So usually it's a screaming journey! I can only put one in car seat, otherwise can't fit 3 bbs me n 2 maids ;s in fact I find taking train w them so much easier. They get so excited w the surroundings n pple they r v well behaved.
Was just faith n panda u gal's up so early!!

My gal also can't sit alone in car seat, Need someone to sit next to her. My hubby tried picking her up alone home from m mum's place n she was crying throughout the journey! But f there is someone sitting next to her, she is ok
Gan, my girl sleep had her porridge at 5pm, slept by 710pm. So hubby and I turned in early too. She woke up for milk at 2am, gave her milk and I couldn't sleep back immediately.

I trained her to use car seat since young though sometimes it's only one mrt stop or two bus stops away. Now my girl can doze off in car seat which I m very proud of. She usually follow me around in market or ntuc. During the car journey, I will play some kids songs and I will sing along with her. Shes co-operative for that matter.

Pandawife, ya! Take mrt is convenient, but the place u r going must be accessible by mrt too. Otherwise i will hv to go home by cab instead. And not all cabbies r helpful to help us with the strollers and shopping bags.

Last night, I was wondering how u put 3 babies into car. Haha. Must be challenging.

My girl is napping now. Later I will bring her out again. Meeting my sis for lunch.
I also feed my elder girl porridge outside... She is ok with it.. But not for my small girl...

Just faith
Its so much easier to bring one bb out alone... If i only have one bb... I will most likely bring her out often myself.. Can even go shopping... But not when i have two... Its so mafan

I also train my girls to sit in carseat since newborn... It was ok from the start but recently my small girl protest when she is put on carseat... Eversince she grow older she will made her dislikes known!

Only my elder girl can drift off to sleep in carseat...

Last night my elder girl woke up at 1230am and so awake.. Refuse to sleep.. Give her milk also refuse to sleep... My hb and i had a hard night... Keep carry rock her... But she still keep crying...
I suspect its the porridge i gave her during evening time... First time i gave sweet potato porridge for dnr... I thk cos its gassy... And i notice if i give cereal for dnr usually no problem... I heard porridge sometimes give wind... I thk tonight will give cereal instead of porridge...
Aiyo yr little ones so cute! Can self feed... Look so happening!
Can even take black pepper.. Not spicy meh?

My feeding time always v boring one... One bowl and a spoon thats it.... No self feeding... No colourful plate or spoon... Even no bib...
Looking at how yr ones self feed... I dont thk i can tahan the mess heee... No wonder till now i still didnt expose my girls to self feed... Only let them self feed cracker and puffs...

After feeding u bath and change their clothes? And maid wash the ikea highchair??

i also dun use bib at all. my girl will attempt to take out the bib even before i start feeding her. mine worst, i dun even give cereal. haha. ya, it's so much easier to handle one baby. i intend to fire my maid this month. so i m learning to cope with baby alone. my girl can now climb up and down from our sofa & bed. so i intend to downgrade her to sleep in her own room, with mattresses on the floor. think it is safer, especially during day time, when hubby is not around to help me to guard the other side of the bed.
baby, yeah.. self feeding is very messy...but they learn.. my younger boy start to wanna hold the spoon n eat himself when i feed him stuff.. so i let him hold the spoon n self feed too! i wanna teach them to b able to eat independently..tht way i can work towards the day i only need 1 maid instead of 2... going out also easier if they can self feed..we can eat together ...

black pepper ok.. first time my boy made a funny face..after tht he seems to like it..hehe..

morning feeds r done just before bathing them.. the afternoon one depends...if v messy hv to bathe..then evening before zzz bathe again! so some days i bathe them 3times x 3 bbs = 9x! pasta is more messy coz of the sauce..if its just veg or fruits not so bad...

my maids hv to shower the highchair everyday...
Just faith
Mine too... They will pull out the bib once i put it on... All bibs lying collecting dust ahaha...

Why u wana fire yr maid? Giving u alot problems? But without maid means u are alone with yr girl during daytime? Or yr mother/mil helping u? Then u got to do hsewk yrself?

Got a pt hor... Start young then next time they can feed themslvs then no need u to feed 3...

Wahh... Bathe 9 times a day ah... U do it yrself?? I thk i will faint....

Btw any reason why u intro black pepper? Cos high nutrients is it? Can add into porridge?

u can try giving your elder girl a spoon, she will mimic and put inside her mouth. after my girl had her porridge, i will let her play with spoon for awhile. i let her feed herself with water. less messy. but prepare to clean up.

maid problem - her performance like stock market. sometimes okay, sometimes very jia lud. she really made me lost my temper these two days. i dun really wanna talk about it here, cause i think the final decision really lies on me. whether i want to keep her or not.

i dun really need her for babysitting. all these i can manage. it's the housework that i worry i cant cope. esp cleaning windows/kitchen or toilets. sigh. wish me good luck.. hope my decision is right.

Just faith
Mine too... My maid also sometimes ok sometimes drive me mad... Esp her attitude face!!! Damm pissed mann...

But i cant do without one... Else i have to handle two bbs myself which is impossible... So no choice but got to bite and endure... How i wish i dont need to have a maid...
Somemore no privacy with her around... Sian big time...

Maybe u can get those part time cleaner to clean yr hse once a week? So at least got someone to help u clean windows/toilet etc...
